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48.38(4)(fg)(fg) The goal of the permanency plan or, if the agency is engaging in concurrent planning, as defined in s. 48.355 (2b) (a), the permanency and concurrent permanency goals of the permanency plan. If a goal of the permanency plan is to place the child for adoption, with a guardian, or with a fit and willing relative, the permanency plan shall include the rationale for deciding on that goal and the efforts made to achieve that goal, including, if appropriate, through an out-of-state placement. If the agency determines under s. 48.355 (2b) (b) to engage in concurrent planning, the permanency plan shall include the rationale for that determination and a description of the concurrent plan. The agency shall determine one or more of the following goals to be the goal or goals of a child’s permanency plan:
48.38(4)(fg)1.1. Return of the child to the child’s home.
48.38(4)(fg)2.2. Placement of the child for adoption.
48.38(4)(fg)3.3. Placement of the child with a guardian.
48.38(4)(fg)4.4. Permanent placement of the child with a fit and willing relative.
48.38(4)(fg)5.5. In the case of a child 16 years of age or over, placement of the child in some other planned permanent living arrangement that includes an appropriate, enduring relationship with an adult.
48.38(4)(fm)(fm) If the agency determines that there is a compelling reason why it currently would not be in the best interests of a child 16 years of age or over to return the child to his or her home or to place the child for adoption, with a guardian, or with a fit and willing relative as the permanency goal for the child, the permanency goal of placing the child in some other planned permanent living arrangement. If the agency makes that determination, the plan shall include the efforts made to achieve that permanency goal, including, if appropriate, through an out-of-state placement, a statement of that compelling reason, and, notwithstanding that compelling reason, a concurrent plan under s. 48.355 (2b) towards achieving a goal under par. (fg) 1. to 4. as a concurrent permanency goal in addition to the permanency goal under par. (fg) 5. The plan shall also include a plan to ensure that the child has regular, ongoing opportunities to engage in age or developmentally appropriate activities determined in accordance with the reasonable and prudent parent standard.
48.38(4)(g)(g) The conditions, if any, upon which the child will be returned safely to his or her home, including any changes required in the parents’ conduct, the child’s conduct or the nature of the home.
48.38(4)(h)(h) If the child is 14 years of age or over, a plan describing the programs and services that are or will be provided to assist the child in preparing for the transition from out-of-home care to a successful adulthood. The plan shall include all of the following:
48.38(4)(h)1.1. The anticipated age at which the child will be discharged from out-of-home care.
48.38(4)(h)2.2. The anticipated amount of time available in which to prepare the child for the transition from out-of-home care to a successful adulthood.
48.38(4)(h)3.3. The anticipated location and living situation of the child on discharge from out-of-home care.
48.38(4)(h)4.4. A description of the assessment processes, tools, and methods that have been or will be used to determine the programs and services that are or will be provided to assist the child in preparing for the transition from out-of-home care to a successful adulthood.
48.38(4)(h)5.5. The rationale for each program or service that is or will be provided to assist the child in preparing for the transition from out-of-home care to a successful adulthood, the time frames for delivering those programs or services, and the intended outcome of those programs or services.
48.38(4)(h)6.6. Documentation that the plan was prepared in consultation with the child and any persons selected by the child as required under sub. (2m).
48.38(4)(h)7.7. A document that describes the rights of the child with respect to education, health, visitation, and participation in court proceedings, the right of the child to receive the documents and information specified in s. 48.385 (2), the right of the child to receive a copy of the child’s consumer report, as defined in 15 USC 1681a (d), and the right of the child to stay safe and to avoid exploitation, together with a signed acknowledgement by the child that he or she has been provided with a copy of that document and that the rights described in that document have been explained to him or her in an age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate way.
48.38(4)(i)(i) A statement as to whether the child’s age and developmental level are sufficient for the court to consult with the child at the permanency hearing under sub. (4m) (c) or (5m) (c) 2. or s. 48.43 (5) (b) 2. or for the court or panel to consult with the child at the permanency review under sub. (5) (bm) 2. and, if a decision is made that it would not be age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for the court or panel to consult with the child, a statement as to why consultation with the child would not be appropriate.
