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(h) Submit final reimbursement claims postmarked within 60 days of the end of the grant agreement.
(2)Disbursement. The department shall disburse payments under this subchapter following review of final reimbursement claims submitted by applicants. The department shall compare reimbursement claims with the applicant grant agreement. The department shall offset the amount of a final reimbursement by any portion of an advance that the applicant cannot substantiate with proofs of payment and by other sources of funding that the applicant has received for damages in the same storm event as described in s. NR 47.957 (2).
(3)Repayment of advance. If the department finds that proofs of payment are insufficient to substantiate the full amount of an advance, the department shall notify the applicant in writing and request additional documentation. The applicant shall respond to the request for additional information within 30 days of receiving written notice from the department. If the applicant cannot substantiate the full amount of an advance, then the applicant shall return the unsubstantiated balance of the advance to the department within 30 days of receipt of the department’s request.
History: CR 08-062: cr. Register May 2009 No. 641, eff. 6-1-09.
NR 47.959Audit and records retention.
(1)Audit. If eligible costs are subsequently reimbursed by sources other than the department after the department has issued payment under this subchapter, the applicant shall refund to the department the amount of those costs. If the department, applicant or applicant’s auditor determines that both the department and another source paid an eligible cost, the applicant shall refund the questioned cost to the department. The department shall deposit any refund back into the urban forestry grant fund appropriation.
(2)Records retention. The applicant shall retain all receipts, records and supporting documentation associated with each grant award for a period of 3 years after final payment date. The applicant shall make these documents available for review by the department upon request.
History: CR 08-062: cr. Register May 2009 No. 641, eff. 6-1-09.
Subchapter XIII — Weed Management Area Private Forest Grant Program
NR 47.960Purpose and scope. The purpose of this subchapter is to establish procedures and standards for the administration of the private forest landowner grant program for weed management areas as authorized under s. 26.38 (2m) (a), Stats., and to distribute other available state and federal funds through grants for the purpose of encouraging private forest landowners and weed management groups to control invasive plant species on nonindustrial private forest land in weed management areas in a manner that benefits the state’s forest and related resources and the people of the state.
History: CR 12-029: cr. Register June 2013 No. 690, eff. 7-1-13.
NR 47.961Applicability. This subchapter is applicable to weed management groups applying for or receiving grants under this subchapter.
History: CR 12-029: cr. Register June 2013 No. 690, eff. 7-1-13.
NR 47.962Definitions. In addition to definitions in s. NR 47.002, the following definitions apply to this subchapter:
(1)“Invasive plant species” means a plant that is an invasive species.
(2)“Invasive species” has the meaning given in s. NR 40.02 (24).
(3)“Inventory” includes surveying and mapping for invasive plant occurrences.
(4)“Long term management plan” includes a written prioritization plan for management of invasive plants within a WMA.
(5)“Monitor” or “monitoring” includes post-activity documentation of management activity results using methods approved by the department.
(6)“Non-profit organizations” has the meaning given in s. NR 47.82 (2m).
(7)“Person” has the meaning in s. 990.01 (26), Stats.
(8)“Person participating” means a person who owns 500 acres or less of nonindustrial private forest land in the state on which a practice or portion of a practice under the grant will be implemented.
(9)“Plant” has the meaning in s. NR 40.02 (38).
(10)“Practice” means an activity or conservation measure intended to control invasive plant species.
(11)“Program” means the weed management area private forest grant program authorized under s. 26.38, Stats.
(12)“Prohibited invasive plant species” means a plant that is a prohibited invasive species.
(13)“Prohibited invasive species” or “prohibited species” has the meaning given in s. NR 40.02 (41).
(14)“Rapid response practice” means a practice to control or eradicate prohibited invasive plants and those invasive plants new to the state or to a region of the state as determined by the chief state forester.
(15)“Reforestation” has the meaning given in s. NR 47.82 (5).
(16)“Weed management area” or “WMA” means a geographic unit defined by a weed management group.
(17)“Weed management group” or “WMG” includes persons that are concerned about invasive plants within a WMA.
History: CR 12-029: cr. Register June 2013 No. 690, eff. 7-1-13.
NR 47.963Program administration. The department shall administer the program, within the guidance provided by the authorizing statute. Additional guidance may accompany federal funding, non-profit organization funding, and state funding other than that provided through s. 20.370 (5) (av), Stats.
History: CR 12-029: cr. Register June 2013 No. 690, eff. 7-1-13.
NR 47.964Eligibility.
(1)Eligible applicants.
(a) All nonindustrial private forest lands that meet the program requirements in this subchapter are eligible for assistance under the program.
(b) A WMG is eligible for assistance under the program if it consists of 3 or more persons of which at least one person shall be a person participating.
(c) Eligibility for federal funding, or non-profit organization funding, may be defined in the grant agreement through which the funding is provided. Further, additional eligibility criteria may accompany state funding other than that provided through s. 20.370 (5) (av), Stats.
