(1) Commercially raised for FOOD P and:
(a) Raised, slaughtered, and PROCESSED under a voluntary inspection program that is conducted by the agency that has animal health jurisdiction, P or
(b) Under a routine inspection program conducted by a regulatory agency other than the agency that has animal health jurisdiction, P and
(c) Raised, slaughtered, and PROCESSED according to:
(i) LAWS governing MEAT and POULTRY as determined by the agency that has animal health jurisdiction and the agency that conducts the inspection program, P and
(ii) Requirements which are developed by the agency that has animal health jurisdiction and the agency that conducts the inspection program with consideration of factors such as the need for antemortem and postmortem examination by an APPROVED veterinarian or veterinarian’s designee; P
(2) Under a voluntary inspection program administered by the USDA for game animals such as exotic animals (reindeer, elk, deer, antelope, water buffalo, or bison) that are ”inspected and APPROVED” in accordance with 9 CFR 352 Exotic animals; voluntary inspection or rabbits that are ”inspected and certified” in accordance with 9 CFR 354 voluntary inspection of rabbits and edible products thereof; P (3) As allowed by LAW, for wild GAME ANIMALS that are live-caught:
(a) Under a routine inspection program conducted by a regulatory agency such as the agency that has animal health jurisdiction, P and
(b) Slaughtered and PROCESSED according to:
(i) LAWS governing MEAT and POULTRY as determined by the agency that has animal health jurisdiction and the agency that conducts the inspection program, P and
(ii) Requirements which are developed by the agency that has animal health jurisdiction and the agency that conducts the inspection program with consideration of factors such as the need for antemortem and postmortem examination by an APPROVED veterinarian or veterinarian’s designee; P or
(4) As allowed by LAW, for field-dressed wild GAME ANIMALS under a routine inspection program that ensures the animals:
(a) Receive a postmortem examination by an APPROVED veterinarian or veterinarian’s designee, P or
(b) Are field-dressed and transported according to requirements specified by the agency that has animal health jurisdiction and the agency that conducts the inspection program, P and
(c) Are PROCESSED according to LAWS governing MEAT and POULTRY as determined by the agency that has animal health jurisdiction and the agency that conducts the inspection program. P
(B) A game animal may not be received for sale or service if it is a species of wildlife that is listed in 50 CFR 17 Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants. (B) If a temperature other than 5°C (41°F) for a TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD is specified in LAW governing its distribution, such as LAWS governing milk and MOLLUSCAN SHELLFISH, the FOOD may be received at the specified temperature.
(C) Raw EGGS shall be received in refrigerated EQUIPMENT that maintains an ambient air temperature of 7°C (45°F) or less. P
(D) TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD that is cooked to a temperature and for a time specified under §§ 3-401.11 to 3-401.13 and received hot shall be at a temperature of 57°C (135°F) or above. P (E) A FOOD that is labeled frozen and shipped frozen by a FOOD PROCESSING PLANT shall be received frozen. Pf
(F) Upon receipt, TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD shall be free of evidence of previous temperature abuse. Pf
(G) Cheese curds intended for the production of Cheddar cheese manufactured at a Wisconsin-licensed dairy plant as specified in ch. ATCP 65, Wis. Admin. Code, may be received at temperatures other than 5°C (41°F); if (a) They are immediately placed in refrigerated EQUIPMENT that maintains an ambient air temperature of 5°C (41°F) or less and meet cooling requirements as specified under § 3-501.14 (B), or P
(b) They are held at ambient air temperatures according to the requirements of § 3-501.19 (D)
(B) A PACKAGE of raw SHUCKED SHELLFISH that does not bear a label or which bears a label which does not contain all the information as specified under ¶ (A) of this section shall be subject to a hold order, as allowed by LAW, or seizure and destruction in accordance with 21 CFR Subpart D - Specific Administrative Decisions Regarding Interstate Shipments, Section 1240.60 (d) Molluscan Shellfish.