48.38(4)(im)(im) If the child is an Indian child who is placed outside the home of his or her parent or Indian custodian, all of the following:
48.38(4)(im)1.1. The name, address, and telephone number of the Indian child’s Indian custodian and tribe.
48.38(4)(im)2.2. A description of the remedial services and rehabilitation programs offered under s. 48.028 (4) (d) 2. in an effort to prevent the breakup of the Indian child’s family.
48.38(4)(im)3.3. A statement as to whether the Indian child’s placement is in compliance with the order of placement preference under s. 48.028 (7) (b) or, if applicable, s. 48.028 (7) (c) and, if the placement is not in compliance with that order, a statement as to whether there is good cause, as described in s. 48.028 (7) (e), for departing from that order.
48.38(4)(j)(j) If the child is placed in the home of a relative or other person described in s. 48.623 (1) (b) 1. who will be receiving subsidized guardianship payments, a description of all of the following:
48.38(4)(j)1.1. The steps the agency has taken to determine that it is not appropriate for the child to be returned to his or her home or to be adopted.
48.38(4)(j)2.2. If a decision has been made not to place the child and his or her siblings, as defined in par. (br) 1., in a joint placement, the reasons for separating the child and his or her siblings during the placement.
48.38(4)(j)3.3. The reasons why a permanent placement with a fit and willing relative or other person described in s. 48.623 (1) (b) 1. through a subsidized guardianship arrangement is in the best interests of the child. In the case of an Indian child, the best interests of the Indian child shall be determined in accordance with s. 48.01 (2).
48.38(4)(j)4.4. The ways in which the child and the relative or other person described in s. 48.623 (1) (b) 1. meet the eligibility requirements specified in s. 48.623 (1) for the receipt of subsidized guardianship payments.
48.38(4)(j)5.5. The efforts the agency has made to discuss adoption of the child by the relative or other person described in s. 48.623 (1) (b) 1. as a more permanent alternative to guardianship and, if that relative or other person has chosen not to pursue adoption, documentation of the reasons for not pursuing adoption.
48.38(4)(j)6.6. The efforts the agency has made to discuss the subsidized guardianship arrangement with the child’s parents or, if those efforts were not made, documentation of the reasons for not making those efforts.
48.38(4)(k)(k) If the child is placed in a qualified residential treatment program, all of the following:
48.38(4)(k)1.1. Documentation of reasonable and good faith efforts to identify and include all required individuals on the family permanency team.
48.38(4)(k)2.2. The contact information for the members of the family permanency team.
48.38(4)(k)3.3. Information showing that meetings of the family permanency team are held at a time and place convenient for the family to the extent possible.
48.38(4)(k)4.4. If reunification is the child’s permanency goal, information demonstrating that the parent from whom the child was removed provided input on the members of the family permanency team or why that input was not obtained.
48.38(4)(k)5.5. Information showing that the standardized assessment, as determined by the department, was used to determine the appropriateness of the placement in a qualified residential treatment program.
48.38(4)(k)6.6. The placement preferences of the family permanency team, including a recognition that a child should be placed with his or her siblings unless the court determines that a joint placement would be contrary to the safety or well-being of the child or any of those siblings.
48.38(4)(k)7.7. If placement preferences of the family permanency team are not the placement recommended by the qualified individual who conducted the standardized assessment, the reasons why these preferences were not recommended.
48.38(4)(k)8.8. The recommendations of the qualified individual who conducted the standardized assessment, including all of the following:
48.38(4)(k)8.a.a. Whether the recommended placement in a qualified residential treatment program is the placement that will provide the child with the most effective and appropriate level of care in the least restrictive environment and how that placement is consistent with the short-term and long-term goals for the child, as specified in the permanency plan.
48.38(4)(k)8.b.b. Whether and why the child’s needs can or cannot be met by the child’s family or in a foster home. A shortage or lack of foster homes is not an acceptable reason for determining that the child’s needs cannot be met in a foster home.
48.38(4)(k)9.9. Documentation of the approval or disapproval of the placement in a qualified residential treatment program by a court, if such a determination has been made.
