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51.75(2)(d)(d) “Mental illness” means mental disease to such extent that a person so afflicted requires care and treatment for the person’s welfare, or the welfare of others, or of the community.
51.75(2)(e)(e) “Patient” means any person subject to or eligible as determined by the laws of the sending state, for institutionalization or other care, treatment or supervision pursuant to the provisions of this compact.
51.75(2)(f)(f) “Receiving state” means a party state to which a patient is transported pursuant to the provisions of the compact or to which it is contemplated that a patient may be so sent.
51.75(2)(g)(g) “Sending state” means a party state from which a patient is transported pursuant to the provisions of the compact or from which it is contemplated that a patient may be so sent.
51.75(2)(h)(h) “State” means any state, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
51.75(3)(3)Article III.
51.75(3)(a)(a) Whenever a person physically present in any party state is in need of institutionalization by reason of mental illness or mental deficiency, the person shall be eligible for care and treatment in an institution in that state irrespective of the person’s residence, settlement or citizenship, qualifications.
51.75(3)(b)(b) The provisions of par. (a) to the contrary notwithstanding any patient may be transferred to an institution in another state whenever there are factors based upon clinical determinations indicating that the care and treatment of said patient would be facilitated or improved thereby. Any such institutionalization may be for the entire period of care and treatment or for any portion thereof. The factors referred to in this paragraph include the patient’s full record with due regard for the location of the patient’s family, character of the illness and probable duration thereof, and such other factors as are considered appropriate.
51.75(3)(c)(c) No state is obliged to receive any patient under par. (b) unless the sending state has given advance notice of its intention to send the patient, furnished all available medical and other pertinent records concerning the patient and given the qualified medical or other appropriate clinical authorities of the receiving state an opportunity to examine the patient if said authorities so wish, and unless the receiving state agrees to accept the patient.
51.75(3)(d)(d) If the laws of the receiving state establish a system of priorities for the admission of patients, an interstate patient under this compact shall receive the same priority as a local patient and shall be taken in the same order and at the same time that the interstate patient would be taken if the interstate patient were a local patient.
51.75(3)(e)(e) Pursuant to this compact, the determination as to the suitable place of institutionalization for a patient may be reviewed at any time and such further transfer of the patient may be made as seems likely to be in the best interest of the patient.
51.75(4)(4)Article IV.
51.75(4)(a)(a) Whenever, pursuant to the laws of the state in which a patient is physically present, it is determined that the patient should receive aftercare or supervision, such care or supervision may be provided in a receiving state. If the medical or other appropriate clinical authorities having responsibility for the care and treatment of the patient in the sending state have reason to believe that aftercare in another state would be in the best interest of the patient and would not jeopardize the public safety, they shall request the appropriate authorities in the receiving state to investigate the desirability of affording the patient such aftercare in said receiving state, and such investigation shall be made with all reasonable speed. The request for investigation shall be accompanied by complete information concerning the patient’s intended place of residence and the identity of the person in whose charge it is proposed to place the patient, the complete medical history of the patient and such other documents as are pertinent.
51.75(4)(b)(b) If the medical or other appropriate clinical authorities having responsibility for the care and treatment of the patient in the sending state and the appropriate authorities in the receiving state find that the best interest of the patient would be served thereby, and if the public safety would not be jeopardized thereby, the patient may receive aftercare or supervision in the receiving state.
51.75(4)(c)(c) In supervising, treating or caring for a patient on aftercare pursuant to the terms of this subsection, a receiving state shall employ the same standards of visitation, examination, care and treatment that it employs for similar local patients.
51.75(5)(5)Article V. Whenever a dangerous or potentially dangerous patient escapes from an institution in any party state, that state shall promptly notify all appropriate authorities within and without the jurisdiction of the escape, in a manner reasonably calculated to facilitate the speedy apprehension of the escapee. Immediately upon the apprehension and identification of any such dangerous or potentially dangerous patient, the patient shall be detained in the state where found, pending disposition in accordance with law.
51.75(6)(6)Article VI. The duly accredited officers of any state party to this compact, upon the establishment of their authority and the identity of the patient, shall be permitted to transport any patient being moved pursuant to this compact through any state party to this compact, without interference.
51.75(7)(7)Article VII.
51.75(7)(a)(a) No person shall be deemed a patient of more than one institution at any given time. Completion of transfer of any patient to an institution in a receiving state shall have the effect of making the person a patient of the institution in the receiving state.
