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Adm 92.20(1)(e)(e) A copy of the written offer to purchase and the date of initiation of negotiations to acquire a property;
Adm 92.20(1)(f)(f) A copy of a purchase agreement, deed, declaration of taking, waiver or related document involving conveyance of the property;
Adm 92.20(1)(h)(h) Evidence that a property owner was paid for the purchase price and expenses incurred incidental to transfer of the property as specified under s. 32.195, Stats.
Adm 92.20(2)(2)Individual relocation case file. An agency shall develop and maintain an individual case file for a displaced person beginning with information obtained in the initial interview. An individual relocation case file shall include the following:
Adm 92.20(2)(a)(a) Name, on-site address and phone number, date of displacement, replacement address and phone number, and if a tenant or an owner, before and after relocation;
Adm 92.20(2)(b)(b) The age and sex of dependent household members, the average monthly income of adult household members and the monthly housing cost of an acquired and replacement dwelling;
Adm 92.20(2)(c)(c) A description of the business or farm operation being conducted, whether a displaced person relocated or discontinued, and the average monthly cost of the acquired and replacement facilities;
Adm 92.20(2)(d)(d) A description of a dwelling, habitable space, number of rooms and bedrooms, and the type of construction;
Adm 92.20(2)(e)(e) A description of relocation needs and preferences;
Adm 92.20(2)(f)(f) Evidence that a displaced person received a pamphlet entitled,“Wisconsin Relocation Rights,” and the date received;
Adm 92.20(2)(g)(g) A copy of a written notice as specified under this chapter or otherwise given to a displaced person;
Adm 92.20(2)(h)(h) Relocation service and assistance provided and the date;
Adm 92.20(2)(i)(i) Referral to a replacement dwelling, business or farm operation, including the date, address, and sale or rental price;
Adm 92.20(2)(j)(j) A copy of an occupancy agreement for the period after acquisition;
Adm 92.20(2)(k)(k) A copy of a replacement property inspection document with the inspection date, description of a property and its condition;
Adm 92.20(2)(L)(L) Type and amount of each relocation payment made;
Adm 92.20(2)(m)(m) A copy of a relocation claim and supporting documentation and related documents for determining eligibility for or an amount of a payment, evidence of payment, and correspondence relating to a claim;
Adm 92.20(2)(n)(n) A copy of an appeal and an explanation of the action taken to resolve the appeal, and the final determination;
Adm 92.20(2)(o)(o) A copy of individual relocation case reports or other correspondence with the department;
Adm 92.20(2)(p)(p) The agency representative who provided relocation assistance.
Adm 92.20(3)(3)Records available for inspection. Property acquisition and relocation records shall be available for inspection by the department, and any person as specified under the Wisconsin Open Records Law, ss. 19.31 to 19.39, Stats.
Adm 92.20 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, March, 1986, No. 363, eff. 4-1-86.
subch. II of ch. Adm 92Subchapter II — Relocation Plan
Adm 92.24Adm 92.24Purpose. The purpose of a relocation plan is to assure that an agency will provide adequate relocation payments and services and to determine whether displaced persons can be satisfactorily relocated. The department may not approve a relocation plan unless an agency submits evidence and assurances that relocation payments and services provide the following:
Adm 92.24(1)(1)Displaced persons shall have an opportunity to occupy comparable, decent, safe and sanitary replacement housing;
Adm 92.24(2)(2)Displaced business, farm operation or nonprofit organizations shall have an opportunity to occupy a comparable replacement and shall be assisted in reestablishing with a minimum of delay and loss of earnings;
Adm 92.24(3)(3)Prompt and complete relocation payments will be made;
Adm 92.24(4)(4)Project and program activities are designed to minimize displacement hardship;
Adm 92.24(5)(5)Persons covered under Wisconsin’s Open Housing Law shall be assisted to ensure equal opportunity to obtain housing from within a community’s total housing supply.
Adm 92.24(6)(6)Persons shall receive equal treatment in the relocation process;
Adm 92.24(7)(7)Persons shall be given a reasonable time to move, and may not be required to move unless a comparable replacement is provided for or available;
Adm 92.24(8)(8)Persons shall receive assistance consistent with needs, including referrals for social service, job and housing counseling, and transportation to available replacement dwellings.
Adm 92.24 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, March, 1986, No. 363, eff. 4-1-86.
Adm 92.26Adm 92.26Time of plan submission.
Adm 92.26(1)(1)Agency with eminent domain power. An agency vested with eminent domain power, or undertaking a project where such power exists, shall file a relocation plan and receive approval in writing from the department before proceeding with initiation of negotiations on any project which may involve displacement of a person.
