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17g. Eleocharis nitida — Neat Spike-rush (Cyperaceae: Sedge Family).
17m. Eleocharis wolfii — Wolf Spike-rush (Cyperaceae: Sedge Family).
18. Eleocharis quadrangulata — Square-stem Spike-rush (Cyperaceae: Sedge Family).
19. Erigenia bulbosa — Harbinger-of-Spring (Apiaceae: Parsley Family).
20. Fimbristylis puberula — Chestnut Sedge (Cyperaceae: Sedge Family).
21. Fuirena pumila — Dwarf Umbrella Sedge (Cyperaceae: Sedge Family).
22. Geocaulon lividum — Northern Comandra (Santalaceae: Sandalwood Family).
22p. Juncus stygius — Bog Rush (Juncaceae: Rush Family).
22t. Lespedeza leptostachya — Prairie Bush Clover (Fabaceae: Bean Family).
23. Liatris punctata var. nebraskana — Dotted Blazing Star (Asteraceae: Composite Family).
24. Listera auriculata — Auricled Twayblade (Orchidaceae: Orchid Family).
24m. Lonicera involucrata — Fly Honeysuckle (Caprifoliaceae: Honeysuckle Family).
25. Melica smithii — Smith’s Melic Grass (Poaceae: Grass Family).
25g. Muhlenbergia richardsonis — Mat Muhly (Poaceae: Grass Family).
25j. Orobanche ludoviciana — Louisiana Broomrape (Orobanchaceae: Broomrape Family).
25m. Oxytropis campestris var. chartacea — Fassett’s Locoweed (Fabaceae: Bean Family).
26. Parnassia parviflora — Small-flowered Grass-of-Parnassus (Saxifragaceae: Saxifrage Family).
27. Phlox glaberrima ssp. interior — Smooth Phlox (Polemoniaceae: Phlox Family).
28. Pinguicula vulgaris — Butterwort (Lentibulariaceae: Bladderwort Family).
29. Plantago cordata — Heart-leaved Plantain (Plantaginaceae: Plantain Family).
29m. Platanthera leucophaea — Eastern Prairie White Fringed Orchid (Orchidaceae: Orchid Family).
29t. Polemonium occidentale ssp. lacustre — Western Jacob’s Ladder (Polemoniaceae: Phlox Family).
30. Polygala incarnata — Pink Milkwort (Polygalaceae: Milkwort Family).
30m. Potamogeton pulcher — Spotted Pondweed (Potamogetonaceae: Pondweed Family).
31. Prenanthes aspera — Rough White Lettuce (Asteraceae: Composite Family).
32. Prenanthes crepidinea — Great White Lettuce (Asteraceae: Composite Family).
33. Pterospora andromedea — Pine-drops (Pyrolaceae: Wintergreen Family).
34. Pyrola minor — Small Shinleaf (Pyrolaceae: Wintergreen Family).
36. Ranunculus gmelinii — Small Yellow Water Crowfoot (Ranunculaceae: Crowfoot Family).
36m. Ranunculus lapponicus — Lapland Buttercup (Ranunculaceae: Crowfoot Family).
37. Rhododendron lapponicum — Lapland Rosebay (Ericaceae: Heath Family).
38. Ruellia humilis — Wild Petunia (Acanthaceae: Acanthus Family).
39. Salix cordata — Sand Dune Willow (Salicaceae: Willow Family).
39m. Salix pellita — Satiny Willow (Salicaceae: Willow Family).
40d. Schoenoplectus hallii — Hall’s Bulrush (Cyperaceae: Sedge Family).
40h. Scleria reticularis — Netted Nut-rush (Cyperaceae: Sedge Family).
40q. Scutellaria parvula var. parvula — Small Skullcap (Lamiaceae: Mint Family).
41. Selaginella selaginoides — Low Spike-moss (Selaginellaceae: Selaginella Family).
41m. Silene virginica — Fire Pink (Caryophyllaceae: Pink Family).
42. Solidago caesia — Blue-stemmed Goldenrod (Asteraceae: Composite Family).
43m. Tanacetum bipinnatum ssp. huronense — Lake Huron Tansy (Asteraceae: Composite Family).
44. Thaspium chapmanii — Hairy Meadow Parsnip (Apiaceae: Parsley Family).
45. Tiarella cordifolia — Heartleaf Foamflower (Saxifragaceae: Saxifrage Family).
45m. Trisetum melicoides — Purple False Oats (Poaceae: Grass Family).
46. Vaccinium cespitosum — Dwarf Bilberry (Ericaceae: Heath Family).
47. Vaccinium vitis-idaea — Mountain Cranberry (Ericaceae: Heath Family).
48. Viburnum edule — Squashberry (Caprifoliaceae: Honeysuckle Family).
49. Viola sagittata var. ovata — Sand Violet (Violaceae: Violet Family).
(3)Wisconsin threatened species list.
(a) Mammals.
1. Little brown bat — Myotis lucifugus.
2. Big brown bat — Eptesicus fuscus.
3. Northern long-eared bat — Myotis septentrionalis.
4. Eastern pipistrelle — Perimyotis subflavus.
(b) Birds.
1. Henslow’s sparrow — Ammodramus henslowii.
1c. Great Egret — Ardea alba.
1g. Upland Sandpiper — Bartramia longicauda.
1m. Red-shouldered Hawk — Buteo lineatus.
2m. Yellow Rail — Coturnicops noveboracensis.
4. Acadian Flycatcher — Empidonax virescens.
5a. Spruce Grouse — Falcipennis canadensis.
6a. Kentucky Warbler — Geothlypis formosa.
6m. Yellow-Crowned Night Heron — Nyctanassa violacea.
8a. Cerulean Warbler — Setophaga cerulea.
9a. Hooded Warbler — Setophaga citrina.
10. Greater Prairie Chicken — Tympanuchus cupido.
11. Bell Vireo — Vireo bellii.
(c) Reptiles.
1. Wood Turtle — Glyptemys insculpta.
(d) Amphibians. — None.
(e) Fishes.
1. Blue Sucker — Cycleptus elongatus.
4. Black Buffalo — Ictiobus niger.
5. Longear Sunfish — Lepomis megalotis.
5m. Redfin Shiner — Lythrurus umbratilis.
5t. Shoal Chub — Macrhybopsis hyostoma.
6. River Redhorse — Moxostoma carinatum.
8. Pugnose Shiner — Notropis anogenus.
9m. Ozark Minnow — Notropis nubilus.
10. Gilt Darter — Percina evides.
11. Paddlefish — Polyodon spathula.
(f) Insects.
1e. Frosted Elfin — Callophrys irus.
1m. An Issid Planthopper — Fitchiella robertsoni.
2m. A Prairie Leafhopper — Polyamia dilata.
3. Spatterdock Darner Dragonfly — Rhionaeschna mutata.
(g) Mussels.
2. Slippershell — Alasmidonta viridis.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.