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b. Performance and equipment specifications for the sample interface, the pollutant concentration or parametric signal analyzer and the data collection and reduction systems.
c. Performance evaluation procedures and acceptance criteria, such as calibrations.
2. In your site-specific monitoring plan you shall also address subd. 2. a. to c.
a. Ongoing operation and maintenance procedures in accordance with the general requirements of s. NR 460.07 (3) (a), (c) and (d) 2.
b. Ongoing data quality assurance procedures in accordance with the general requirements of s. NR 460.07 (4).
c. Ongoing recordkeeping and reporting procedures in accordance with the general requirements of s. NR 460.09 (3) (a) and (5) (a) and (b) 1.
3. You shall conduct a performance evaluation of each CMS in accordance with your site-specific monitoring plan.
4. You shall operate and maintain the CMS in continuous operation according to the site-specific monitoring plan.
(e) If you have an applicable emission limit or work practice standard, you shall develop and implement a written startup, shutdown and malfunction plan (SSMP) according to the provisions in s. NR 460.05 (4) (c).
(2)Do any boilers or process heaters have limited requirements?
(a) New or reconstructed boilers and process heaters in the large liquid fuel subcategory or the limited use liquid fuel subcategory that burn only fossil fuels and other gases and do not burn any residual oil are subject to the emission limits and applicable work practice standards in Table 1 of this chapter. You are not required to conduct a performance test to demonstrate compliance with the emission limits. You are not required to set and maintain operating limits to demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limits. However, you shall meet the requirements in subds. 1. and 2. and meet the CO work practice standard in Table 1 of this chapter.
1. To demonstrate initial compliance, you shall include a signed statement in the notification of compliance status report required in s. NR 462.07 (1) (e) that indicates you burn only liquid fossil fuels other than residual oils, either alone or in combination with gaseous fuels.
2. To demonstrate continuous compliance with the applicable emission limits, you shall also keep records that demonstrate that you burn only liquid fossil fuels other than residual oils, either alone or in combination with gaseous fuels. You shall also include a signed statement in each semiannual compliance report required in s. NR 462.07 (2) that indicates you burned only liquid fossil fuels other than residual oils, either alone or in combination with gaseous fuels, during the reporting period.
(b) The affected boilers and process heaters listed in subds. 1. to 3. are subject to only the initial notification requirements in s. NR 460.08 (2). They are not subject to the emission limits, work practice standards, performance testing, monitoring, SSM plans, site-specific monitoring plans, recordkeeping and reporting requirements of this chapter or any other requirements in ch. NR 460.
1. Existing large and limited use gaseous fuel units.
2. Existing large and limited use liquid fuel units.
3. New or reconstructed small liquid fuel units that burn only gaseous fuels or distillate oil. New or reconstructed small liquid fuel boilers and process heaters that commence burning any other type of liquid fuel shall comply with all applicable requirements of this chapter and ch. NR 460 upon commencing the burning of the other type of liquid fuel.
(c) The affected boilers and process heaters listed in subds. 1. to 4. are not subject to the initial notification requirements in s. NR 460.08 (2) and are not subject to any requirements in this chapter or in ch. NR 460. They are not subject to the emission limits, work practice standards, performance testing, monitoring, SSM plans, site-specific monitoring plans, recordkeeping and reporting requirements of this chapter or any other requirements in ch. NR 460.
1. Existing small solid fuel boilers and process heaters.
2. Existing small liquid fuel boilers and process heaters.
3. Existing small gaseous fuel boilers and process heaters.
4. New or reconstructed small gaseous fuel units.
(3)What are the health-based compliance alternatives for the hydrogen chloride and total selected metals standards?
(a) As an alternative to the requirement to demonstrate compliance with the HCl emission limit in Table 1 of this chapter, you may demonstrate eligibility for the health-based compliance alternative for HCl emissions under the procedures prescribed in 40 CFR part 63, subpart DDDDD, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (24m).