48.38(4)(L)(L) If the child is a parent or is pregnant, all of the following:
48.38(4)(L)1.1. A list of the services or programs to be provided to or on behalf of the child to ensure that the child, if pregnant, is prepared and, if a parent, is able to be a parent.
48.38(4)(L)2.2. The out-of-home care prevention strategy for any child born to the parenting or pregnant child.
48.38(4m)(4m)Reasonable efforts not required; permanency hearing.
48.38(4m)(a)(a) If in a proceeding under s. 48.21, 48.32, 48.355, 48.357, or 48.365 the court finds that any of the circumstances under s. 48.355 (2d) (b) 1. to 5. applies with respect to a parent, the court shall hold a hearing within 30 days after the date of that finding to determine the permanency plan for the child. If a hearing is held under this paragraph, the agency responsible for preparing the permanency plan shall file the permanency plan with the court not less than 5 days before the date of the hearing. At the hearing, the court shall consider placing the child in a placement outside this state if the court determines that such a placement would be in the best interests of the child and appropriate to achieving the goal of the child’s permanency plan.
48.38(4m)(b)(b) At least 10 days before the date of the hearing the court shall notify the child; any parent, guardian, and legal custodian of the child; any foster parent, or other physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2) of the child, the operator of the facility in which the child is living, or the relative or like-kin with whom the child is living; and, if the child is an Indian child, the Indian child’s Indian custodian and tribe of the time, place, and purpose of the hearing, of the issues to be determined at the hearing, and of the fact that they shall have a right to be heard at the hearing.
Effective date noteNOTE: Par. (b) is shown as amended by 2023 Wis. Act 119 eff. 7-1-25 or on the date specified in the Department of Children and Families notice published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register under 2023 Wis. Act 119, section 122 (1), whichever is earlier. Prior to that date par. (b) reads:
Effective date text(b) At least 10 days before the date of the hearing the court shall notify the child; any parent, guardian, and legal custodian of the child; any foster parent, or other physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2) of the child, the operator of the facility in which the child is living, or the relative with whom the child is living; and, if the child is an Indian child, the Indian child’s Indian custodian and tribe of the time, place, and purpose of the hearing, of the issues to be determined at the hearing, and of the fact that they shall have a right to be heard at the hearing.
48.38(4m)(c)(c) If the child’s permanency plan includes a statement under sub. (4) (i) indicating that the child’s age and developmental level are sufficient for the court to consult with the child regarding the child’s permanency plan or if, notwithstanding a decision under sub. (4) (i) that it would not be appropriate for the court to consult with the child, the court determines that consultation with the child would be in the best interests of the child, the court shall consult with the child, in an age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate manner, regarding the child’s permanency plan and any other matters the court finds appropriate. If none of those circumstances apply, the court may permit the child’s caseworker, the child’s counsel, or, subject to s. 48.235 (3) (a), the child’s guardian ad litem to make a written or oral statement during the hearing, or to submit a written statement prior to the hearing, expressing the child’s wishes, goals, and concerns regarding the permanency plan and those matters. If the court permits such a written or oral statement to be made or submitted, the court may nonetheless require the child to be physically present at the hearing.
48.38(4m)(d)(d) The court shall give a foster parent, other physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2), operator of a facility, relative, or like-kin who is notified of a hearing under par. (b) a right to be heard at the hearing by permitting the foster parent, other physical custodian, operator, relative, or like-kin to make a written or oral statement during the hearing, or to submit a written statement prior to the hearing, relevant to the issues to be determined at the hearing. The foster parent, other physical custodian, operator of a facility, relative, or like-kin does not become a party to the proceeding on which the hearing is held solely on the basis of receiving that notice and right to be heard.
Effective date noteNOTE: Par. (d) is shown as amended by 2023 Wis. Act 119 eff. 7-1-25 or on the date specified in the Department of Children and Families notice published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register under 2023 Wis. Act 119, section 122 (1), whichever is earlier. Prior to that date par. (d) reads:
Effective date text(d) The court shall give a foster parent, other physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2), operator of a facility, or relative who is notified of a hearing under par. (b) a right to be heard at the hearing by permitting the foster parent, other physical custodian, operator, or relative to make a written or oral statement during the hearing, or to submit a written statement prior to the hearing, relevant to the issues to be determined at the hearing. The foster parent, other physical custodian, operator of a facility, or relative does not become a party to the proceeding on which the hearing is held solely on the basis of receiving that notice and right to be heard.