Adm 92.26(2)(2)Agency without eminent domain power. An agency undertaking a project where the power of eminent domain does not exist, shall submit and receive approval of a relocation plan from the department, before a property is acquired for the project, provided:
Adm 92.26(2)(a)(a) Any option taken or offer to purchase made by the agency is conditioned upon receipt of relocation plan approval from the department before a property is acquired, and
Adm 92.26(2)(b)(b) Tenants who occupy a property and who may be required to move, are contacted by the agency within 7 days after all contingencies have been removed from an option or an accepted offer to purchase. Such contact shall be for the purpose of informing a tenant of any relocation payments and services available and to obtain information for the purpose of preparing a relocation plan.
Adm 92.26 NoteNote: The purpose of this alternative method of submitting a relocation plan is to ensure that agencies without the power of eminent domain, who are unable to adequately plan for relocation before the project has sufficiently developed to the implementation stage, comply with relocation planning requirements as soon as feasible and before an agency is legally or financially committed to the acquisition of a property where displacement may occur.
Adm 92.26 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, March, 1986, No. 363, eff. 4-1-86; am. (intro.), cr. (2), Register, November, 1989, No. 407, eff. 12-1-89.
Adm 92.28Adm 92.28Contents of relocation plan. A relocation plan shall include the following elements in sufficient detail to assess whether relocation can be satisfactorily accomplished:
Adm 92.28(1)(1)Project description. The name, purpose, location, overall project activity, administrative organization and staffing for relocation assistance, type and occupancy status of displacement property and a timetable for project implementation;
Adm 92.28(2)(2)Relocation program standards. A statement regarding whether or not local ordinances or regulations establish standards meeting those specified under this chapter for decent, safe and sanitary housing, or whether another regulation requires the agency to provide relocation benefits in excess of those specified under this chapter.
Adm 92.28(3)(3)Competing displacement. A description and analysis of any other private and public displacement activities in the area which may compete for replacement resources;
Adm 92.28(4)(4)Relocation feasibility analysis. An identification and description of displaced persons, a description of the property occupied, an identification and assessment of available replacement resources, a correlation of replacement resources with a person’s needs, financial means, and an estimate of relocation payments;
Adm 92.28(5)(5)Alternative relocation plan. An alternative relocation plan when existing replacement resources are insufficient to meet a person’s needs;
Adm 92.28(6)(6)Relocation assistance service. The relocation services to be provided;
Adm 92.28(7)(7)Relocation payment. The procedure for processing a claim to assure prompt and complete payment;
Adm 92.28(8)(8)Property management. The policy for continued occupancy and eviction;
Adm 92.28(9)(9)Relocation grievance. The procedure for resolving a relocation appeal;
Adm 92.28(10)(10)Assurance. A statement by the agency head or designee that persons to be displaced shall be relocated as specified in the approval plan and this chapter;
Adm 92.28(11)(11)Project map. A map identifying each property to be acquired and the project boundary;
Adm 92.28(12)(12)Photograph. A photograph of each improved property to be acquired.
Adm 92.28 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, March, 1986, No. 363, eff. 4-1-86; am. (intro.) and (1), Register, November, 1989, No. 407, eff. 12-1-89.
Adm 92.29Adm 92.29Small projects relocation plan. A small projects relocation plan for projects having less than 3 displacements may be submitted in lieu of a complete relocation plan, and shall consist of items specified in s. Adm 92.28 (1), (4) and (10). A small projects relocation plan shall be submitted in a format approved by the department.
Adm 92.29 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, November, 1989, No. 407, eff. 12-1-89; correction made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, April, 1996, No. 484; correction made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register December 2011 No. 672.
Adm 92.30Adm 92.30Data for plan development. An agency shall obtain the following data for plan development:
Adm 92.30(1)(1)Information from an interview regarding a person’s needs, characteristics, present occupancy and relocation preferences shall form the basis for a plan. Other reliable information may be substituted when a person is unable to provide the information or cannot be contacted after repeated attempts;
Adm 92.30(2)(2)Replacement housing, business or farm operations listed in the plan shall be drawn from properties available at the time of plan development. An agency may use reliable data on past sales and rental activity in estimating resources to be available when there are not enough available properties at the time of plan development.
Adm 92.30 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, March, 1986, No. 363, eff. 4-1-86.
subch. III of ch. Adm 92Subchapter III — Relocation Assistance Services
Adm 92.38Adm 92.38General. An agency shall provide relocation assistance to a person as specified under this chapter and commensurate with individual need, whenever the acquisition of property for a project will result in the displacement of a person.
Adm 92.38 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, March, 1986, No. 363, eff. 4-1-86.