(b) As an alternative to the requirement to demonstrate compliance with the TSM emission limit in Table 1 of this chapter based on the sum of emissions for the 8 selected metals, you may demonstrate eligibility for the health-based alternative for manganese emissions under the procedures prescribed in 40 CFR part 63, subpart DDDDD, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (24m) and comply with the TSM emission standards in Table 1 based on the sum of emissions for 7 selected metals, by excluding manganese emissions from the summation of TSM emissions.
(4)What parts of the general provisions apply to me? Appendix DDDDD of ch. NR 460 shows which parts of the general provisions in ch. NR 460 apply to you.
History: CR 05-116: cr. Register November 2006 No. 611, eff. 12-1-06.
NR 462.05Testing, fuel analyses and initial compliance requirements.
(1)What are my initial compliance requirements and deadlines?
(a) For affected sources that elect to demonstrate compliance with any of the emission limits of this chapter through performance testing, your initial compliance requirements include conducting performance tests according to sub. (3) and Table 5 of this chapter, conducting a fuel analysis for each type of fuel burned in your boiler or process heater according to sub. (4) and Table 6 of this chapter, establishing operating limits according to sub. (7) and Table 7 of this chapter, and conducting CMS performance evaluations according to sub. (6).
(b) For affected sources that elect to demonstrate compliance with the emission limits for HCl, mercury or TSM through fuel analysis, your initial compliance requirement is to conduct a fuel analysis for each type of fuel burned in your boiler or process heater according to sub. (4) and Table 6 of this chapter and establish operating limits according to sub. (7) and Table 8 of this chapter.
(c) For affected sources that have an applicable work practice standard, your initial compliance requirements depend on the subcategory and rated capacity of your boiler or process heater. If your boiler or process heater is in any of the limited use subcategories or has a heat input capacity less than 100 mmBtu per hour, your initial compliance demonstration is conducting a performance test for carbon monoxide according to Table 5 of this chapter. If your boiler or process heater is in any of the large subcategories and has a heat input capacity of 100 mmBtu per hour or greater, your initial compliance demonstration is conducting a performance evaluation of your continuous emission monitoring system for carbon monoxide according to sub. (6) (a).
(d) For existing affected sources, you shall demonstrate initial compliance no later than 180 days after the compliance date that is specified for your source in s. NR 462.01 (5) and according to the applicable provisions in s. NR 460.06 (1) (b) as cited in Appendix DDDDD in ch. NR 460.
(e) If your new or reconstructed affected source commenced construction or reconstruction between January 13, 2003 and November 12, 2004, you shall demonstrate initial compliance with either the proposed emission limits and work practice standards or the promulgated emission limits and work practice standards no later than 180 days after November 12, 2004 or within 180 days after startup of the source, whichever is later, according to s. NR 460.06 (1) (b).
(f) If your new or reconstructed affected source commenced construction or reconstruction between January 13, 2003 and November 12, 2004, and you chose to comply with the proposed emission limits and work practice standards when demonstrating initial compliance, you shall conduct a second compliance demonstration for the promulgated emission limits and work practice standards within 3 years after November 12, 2004 or within 3 years after startup of the affected source, whichever is later.
(g) If your new or reconstructed affected source commences construction or reconstruction after November 12, 2004, you shall demonstrate initial compliance with the promulgated emission limits and work practice standards no later than 180 days after startup of the source.
(2)When must I conduct subsequent performance tests or fuel analyses?
(a) You shall conduct all applicable performance tests according to sub. (3) on an annual basis, unless you follow the requirements listed in pars. (b) to (d). Annual performance tests shall be completed between 10 and 12 months after the previous performance test, unless you follow the requirements listed in pars. (b) to (d).