(d) Non-profit organizations and government entities may be applicants as long as the funding is used on nonindustrial private forested land.
(2)Ineligible applicants. The following applicants shall be ineligible for a grant awarded under this subchapter:
(a) An applicant that did not receive payment under s. NR 47.967 for a grant awarded under this subchapter which ended within the 24 months prior to the date the application was submitted, unless the owner ended that grant within 12 months of the award.
(b) An applicant who has violated s. NR 47.969 (1), (2), or (4).
(3)Eligible practices. All of the following practices are eligible for grants under this subchapter. However, additional eligible practices may accompany funding for this program other than that provided through s. 20.370 (5) (av), Stats.:
(a) Education, information and outreach including publications, field days, websites, demonstrations, trainings, and planning workshops.
(b) Coordinating a WMG, which includes one-time start-up costs, a WMG coordinator salary for up to one grant cycle, assisting a WMG in the formation of partnerships, goals, and objectives for the management of the WMA.
(c) Inventory of invasive plant species occurrences.
(d) Control of invasive plant species that impact nonindustrial private forest land.
(e) Monitoring.
(f) Practices under s. NR 47.84 (2) (b) if they pertain to invasive plant management.
(g) Long term management plan development.
History: CR 12-029: cr. Register June 2013 No. 690, eff. 7-1-13.
NR 47.965Costs.
(1)Eligible costs.
(a) Grants under the program shall be used to distribute available state, federal or nonprofit funds for the purpose of encouraging invasive plant management in weed management areas.
(b) Eligible costs are all those identified in an application under s. NR 47.966 (3) and associated with the preparation or implementation of one or more eligible practices as approved by the chief state forester.
(2)Ineligible costs. No person may use grant funds under this subchapter for any of the following:
(a) Costs incurred before an application for grant assistance is approved.
(b) The implementation of any practice already required by law, rule, regulation or other authority, except for a practice required in the managed forest law program under ch. 77, Stats., and except for a practice required under ch. NR 40 for prohibited and restricted terrestrial plant species.
(c) A practice not approved by the department in writing, or changes to a previously approved practice, unless authorized by the department in writing.
(d) Costs to repair damage caused by implementing a practice.
(e) Costs associated with work on public lands.
(f) Costs associated with work on industrial forests.
(g) Costs in excess of $5,000 for equipment purchase.
(h) Costs associated with traveling to and from the site.
History: CR 12-029: cr. Register June 2013 No. 690, eff. 7-1-13.
NR 47.966Grants.
(1)Grant calculation.
(a) A matching grant provided through s. 20.370 (5) (av), Stats., or other state funds shall be no more than 75% of the actual eligible costs depending on the availability of funds, except under par. (c). If a federal or nonprofit organization grant agreement provides for cost-share limitations different from those specified in this subsection, the cost-share rate from funds provided through the federal or nonprofit organization grant agreement may apply.
(b) A grant under the program may not exceed $15,000.00 to any WMG excluding a rapid response practice.
(c) A grant or portion of a grant awarded for work on prohibited species or early detection species may be up to 100% of the actual eligible costs depending on the availability of funds.
(2)Grant selection system. In selecting practices for grant assistance, the department shall give preference to projects which include the following, which are not listed in order of priority:
(a) Work on the control of prohibited invasive plant species as identified in ch. NR 40.
(b) Work on the control of invasive plant species.
(c) Nonindustrial private forest land not heavily infested with invasive plant species.
(d) Nonindustrial private forest land where invasive plant species identified in the application may be contained or eradicated.
(e) Long term management plan use or development.
(f) A WMA includes more than the land owned by one person participating.
(3)Application and approval.
(a) The application deadline is April 1 unless otherwise provided on the application form and is contingent upon availability of funds. State funds for this program other than those provided through s. 20.370 (5) (av), Stats., federal funds awarded pursuant to a federal grant agreement and nonprofit funds awarded pursuant to a nonprofit organization grant agreement may specify other application deadlines. Applications for rapid response practices can be applied for at any time.
Note: Applications can be obtained from the department of natural resources Forestry Invasive Plant Coordinator, P.O. 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921 and online at
(b) The department shall make basic eligibility determinations upon receipt of an application, including whether the person participating meets nonindustrial private forest land ownership criteria and maximum acreage criteria. The department determines the amount awarded to each applicant.
(c) A WMG may only apply once per year, except that a WMG may apply any number of times per year for a rapid response practice.
(d) Annually, the department may designate a percentage of the total annual funds for:
1. Rapid response practices.
2. Practices that accomplish objectives or groups of objectives identified under sub. (2) (a).
(e) The department shall review applications to determine practice eligibility, based on all of the following:
1. The practice is needed and feasible.
2. The practice is eligible under this subchapter.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.