51.75(7)(b)(b) The sending state shall pay all costs of and incidental to the transportation of any patient pursuant to this compact, but any 2 or more party states may, by making a specific agreement for that purpose, arrange for a different allocation of costs as among themselves.
51.75(7)(c)(c) No provision of this compact shall be construed to alter or affect any internal relationships among the departments, agencies and officers of and in the government of a party state, or between a party state and its subdivisions, as to the payment of costs or responsibilities therefor.
51.75(7)(d)(d) Nothing in this compact shall be construed to prevent any party state or subdivision thereof from asserting any right against any person in regard to costs for which such party state or subdivision thereof may be responsible pursuant to any provision of this compact.
51.75(7)(e)(e) Nothing in this compact shall be construed to invalidate any reciprocal agreement between a party state and a nonparty state relating to institutionalization, care or treatment of the mentally ill or mentally deficient or any statutory authority pursuant to which such agreements may be made.
51.75(8)(8)Article VIII.
51.75(8)(a)(a) Nothing in this compact shall be construed to abridge, diminish or in any way impair the rights, duties and responsibilities of any patient’s guardian on the guardian’s own behalf or in respect of any patient for whom the guardian may serve, except that where the transfer of any patient to another jurisdiction makes advisable the appointment of a supplemental or substitute guardian, any court of competent jurisdiction in the receiving state may make such supplemental or substitute appointment and the court which appointed the previous guardian shall, upon being duly advised of the new appointment, and upon the satisfactory completion of such accounting and other acts as such court by law requires, relieve the previous guardian of power and responsibility to whatever extent is appropriate in the circumstances. In the case of any patient having settlement in the sending state, the court of competent jurisdiction in the sending state has the sole discretion to relieve a guardian appointed by it or continue the guardian’s power and responsibility, whichever it deems advisable. The court in the receiving state may, in its discretion, confirm or reappoint the person previously serving as guardian in the sending state in lieu of making a supplemental or substitute appointment.
51.75(8)(b)(b) The term “guardian” as used in par. (a) includes any guardian, trustee, legal committee, conservator or other person or agency however denominated who is charged by law with power to act for or responsibility for the person or property of a patient.
51.75(9)(9)Article IX.
51.75(9)(a)(a) No provision of this compact except sub. (5) applies to any person institutionalized while under sentence in a penal or correctional institution or while subject to trial on a criminal charge, or whose institutionalization is due to the commission of an offense for which, in the absence of mental illness or mental deficiency, said person would be subject to incarceration in a penal or correctional institution.
51.75(9)(b)(b) To every extent possible, it is the policy of states party to this compact that no patient shall be placed or detained in any prison, jail or lockup, but such patient shall, with all expedition, be taken to a suitable institutional facility for mental illness or mental deficiency.
51.75(10)(10)Article X.
51.75(10)(a)(a) Each party state shall appoint a “compact administrator” who, on behalf of that state, shall act as general coordinator of activities under the compact in that state and who shall receive copies of all reports, correspondence and other documents relating to any patient processed under the compact by that state either in the capacity of sending or receiving state. The compact administrator or the duly designated representative of the compact administrator shall be the official with whom other party states shall deal in any matter relating to the compact or any patient processed thereunder.
51.75(10)(b)(b) The compact administrators of the respective party states shall have power to promulgate reasonable rules and regulations to carry out more effectively the terms and provisions of this compact.
51.75(11)(11)Article XI. The duly constituted administrative authorities of any 2 or more party states may enter into supplementary agreements for the provision of any service or facility or for the maintenance of any institution on a joint or cooperative basis whenever the states concerned find that such agreements will improve services, facilities or institutional care and treatment in the fields of mental illness or mental deficiency. No such supplementary agreement shall be construed so as to relieve any party state of any obligation which it otherwise would have under other provisions of this compact.
51.75(12)(12)Article XII. This compact enters into full force and effect as to any state when enacted by it into law and such state shall thereafter be a party thereto with all states legally joining therein.
51.75(13)(13)Article XIII.
51.75(13)(a)(a) A state party to this compact may withdraw therefrom by enacting a statute repealing the same. Such withdrawal takes effect one year after notice thereof has been communicated officially and in writing to the governors and compact administrators of all other party states. However, the withdrawal of any state shall not change the status of any patient who has been sent to said state or sent out of said state pursuant to the provisions of the compact.