48.38(5)(5)Permanency review.
48.38(5)(a)(a) Except as provided in s. 48.63 (5) (d), the court or a panel appointed under par. (ag) shall review the permanency plan for each child for whom a permanency plan is required under sub. (2) in the manner provided in this subsection not later than 6 months after the date on which the child was first removed from his or her home and every 6 months after a previous review under this subsection for as long as the child is placed outside the home, except that for the review that is required to be conducted not later than 12 months after the child was first removed from his or her home and the reviews that are required to be conducted every 12 months after that review the court shall hold a hearing under sub. (5m) to review the permanency plan, which hearing may be instead of or in addition to the review under this subsection. The 6-month and 12-month periods referred to in this paragraph include trial reunifications under s. 48.358.
48.38(5)(ag)(ag) If the court elects not to review the permanency plan, the court shall appoint a panel to review the permanency plan. The panel shall consist of 3 persons who are either designated by an independent agency that has been approved by the chief judge of the judicial administrative district or designated by the agency that prepared the permanency plan. A voting majority of persons on each panel shall be persons who are not employed by the agency that prepared the permanency plan and who are not responsible for providing services to the child or the parents of the child whose permanency plan is the subject of the review.
48.38(5)(am)(am) The court may appoint an independent agency to designate a panel to conduct a permanency review under par. (a). If the court in a county having a population of less than 750,000 appoints an independent agency under this paragraph, the county department of the county of the court shall authorize and contract for the purchase of services from the independent agency. If the court in a county having a population of 750,000 or more appoints an independent agency under this paragraph, the department shall authorize and contract for the purchase of services from the independent agency.
48.38(5)(b)(b) The court or the agency shall notify the child; the child’s parent, guardian, and legal custodian; the child’s foster parent, the operator of the facility in which the child is living, or the relative or like-kin with whom the child is living; and, if the child is an Indian child who is placed outside the home of his or her parent or Indian custodian, the Indian child’s Indian custodian and tribe of the time, place, and purpose of the review, of the issues to be determined as part of the review, and of the fact that they shall have a right to be heard at the review as provided in par. (bm) 1. The court or agency shall notify the person representing the interests of the public, the child’s counsel, the child’s guardian ad litem, the child’s court-appointed special advocate, and the child’s school of the time, place, and purpose of the review, of the issues to be determined as part of the review, and of the fact that they may have an opportunity to be heard at the review as provided in par. (bm) 1. The notices under this paragraph shall be provided in writing not less than 30 days before the review and copies of the notices shall be filed in the child’s case record. The notice to the child’s school shall also include the name and contact information for the caseworker or social worker assigned to the child’s case.
Effective date noteNOTE: Par. (b) is shown as amended by 2023 Wis. Act 119 eff. 7-1-25 or on the date specified in the Department of Children and Families notice published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register under 2023 Wis. Act 119, section 122 (1), whichever is earlier. Prior to that date par. (b) reads:
Effective date text(b) The court or the agency shall notify the child; the child’s parent, guardian, and legal custodian; the child’s foster parent, the operator of the facility in which the child is living, or the relative with whom the child is living; and, if the child is an Indian child who is placed outside the home of his or her parent or Indian custodian, the Indian child’s Indian custodian and tribe of the time, place, and purpose of the review, of the issues to be determined as part of the review, and of the fact that they shall have a right to be heard at the review as provided in par. (bm) 1. The court or agency shall notify the person representing the interests of the public, the child’s counsel, the child’s guardian ad litem, the child’s court-appointed special advocate, and the child’s school of the time, place, and purpose of the review, of the issues to be determined as part of the review, and of the fact that they may have an opportunity to be heard at the review as provided in par. (bm) 1. The notices under this paragraph shall be provided in writing not less than 30 days before the review and copies of the notices shall be filed in the child’s case record. The notice to the child’s school shall also include the name and contact information for the caseworker or social worker assigned to the child’s case.
