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64.36   Boards and commissions.
64.37   Abandonment of commission plan.
64.38   Application of commission plan statutes.
64.39   Number of alderpersons in 2nd and 3rd class cities; election of officers in 2nd class cities.
64.40   Increasing membership of council in commission cities.
subch. I of ch. 64SUBCHAPTER I
64.0164.01How to organize under ss. 64.01 to 64.15.
64.01(1)(1)Any city of the second, third or fourth class may reorganize under the provisions of ss. 64.01 to 64.15, either by enactment of a charter ordinance or by a petition and referendum election as provided by s. 66.0101. Such petition and election shall be governed by s. 9.20 (1) to (6).
64.01(2)(2)When adopted in the manner hereinbefore provided, the provisions of ss. 64.01 to 64.15 shall take effect and become operative on the third Tuesday in April.
64.01(3)(3)Any village qualified under s. 61.189 to become a city may organize under ss. 64.01 to 64.15 by the adoption of a charter ordinance or by a petition and referendum election as provided by s. 66.0101. Such petition and election shall be governed by s. 9.20 (1) to (6).
64.01 HistoryHistory: 1999 a. 150 s. 672; 2015 a. 197 s. 51.
64.0264.02Other laws, bylaws and ordinances in force.
64.02(1)(1)Any law applicable to any city before its reorganization and not inconsistent with the provisions of ss. 64.01 to 64.15 shall apply to and govern such reorganized city.
64.02(2)(2)Any bylaw, ordinance, or resolution lawfully passed and in force in any such city at the time of its reorganization shall remain in force until altered or repealed by the council elected under the provisions of ss. 64.01 to 64.15.
64.02(3)(3)The territorial limits of such city shall remain the same as under its former organization.
64.02(4)(4)All rights and property of every description which were vested in such city under its former organization shall remain the same under the reorganization here contemplated.
64.02(5)(5)No right or liability either in favor of or against such reorganized city, and no suit or prosecution of any kind shall be affected by such change of government unless otherwise provided.
64.0364.03Petition for adoption; contents; question to be voted upon.
64.03(1)(1)Every ordinance or resolution for the adoption of ss. 64.01 to 64.15, and every petition for a special election on the same, shall state the number of members of which the council herein provided for shall be composed, the term of office of its members, which term shall not exceed 2 years, whether they shall be nominated and elected from aldermanic districts or from the city at large, and the compensation, if any, which they shall receive.
64.03(2)(2)At every election for the adoption of ss. 64.01 to 64.15, the question to be submitted shall be substantially as follows: “Shall the city of (name) be reorganized under ss. 64.01 to 64.15 of the statutes, providing for the city manager plan, with a council composed of (number stated in petition) members, to be elected from the city (at large), or (by aldermanic districts) as provided in petition for terms of (number) year(s)?”
64.03(3)(3)Nothing herein shall be construed to impugn the authority of a city to exercise its home rule power to provide a different method of electing members of the council by districts or otherwise, or by a combination of methods, or the number or terms thereof.
64.03 HistoryHistory: 1971 c. 304 s. 29 (1).
64.0464.04Council, when elected; qualification of electors; nominations.
64.04(1)(1)At the election held as provided by law upon the first Tuesday in April next succeeding the adoption of the provisions of ss. 64.01 to 64.15, there shall be elected a council composed as provided in the ordinance or resolution adopted by the council or in the petition and election as provided by s. 64.03. Any person possessing the qualifications of an elector in such city shall be eligible to election as council member. If the provisions of ss. 64.01 to 64.15 are adopted at the regular spring election, the council elected at that election shall have all of the powers and duties of the council elected on the first Tuesday in April next succeeding the adoption of ss. 64.01 to 64.15.
64.04(2)(2)Except as herein otherwise provided, candidates for council member shall be nominated and elected after the manner provided by law for the nomination and election of other municipal officers and all provisions of the statutes relating to city primary and general elections not inconsistent with the provisions of ss. 64.01 to 64.15 shall apply to such elections for cities reorganized under ss. 64.01 to 64.15 the same as to cities organized under general law.
64.04 HistoryHistory: 1981 c. 390; 1985 a. 135 s. 83 (1); 1995 a. 16 s. 2.
64.0564.05Term of council members.
64.05(1)(1)The term of office of such council member shall begin on the third Tuesday in April. If the term of council member as determined by the election is 2 years, the term of a bare majority of the members elected at the first election after the adoption of ss. 64.01 to 64.15, consisting of those members receiving the highest number of votes, shall be 2 years and that of the remaining members shall be one year. At the expiration of the terms of office of the council members, successors shall be elected for the full term.
64.05(2)(2)A vacancy in the office of council member shall be filled as provided in s. 17.23 (1) (am).
64.05 HistoryHistory: 1985 a. 135 s. 83 (1), (2); 2019 a. 164; 2021 a. 240 s. 29.
64.0664.06Recall. Any council member may be recalled from office in accordance with the provisions of s. 9.10. This method of removal shall be in addition to the other methods provided by law.
64.06 HistoryHistory: 1985 a. 135 s. 83 (1).
64.0764.07Powers of council; its organization; quorum; meetings.
