Chapter DOC 347
Subchapter I — General Provisions
DOC 347.03 Applicability. DOC 347.06 Records and reporting. DOC 347.07 Data reporting. DOC 347.08 Operational plan. Subchapter II — Facility and Physical Environment
DOC 347.09 Construction plans. DOC 347.10 Physical environment. Subchapter III — Admission and Release
DOC 347.11 Admission criteria. DOC 347.12 Admission and screening. DOC 347.13 Classification. DOC 347.15 Off-grounds leave. Subchapter IV — Staffing
Subchapter V — Food Service and Nutrition
Subchapter VI — Health and Mental Health Care
DOC 347.21 Health screening. DOC 347.22 Health care assessment. DOC 347.24 Informed consent. DOC 347.25 Mental health care. DOC 347.26 Suicide and self-harm prevention. DOC 347.27 Dental health care. DOC 347.29 Medical records. Subchapter VII — Resources for Youth
DOC 347.30 Clothing, towels, and bedding. DOC 347.31 Commissary services. DOC 347.33 Communication. DOC 347.36 Religious practices. DOC 347.38 Grievance procedure. Subchapter VIII — Programs and Services
DOC 347.40 Community partnerships for programming. DOC 347.42 Vocational opportunities. DOC 347.43 Independent living and life skills programming. DOC 347.44 Leisure activities, recreation, and exercise. DOC 347.45 Youth, family, and social supporter engagement. DOC 347.46 Case plan and treatment. Subchapter IX — Safety and Security
DOC 347.47 Security practices. DOC 347.48 Observation of youth. DOC 347.49 Administrative confinement. DOC 347.51 Use of mechanical restraints. DOC 347.52 Fire safety and emergency preparedness. Subchapter X — Behavior Management
DOC 347.53 Youth conduct. DOC 347.55 Disciplinary procedures. DOC 347.56 Review of behavior management. Subchapter XI — Hygiene and Sanitation
Subchapter XII — Collocated Facilities
DOC 347.59 Staffing of collocated facilities. DOC 347.60 Physical space of collocated facilities. DOC 347.01DOC 347.01 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to: DOC 347.01(1)(1) Establish minimum standards for the approval, design, construction, repair, maintenance, and operation of secured residential care centers for children and youth. DOC 347.01(2)(2) Establish minimum standards for services, programming, and uniform data reporting requirements for counties or Indian tribes that operate or contract with a child welfare agency to operate a secured residential care center for children and youth. DOC 347.01 HistoryHistory: CR 20-030: cr. Register October 2021 No. 790, eff. 11-1-21. DOC 347.02 HistoryHistory: CR 20-030: cr. Register October 2021 No. 790, eff. 11-1-21. DOC 347.03DOC 347.03 Applicability. The provisions of this chapter apply to secured residential care centers for children and youth. DOC 347.03 HistoryHistory: CR 20-030: cr. Register October 2021 No. 790, eff. 11-1-21. DOC 347.04DOC 347.04 Definitions. In this chapter: DOC 347.04(1)(1) “Administrative confinement” means an involuntary non-punitive confinement of a youth because the youth’s behavior presents a danger to others or poses a serious risk to facility security, including but not limited to escape, risk, or disturbance. DOC 347.04(2)(2) “Assessment” means a process for identifying the risks, needs, and protective factors of youth by using an objective and validated assessment tool.