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ATCP 65.01(6)(6)“Bulk tank” means a permanent or semi-permanent tank, container, or silo used to receive, cool, or store bulk quantities of milk on a dairy farm. “Bulk tank” does not include milk cans.
ATCP 65.01(7)(7)“Bulk tank unit” or “BTU” means at least one dairy farm that is rated as a single entity and given a single sanitation compliance and enforcement rating by the division.
ATCP 65.01(8)(8)“Bulk transport container” means a vehicle or container into which milk directly flows during milking and that a milk producer uses to ship the milk from a dairy farm to a dairy plant.
ATCP 65.01(9)(9)“C-I-P” means clean-in-place, which is the process by which equipment is cleaned and sanitized without being disassembled and by the mechanical circulation of cleaning and sanitizing solutions onto interior milk and dairy product contact surfaces.
ATCP 65.01(10)(10)“Composite sample” means a sample of milk that is collected from 2 or more milk shipments from the same milk producer and that is compiled and preserved according to s. ATCP 65.78 (4).
ATCP 65.01(11)(11)“Cowyard” means an enclosed or unenclosed area, approximately adjacent to a milking barn or parlor, in which milking animals congregate. “Cowyard” includes milking animal walkways, feeding areas, watering areas, washing areas, and housing areas located outside but adjacent to a milking barn or parlor.
ATCP 65.01(12)(12)“Dairy farm” means a dairy farm, as defined in s. 97.22 (1) (a), Stats., operated by a milk producer and includes a milkhouse.
ATCP 65.01(13)(13)“Dairy plant” means any of the following:
ATCP 65.01(13)(a)(a) A place where a dairy product is manufactured or processed for sale or distribution as human food.
ATCP 65.01(13)(b)(b) A receiving station.
ATCP 65.01(13)(c)(c) A transfer station.
ATCP 65.01(13)(d)(d) For the purposes of assigning milk producer license application responsibilities, a milk contractor, or any business under par. (a) or (b) of this section, that submits a milk producer license application on behalf of a milk producer and thereby certifies that the milk producer’s dairy farm and milking operations comply with applicable requirements under this chapter.
ATCP 65.01(14)(14)“Dairy plant operator” means a person who operates a dairy plant. “Dairy plant operator” includes the operator of a dairy plant located outside this state if the operator procures milk from producers located in this state. “Dairy plant operator” does not include a person identified under s. 97.20 (2) (e), Stats.
ATCP 65.01(15)(15)“Dairy product” means any product defined as a dairy product in s. 97.20 (1) (b) 1. to 5., Stats.
ATCP 65.01(16)(16)“Department” means the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
ATCP 65.01(17)(17)“Division” means the department’s division of food and recreational safety.
ATCP 65.01(18)(18)“Drug” has the meaning given in 21 USC 321(g). “Drug” includes antibiotics and inhibitory substances.
ATCP 65.01(19)(19)“Equipment” means either:
ATCP 65.01(19)(a)(a) An implement, vessel, pipeline, machine, or apparatus, other than a utensil, and including C-I-P systems, that has one or more product contact surfaces and is used in moving, handling, storing, or processing dairy products at a dairy plant, or
ATCP 65.01(19)(b)(b) An implement, vessel, machine, or apparatus, other than a utensil, that has one or more milk contact surfaces that is used to draw milk from milking animals or to transport, hold, handle, cool, or store milk on a dairy farm.
ATCP 65.01(20)(20)“Fluid milk product” means cream, sour cream, acidified sour cream, half-and-half, sour half-and-half, whipped cream, concentrated milk, concentrated milk products, reduced fat milk, low fat milk, nonfat milk, flavored milk, buttermilk, cultured buttermilk, cultured milk, yogurt, low fat yogurt, nonfat yogurt, eggnog, holiday nog, nog-flavored milk, vitamin and mineral fortified milk or milk products, and any other fluid milk product made by adding any substance to milk or any of these products.
ATCP 65.01(21)(21)“Facility” has the meaning given in 21 CFR 117.3.
ATCP 65.01(22)(22)“Frozen dessert” means ice cream, French ice cream, artificially sweetened ice cream, frozen custard, frozen yogurt, frozen concentrates, ice milk, sherbet, gelato, water ice, quiescently frozen confection, quiescently frozen dairy confection, manufactured frozen-dessert mix, and frozen whipped cream confections. “Frozen dessert” includes frozen-dessert mix.
ATCP 65.01(23)(23)“Frozen-dessert mix” means a mixture of frozen dessert ingredients that has not yet been processed and frozen to create a frozen dessert. “Frozen-dessert mix” includes a mix of previously pasteurized dry dairy ingredients that is combined with potable water to create a liquid mix.
ATCP 65.01(24)(24)“Grade A dairy farm” means a dairy farm owned or operated by a licensed producer for which a Grade A permit is required under s. ATCP 65.02 (11) and s. 97.22 (3), Stats.
ATCP 65.01(25)(25)“Grade A dairy plant” means a dairy plant required to hold a permit under s. ATCP 65.04 (14) and s. 97.20 (3), Stats.
