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(c) Estimates of the total area of the construction site and the total area of the construction site that is expected to be disturbed by land disturbing construction activities.
(d) Available data describing the surface soil as well as subsoils.
(e) Wherever permanent infiltration devices will be employed or were evaluated, the depth to the nearest seasonal high groundwater elevation or top of bedrock shall be identified as outlined in s. NR 216.47 (3).
(f) Name of immediate named receiving water from the United States geological service 7.5-minute series topographic maps.
(g) Identify receiving waters, including downstream waters, that are designated as ERW, ORW, or impaired waters.
Note: A list of outstanding resource waters and exceptional resource waters may be found on the department website at: A list of Wisconsin impaired waterbodies is updated every two years and may be found on the department website at:
(5)Site map requirements. Each construction site map shall include all of the following:
(a) Existing topography and drainage patterns, roads and surface waters.
(b) Boundaries of the construction site.
(c) Drainage patterns and approximate slopes anticipated after major grading activities.
(d) Areas of soil disturbance.
(e) Location of major structural and non-structural controls identified in the erosion control plan.
(f) Location of areas where stabilization practices will be employed.
(g) Areas that will be vegetated following land disturbing construction activities.
(h) Area and location of wetland acreage on the construction site and locations where storm water is discharged to a surface water or wetland within one-quarter mile downstream of the construction site.
(i) Areas used for infiltration of post-construction storm water runoff.
(j) An alphanumeric or equivalent grid overlying the entire construction site.
(6)Erosion and sediment control best management practices. The erosion control plan shall include a description of appropriate erosion and sediment control best management practices that will be installed and maintained at the construction site to prevent pollutants from reaching waters of the state. The erosion control plan shall clearly describe the appropriate erosion and sediment control best management practices for each major land disturbing construction activity and the timing during the period of land disturbing construction activity that the erosion and sediment control best management practices will be implemented. The description of erosion and sediment control best management practices shall include the following requirements:
(a) Description of any interim and permanent stabilization practices, including a schedule for implementing the practices. The erosion control plan shall ensure that existing vegetation is preserved where attainable and that disturbed portions of the construction site are stabilized.
(b) Description of any structural practices to divert flow away from exposed soils, store flows or otherwise limit runoff and the discharge of pollutants from the construction site. Unless otherwise specifically approved in writing, structural measures shall be installed on upland soils.
(c) Management of overland flow at all areas of the construction site, unless otherwise controlled by outfall controls.
(d) Trapping of sediment in channelized flow.
(e) Staging land disturbing construction activities to limit exposed soil areas subject to erosion.
(f) Protection of downslope drainage inlets where they occur.
(g) Minimization of tracking at all vehicle and equipment entry and exit locations of the construction site.
(h) Clean up of off-site sediment deposits.
(i) Proper disposal of building and waste material.
(j) Stabilization of drainage ways.
(k) Installation of permanent stabilization practices as soon as possible after final grading.
(L) Minimization of dust to the maximum extent practicable.
(7)Material. No solid materials, including building materials, may be discharged in violation of ch. 30 or 31, Stats., or 33 USC 1344 or an U.S. army corps of engineers section 404 permit issued under 33 USC 1344.
(8)Non-erosive flow. Velocity dissipation devices shall be placed at discharge locations and along the length of any outfall channel as necessary to provide a non-erosive flow from the structure to a watercourse so that the natural physical and biological characteristics and functions are maintained and protected.
(9)Inspections. The landowner, or the landowner’s representative, shall inspect erosion and sediment control practices weekly, and within 24 hours following a rainfall of 0.5 inches or greater. Written documentation of each inspection shall be maintained at the construction site and shall include the time, date and location of inspection, the phase of land disturbance at the construction site, person conducting the inspection, assessment of control practices, and a description of any erosion or sediment control measure installation or maintenance performed in response to the inspection.
History: CR 03-028: cr. Register July 2004 No. 583, eff. 8-1-04; CR 21-027: am. (4) (a), cr. (4) (g) Register March 2022 No. 795, eff. 4-1-22.
NR 216.47Storm water management plan requirements. Pollution caused by storm water discharges from the construction site after construction is completed, including rooftops, parking lots, roadways and the maintenance of grassed areas, shall be addressed by a storm water management plan. A storm water management plan shall be developed prior to submitting a notice of intent to the department and shall comply with all of the following:
(1)Performance standards. The storm water management plan shall meet the applicable performance standards in either subch. III of ch. NR 151 for construction sites that are not transportation facilities or subch. IV of ch. NR 151 for transportation facility construction sites.
(2)Practices during construction. The plan shall include a description of the management practices that will be installed during the construction process to control total suspended solids and peak flow, enhance infiltration, maintain or restore protective areas and to reduce petroleum in runoff that will occur after construction operations have been completed. Storm water management practices shall be in accordance with applicable state and local regulations.
(3)Groundwater limitations. When permanent infiltration systems are used, appropriate on-site testing shall be conducted to determine if seasonal high groundwater elevation or top of bedrock is within 5 feet of the bottom of the proposed infiltration system.
