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3. Anthriscus sylvestris (Wild chervil) in Adams, Barron, Chippewa, Crawford, Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Dunn, Fond du Lac, Grant, Green, Green Lake, Iowa, Jefferson, Juneau, Kenosha, La Crosse, Lafayette, Marquette, Milwaukee, Monroe, Ozaukee, Polk, Racine, Richland, Rock, Sauk, Sheboygan, Taylor, Vernon, Walworth, Waukesha, and Washington counties
3g. Artemisia absinthium (Wormwood)
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
3r. Berberis thunbergii (Japanese barberry). This restriction only applies to the parent type, the variety atropurpurea, the hybrid of B. thunbergii x B. koreana, and the following cultivars. Berberis thunbergii cultivars: Sparkle, ‘Anderson’ Lustre Green, Erecta, ‘Bailgreen’ Jade Carousel®, Angel Wings, Painter’s Palette, Inermis (‘Thornless’), Pow Wow, Golden Ring, Kelleriis, Kobold, ‘JN Variegated’ Stardust and Antares. Variety atropurpurea cultivars: Marshall Upright (‘Erecta’), Crimson Velvet, ‘Bailtwo’ Burgundy Carousel®, Red Rocket, ‘Monomb’ Cherry Bomb, ‘Bailone’ Ruby Carousel®, JN Redleaf, Rose Glow and Silver Mile. Hybrid of B. thunbergii x B. koreana cultivars: Tara and ‘Bailsel’ Golden Carousel®.
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
4. Bunias orientalis (Hill mustard) in Dane, Grant, Green, Iowa, Lafayette, and Rock counties
5. Butomus umbellatus (Flowering rush)
6. Campanula rapunculoides (Creeping bellflower)
6m. Caragana arborescens (Siberian peashrub) except the cultivars Lorbergii, Pendula, and Walkerii
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
7. Carduus acanthoides (Plumeless thistle)
8. Carduus nutans (Musk thistle or nodding thistle)
9. Celastrus orbiculatus (Oriental bittersweet)
10. Centaurea biebersteinii, Centaurea maculosa or Centaurea stoebe (Spotted knapweed)
10e. Centaurea jacea (Brown knapweed)
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
10m. Centaurea nigra (Black knapweed)
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
10s. Centaurea nigrescens (Tyrol knapweed)
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
11. Chelidonium majus (Celandine)
12. Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle)
13. Cirsium palustre (European marsh thistle) in Ashland, Bayfield, Chippewa, Clark, Door, Florence, Forest, Iron, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Marinette, Menominee, Oconto, Oneida, Price, Rusk, Sawyer, Shawano, Taylor and Vilas counties
14. Conium maculatum (Poison hemlock) in Buffalo, Crawford, Dane, Grant, Green, Iowa, Jefferson, Kenosha, La Crosse, Lafayette, Milwaukee, Monroe, Ozaukee, Racine, Richland, Rock, Sauk, Sheboygan, Trempealeau, Vernon, Walworth, and Waukesha counties
14m. Coronilla varia (Crown vetch)
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
15. Cynoglossum officinale (Hound’s tongue)
16. Dipsacus laciniatus (Cut-leaved teasel)
17. Dipsacus sylvestris or Dipsacus fullonum (Common teasel)
18. Elaeagnus angustifolia (Russian olive)
19. Elaeagnus umbellata (Autumn olive)
20. Epilobium hirsutum (Hairy willow herb) in Brown, Calumet, Door, Kenosha, Kewaunee, and Manitowoc counties
21. Epipactis helleborine (Helleborine orchid)
21m. Euonymus alatus (Burning bush) including the cultivar ‘Nordine’ and excluding all other cultivars
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
22. Euphorbia cyparissias (Cypress spurge)
23. Euphorbia esula (Leafy spurge)
23g. Fallopia japonica or Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese knotweed)
23r. Filipendula ulmaria (Queen of the meadow)
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
24. Galeopsis tetrahit (Hemp nettle)
24m. Galium mollugo (White bedstraw)
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
25. Glyceria maxima (Tall or reed mannagrass) in Brown, Calumet, Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Door, Fond du Lac, Green, Jefferson, Kenosha, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Milwaukee, Outagamie, Ozaukee, Racine, Rock, Sheboygan, Walworth, Washington, Waukesha, and Winnebago counties