(b) You may conduct performance tests less often for a given pollutant if your performance tests for the pollutant - particulate matter, HCl, mercury or TSM - for at least 3 consecutive years show that you comply with the emission limit. In this case, you do not have to conduct a performance test for that pollutant for the next 2 years. You shall conduct a performance test during the third year and no more than 36 months after the previous performance test.
(c) If your boiler or process heater continues to meet the emission limit for particulate matter, HCl, mercury or TSM, you may choose to conduct performance tests for these pollutants every third year, but each performance test shall be conducted no more than 36 months after the previous performance test.
(d) If a performance test shows noncompliance with an emission limit for particulate matter, HCl, mercury or TSM, you shall conduct annual performance tests for that pollutant until all performance tests over a consecutive 3-year period show compliance.
(e) If you have an applicable work practice standard for carbon monoxide and your boiler or process heater is in any of the limited use subcategories or has a heat input capacity less than 100 mmBtu per hour, you shall conduct annual performance tests for carbon monoxide according to sub. (3). Each annual performance test shall be conducted between 10 and 12 months after the previous performance test.
(f) You shall conduct a fuel analysis according to sub. (4) for each type of fuel burned no later than 5 years after the previous fuel analysis for each fuel type. If you burn a new type of fuel, you shall conduct a fuel analysis before burning the new type of fuel in your boiler or process heater. You shall still meet all applicable continuous compliance requirements in s. NR 462.06 (2).
(g) You shall report the results of performance tests and fuel analyses to the department within 60 days after the completion of the performance tests or fuel analyses. This report shall also verify that the operating limits for your affected source have not changed or provide documentation of revised operating parameters established according to sub. (7) and Table 7 of this chapter, as applicable. The reports for all subsequent performance tests and fuel analyses shall include all applicable information required in s. NR 462.07 (2).
(3)What performance tests and procedures must I use?
(a) You shall conduct all performance tests according to s. NR 460.06 (2), (3), (5) and (7). You shall also develop a site-specific test plan according to the requirements in s. NR 460.06 (2) if you elect to demonstrate compliance through performance testing.
(b) You shall conduct each performance test according to the requirements in Table 5 of this chapter.
(c) New or reconstructed boilers or process heaters in one of the liquid fuel subcategories that burn only fossil fuels and other gases and do not burn any residual oil shall demonstrate compliance according to s. NR 462.04 (2) (a).
(d) You shall conduct each performance test under the specific conditions listed in Tables 5 and 7 of this chapter. You shall conduct performance tests at the maximum normal operating load while burning the type of fuel or mixture of fuels that have the highest content of chlorine, mercury and total selected metals, and you shall demonstrate initial compliance and establish your operating limits based on these tests. These requirements may result in the need to conduct more than one performance test.
(e) You may not conduct performance tests during periods of startup, shutdown or malfunction.
(f) You shall conduct 3 separate test runs for each performance test required in this subsection, as specified in s. NR 460.06 (4) (c). Each test run shall last at least one hour.
(g) To determine compliance with the emission limits, you shall use the F-factor methodology and equations in sections 12.2 and 12.3 of EPA Method 19 of Appendix A to 40 CFR part 60, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13), to convert the measured particulate matter concentrations, the measured HCl concentrations, the measured TSM concentrations and the measured mercury concentrations that result from the initial performance test to pounds per million Btu heat input emission rates.
(4)What fuel analyses and procedures must I use?
(a) You shall conduct fuel analyses according to the procedures in pars. (b) to (e) and Table 6 of this chapter, as applicable.
(b) You shall develop and submit a site-specific fuel analysis plan to the department for review and approval according to the procedures and requirements in subds. 1. and 2.
1. You shall submit the fuel analysis plan no later than 60 days before the date that you intend to demonstrate compliance.