51.75(13)(b)(b) Withdrawal from any agreement permitted by sub. (7) (b) as to costs or from any supplementary agreement made pursuant to sub. (11) shall be in accordance with the terms of such agreement.
51.75(14)(14)Article XIV. This compact shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate the purpose thereof. The provisions of this compact are severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the constitution of any party state, or of the United States or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this compact and the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance shall not be affected thereby. If this compact is held contrary to the constitution of any party state thereto, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the remaining states and in full force and effect as to the state affected as to all severable matters.
51.75 HistoryHistory: 1981 c. 390; 1983 a. 189; 1991 a. 316.
51.75 AnnotationThis section does not apply to individuals found not guilty of criminal charges by reason of mental disease or defect under s. 971.17. State v. Devore, 2004 WI App 87, 272 Wis. 2d 383, 679 N.W.2d 890, 03-2323.
51.75 AnnotationWhile s. 51.15 (7) does not authorize contractual agreements with counties outside of Wisconsin, ss. 51.75 (11), 51.87 (3), and 66.30 (5) [now s. 66.0303] each contain legal mechanisms through which financial or other responsibility for care and treatment of individuals from such counties may be shared under certain specified circumstances. 78 Atty. Gen. 59.
51.7651.76Compact administrator. Pursuant to the interstate compact on mental health, the secretary shall be the compact administrator and, acting jointly with like officers of other party states, may promulgate rules to carry out more effectively the terms of the compact. The compact administrator shall cooperate with all departments, agencies and officers of and in the government of this state and its subdivisions in facilitating the proper administration of the compact or any supplementary agreement entered into by this state thereunder.
51.7751.77Transfer of patients.
51.77(1)(1)In this section “relatives” means the patient’s spouse, parents, grandparents, adult children, adult siblings, adult aunts, adult uncles and adult cousins, and any other relative with whom the patient has resided in the previous 10 years.
51.77(2)(2)Transfer of patients out of Wisconsin to another state under the interstate compact on mental health shall be upon recommendation of no less than 3 physicians licensed under ch. 448 appointed by the court of competent jurisdiction and shall be only in accord with the following requirements:
51.77(2)(a)(a) That the transfer be requested by the patient’s relatives or guardian or a person with whom the patient has resided for a substantial period on other than a commercial basis. This requirement does not preclude the compact administrator or the institution in which the patient is in residence from suggesting that relatives or the guardian request such transfer.
51.77(2)(b)(b) That the compact administrator determine that the transfer of the patient is in the patient’s best interest.
51.77(2)(c)(c) That the patient have either interested relatives in the receiving state or a determinable interest in the receiving state.
51.77(2)(d)(d) That the patient, guardian and relatives, as determined by the patient’s records, whose addresses are known or can with reasonable diligence be ascertained, be notified.
51.77(2)(e)(e) That none of the persons given notice under par. (d) object to the transfer of said patient within 30 days of receipt of such notice.
51.77(2)(f)(f) That records of the intended transfer, including proof of service of notice under par. (d) be reviewed by the court assigned to exercise probate jurisdiction for the county in which the patient is confined or by any other court which a relative or guardian requests to do so.
51.77(3)(3)If the request for transfer of a patient is rejected for any of the reasons enumerated under sub. (2), the compact administrator shall notify all persons making the request as to why the request was rejected and of the patient’s right to appeal the decision to a competent court.
51.77(4)(4)If the patient, guardian or any relative feels that the objections of other relatives or of the compact administrator raised under sub. (2) are not well-founded in preventing transfer, such person may appeal the decision not to transfer to a competent court having jurisdiction which shall determine, on the basis of evidence by the interested parties and psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers who are acquainted with the case, whether transfer is in the best interests of the patient. The requirements of sub. (2) (c) shall apply to this subsection.
51.77(5)(5)The determination of mental illness or developmental disability in proceedings in this state requires a finding of a court in accordance with the procedure contained in s. 51.20.
51.77 HistoryHistory: 1975 c. 430; 1977 c. 449; 1991 a. 316.
51.7851.78Supplementary agreements. The compact administrator may enter into supplementary agreements with appropriate officials of other states under s. 51.75 (7) and (11). If such supplementary agreements require or contemplate the use of any institution or facility of this state or county or require or contemplate the provision of any service by this state or county, no such agreement shall take effect until approved by the head of the department or agency under whose jurisdiction said institution or facility is operated or whose department or agency will be charged with the rendering of such service.