48.38(5)(bm)1.1. A child, parent, guardian, legal custodian, foster parent, operator of a facility, relative, or like-kin who is provided notice of the review under par. (b) shall have a right to be heard at the review by submitting written comments relevant to the determinations specified in par. (c) not less than 10 working days before the date of the review or by participating at the review. A person representing the interests of the public, counsel, guardian ad litem, court-appointed special advocate, or school who is provided notice of the review under par. (b) may have an opportunity to be heard at the review by submitting written comments relevant to the determinations specified in par. (c) not less than 10 working days before the date of the review. A foster parent, operator of a facility, relative, or like-kin who receives notice of a review under par. (b) and a right to be heard under this subdivision does not become a party to the proceeding on which the review is held solely on the basis of receiving that notice and right to be heard.
Effective date noteNOTE: Subd. 1. is shown as amended by 2023 Wis. Act 119 eff. 7-1-25 or on the date specified in the Department of Children and Families notice published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register under 2023 Wis. Act 119, section 122 (1), whichever is earlier. Prior to that date subd. 1. reads:
Effective date text1. A child, parent, guardian, legal custodian, foster parent, operator of a facility, or relative who is provided notice of the review under par. (b) shall have a right to be heard at the review by submitting written comments relevant to the determinations specified in par. (c) not less than 10 working days before the date of the review or by participating at the review. A person representing the interests of the public, counsel, guardian ad litem, court-appointed special advocate, or school who is provided notice of the review under par. (b) may have an opportunity to be heard at the review by submitting written comments relevant to the determinations specified in par. (c) not less than 10 working days before the date of the review. A foster parent, operator of a facility, or relative who receives notice of a review under par. (b) and a right to be heard under this subdivision does not become a party to the proceeding on which the review is held solely on the basis of receiving that notice and right to be heard.
48.38(5)(bm)2.2. If the child’s permanency plan includes a statement under sub. (4) (i) indicating that the child’s age and developmental level are sufficient for the court or panel to consult with the child regarding the child’s permanency plan or if, notwithstanding a decision under sub. (4) (i) that it would not be appropriate for the court or panel to consult with the child, the court or panel determines that consultation with the child would be in the best interests of the child, the court or panel shall consult with the child, in an age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate manner, regarding the child’s permanency plan and any other matters the court or panel finds appropriate. If none of those circumstances apply, the court or panel may permit the child’s caseworker, the child’s counsel, or, subject to s. 48.235 (3) (a), the child’s guardian ad litem to make a written or oral statement during the review, or to submit a written statement prior to the review, expressing the child’s wishes, goals, and concerns regarding the permanency plan and those matters. If the court or panel permits such a written or oral statement to be made or submitted, the court or panel may nonetheless require the child to be physically present at the review.
48.38(5)(bm)3.3. If the permanency goal of the child’s permanency plan is placement of the child in a planned permanent living arrangement described in sub. (4) (fg) 5., the agency that prepared the permanency plan shall present to the court or panel specific information showing that intensive and ongoing efforts were made by the agency, including searching social media, to return the child to the child’s home or to place the child for adoption, with a guardian, or with a fit and willing relative and that those efforts have proved unsuccessful and specific information showing the steps taken by the agency, including consultation with the child, to ascertain whether the child has regular, ongoing opportunities to engage in age or developmentally appropriate activities and to ensure that the child’s caregiver is applying the reasonable and prudent parent standard to decisions concerning the child’s participation in those activities. In addition, at the review the court or panel shall consult with the child about the permanency outcome desired by the child.
48.38(5)(bm)4.4. If the child is placed in a qualified residential treatment program, the agency that prepared the permanency plan shall submit to the court or panel specific information showing all of the following, which the court or panel shall consider when determining the continuing necessity for and the safety and appropriateness of the placement:
48.38(5)(bm)4.a.a. Whether ongoing assessment of the strengths and needs of the child continues to support the determination that the needs of the child cannot be met through placement in a foster home, whether the placement in a qualified residential treatment program provides the most effective and appropriate level of care for the child in the least restrictive environment, and how the placement is consistent with the short-term and long-term goals for the child, as specified in the child’s permanency plan.
48.38(5)(bm)4.b.b. The specific treatment or service needs that will be met for the child in the placement and the length of the time the child is expected to need the treatment or services.