(4)Separation distances. Storm water management practices shall be adequately separated from wells to prevent contamination of drinking water, and the following minimum separation distances shall be met:
(a) Storm water infiltration systems and ponds shall be located at least 400 feet from a well serving a community water system unless the department concurs that a lesser separation distance would provide adequate protection of a well from contamination.
(b) Storm water management practices shall be located with a minimum separation distance from any well serving a non-community or private water system as listed within s. NR 812.08.
Note: Chapter NR 815, when promulgated, will regulate injection wells including storm water injection wells.
(5)Long-term maintenance. For any permanent structures, provisions shall be made for long-term maintenance with the municipality or other responsible party. A copy of the long-term maintenance agreement shall be submitted to the department with the notice of intent unless the department agrees that it may be submitted by an alternative date prior to termination of permit coverage. The department may withhold permit coverage until the long-term maintenance agreement is submitted to the department.
Note: There may be valid reasons that a maintenance agreement could not be secured prior to submittal of a notice of intent. However, the long-term maintenance agreement is an important requirement and the department wants to ensure that appropriate steps are being taken to secure the agreement. For regional treatment structures, the department encourages the landowner to obtain a municipal agreement for long-term maintenance of regional treatment structures. Long-term storm water management practices shall be maintained after permit termination in accordance with s. NR 216.005.
(6)Management practices. Best management practices to control impacts from storm water runoff include infiltration systems, wet detention ponds, constructed wetlands, grassed swales, vegetative protective areas, reduced imperviousness, beneficial reuse such as irrigation or toilet flushing, combinations of these practices, or other methods which do not cause significant adverse impact on the receiving surface water or groundwater. The plan shall include an explanation of the technical basis used to select the best management practices.
Note: Pursuant to s. NR 151.32 (2), the department maintains a list of technical standards that it has determined adequate and effective for designing best management practices to control storm water runoff. Contact the department storm water program in the Bureau of Watershed Management at (608) 267-7694 to obtain a copy of this list.
History: CR 03-028: cr. Register July 2004 No. 583, eff. 8-1-04; CR 21-027: am. (1) Register March 2022 No. 795, eff. 4-1-22; correction in (1) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register March 2022 No. 795.
NR 216.48Reporting and monitoring requirements.
(1)Records. The permittee or landowner required to submit a notice of intent under this subchapter shall retain records of all construction site inspections, copies of all reports and plans required by the permit, and records of all data used to obtain coverage under the permit. Minimum periods of retention are as follows:
(a) The erosion control and storm water management plans and amendments to the erosion control and storm water management plans shall be retained at the construction site until permit coverage is terminated in accordance with s. NR 216.55.
(b) All reports required by this subchapter or information submitted to obtain permit coverage under this subchapter, including the erosion control and storm water management plans, amendments and background information used in their preparation, shall be kept for a period of at least 3 years from the date of notice of termination.
Note: The storm water management plan and long-term maintenance agreement should be kept as long as necessary to document proper maintenance of long-term storm water best management practices in accordance with subchs. III and IV of ch. NR 151.
(2)Local approvals. A landowner operating a construction site under approved municipal sediment and erosion plans, grading plans or storm water management plans shall also submit signed copies of the notice of intent to the local agency approving the plans. If storm water from the construction site discharges to a municipal separate storm sewer system that is regulated under a municipal storm water discharge permit issued pursuant to subch. I, then a signed copy of the notice of intent shall also be sent to the operator of the system.
(3)Additional information. Upon request by the department, the permittee or landowner required to submit a notice of intent under this subchapter shall provide a copy of the erosion control and storm water management plans, construction site inspections and any additional data requested, within 5 working days to the department, to the operator of the municipal storm sewer system that receives the storm water discharge, and any municipal agency approving sediment and erosion plans, grading plans or storm water management plans. Additional information may be requested by the department for resource waters that require additional protection such as outstanding or exceptional resource waters, or other sensitive water resources.
(4)Inspections and maintenance. The permittee or landowner required to submit a notice of intent under this subchapter shall:
(a) Conduct the following construction site inspections:
1. Weekly inspections of implemented erosion and sediment control best management practices.
2. Inspections of erosion and sediment controls within 24 hours after a precipitation event of 0.5 inches or greater. A precipitation event may be considered to be the total amount of precipitation recorded in any continuous 24-hour period.
(b) Repair or replace erosion and sediment control best management practices as necessary within 24 hours of an inspection or department notification that repair or replacement is needed.
(c) Maintain, at the construction site or available via an Internet website, weekly written reports of all inspections conducted by or for the permittee or landowner required to submit a notice of intent under this subchapter. The landowner shall notify the department of all appropriate Internet addresses to access the weekly inspection records. Weekly inspection reports shall include all of the following:
1. The date, time and location of the construction site inspection.
2. The name of the individual who performed the inspection.
3. An assessment of the condition of erosion and sediment controls.
4. A description of any erosion and sediment control best management practice implementation and maintenance performed.
5. A description of the present phase of land disturbing construction activity at the construction site.
History: CR 03-028: cr. Register July 2004 No. 583, eff. 8-1-04.