64.07(1)(1)The council shall possess and exercise all legislative and general ordinance powers imposed and conferred by general law or special charter upon the mayor and common council and the various boards and commissions not inconsistent with ss. 64.01 to 64.15, and in force in such city at the time of its reorganization and such additional powers as are hereinafter imposed and conferred, but such council shall not have the power to enact special executive or administrative orders, it being the intent of ss. 64.01 to 64.15 to separate the legislative and executive powers of city government.
64.07(2)(2)At its first meeting the city council shall select by majority vote one of its members to act as president. The president shall be the presiding officer of the council and shall have a vote but shall have no veto power.
64.07(3)(3)A majority of the members of the council shall constitute a quorum, and a majority vote of all the members of the council shall be necessary to adopt any ordinance or resolution.
64.07(4)(4)The ayes and noes shall be called and recorded on the vote upon every ordinance and resolution.
64.07(5)(5)The council shall provide by ordinance for the time of holding regular meetings and special meetings shall be called by the president or by any 2 council members or by the city manager.
64.07(6)(6)All meetings of the council or of any committee thereof, whether regular or special, shall be open to the public.
64.07 HistoryHistory: 1985 a. 135 s. 83 (2).
64.0864.08Council members, their duties and compensation. The council members shall devote such time to the duties of their office as the interests and general welfare of the city demand and shall receive such compensation as determined in the petition, ordinance or resolution provided for in s. 64.03. The council shall have power by ordinance to fix the salary of their successors in office.
64.08 HistoryHistory: 1985 a. 135 s. 83 (2).
64.0964.09City manager; qualifications, selection, removal.
64.09(1)(1)The council first elected after the reorganization of a city under the provisions of ss. 64.01 to 64.15 shall as soon after the reorganization as possible engage for an indefinite term a city manager who shall have charge of the executive side of the city government and who shall be responsible for the efficiency of its administration.
64.09(2)(2)The city manager shall be elected purely on merit. In electing the city manager the council shall give due regard to training, experience, executive and administrative ability, and efficiency and general qualifications and fitness for performing the duties of the office, and no person shall be eligible to the office of city manager who is not by training, experience, ability, and efficiency well qualified and generally fit to perform the duties of such office. No weight or consideration shall be given by the council to nationality, political, or religious affiliations, or to any other considerations except merit and direct qualifications for the office.
64.09(3)(3)Residence in the city or state shall not be a qualification for the office of city manager.
64.09(4)(4)The council may advertise for applicants in such newspapers, magazines, advertising agencies, employment bureaus or other advertising mediums and for such length of time as it shall deem necessary to secure applications from the available persons best qualified to fill such office.
64.09(5)(5)Except as provided in s. 19.36 (7), the applications, records, recommendations and qualifications of all applicants for the office of city manager shall be immediately placed and thereafter kept on file and shall be matters of public record and open to the examination and inspection of the public at all reasonable times.
64.09(6)(6)The salary of the city manager shall be fixed by the council.
64.09(7)(7)The council shall have the power to remove the city manager at any time that the city manager’s conduct of the city administration becomes unsatisfactory and to engage a successor after the manner prescribed in this section, but such city manager shall serve until a successor is elected and qualifies.
64.09(8)(8)Before the council shall remove the city manager for any cause other than willful neglect of duty, malfeasance, or misfeasance in office, it shall give such city manager at least 60 days’ notice of its contemplated action and in all cases shall present in writing a statement of the specific grounds or reasons for such removal and shall give such city manager an opportunity to be heard in regard thereto. Such statement of reasons shall be immediately placed and thereafter kept on file and shall be matter of public record open to the examination and inspection of the public at all reasonable times, and such hearing shall be a public hearing.
64.09(9)(9)The action of the council in removing the city manager shall be final.
64.09(10)(10)In case of vacancy in the office of city manager by reason of removal, resignation or other cause the council may elect an acting city manager for a period of not exceeding 6 months to fill the vacancy while considering the selection of a city manager. Provided, if the council is unable within such 6 months’ period to secure a qualified city manager specified in this section it may by a majority vote of its members present at any regular meeting extend the employment of such acting city manager or elect another acting city manager for an additional 6 months. The acting city manager shall have all the powers and perform all the functions of city manager. The acting city manager may be removed by the council without cause or regard to sub. (8) and such removal shall be final.
64.09 HistoryHistory: 1991 a. 269, 316.
64.1064.10City departments, boards and commissions.
64.10(1)(1)The council shall upon the report and recommendation of the city manager have the power to create general departments of city administration. The report and recommendations of the city manager showing the necessity or desirability of creating such departments shall be placed on file and shall be matters of public record, open to the examination and inspection of the public at all reasonable times.
64.10(2)(2)All administrative boards and commissions existing in the city prior to its reorganization shall continue to exist after its reorganization under this subchapter until abolished, altered or reorganized by ordinance of the council. The council may, upon receipt of the report and recommendation of the city manager, alter, reorganize or abolish by ordinance any administrative board or commission except the board of police and fire commissioners.
