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Note: Revocations of ch. 29, Stats., privileges or approvals for violations that are not wildlife-related violations and revocations imposed under s. 29.024 (2g) (d) or (2r) (d), 938.17 (2) (d) 1., 938.34 (8) or (8d) (d) and 938.343 (2) or (6), Stats., or for a violation of s. 167.31 (3m) (a), Stats., are not subject to the provisions of the wildlife violator’s compact under s. 29.03, Stats.
Note: Section 29.972 (2) (a), Stats., does not require the administrative revocation by the department if the court has already revoked any or all of the person’s hunting, fishing, or trapping approvals under s. 23.79 (4) or 23.795 (2), Stats.
(c) Alternative revocation by the department. Notwithstanding the procedures established in par. (a), the department may revoke all hunting, fishing and trapping privileges and approvals of a violator pursuant to s. 29.972, Stats., when the department determines that the procedures of par. (a) are applicable, but have not been complied with. If the department revokes the violator’s hunting, fishing and trapping privileges and approvals under this paragraph, the department’s wildlife violator compact administrator or designee shall do all of the following:
1. Send a notice of revocation by the department to the violator containing the information required under par. (b).
2. Update the department’s statewide automated system with a violator’s revocation status, including the starting date and the ending date when known.
3. Provide updated information to all other participating states of the hunting, fishing and trapping revocation status of the violator.
Note: Section 29.972 (2) (a), Stats., does not require the administrative revocation by the department if the court has already revoked any or all of the person’s hunting, fishing, or trapping approvals under s. 23.79 (4) or 23.795 (2), Stats.
Note: A clerk of court and the department shall consider a revocation under s. 29.972(2), Stats., to be resolved when the violator complies with the order of the court, the judgment is satisfied, or the court orders the revocation of the person’s ch. 29, Stats., privileges or approvals under the authority of s. 29.971, Stats., or in lieu of an order of imprisonment under s. 23.795 (1) (a), Stats.
(d) Wildlife violator compact administrator acknowledgement of compliance. When a violator has resolved the matter subject to par. (a) or (c) with the court and the department has received a notice of compliance from the clerk, the department’s wildlife violator compact administrator or designee shall do all of the following:
1. Mail the violator an acknowledgement of receipt of the notice of compliance. The acknowledgement shall include:
a. The violator’s full name, date of birth, if known, and last known address.
b. Case number, statute, or administrative rule number violated, description of violation, date of violation and county of violation.
d. Disposition by the court, including conviction date, any penalty imposed by the court, including any additional court ordered revocation still in effect and the term of any court ordered revocation, if known.
e. The date on which the violator’s hunting, fishing and trapping privileges and approvals are to be reinstated by the department, or the ending date of any court ordered revocation, whichever is later.
2. Update the department’s statewide automated system with any change in the violator’s hunting, fishing and trapping revocation status.
3. Provide updated information to all other participating states of the change in hunting, fishing and trapping revocation status of the violator as appropriate.
Note: A clerk of court and the department shall consider a revocation under s. 29.972 (2), Stats., to be resolved when the violator complies with the order of the court, the judgment is satisfied, or the court orders the revocation of the person’s ch. 29, Stats., privileges or approvals under the authority of s. 29.971, Stats., or in lieu of an order of imprisonment under s. 23.795 (1) (a), Stats.
(e) Appeals and request for a hearing.
1. The opportunity for an administrative appeal of a revocation by the department pursuant to s. 29.972, Stats., shall be limited to the issues specified in s. 29.972 (1) (a) to (c), Stats.
2. If the revocation is upheld, the violator must then proceed to resolve the court case with the revocation remaining in effect.
3. If the revocation is overturned for any reason, the matter is terminated and the revocation order vacated.
Note: The question of guilt or innocence regarding the original charge or good cause for failing to resolve the matter will not be a subject of hearings held under the provisions of this section. Appeals shall be subject to the procedures under s. 227.42, Stats., which shall be limited to the issues specified in s. 29.972 (1) (a) to (c), Stats.