NR 216.49Conformance with other applicable regulations.
(1)Local compliance. The erosion control and storm water management plans shall document other applicable municipal regulatory provisions, compliance with which will also meet the requirements of the permit. If these municipal provisions are more stringent than those provisions appearing in a permit issued pursuant to this subchapter, the erosion control and storm water management plans shall include a description of how compliance with the municipal provisions will be achieved.
(2)Plumbing regulations. The erosion control and storm water plans shall be in compliance with applicable state plumbing regulations.
Note: Plumbing regulations are contained within chs. SPS 381 to 387.
(3)Impaired waters. For any of the receiving waters designated as an impaired water, the erosion control plan required under s. NR 216.46 and the storm water management plan required under s. NR 216.47 shall contain a written assessment of the potential for storm water from the facility to discharge a pollutant of concern and identify the control measures and maintenance practices that will collectively be used to reduce, with the goal of eliminating, storm water discharge containing pollutants of concern.
(4)TMDL. If the permittee is subject to an US EPA-approved TMDL, the erosion control plan required under s. NR 216.46 and the storm water management plan required under s. NR 216.47 shall specify the pollution prevention and treatment systems that will be employed to achieve the TMDL permit requirements.
History: CR 03-028: cr. Register July 2004 No. 583, eff. 8-1-04; CR 21-027: cr. (3), (4) Register March 2022 No. 795, eff. 4-1-22.
NR 216.50Amendments.
(1)Landowner initiated. The permittee or landowner required to submit a notice of intent under this subchapter shall amend the erosion control and storm water management plans if either of the following occurs:
(a) There is a change in design, construction, operation or maintenance at the construction site which has the reasonable potential for the discharge of pollutants and which has not otherwise been addressed in the erosion control and storm water management plans. Changes that may trigger an amendment include addition of access points, additional land disturbing construction activity not included in the original plan, a change or elimination of a best management practice, an increase in proposed impervious area, and changes to post-construction site treatment practices. The department may require a permittee to file a new notice of intent if the amended site requires resource screening of additional area or the amended site no longer meets an exemption from post-construction performance standards under ss. NR 151.121 to 151.125.
(b) The actions required by the plan fail to reduce the impacts of pollutants carried by storm water runoff.
(2)Submittal requirements. For construction sites for which there has been earlier department review of the erosion control and storm water management plans, if the permittee or landowner required to submit a notice of intent under this subchapter identifies changes needed in either plan, the permittee or the landowner required to submit a notice of intent under this subchapter shall notify the department 5 working days prior to making the changes in the plan.
(3)Permit modification. The department may, upon request of a permittee or upon finding of just cause, modify the compliance and reporting schedules or any requirement of a storm water discharge permit.
History: CR 03-028: cr. Register July 2004 No. 583, eff. 8-1-04; CR 21-027: am. (1) (a) Register March 2022 No. 795, eff. 4-1-22.
NR 216.51Department actions.
(1)Inadequate plans. The department may notify the permittee or landowner required to submit a notice of intent under this subchapter at any time that the erosion control or storm water management plans do not meet one or more of the requirements of this subchapter, or a permit issued pursuant to this subchapter, for reducing and preventing the discharge of pollutants. The notification shall identify those provisions that are not being met by the erosion control or storm water management plan, and identify which provisions of the plan require modifications in order to meet the requirements.
(2)Required plan revisions. Within the time frame identified by the department in its notification, the permittee or landowner required to submit a notice of intent under this subchapter shall make the required changes to the erosion control and storm water management plans, perform all actions required by the revised plans, and submit to the department a written certification that the requested changes have been made and implemented, and submit other information the department requires. The department may revoke construction site storm water discharge permit coverage for failure to comply with this section or take action under s. 283.89, Stats. The landowner of a construction site where the department has revoked coverage under the general WPDES permit may not discharge storm water to waters of the state from the construction site unless an individual WPDES permit for storm water discharge is issued to the landowner.
(3)Other storm water discharges. The department may require the landowner of any storm water discharge associated with land disturbing construction activity to apply for and obtain a storm water discharge permit if the storm water discharge is either:
(a) Contributing to the violation of a water quality standard, or
(b) Contributing significant pollution to waters of the state.
Note: This subsection allows the department to require permit coverage of construction sites with less than one acre of land disturbance.
(4)Denial or revocation of general permit. The department may deny or revoke coverage under a general WPDES permit and require submittal of an application for an individual WPDES storm water permit based on a review of the completed notice of intent or other relevant information. The landowner of a construction site denied or revoked coverage under the general WPDES permit may not discharge storm water to waters of the state from the construction site until an individual WPDES permit for storm water discharge is issued to the landowner.
(5)Individual permit. The department may require the landowner of any storm water discharge covered by a general WPDES permit issued pursuant to this subchapter to apply for and obtain an individual WPDES storm water permit if any of the following occur:
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.