64.10 HistoryHistory: 1985 a. 225.
64.10564.105Optional powers. Any city or village which has determined by ordinance or petition and referendum to operate under the city manager form of government may by charter ordinance allocate powers to the council, president of the council and city manager in a manner other than provided by this chapter.
64.1164.11Powers of city manager, appointments.
64.11(1)(1)The city manager shall be the chief executive officer of the city and head of the city administration and shall possess and exercise all the executive and general administrative powers imposed and conferred by general law or special charter upon the mayor and common council and upon the various boards, commissions and officers and in force in such city at the time of its reorganization under ss. 64.01 to 64.15, and such additional powers as are herein imposed and conferred.
64.11(2)(2)The city manager shall have the power to create minor administrative offices and positions and to discontinue such offices and positions according to the city manager’s judgment of the needs of the city.
64.11(3)(3)The city manager shall have the power to appoint all heads of departments, all subordinate city officials and all city employees and to remove such appointees at any time their services or the conduct of their offices becomes unsatisfactory to the city manager. This subsection shall not be construed as depriving the board of fire and police commissioners or the chiefs of fire or police departments of any city of all the powers conferred by s. 62.13.
64.11(4)(4)No head of a department, city official, or city employee shall be appointed for a fixed term, but during good behavior and satisfactory service.
64.11(5)(5)All appointments shall be purely on merit and with a view to securing the best available appointee for the place. Due consideration shall be given to training, experience, ability, and general qualifications and fitness for performing the duties of the office and no weight or consideration shall be given to residence, nationality, or to political or religious affiliations.
64.11(6)(6)Residence in the city or state shall not be a qualification for any such appointment.
64.11(7)(7)Except as provided in s. 19.36 (7), the applications, records, recommendations and qualifications of all applicants shall be immediately placed and thereafter kept on file and shall be matters of public record subject to the examination and inspection of the public at all reasonable times.
64.11(8)(8)In the event that such a city has established under the provisions of s. 66.0509 a civil service system, then the powers and duties of the city manager as provided in this section shall be limited and governed by such rules and regulations as may be promulgated under such civil service system.
64.11 HistoryHistory: 1991 a. 269, 316; 1999 a. 150 s. 672.
64.1264.12City manager to present monthly reports and accounts.
64.12(1)(1)The city manager shall each month prepare and present to the council a summarized statement of the income and expenditures of the city for the preceding month arranged in standard form and detailed as to appropriations, funds, and character of expenditures.
64.12(2)(2)Such summaries shall be accompanied by a general account balance sheet, a capital account balance sheet, a statement of current assets and liabilities, a statement of funded assets and liabilities, and a consolidated financial statement showing the exact financial condition of the city at the end of such month. The city manager shall also prepare and present to the council such other detailed schedules and statements of account as the council may by ordinance require.
64.12(3)(3)All such summaries, schedules, and statements, together with a summary of the acts and proceedings of the common council for such month, shall be published in pamphlet form and copies thereof shall be furnished to all the newspapers and libraries of the city and to all persons who shall apply therefor.
64.12(4)(4)At the end of each fiscal year the council shall cause a full and complete examination of all the books and accounts of the city to be made by competent certified public accountants licensed or certified under ch. 442 who shall report in full to the council. The summaries of such audits shall be presented and furnished to all newspapers and libraries of the city and to such other persons as shall apply therefor.
64.12 HistoryHistory: 2001 a. 16.
64.1364.13First council may revise appropriations already made; state commission work continued.
64.13(1)(1)If at the beginning of the term of office of the first council elected under ss. 64.01 to 64.15 the appropriations for the expenditures of the city government for the current fiscal year have been made, the council shall have power by ordinance to revise, repeal, or change such appropriations and to make additional appropriations.
64.13(2)(2)Any city work done under the direction of commissions appointed by the state shall continue to be done in the manner prescribed by law prior to the reorganization of such city under ss. 64.01 to 64.15.
64.1464.14City may return to its former government. Any city which shall have adopted the provisions of ss. 64.01 to 64.15 may abandon the same and reorganize under the provisions of ch. 62 or ss. 64.25 to 64.40, or under a home rule charter by proceeding in accordance with the provisions of s. 64.01.
64.1564.15Village manager plan. The provisions of ss. 64.01 to 64.14 shall also apply to villages, and such plan shall be known in villages as the village manager plan. Provided, however, that in villages adopting such plan, the council shall be composed of the board of trustees.
subch. II of ch. 64SUBCHAPTER II
64.2564.25City commission plan; adoption; cities applicable to. Any city of the second, third or fourth class may reorganize under the provisions of ss. 64.25 to 64.40, either by enactment of a charter ordinance or by a petition and referendum election as provided by s. 66.0101. Such petition and election shall be governed by s. 9.20 (1) to (6).
64.25 HistoryHistory: 1999 a. 150 s. 672.
64.2664.26Terms of officers in commission cities. The term of office of the mayor and alderpersons of any city so adopting the commission form of government shall end on the third Tuesday in April next succeeding the first municipal election held after such adoption.
64.26 HistoryHistory: 1993 a. 184; 2011 a. 257.
64.2764.27Law applicable; existing ordinances, etc.; territorial limits; vested rights; liabilities.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)