26. Hesperis matronalis (Dame’s rocket)
27. Humulus japonicus (Japanese hops) in Buffalo, Crawford, Dane, Grant, Green, Iowa, Jackson, La Crosse, Lafayette, Monroe, Pepin, Richland, Sauk, Trempealeau, and Vernon counties
27e. Impatiens balfourii (Balfour’s touch-me-not)
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
27m. Iris pseudacorus (Yellow iris)
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
27s. Knautia arvensis (Field scabiosa)
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
28. Leymus arenarius or Elymus arenarius (Lyme grass or sand ryegrass) in Door, Kenosha, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, and Sheboygan counties
28m. Linaria dalmatica (Dalmation toadflax) in Juneau and Bayfield counties
29. Lonicera maackii (Amur honeysuckle) in Adams, Brown, Buffalo, Calumet, Columbia, Crawford, Dane, Dodge, Fond du Lac, Grant, Green, Green Lake, Iowa, Jefferson, Juneau, Kenosha, Kewaunee, La Crosse, Lafayette, Manitowoc, Marquette, Milwaukee, Monroe, Outagamie, Ozaukee, Racine, Richland, Rock, Sauk, Sheboygan, Vernon, Walworth, Washington, Waukesha, Waupaca, Waushara, and Winnebago counties
30. Lonicera morrowii (Morrow’s honeysuckle)
31. Lonicera tatarica (Tartarian honeysuckle)
32. Lonicera x bella (Bell’s or showy bush honeysuckle)
32g. Lysimachia nummelaria (Moneywort) except the cultivar Aurea and yellow and gold leaf forms
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
32r. Lysimachia vulgaris (Garden yellow loosestrife)
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
33. Lythrum salicaria (Purple loosestrife)
Note: Purple loosestrife is also designated as an invasive aquatic plant statewide under s. NR 109.07 (2).
33e. Morus alba (White mulberry) except male cultivars
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
33m. Myosotis scorpioides (Aquatic forget-me-not)
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
33s. Myosotis sylvatica (Woodland forget-me-not)
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
34. Myriophyllum spicatum (Eurasian watermilfoil)
Note: Eurasian watermilfoil is also designated as an invasive aquatic plant statewide under s. NR 109.07 (2).
34m. Najas marina (Spiny naiad)
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
35. Pastinaca sativa (Wild parsnip), except for the garden vegetable form
35m. Phalaris arundinacea var. picta (Ribbon grass or gardener’s garters) and other ornamental variegated varieties and cultivars. This restriction does not include the parent type - reed canary grass.
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
36. Phragmites australis (Phragmites or common reed) non-native ecotype in Brown, Calumet, Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Door, Florence, Fond du Lac, Forest, Green Lake, Jefferson, Kenosha, Kewaunee, Langlade, Manitowoc, Marathon, Marinette, Marquette, Menominee, Milwaukee, Oconto, Outagamie, Ozaukee, Portage, Racine, Rock, Shawano, Sheboygan, Walworth, Washington, Waukesha, Waupaca, Waushara, and Winnebago counties
36m. Pimpinella saxifraga (Scarlet pimpernel)
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
37m. Populus alba (White poplar)
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
38. Potamogeton crispus (Curly-leaf pondweed)
Note: Curly-leaf pondweed is also designated as an invasive aquatic plant statewide under s. NR 109.07 (2).
39. Rhamnus cathartica (Common buckthorn)
40. Rhamnus frangula or Frangula alnus (Glossy buckthorn) including the Columnaris (tall hedge) cultivar but excluding the cultivars Asplenifolia and Fineline (Ron Williams)
40g. Robinia hispida (Rose acacia)
Note: Effective date of listing: May 1, 2015.
40r. Robinia pseudoacacia (Black locust) except all cultivars
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.