51.78 HistoryHistory: 1981 c. 390.
51.7951.79Transmittal of copies. Duly authorized copies of ss. 51.75 to 51.80 shall, upon its approval, be transmitted by the secretary of state to the governor of each state, the attorney general and the administrator of general services of the United States and the council of state governments.
51.79 HistoryHistory: 1979 c. 89.
51.8051.80Patients’ rights. Nothing in the interstate compact on mental health shall be construed to abridge, diminish or in any way impair the rights or liberties of any patient affected by the compact.
51.8151.81Uniform extradition of persons of unsound mind act; definitions. The terms “flight” and “fled” as used in ss. 51.81 to 51.85 shall be construed to mean any voluntary or involuntary departure from the jurisdiction of the court where the proceedings hereinafter mentioned may have been instituted and are still pending with the effect of avoiding, impeding or delaying the action of the court in which such proceedings may have been instituted or be pending, or any such departure from the state where the person demanded then was, if the person then was under detention by law as a person of unsound mind and subject to detention. The word “state” wherever used in ss. 51.81 to 51.85 shall include states, territories, districts and insular and other possessions of the United States. As applied to a request to return any person within the purview of ss. 51.81 to 51.85 to or from the District of Columbia, the words, “executive authority,” “governor” and “chief magistrate,” respectively, shall include a justice of the supreme court of the District of Columbia and other authority.
51.81 HistoryHistory: 1971 c. 40 s. 93; 1991 a. 316.
51.8251.82Delivery of certain nonresidents. A person alleged to be of unsound mind found in this state, who has fled from another state, in which at the time of the flight: (a) The person was under detention by law in a hospital, asylum or other institution for the insane as a person of unsound mind; or (b) the person had been theretofore determined by legal proceedings to be of unsound mind, the finding being unreversed and in full force and effect, and the control of his or her person having been acquired by a court of competent jurisdiction of the state from which the person fled; or (c) the person was subject to detention in that state, being then the person’s legal domicile (personal service of process having been made) based on legal proceedings pending there to have the person declared of unsound mind, shall on demand of the executive authority of the state from which the person fled, be delivered for removal thereto.
51.82 HistoryHistory: 1975 c. 430; 1991 a. 316.
51.8351.83Authentication of demand; discharge; costs.
51.83(1)(1)Whenever the executive authority of any state demands of the executive authority of this state, any fugitive within the purview of s. 51.82 and produces a copy of the commitment, decree or other judicial process and proceedings, certified as authentic by the governor or chief magistrate of the state whence the person so charged has fled with an affidavit made before a proper officer showing the person to be such a fugitive, it is the duty of the executive authority of this state to cause the fugitive to be apprehended and secured, if found in this state, and to cause immediate notice of the apprehension to be given to the executive authority making such demand, or to the agent of such authority appointed to receive the fugitive, and to cause the fugitive to be delivered to the agent when the agent appears.
51.83(2)(2)If no such agent appears within 30 days from the time of the apprehension, the fugitive may be discharged. All costs and expenses incurred in the apprehending, securing, maintaining and transmitting such fugitive to the state making such demand, shall be paid by such state. Any agent so appointed who receives custody of the fugitive shall be empowered to transmit the fugitive to the state from which the fugitive has fled. The executive authority of this state is hereby vested with the power, on the application of any person interested, to demand the return to this state of any fugitive within the purview of ss. 51.81 to 51.85.
51.83 HistoryHistory: 1971 c. 40 s. 93; 1991 a. 316.
51.8451.84Limitation of time to commence proceeding. Any proceedings under ss. 51.81 to 51.85 shall be begun within one year after the flight referred to in ss. 51.81 to 51.85.
51.84 HistoryHistory: 1971 c. 40 s. 93; 1981 c. 314 s. 146.
51.84 AnnotationThe limitation period commences on the date the committing state discovers the patient in the asylum state. State ex rel. Melentowich v. Klink, 108 Wis. 2d 374, 321 N.W.2d 272 (1982).
51.8551.85Interpretation. Sections 51.81 to 51.85 shall be so interpreted and construed as to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law of those states which enact it.
51.85 HistoryHistory: 1971 c. 40 s. 93.
51.8751.87Interstate contracts for services under this chapter.
51.87(1)(1)Purpose and policy. The purpose of this section is to enable appropriate treatment to be provided to individuals, across state lines from the individuals’ state of residence, in qualified facilities that are closer to the homes of the individuals than are facilities available in their home states.