ATCP 65.01(26)(26)“Grade A dairy product” means a fluid milk product that is produced from grade A milk and processed and distributed in compliance with grade A standards under this chapter.
ATCP 65.01(27)(27)“Grade A milk” means milk produced, processed, and distributed in compliance with Grade A requirements under this chapter.
ATCP 65.01(28)(28)“Grade A producer permit” means a grade A dairy farm permit under s. 97.22 (3), Stats.
ATCP 65.01(29)(29)“Grade B dairy plant” means a dairy plant other than a grade A dairy plant.
ATCP 65.01(30)(30)“Grade B dairy product” means a dairy product other than a grade A dairy product.
ATCP 65.01(31)(31)“Grade B dairy farm” means a dairy farm other than a grade A farm.
ATCP 65.01(32)(32)“Grade B milk” means milk other than grade A milk, that is used in the production of dairy products that are not grade A milk products as defined in s. 97.20 (1) (f), Stats.
ATCP 65.01(33)(33)“HHST” means higher heat shorter time.
ATCP 65.01(34)(34)“HTST” means high temperature short time.
ATCP 65.01(35)(35)“Key violation” means any of the following:
ATCP 65.01(35)(a)(a) A repeat violation of any dairy farm standard under subch. II, as determined on 2 consecutive inspections of a dairy farm.
ATCP 65.01(35)(b)(b) An initial violation of any dairy farm standard under subch. II if the violation creates a substantial risk of milk adulteration, whether or not the violation constitutes an imminent health hazard. The following conditions are considered key violations under this paragraph unless a division representative determines, under all of the surrounding circumstances, that they do not create a substantial risk of milk adulteration:
ATCP 65.01(35)(b)1.1. Unclean milk contact surfaces of equipment or utensils.
ATCP 65.01(35)(b)2.2. Filthy conditions in a milking barn or parlor, such as several days’ accumulation of manure in gutters or other areas.
ATCP 65.01(35)(b)3.3. Filthy conditions in a cowyard that could reasonably be expected to result in milking animals having very dirty flanks, udders, and teats.
ATCP 65.01(35)(b)4.4. Filthy conditions in a milkhouse.
ATCP 65.01(35)(b)5.5. Water supply, water pressure, or water heating facilities not in compliance with this chapter.
ATCP 65.01(35)(b)6.6. No access to a toilet facility on the farm premises, or to a handwashing facility in the milkhouse.
ATCP 65.01(35)(b)7.7. Violation of standards under this chapter related to well construction or potability of water supply, including any cross connection between potable and non-potable water sources.
ATCP 65.01(35)(b)8.8. Lack of an approved sanitizer in the milkhouse or adjacent storage areas that could be used to meet the sanitizing requirements under s. ATCP 65.12 (5).
ATCP 65.01(35)(b)9.9. Visibly dirty udders and teats on milking animals being milked.
ATCP 65.01(35)(b)10.10. Milk not cooled in compliance with s. ATCP 65.18 (4).
ATCP 65.01(35)(b)11.11. Rodent activity in the milkhouse.
ATCP 65.01(35)(b)12.12. Dead animals in the milking barn or cowyard.
ATCP 65.01(35)(b)13.13. Violations of standards related to the design, construction or installation of equipment or utensils, if the violation creates a substantial risk of adulteration.
ATCP 65.01(35)(c)(c) Two or more initial violations of dairy farm standards under subch. II that combine to create a substantial risk of milk adulteration, whether or not the violations individually create a substantial risk of adulteration.
ATCP 65.01(36)(36)“Milk” means the normal lacteal secretion, practically free of colostrum, obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy milking animals, and includes skim milk and cream.
ATCP 65.01(37)(37)“Milk component test” means a test that determines the amount of milkfat, protein, total solids, solids-not-fat, or other components in milk, and that may affect the price that a dairy plant operator, including a milk contactor that submits a milk producer license application on behalf of a milk producer and thereby certifies that the milk producer’s dairy farm and milking operations comply with applicable requirements under this chapter, pays a milk producer for milk.
ATCP 65.01(38)(38)“Milk component testing device” means an automated testing device used to perform milk component tests.
ATCP 65.01(39)(39)“Milk contact surfaces” means all surfaces of equipment or utensils that may come in contact with milk, or from which liquids may drain, splash, or be drawn into milk.
ATCP 65.01(40)(40)“Milk contractor” means a milk contractor, as defined in s. 126.40 (8), Stats., that may submit a milk producer license application on behalf of a milk producer and thereby certify that the milk producer’s dairy farm and milking operations comply with applicable requirements under this chapter.
ATCP 65.01(41)(41)“Milk producer” means a milk producer as defined in s. 97.22 (1) (f), Stats.
ATCP 65.01(42)(42)“Milk quality test” means a bacteria count, somatic cell count, drug residue test, milk component test, or other analytical test, that is used to determine compliance with milk quality standards under s. ATCP 65.70 or 65.74 or that may affect the price that a dairy plant operator, including a milk contractor that submits a milk producer license application on behalf of a milk producer and thereby certifies that the milk producer’s dairy farm and milking operations comply with applicable requirements under this chapter, pays a milk producer for milk.