Note: Pursuant to s. 29.972 (1) (a) to (c), Stats., the opportunity for an administrative appeal to the department are limited to the issue of whether the violator:
(a) Failed to respond to a summons under s. 23.66 (3) or 23.67 (4), Stats., or a warrant or summons under s. 968.04, Stats., or
(b) Failed to appear on the court date set under s. 23.72 or 23.75, Stats., unless the person makes a deposit under s. 23.66, Stats., or makes a deposit and stipulation under s. 23.67, Stats., or
(c) Failed to appear before the court and is subject to a bench warrant under s. 968.09, Stats.
(f) Exemption. This subsection does not apply to a violator who prior to April 1, 2008 failed to do any of the following in response to a wildlife-related violation that occurred in this state:
1. Failed to respond to a summons under s. 23.66 (3) or 23.67 (4), Stats., or a warrant or summons under s. 968.04, Stats., or
2. Failed to appear on the court date set under s. 23.72 or 23.75, Stats., or makes a deposit and stipulation under s. 23.67, Stats., or
3. Failed to appear before the court and is subject to a bench warrant under s. 968.09, Stats.
(2)Violations occurring in a participating state.
(a) Receipt of notification. When the department receives a notice from a participating state that a Wisconsin resident has been charged with a wildlife-related violation in the participating state and has failed to respond to the citation, summons or complaint, or failed to appear before the court with jurisdiction, or failed to pay the fine or forfeiture imposed for the violation, the wildlife violator compact administrator or designee shall do all of the following:
1. Mail the violator a notice of revocation by the department which informs the violator of the department’s receipt of a notice of noncompliance from the participating state and of the requirements of the wildlife violator compact pursuant to s. 29.03, Stats. The notice of revocation shall include the following information:
a. The violator’s full name, date of birth, if known, and last known address.
b. Description and date of the violation, including citation or case number.
c. Action of the court.
d. Procedures to be followed to resolve the matter with the court.
e. Name, address and telephone number of the court with jurisdiction in the participating state.
f. Revocation requirement of s. 29.03, Stats., of all hunting, fishing and trapping licenses, privileges and approvals if the matter is not resolved.
g. The effective date of the revocation, which shall be 21 days after issuance of the notice.
h. That revocation will not occur if the department receives a notice of compliance before the revocation effective date.
i. That once a revocation has become effective, the revocation may only be lifted upon the department’s receipt of a written notice of the compliance from the participating state in which the violation occurred.
(b) Administrative revocation by the department. When a violator fails to resolve the matter within 21 days of the date the notice of revocation by the department was issued, the department shall revoke all the violator’s hunting, fishing and trapping privileges and approvals and the department’s wildlife violator compact administrator or designee shall do all of the following:
1. Forward a copy of the notice of revocation by the department to the participating state.
2. Enter the person’s identifying information and beginning date of the revocation of all the violator’s hunting, fishing and trapping privileges and approvals into the department’s statewide automated system.
(c) Appeals and request for a hearing.
1. The opportunity for an administrative appeal to the department shall be subject to the procedures under s. 227.42, Stats., and shall be limited to whether or not the violator did any of the following:
a. Failed to respond to a warrant or summons, or
b. Failed to appear on their court date, or
c. Failed to make a deposit or a deposit and stipulation, or
d. Failed to appear before the court and is subject to a bench warrant.
2. If the revocation is upheld, the violator must then proceed to resolve the court case with the revocation remaining in effect.
3. If the revocation is overturned for any reason, the matter is terminated and the revocation order vacated. In such cases the issuing state will be informed of the reason for denial.
Note: The question of guilt or innocence regarding the original charge or good cause for failing to resolve the matter will not be a subject of hearings held under the provisions of this section.
(3)Term of revocations.
(a) A revocation imposed under sub. (1) (b) or (c), pursuant to s. 29.972 (1), Stats., for a wildlife-related violation shall remain in effect until the department receives a notice of compliance from the clerk.
Note: Section 29.972 (1), Stats., includes those situations where the violator does any of the following:
(a) Fails to respond to a summons under s. 23.66 (3) or 23.67 (4), Stats., or a warrant or summons under s. 968.04, Stats.
(b) Fails to appear on the court date set under s. 23.72 or 23.75, Stats., unless the person makes a deposit under s. 23.66, Stats., or makes a deposit and stipulation under s. 23.67, Stats.