Adm 92.40Adm 92.40Services to be provided. An agency shall provide displaced persons with the following services:
Adm 92.40(1)(1)Advice on eligibility requirements and the availability of relocation payments and services;
Adm 92.40(2)(2)Advice on rehousing and relocation options based on a personal interview to obtain a person’s housing needs and relocation preferences;
Adm 92.40(3)(3)Current and continuing information and referral to replacement sales and rental housing, including any government assisted homeownership, rehabilitation or rental housing programs for which a person may qualify;
Adm 92.40(4)(4)Current data on security deposit cost, closing cost, typical down payment required, interest rate and financing terms, maps indicating location of schools, churches, parks, playgrounds, shopping facilities and public transportation routes when applicable;
Adm 92.40(5)(5)Information on the agency’s relocation program and grievance procedure, local ordinances on housing, building codes, fair housing, housing consumer literature, shelter costs, homeownership and family budgeting;
Adm 92.40(6)(6)Advice to homebuyers on obtaining mortgage financing or a land contract and submission of offers to purchase, credit report, appraisal and survey. Advice to renters on tenant or lease arrangements, tenant/landlord responsibilities, security deposit practices and rent costs;
Adm 92.40(7)(7)Assess replacement property to determine its condition and adequacy, before referral;
Adm 92.40(8)(8)Advise displaced persons that they will not have to move unless offered a comparable replacement within a reasonable period before displacement;
Adm 92.40(9)(9)Assistance in moving and transferring utility services;
Adm 92.40(10)(10)Referrals for employment, training, health, welfare, legal aid, and related programs, when necessary;
Adm 92.40(11)(11) Relocation services which result in equal treatment for persons regardless of sex, race, color, disability, religion, national origin, sex or marital status of a person maintaining a household, lawful source of income, sexual orientation, age, ancestry or a person’s status as an owner or tenant;
Adm 92.40(12)(12)Ensure that during the time between acquisition and displacement a property occupied by a displaced person is free of any immediate life threatening conditions, unless an existing code requires a higher maintenance standard. An agency may temporarily relocate an occupant as an alternative to correcting such life threatening conditions.
Adm 92.40(13)(13)Assistance in preparing and filing a relocation claim;
Adm 92.40(14)(14)Consult with a business or farm operator to determine relocation needs and preferences, land and building square footage required, traffic patterns, market demand and retention of existing clientele, replacement cost limitations, employee needs, operating modifications and other factors for successful reestablishment;
Adm 92.40(15)(15)Current and continuing information and referrals to suitable commercial replacement sales and rental sites and facilities;
Adm 92.40(16)(16)Current data on the cost of comparable property and leased space, growth potential in various areas, industrial sites, zoning ordinances, applicable code restrictions and permit requirements, and other data to assist a person in making an informed decision regarding relocation or discontinuance of a business or farm operation;
Adm 92.40(17)(17)Referrals to financial institutions, government agencies, and others offering assistance to business or farm operations;
Adm 92.40(18)(18)Referrals and advice to assure that low income and minority persons have equal opportunity in selecting a replacement dwelling from the total housing market, thereby facilitating desegregation and economic and racially inclusive patterns of occupancy. Low income and minority persons shall be informed of housing opportunities outside of low income and minority neighborhoods. An agency shall provide, or secure through contract with fair housing or civil rights groups, affirmative assistance that includes, as a minimum:
Adm 92.40(18)(a)(a) Services necessary to familiarize low income and minority persons with nonimpacted neighborhoods including transportation, escort to brokers or rental offices, and counseling and assistance in obtaining available services which may be required;
Adm 92.40(18)(b)(b) Services necessary to guard against housing discrimination by a seller, broker, landlord, rental agent, or financial institution on the basis of sex, race, color, disability, religion, national origin, sex or marital status of a person maintaining a household, lawful source of income, sexual orientation, age or ancestry;
Adm 92.40(18)(c)(c) A copy of Wisconsin’s Open Housing Law and any applicable local ordinances on fair housing;
Adm 92.40(18)(d)(d) Assistance in filing an application or complaint for administrative or judicial relief when housing discrimination is alleged.
Adm 92.40 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, March, 1986, No. 363, eff. 4-1-86; CR 21-110: am. (11), (18) (b) Register June 2022 No. 798, eff. 7-1-22.
Adm 92.42Adm 92.42Fair rental charge. Rent charged to an occupant for use of a property between the date of acquisition and the date of displacement may not exceed the economic rent, the rent paid by a tenant to the former owner or the occupant’s financial means if a dwelling, whichever is less. A displaced person shall have rent free use of the property for 30 days beginning with the next first or fifteenth day of the month after title vests in an agency, whichever is sooner.
Adm 92.42 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, March, 1986, No. 363, eff. 4-1-86.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.