ATCP 65.01(43)(43)“Milkhouse” means an enclosed facility, separated from the milking barn or parlor by a self-closing door, in which milk is cooled or stored and in which equipment and utensils are cleaned, sanitized, and stored. “Milkhouse” includes a milkhouse sharing one or more walls with a milking barn or parlor.
ATCP 65.01(44)(44)“Milking and milk handling system” means an automated system, and all components of that system, used to draw milk from milking animals or to transport milk to a bulk tank or other container on a dairy farm. “Milking and milk handling system” includes C-I-P milking equipment and C-I-P milk pipelines.
ATCP 65.01(45)(45)“Milking animals” means all of the following:
ATCP 65.01(45)(a)(a) Cows, sheep, and goats.
ATCP 65.01(45)(b)(b) Other hooved or camelid mammals whose milk is collected and distributed for human consumption.
ATCP 65.01(46)(46)“Milking barn” means a roofed and enclosed facility, other than a milking parlor, in which milking animals are milked on a dairy farm.
ATCP 65.01(47)(47)“Milking parlor” means either of the following:
ATCP 65.01(47)(a)(a) A roofed and enclosed facility that is designed and used year-round exclusively for the milking of milking animals, and that is not designed or used to house any animals.
ATCP 65.01(47)(b)(b) A seasonal facility constructed without walls that is used exclusively for the milking of milking animals and that is not designed or used to house any animals.
ATCP 65.01(48)(48)“Multi-use package” means a returnable bottle or other package that is designed for repeated use.
ATCP 65.01(49)(49)“Package” means a container or wrapping, having one or more product contact surfaces, that is designed or used to enclose a dairy product sold or shipped from a dairy plant. “Package” includes package covers and other package components. “Package” includes all of the following:
ATCP 65.01(49)(a)(a) A returnable bottle or other multi-use package.
ATCP 65.01(49)(b)(b) A single-service package.
ATCP 65.01(49)(c)(c) A bulk or shipping container, other than a bulk milk tanker, that has one or more product contact surfaces and is used for the sale or shipment of a dairy product from a dairy plant.
ATCP 65.01(50)(50)“Pasteurize” and “pasteurization” means to thermally process every particle of a dairy product in properly designed and operated equipment according to subch. IV, in order to destroy pathogenic microbes in that dairy product. “Pasteurize” includes batch pasteurization, HTST pasteurization, HHST pasteurization, UHT pasteurization, and other equally effective pasteurization processes that are approved by the division in writing.
ATCP 65.01(51)(51)“PMO” means the Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance, 2013 revision, published by the United States department of health and human services, public health service, food and drug administration.
ATCP 65.01(52)(52)“Person” means an individual, partnership, firm, cooperative, association, or any other business unit or entity.
ATCP 65.01(53)(53)“Potable water” means water that meets the microbiological standards in ch. NR 809.
ATCP 65.01(54)(54)“Potentially hazardous food” has the meaning given in Section 1-201-10 (B) (66), ch. ATCP 75 Appendix (Wisconsin Food Code).
ATCP 65.01(55)(55)“Processing” means pasteurizing, manufacturing, blending, or packaging dairy products, or cooling dairy products previously treated by one of the preceding unit operations.
ATCP 65.01(56)(56)“Processing plant” means a dairy plant at which dairy products are processed.
ATCP 65.01(57)(57)“Procure milk” means to buy milk or acquire the right to market milk from a milk producer licensed under this chapter.
ATCP 65.01(58)(58)“Product contact surface” means a surface of equipment or a surface of a utensil or package with which a dairy product normally comes in direct contact, or from which materials may drain, drip, or be drawn into a dairy product.
ATCP 65.01(59)(59)“Qualified facility” has the meaning given in 21 CFR 117.3.
ATCP 65.01(60)(60)“Receive milk from a milk producer” means to receive milk for which payment will be made to a milk producer, or a milk contractor that submits a milk producer license application on behalf of a milk producer and thereby certifies that the milk producer’s dairy farm and milking operations comply with applicable requirements under this chapter.
ATCP 65.01(61)(61)“Receiving station” means a facility that is designed for the receipt and bulk storage of milk and is used to receive or store milk in bulk. “Receiving station” does not include a processing plant or a facility used to distribute pasteurized milk in bottled or packaged form to consumers.
ATCP 65.01(62)(62)“Recombined dairy product” means a dairy product created by recombining separated dairy product components.
ATCP 65.01(63)(63)“Reconstituted dairy product” means a dairy product created by restoring water to dehydrated dairy product ingredients.
ATCP 65.01(64)(64)“Reinspection” means any of the following:
ATCP 65.01(64)(a)(a) A dairy farm inspection, other than a regularly scheduled inspection under s. ATCP 65.910 (2) or 65.912, the division makes in response to a key violation.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.