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Animals running at large:
Distraint, 172.01 to 172.08
Exemption of municipalities from sections 172.01 to 172.08, 172.012
Cruelty complaints:
Investigation, 173.10
Reimbursement of expenses, 173.24
Custody of animals:
Appeal of seizure or withholding, 173.22
Care, treatment and disposal, 173.15
Disposition of animals, 173.23
Immunity for euthanizing, 173.25
Holding animal for cause, 173.21
Records, 173.17
Taking, 173.13
Treating as unclaimed, 173.19
Damage caused by animals, 172.51 to 172.57
Dogs, see Dogs
Humane officers:
Appointment, 173.03
Certification required, 173.05
Investigations, 173.09
Powers and duties, generally, 173.07
Rules, training, certification, registry, 173.27
Strays, 170.01 to 170.06
Exemption of municipalities from chapter 170, 170.065
Towns, specific authority:
Dead animals, disposition, 60.23 (20)
Horse riding, dogs running at large, regulation, 60.23 (30)
Wild animals, local regulation, 29.038
annexation ANNEXATION
Adjustment of assets and liabilities between municipalities, 66.0235
City, village or town, 66.0217, 66.0219, 66.0221
Drainage districts, 88.77, 88.78
Litigation, filing notice, 66.0231
Metropolitan sewerage districts, 200.15
Milwaukee county school districts, attachment to city, 62.071
Municipal-owned lands by municipality, 66.0223
Municipalities, boundaries fixed by stipulation and judgment, 66.0225
Procedure, referendum, court order, 66.0219
Sewer extension into town by DNR order, annexation of extension area, 281.43 (1m)
State departments may ask for, 24.40
Town islands by city or village, 66.0221
Action to test alteration, town a party in interest, 66.0233
Farm lands detached from city, 62.075
Village, 66.0217, 66.0219, 66.0221
Zoning, temporary ordinance in court-order annexations, 66.0219 (6)
annotations ANNOTATIONS
See Statutes
annuities ANNUITIES
annulment of marriage ANNULMENT OF MARRIAGE
answer ANSWER
antipass law ANTIPASS LAW
Generally, XIII, 11
antitrust law ANTITRUST LAW
Generally, Ch. 133
Adverse examination, 133.10
Attorney general's duties, 165.065
Collective bargaining, 133.09
Conspiracies, penalties, 133.03
Corporations, cancellation of charters for restraint of trade, 133.12
Damages recoverable, 133.18
Definitions, 133.02
Exemptions from antitrust law, 133.07
Illegal contracts void, recovery, 133.14
Immunity for testifying, 133.15
Injunctions and restraining orders, 133.16
Insurance business, what law applicable, 133.04 (4)
Interlocking directorates, prohibited when, 133.06
Interrogatories by justice department, 133.13
Investigatory proceeding by attorney general, 133.11
Labor disputes, 133.08
Legislative intent of chapter, 133.01
Milk, forbidden, 100.22
Monopolies, penalties, 133.03 (2)
Pleadings and practice, 133.16
Price discrimination, intent to destroy competition, 133.04
Price fixing, agricultural marketing act, 96.18
Proceedings against, deposition, 133.10
Prosecution, 133.17
Secret rebates, 133.05
Self-incrimination, 133.15
Statute of limitations, 133.18
Treble damages, 133.18
Unfair trade practices, 133.05
Unlawful contracts, penalties, 133.03