Chapter NR 1
NR 1.01 Management of fisheries and aquatic resources. NR 1.015 Management of wildlife, preamble. NR 1.02 Inland fisheries management. NR 1.03 Mississippi river fisheries management. NR 1.04 Great Lakes fishery management. NR 1.05 Identification of areas of special natural resource interest. NR 1.06 Identification of public rights features. NR 1.07 Identification of priority navigable waterways. NR 1.11 Wildlife management. NR 1.12 Migratory game birds. NR 1.13 Small game mammals. NR 1.14 Upland game birds. NR 1.15 Big game mammals. NR 1.17 Nongame wildlife. NR 1.18 Captive birds and mammals. NR 1.20 Growing trees and shrubs. NR 1.21 Private forestry assistance. NR 1.211 Cooperative forestry policy. NR 1.212 Private forestry priorities for assistance. NR 1.213 Cooperating forester program. NR 1.22 Establishment of coniferous plantations. NR 1.23 Fire control cooperation. NR 1.24 Management of state and county forests. NR 1.25 Generally accepted forestry management practices. NR 1.26 Contracting with cooperating foresters for timber sale establishment. NR 1.27 Contracting with cooperating foresters and private contractors for regeneration services. NR 1.29 Ice Age and North Country trails. NR 1.30 State park system. NR 1.31 State-owned islands. NR 1.32 Natural areas and scientific areas. NR 1.33 Policy on rock climbing. NR 1.40 Acquisition of recreational land. NR 1.41 Land acquisition authorization. NR 1.415 Policy on redesignation of department land uses. NR 1.42 Acquisition of state forest land. NR 1.43 Acquisition of fish and game lands adjacent to water. NR 1.44 Cooperation with county, town and municipal boards on land acquisition. NR 1.445 County board approval of land purchase. NR 1.45 Disposition of state forest lands. NR 1.46 Disposition of state fish and game lands. NR 1.47 Disposition of state park lands. NR 1.48 Leasing department lands. NR 1.483 Leasing department tower sites for telecommunications systems. NR 1.485 Granting easements. NR 1.50 Policy on issuance of environmental pollution orders. NR 1.51 Management of state wildlife areas. NR 1.52 Policy on promulgation of environmental quality standards. NR 1.60 Master planning for department land. NR 1.61 Public use of department land. NR 1.70 Policy on education. NR 1.71 Policy on friends groups. NR 1.90 Public access policy for waterways. NR 1.91 Public boating access standards. NR 1.92 Abandonment of access. NR 1.93 Access in platted subdivisions. NR 1.95 Wetlands preservation, protection, restoration and management. NR 1.98 Public and private source funding of research. NR 1.985 Donation of live fish or fish eggs from a private fish farm. NR 1.01NR 1.01 Management of fisheries and aquatic resources. NR 1.01(1)(1) To meet its responsibilities established by statute, department programs shall be based on scientific management principles which emphasize the protection, perpetuation, development, and use of all desirable aquatic species. NR 1.01(2)(2) The goal of fish management is to provide opportunities for the optimum use and enjoyment of Wisconsin’s aquatic resources, both sport and commercial. A healthy and diverse environment is essential to meet this goal and shall be promoted through management programs. NR 1.01(3)(3) Aquatic resources include both nongame and game species of fish, other aquatic animals and their habitats. Endangered and threatened species form a special group that will be managed according to ch. NR 27 and s. 29.604, Stats. NR 1.01(4)(4) To assure its effectiveness, the management program shall be based upon a close working relationship among all functions of the department, other governmental agencies, federally recognized Indian tribes, and the public. The department will keep interested parties informed of policies, plans and management. To anticipate change and meet future demand, the department shall engage in long-range planning of management programs.
Department of Natural Resources (NR)
Chs. NR 1-99; Fish, Game and Enforcement, Forestry and Recreation