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Town of ________
________ County
________ ________, being duly sworn, states that [he or she] is the clerk of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin; that on ________ ___, 20__, [he or she] posted notices of ________________ [specifically describe the notice posted], a copy of which is annexed and made part hereof, in 3 of the most public places in the town, to wit: [state the several places].
[Signature of town clerk]
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ____ day of _____________, 20___.
[Signature of officer administering oath]
Filed in my office ________ ___, 20__.
Recorded in the town bond record book on page ________, on ________ ___, 20__.
[Signature of town clerk]
Note: If the notice was published in a local newspaper, obtain and file and record the printer's affidavit of publication of the notice. See s. 985.12, Wis. stats.
82.12 * Highway order laying out, altering, or discontinuing highway.
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