(1) Except as specified under ¶ (C) of this section, on the harvester’s tag or label, the following information in the following order: Pf
(a) The harvester’s identification number that is assigned by the SHELLFISH CONTROL AUTHORITY, Pf
(b) The date of harvesting, Pf
(c) The most precise identification of the harvest location or aquaculture site that is practicable based on the system of harvest area designations that is in use by the SHELLFISH CONTROL AUTHORITY and including the abbreviation of the name of the state or country in which the shellfish are harvested, Pf
(d) The type and quantity of shellfish, Pf and
(e) The following statement in bold, capitalized type: “This tag is required to be attached until container is empty or retagged and thereafter kept on file for 90 days;” Pf and
(2) Except as specified in ¶ (D) of this section, on each DEALER’S tag or label, the following information in the following order: Pf
(a) The dealer’s name and address, and the CERTIFICATION NUMBER assigned by the SHELLFISH CONTROL AUTHORITY, Pf
(b) The original shipper’s CERTIFICATION NUMBER including the abbreviation of the name of the state or country in which the shellfish are harvested, Pf
(c) The same information as specified for a harvester’s tag under Subparagraphs(A) (1) (b) - (d) of this section, Pf and
(d) The following statement in bold, capitalized type: “This tag is required to be attached until container is empty and thereafter kept on file for 90 days.” Pf
(B) A container of SHELLSTOCK that does not bear a tag or label or that bears a tag or label that does not contain all the information as specified under ¶ (A) of this section shall be subject to a hold order, as allowed by s. 97.12, Stats., or seizure and destruction in accordance with 21 CFR Subpart D - Specific Administrative Decisions Regarding Interstate Shipments, Section 1240.60 (d). (C) If a place is provided on the harvester’s tag or label for a DEALER’S name, address, and CERTIFICATION NUMBER, the DEALER’S information shall be listed first.
(D) If the harvester’s tag or label is designed to accommodate each DEALER’S identification as specified under Subparagraphs (A) (2) (a) and (b) of this section, individual DEALER tags or labels need not be provided.
(B) For display purposes, SHELLSTOCK may be removed from the container in which they are received, displayed on drained ice, or held in a display container, and a quantity specified by a CONSUMER may be removed from the display or display container and provided to the CONSUMER if:
(1) The source of the SHELLSTOCK on display is identified as specified under § 3-202.18 and recorded as specified under § 3-203.12; and
(2) The SHELLSTOCK are protected from contamination.
(C) SHUCKED SHELLFISH may be removed from the container in which they were received and held in a display container from which individual servings are dispensed upon a CONSUMER’S request if:
(1) The labeling information for the shellfish on display as specified under § 3-202.17 is retained and correlated to the date when, or dates during which, the shellfish are sold or served; and
(2) The shellfish are protected from contamination.
(D) SHUCKED SHELLFISH may be removed from the container in which they were received and repacked in CONSUMER self-service containers where allowed by LAW if:
(1) The labeling information for the shellfish is on each CONSUMER self-service container as specified under § 3-202.17 and ¶¶ 3-602.11 (A) and (B) (1) - (5);
(2) The labeling information as specified under § 3-202.17 is retained and correlated with the date when, or dates during which, the shellfish are sold or served;
(3) The labeling information and dates specified under Subparagraph (D)(2) of this section are maintained for 90 days; and
(4) The shellfish are protected from contamination.
(B) Retail FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS, including restaurants, that grind beef for sale as raw ground beef or another not READY-TO-EAT FOOD, shall maintain the following records:
(1) The establishment number or license number of the facility that supplies the beef used to grind each lot of raw ground beef product;
(2) All beef supplier lot numbers and production dates;
(3) The names of the supplied beef, including beef components and any materials (rework or regrind) carried over from one production lot to the next;
(4) The date and time each lot of raw ground beef product is produced;
(5) The date and time when grinding EQUIPMENT and other related FOODCONTACT SURFACES are cleaned and sanitized.
NOTE: A ground beef lot is defined as the amount of ground beef produced during an identified date and time period from one complete clean up to another.
(C) The required records are to be maintained at the grinding establishment and are to be kept for a minimum of 1 year.
