A-E 12.05(2)(e)(e) Other technical or professional societies or similar organizations devoted to architectural education, design or construction technology education. A-E 12.05 HistoryHistory: CR 09-080: cr. Register June 2010 No. 654, eff. 7-1-10. A-E 12.06A-E 12.06 Certificate of completion, proof of attendance. A-E 12.06(1)(1) Each registrant shall certify on the renewal application full compliance with the continuing education requirements set forth in this chapter. A-E 12.06(2)(2) The architect section may require additional evidence demonstrating compliance with the continuing education requirements including a certificate of attendance or documentation of completion or credit for the courses completed. A-E 12.06(3)(3) A registrant may use the American Institute of Architects continuing education system transcript service to document and record his or her continuing education and as evidence of compliance with the continuing education requirements. A-E 12.06(4)(4) If there appears to be a lack of compliance with the continuing education requirements, the architect section shall notify a registrant in writing and request submission of evidence of compliance within 30 days of notification. A-E 12.06(5)(5) The architect section may require a registrant to appear for an interview to address any deficiency or lack of compliance with the continuing education requirements. A-E 12.06(6)(6) If a registrant has failed to comply with the continuing education requirements, the registrant may request an extension of time from the architect section to acquire additional hours to satisfy the requirements. A-E 12.07A-E 12.07 Recordkeeping. A registrant shall maintain records of continuing education contact hours for at least 4 years from the date the certificate or statement of attendance is signed. A minimum of at least one contact hour is required for recordkeeping purposes, with increments of one-quarter contact hour allowed thereafter. The recordkeeping shall include all of the following: A-E 12.07(1)(1) The name and address of the sponsor or provider. A-E 12.07(2)(2) A brief statement of the subject matter and whether it involves HSW topics. A-E 12.07(3)(3) Printed program schedules, registration receipts, certificates of attendance, examination scores, or other proof of participation. A-E 12.07 HistoryHistory: CR 09-080: cr. Register June 2010 No. 654, eff. 7-1-10. A-E 12.08A-E 12.08 Waiver of continuing education. A-E 12.08(1)(1) A registrant who holds a registration for less than 12 months from the date of initial registration or since the date of the last renewal shall not be required to report continuing education hours for the first renewal of registration. A-E 12.08(2)(2) A registrant who holds a registration for more than 12 months from the date of initial registration or since the date of the last renewal shall be required to report 8 contact hours of continuing education for the first renewal of registration. A-E 12.08(3)(3) A registrant seeking to renew a registration who demonstrates that compliance with the continuing education requirements shall create an extreme hardship may request a waiver of the continuing education requirements. A-E 12.08(4)(4) In this subsection, “extreme hardship” means an inability to fulfill the continuing education requirements during the applicable renewal period because of one of the following: A-E 12.08(4)(a)(a) Full-time or temporary active duty in the uniformed services of the United States for a period of time exceeding 120 consecutive days during a biennium, where the duty restricts participation in a continuing education program. A-E 12.08(4)(b)(b) An incapacitating disability or medical illness documented by a statement from a licensed health care provider which shows that participation in the active practice of architecture and a continuing education program was not possible. A-E 12.08(5)(5) A registrant who requests a waiver of the continuing education requirements for extreme hardship shall file a renewal application along with the required registration fee and submit an affidavit which describes the circumstances of the hardship and provide any supporting documentation. The request for a waiver shall be submitted prior to the renewal date. A-E 12.08(6)(6) If the architect section finds from the affidavit or any other evidence submitted that extreme hardship has been shown for granting a waiver, the registrant shall be permitted to renew the registration without completing the continuing education requirements for the applicable renewal period. A-E 12.08(7)(7) A registrant who receives a waiver of continuing education on the basis of extreme hardship due to an incapacitating disability, medical illness, active military duty or other extenuating circumstances may be required to complete continuing education upon his or her return to the active practice of architecture as determined necessary by the architect section to ensure the ability of the registrant to practice architecture in a safe and competent manner. A-E 12.08(8)(8) A registrant shall be deemed to be in good standing until a final decision on the request for a waiver has been made. A-E 12.08 HistoryHistory: CR 09-080: cr. Register June 2010 No. 654, eff. 7-1-10; CR 20-064: am. (title), (3), (5) to (8) Register May 2021 No. 785, eff. 6-1-21. A-E 12.09A-E 12.09 Reciprocity. An applicant for registration from another state or jurisdiction who applies for registration to practice architecture shall, in addition to the information required under s. A-E 3.06, submit proof of completion of continuing education obtained in another state or jurisdiction within the 2 years prior to application, including those recognized by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, Union of International Architects or Royal Institute of British Architects. The completion of continuing education in another state or jurisdiction shall be deemed to satisfy the continuing education requirements in this state provided that the other state or jurisdiction accepts the Wisconsin continuing education requirements as satisfying their continuing education requirements and those requirements are equal to or greater than the requirements in this state. A-E 12.09 HistoryHistory: CR 09-080: cr. Register June 2010 No. 654, eff. 7-1-10.
Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers, Professional Land Surveyors, and Registered Interior Designers (A-E)