(c) Fails to appear before the court and is subject to a bench warrant under s. 968.09, Stats.
(b) A revocation imposed under sub. (2), pursuant to s. 29.03, Stats., for a wildlife-related violation in a participating state, shall remain in effect until the department receives a notice of compliance issued by the participating state.
(4)Reinstatement of privileges and approvals. Privileges or approvals revoked pursuant to this subchapter may be reinstated by the department upon the receipt of a notice of compliance from the clerk of court or from the participating state with jurisdiction.
History: CR 07-056: cr. Register March 2008 No. 627, eff. 4-1-08; corrections in (1) (a) 3. e. and (b) 1. e. made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 1. and 7., Stats., Register March 2008 No. 627; CR 10-051: r. (1) (d) 1. c. Register December 2010 No. 660, eff. 1-1-11; EmR1613: emerg. am. (1) (b) 2., (c) 2., (d) 2., eff. 3-12-16; CR 17-061:am. (1) (b) 2., (c) 2., (d) 2. Register February 2018 No. 746, eff. 3-1-18; CR 19-146: am. (2) (b) 2. Register June 2020 No. 774, eff. 7-1-20.
NR 8.53Court ordered revocations.
(a) When the court revokes any of a person’s ch. 29, Stats., privileges or approvals pursuant to the penalty provisions allowed or required under s. 29.971, Stats., for a violation of s. 167.31 (3m) (a), Stats., or for failure to pay a forfeiture as authorized under ss. 938.34 (8) and (8d) (d) and 938.343 (2) and (6), Stats., the clerk shall do all of the following:
1. Send a notice of revocation by the court to the department’s wildlife violator compact administrator. The notice shall include at least the following information:
a. The violator’s full name, date of birth, if known, and last known address.
b. Case number, statute, or administrative rule number violated description of violation, date of violation and county of violation.
c. The date on which any court ordered revocation of the violator’s hunting, fishing or trapping privileges and approvals ends.
2. Notify the department’s wildlife violator compact administrator if there is a change in the status of the revocation before the period of revocation expires.
Note: Revocations of ch. 29, Stats., privileges or approvals for violations of state laws not wildlife-related violations, and revocations imposed under ss. 29.024 (2g) (d) or (2r) (d), 938.17 (2) (d) 1., 938.34 (8) or (8d) (d) and 938.343 (2) or (6), Stats., or for a violation of s. 167.31 (3m) (a), Stats., are not subject to the provisions of the wildlife violator’s compact under s. 29.03, Stats.
Note: Notices may be mailed to the: Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Violator Compact Administrator, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921, or by FAX at (608) 264-6130. An e-mail address for the Compact Administrator may be obtained by calling the department’s call center at 1-888-936-7463.
(2)Term of revocation. Under this section, the term of the revocation is the period specified by the court or required under s. 29.971, Stats., starting on the date of conviction.
History: CR 07-056: cr. Register March 2008 No. 627, eff. 4-1-08.
NR 8.54Revocations imposed in a participating state.
(1)Receipt of notification.
(a) When the department receives written or electronic notice from a participating state that the participating state has suspended or revoked a violator’s hunting, fishing or trapping privileges or approvals in the participating state, the department shall revoke the violator’s hunting, fishing or trapping privileges and approvals in this state and the department’s wildlife violator compact administrator or designee shall do all of the following:
1. Maintain a record of the notification.
2. Enter the violator’s identifying information and revocation status into the department’s statewide automated system if not already entered into the system.
3. If the violator is a Wisconsin resident, mail a notice to inform the violator which ch. 29, Stats., privileges and approvals have been revoked in this state as a result of the violator’s revocation in the participating state.
(b) In addition to the requirements under par. (a), the department, through the statewide automated system, shall deny applications for any hunting, fishing and trapping privileges, approvals and preference points subject to the revocation for the term of the revocation.
(c) Written or electronic notice received under this section from a participating state may not be recognized by the department unless the notice includes all of the following:
1. Violator’s full name and date of birth.
2. Violator’s last known address.
3. Violation description along with statute or administrative rule number violated.
4. Date, county and state of violation.
5. Penalty imposed by the court, including the type and term of the revocation.
6. Required court appearance date.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.