Chapter NR 670
Subchapter A — General Information
NR 670.001 Purpose and scope of subchs. A to I. NR 670.004 Effect of a license. NR 670.005 Noncompliance and program reporting by the department. Subchapter B — License Application
NR 670.007 Pre-application requirements. NR 670.010 General application requirements. NR 670.011 Signatories to license applications and reports. NR 670.012 Confidentiality of information. NR 670.013 Contents of part A of the license application. NR 670.014 Contents of the feasibility and plan of operation report: general requirements. NR 670.015 Specific feasibility and plan of operation report information requirements for containers. NR 670.016 Specific feasibility and plan of operation report information requirements for tank systems. NR 670.017 Specific feasibility and plan of operation report information requirements for surface impoundments. NR 670.018 Specific feasibility and plan of operation report information requirements for waste piles. NR 670.019 Specific feasibility and plan of operation report information requirements for incinerators. NR 670.021 Specific feasibility and plan of operation report information requirements for landfills. NR 670.022 Specific feasibility and plan of operation report information requirements for boilers and industrial furnaces burning hazardous waste. NR 670.023 Specific feasibility and plan of operation report information requirements for miscellaneous units. NR 670.024 Specific feasibility and plan of operation report information requirements for process vents. NR 670.025 Specific feasibility and plan of operation report information requirements for equipment. NR 670.026 Specific feasibility and plan of operation report information requirements for drip pads. NR 670.027 Specific feasibility and plan of operation report information requirements for air emission controls for tanks, surface impoundments and containers. NR 670.028 Information requirements for long-term care licenses. NR 670.029 License denial. Subchapter C — License Conditions
NR 670.030 Conditions applicable to all operating licenses. NR 670.031 Requirements for recording and reporting of monitoring results. NR 670.032 Establishing license conditions. NR 670.033 Schedules of compliance. Subchapter D — Changes to Licenses
NR 670.040 Transfer of licenses. NR 670.041 Modification or revocation and reissuance of licenses. NR 670.042 License modification at the request of the licensee. NR 670.043 Revocation, suspension or denial of licenses. Subchapter E — Expiration and Continuation of Licenses
NR 670.050 Duration of licenses. NR 670.051 Continuation of expiring operating licenses. Subchapter F — Special Forms of Licenses
NR 670.061 Emergency licenses. NR 670.062 Hazardous waste incinerator licenses. NR 670.065 Research, development and demonstration licenses. NR 670.066 Licenses for boilers and industrial furnaces burning hazardous waste. NR 670.067 Standardized licenses for storage and treatment units. NR 670.068 Remediation Variances. Subchapter G — Interim Licenses
NR 670.070 Qualifying for an interim license. NR 670.071 Operation during an interim license period. NR 670.072 Modifications to an interim license. NR 670.073 Termination of an interim license. Subchapter H — Remediation Variances
NR 670.079 Remediation Variances. Subchapter I — Integration with Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) Standards
NR 670.235 Options for incinerators, cement kilns, lightweight aggregate kilns, solid fuel boilers, liquid fuel boilers, and hydrochloric acid production furnaces to minimize emissions from startup, shutdown and malfunction events. Subchapter J — Standardized Licenses for Storage and Treatment Units
NR 670.250 What is a standardized license? NR 670.255 Who is eligible for a standardized license? NR 670.260 What requirements of ch. NR 670 do and do not apply to a standardized license? NR 670.270 How do I apply for a standardized license? NR 670.275 What information shall I submit to the department to support my standardized license application? NR 670.280 What are the certification requirements? NR 670.290 What general types of information shall I keep at my facility? NR 670.300 What container information shall I keep at my facility? NR 670.305 What tank information shall I keep at my facility? NR 670.310 What equipment information shall I keep at my facility? NR 670.315 What air emissions control information shall I keep at my facility? NR 670.320 How do I modify my standardized license? Subchapter L — General Decisionmaking Procedures