51.87(2)(2)Definitions. In this section:
51.87(2)(a)(a) “Receiving agency” means a public or private agency or county department which, under this section, provides treatment to individuals from a state other than the state in which the agency or county department is located.
51.87(2)(b)(b) “Receiving state” means the state in which a receiving agency is located.
51.87(2)(c)(c) “Sending agency” means a public or private agency located in a state which sends an individual to another state for treatment under this section.
51.87(2)(d)(d) “Sending state” means the state in which a sending agency is located.
51.87(3)(3)Purchase of services. A county department under s. 46.23, 51.42 or 51.437 may contract as provided under this section with public or private agencies in states bordering on Wisconsin to secure services under this chapter for persons who receive services through the county department, except that services may not be secured for persons committed under s. 971.14 or 971.17. Section 46.036 (1) to (6) applies to contracts entered into under this section by county departments under s. 46.23, 51.42 or 51.437.
51.87(4)(4)Provision of services. A county department under s. 46.23, 51.42 or 51.437 may contract as provided under this section with public or private agencies in a state bordering on Wisconsin to provide services under this chapter for residents of the bordering state in approved treatment facilities in this state, except that services may not be provided for residents of the bordering state who are involved in criminal proceedings.
51.87(5)(5)Contract approval. A contract under this section may not be validly executed until the department has reviewed and approved the provisions of the contract, determined that the receiving agency provides services in accordance with the standards of this state and the secretary has certified that the receiving state’s laws governing patient rights are substantially similar to those of this state.
51.87(6)(6)Residence not established. No person establishes legal residence in the state where the receiving agency is located while the person is receiving services pursuant to a contract under this section.
51.87(7)(7)Treatment records. Section 51.30 applies to treatment records of an individual receiving services pursuant to a contract under this section through a receiving agency in this state, except that the sending agency has the same right of access to the treatment records of the individual as provided under s. 51.30 for a county department under s. 51.42 or 51.437.
51.87(8)(8)Involuntary commitments. An individual who is detained, committed or placed on an involuntary basis under s. 51.15, 51.20 or 51.45 or ch. 55 may be confined and treated in another state pursuant to a contract under this section. An individual who is detained, committed or placed under the civil law of a state bordering on Wisconsin may be confined and treated in this state pursuant to a contract under this section. Court orders valid under the law of the sending state are granted recognition and reciprocity in the receiving state for individuals covered by a contract under this section to the extent that the court orders relate to confinement for treatment or care of a mental disability. Such court orders are not subject to legal challenge in the courts of the receiving state. Persons who are detained, committed or placed under the law of a sending state and who are transferred to a receiving state under this section continue to be in the legal custody of the authority responsible for them under the law of the sending state. Except in emergencies, those persons may not be transferred, removed or furloughed from a facility of the receiving agency without the specific approval of the authority responsible for them under the law of the sending state.
51.87(9)(9)Applicable laws. While in the receiving state pursuant to a contract under this section, an individual shall be subject to all of the provisions of law and regulations applicable to persons detained, committed or placed pursuant to the corresponding laws of the receiving state, except those laws and regulations of the receiving state relating to length of confinement, reexaminations and extensions of confinement and except as otherwise provided by this section. The laws and regulations of the sending state relating to length of confinement, reexaminations and extensions of confinement shall apply. No person may be sent to another state pursuant to a contract under this section until the receiving state has enacted a law recognizing the validity and applicability of this state’s laws as provided in this section.
51.87(10)(10)Voluntary placements. If an individual receiving treatment on a voluntary basis pursuant to a contract under this section requests discharge, the receiving agency shall immediately notify the sending agency and shall return the individual to the sending state as directed by the sending agency within 48 hours after the request, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. The sending agency shall immediately upon return of the individual either arrange for the discharge of the individual or detain the individual pursuant to the emergency detention laws of the sending state.
51.87(11)(11)Escaped individuals. If an individual receiving services pursuant to a contract under this section escapes from the receiving agency and the individual at the time of the escape is subject to involuntary confinement under the law of the sending state, the receiving agency shall use all reasonable means to recapture the escapee. The receiving agency shall immediately report the escape to the sending agency. The receiving state has the primary responsibility for, and the authority to direct, the pursuit, retaking and prosecution of escaped persons within its borders and is liable for the cost of such action to the extent that it would be liable for costs if its own resident escaped.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)