(D) If a facility grinds beef and sells it all in the ready to eat form (e.g., cooked hamburger), it is exempt from the requirements of this section.
(B) Except when washing fruits and vegetables as specified under § 3-302.15 or as specified in ¶¶ (D) and (E) of this section, FOOD EMPLOYEES may not contact exposed, READY-TO-EAT FOOD with their bare hands and shall use suitable UTENSILS such as deli tissue, spatulas, tongs, single-use gloves, or dispensing EQUIPMENT. P
(C) FOOD EMPLOYEES shall minimize bare hand and arm contact with exposed FOOD that is not in a ready-to-eat form. Pf
(D) Paragraph (B) of this section does not apply to a FOOD EMPLOYEE that contacts exposed, READY-TO-EAT FOOD with bare hands at the time the READY-TO-EAT FOOD is being added as an ingredient to a FOOD that:
(1) Contains a raw animal FOOD and is to be cooked in the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT to heat all parts of the FOOD to the minimum temperatures specified in ¶¶ 3-401.11(A)-(B) or §3-401.12; or
(2) Does not contain a raw animal FOOD but is to be cooked in the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT to heat all parts of the FOOD to a temperature of at least 63_C (145_F).
(E) FOOD EMPLOYEES not serving HIGHLY SUSCEPTIBLE POPULATION, may contact exposed, READY-TO-EAT FOOD with their bare hands if:
(2) Written procedures are maintained in the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT and made available to the REGULATORY AUTHORITY upon request that include:
(a) For each bare hand contact procedure, a listing of the specific READY-TO-EAT FOODS that are touched by bare hands,
(b) Diagrams and other information showing that handwashing facilities, installed, located, equipped, and maintained as specified under §§ 5-203.11, 5-204.11, 5-205.11, 6-301.11, 6-301.12, and 6-301.14, are in an easily accessible location and in close proximity to the work station where the bare hand contact procedure is conducted; (3) A written EMPLOYEE health policy that details how the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT complies with §§ 2-201.11, 2-201.12, and 2-201.13 including: (a) Documentation that FOOD EMPLOYEES and CONDITIONAL EMPLOYEES acknowledge that they are informed to report information about their health and activities as they relate to gastrointestinal symptoms and diseases that are transmittable through FOOD as specified under ¶ 2-201.11 (A),
(b) Documentation that FOOD EMPLOYEES and CONDITIONAL EMPLOYEES acknowledge their responsibilities as specified under ¶ 2-201.11 (E) and (F), and
(c) Documentation that the PERSON IN CHARGE acknowledges the responsibilities as specified under ¶¶ 2-201.11 (B), (C) and (D), and §§ 2-201.12 and 2-201.13; (4) Documentation that FOOD EMPLOYEES acknowledge that they have received training in:
(a) The RISKS of contacting the specific READY-TO-EAT FOODS with bare hands,
(b) Proper handwashing as specified under § 2-301.12,
(c) When to wash their hands as specified under § 2-301.14,
(d) Where to wash their hands as specified under § 2-301.15,
(e) Proper fingernail maintenance as specified under § 2-302.11,
(f) Prohibition of jewelry as specified under § 2-303.11, and
(g) Good hygienic practices as specified under §§2-401.11 and 2-401.12; Documentation that hands are washed before FOOD preparation and as necessary to prevent cross contamination by FOOD EMPLOYEES as specified under §§ 2-301.11, 2-301.12, 2-301.14, and 2-301.15 during all hours of operation when the specific READY-TO-EAT FOODS are prepared; (5) Documentation that FOOD EMPLOYEES contacting READY-TO-EAT FOOD with bare hands use two or more of the following control measures to provide additional safeguards to HAZARDS associated with bare hand contact:
(a) Double handwashing,
(b) Nail brushes,
(c) A hand antiseptic after handwashing as specified under § 2-301.16,
(d) Incentive programs such as paid sick leave that assist or encourage FOOD EMPLOYEES not to work when they are ill, or
(e) Other control measures approved by the REGULATORY AUTHORITY; and
(6) Documentation that corrective action is taken when Subparagraphs (E) (1) - (6) of this section are not followed.