2. You shall include the information contained in subd. 2. a. to f. in your fuel analysis plan.
a. The identification of all fuel types anticipated to be burned in each boiler or process heater.
b. For each fuel type, notification of whether you or a fuel supplier will be conducting the fuel analysis.
c. For each fuel type, a detailed description of the sample location and specific procedures to be used for collecting and preparing the composite samples if your procedures are different from those in par. (c) or (d). Where possible, samples should be collected at a location that most accurately represent the fuel type. Samples shall be collected at a point prior to mixing with other dissimilar fuel types.
d. For each fuel type, the analytical methods, with the expected minimum detection levels, to be used for the measurement of selected total metals, chlorine or mercury.
e. If you request to use an alternative analytical method other than those required by Table 6 of this chapter, a detailed description of the methods and procedures that will be used.
f. If you will be using fuel analysis from a fuel supplier in lieu of site-specific sampling and analysis, assurance that the fuel supplier will use the analytical methods required by Table 6 of this chapter.
(c) At a minimum, you shall obtain 3 composite fuel samples for each fuel type according to the procedures in subd. 1. or 2.
1. If sampling from a belt or screw feeder, collect fuel samples according to subd. 1. a. and b.
a. Stop the belt and withdraw a 6-inch wide sample from the full cross-section of the stopped belt to obtain a minimum 2 pounds of sample. Collect all the material, including fine and coarse material, in the full cross-section. Transfer the sample to a clean plastic bag.
b. Each composite sample shall consist of a minimum of 3 samples collected at approximately equal intervals during the testing period.
2. If sampling from a fuel pile or truck, collect fuel samples according to subd. 2. a. to c.
a. For each composite sample, select a minimum of 5 sampling locations uniformly spaced over the surface of the pile.
b. At each sampling site, dig into the pile to a depth of 18 inches. Insert a clean flat square shovel into the hole and withdraw a sample, making sure that large pieces do not fall off during sampling.
c. Transfer all samples to a clean plastic bag for further processing.
(d) Prepare each composite sample according to the procedures in subds. 1. to 7.
1. Thoroughly mix and pour the entire composite sample over a clean plastic sheet.
2. Break sample pieces larger than 3 inches into smaller sizes.
3. Make a pie shape with the entire composite sample and subdivide it into 4 equal parts.
4. Separate one of the quarter samples as the first subset.
5. If this subset is too large for grinding, repeat the procedure in subd. 3. with the quarter sample and obtain a one-quarter subset from this sample.
6. Grind the sample in a mill.
7. Use the procedure in subd. 3. to obtain a one-quarter subsample for analysis. If the quarter sample is too large, subdivide it further using the same procedure.
(e) Determine the concentration of pollutants (mercury, chlorine, and total selected metals) in the fuel in units of pounds per million Btu of each composite sample for each fuel type according to the procedures in Table 6 of this chapter.
(5)Can I use emission averaging to comply with this chapter?
(a) As an alternative to meeting the requirements of s. NR 462.03 (2), if you have more than one existing large solid fuel boiler located at your facility, you may demonstrate compliance by emission averaging according to the procedures in this subsection.
(b) For each existing large solid fuel boiler in the averaging group, the emission rate achieved during the initial compliance test for the HAP being averaged may not exceed the emission level that was being achieved on November 12, 2004, or the control technology employed during the initial compliance test may not be less effective for the HAP being averaged than the control technology employed on November 12, 2004.
(c) You may average particulate matter or TSM, HCl and mercury emissions from existing large solid fuel boilers to demonstrate compliance with the limits in Table 1 of this chapter if you satisfy the requirements in pars. (d), (e) and (f).
(d) The weighted average emissions from the existing large solid fuel boilers participating in the emissions averaging option shall be in compliance with the limits in Table 1 of this chapter at all times following the compliance date specified in s. NR 462.01 (5).
(e) You shall demonstrate initial compliance according to subd. 1. or 2.
1. You shall use Equation 1 to demonstrate that the particulate matter or TSM, HCl and mercury emissions from all existing large solid fuel boilers participating in the emissions averaging option do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 of this chapter.
  (Equation 1)
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.