48.38(5)(bm)4.c.c. The efforts made by the agency to prepare the child to return home or to be placed with a fit and willing relative, a guardian, or an adoptive parent or in a foster home.
48.38(5)(c)(c) The court or the panel shall determine each of the following:
48.38(5)(c)1.1. The continuing necessity for and the safety and appropriateness of the placement, subject to par. (bm) 4. and sub. (5m) (c) 4. If the permanency goal of the child’s permanency plan is placement of the child in a planned permanent living arrangement described in sub. (4) (fg) 5., the determination under this subdivision shall include an explanation of why the planned permanent living arrangement is the best permanency goal for the child and why, supported by compelling reasons, it continues not to be in the best interests of the child to be returned to his or her home or to be placed for adoption, with a guardian, or with a fit and willing relative.
48.38(5)(c)2.2. The extent of compliance with the permanency plan by the agency and any other service providers, the child’s parents, the child and the child’s guardian, if any.
48.38(5)(c)3.3. The extent of any efforts to involve appropriate service providers in addition to the agency’s staff in planning to meet the special needs of the child and the child’s parents.
48.38(5)(c)4.4. The progress toward eliminating the causes for the child’s placement outside of his or her home and toward returning the child safely to his or her home or obtaining a permanent placement for the child.
48.38(5)(c)5.5. The date by which it is likely that the child will be returned to his or her home or placed for adoption, with a guardian, with a fit and willing relative, or in some other planned permanent living arrangement that includes an appropriate, enduring relationship with an adult.
48.38(5)(c)5m.5m. The continuing appropriateness, according to standards established by the department, of the permanency goal and, if the court or panel considers appropriate, any concurrent permanency goals for the child. If the court or panel does not approve of any of those goals or if the court or panel determines that a concurrent permanency goal is appropriate, the court or panel shall determine the permanency goal and, if appropriate, any concurrent permanency goals for the child.
48.38(5)(c)6.6. If the child has been placed outside of his or her home, as described in s. 48.365 (1), in a foster home, group home, residential care center for children and youth, or shelter care facility for 15 of the most recent 22 months, not including any period during which the child was a runaway from the out-of-home placement or was residing in a trial reunification home, the appropriateness of the permanency plan and the circumstances which prevent the child from any of the following:
48.38(5)(c)6.a.a. Being returned safely to his or her home.
48.38(5)(c)6.b.b. Having a petition for the involuntary termination of parental rights filed on behalf of the child.
48.38(5)(c)6.c.c. Being placed for adoption.
48.38(5)(c) Being placed with a guardian.
48.38(5)(c) Being placed in the home of a fit and willing relative of the child.
48.38(5)(c)6.d.d. Being placed in some other planned permanent living arrangement that includes an appropriate, enduring relationship with an adult.
48.38(5)(c)7.7. Whether reasonable efforts were made by the agency to achieve the permanency goal of the permanency plan, including, if appropriate, through an out-of-state placement.
48.38(5)(c)7m.7m. If the permanency goal of the child’s permanency plan is placement of the child in a planned permanent living arrangement described in sub. (4) (fg) 5., the steps taken by the agency, including consultation with the child, to ascertain whether the child has regular, ongoing opportunities to engage in age or developmentally appropriate activities and to ensure that the child’s caregiver is applying the reasonable and prudent parent standard to decisions concerning the child’s participation in those activities.
48.38(5)(c)8.8. If the child has one or more siblings, as defined in sub. (4) (br) 1., who have also been removed from the home, whether reasonable efforts were made by the agency to place the child in a placement that enables the sibling group to remain together, unless the court or panel determines that a joint placement would be contrary to the safety or well-being of the child or any of those siblings, in which case the court or panel shall determine whether reasonable efforts were made by the agency to provide for frequent visitation or other ongoing interaction between the child and those siblings, unless the court or panel determines that such visitation or interaction would be contrary to the safety or well-being of the child or any of those siblings.
48.38(5)(c)8m.8m. If the child is an Indian child who is placed outside the home of his or her parent or Indian custodian, whether active efforts under s. 48.028 (4) (d) 2. were made to prevent the breakup of the Indian child’s family, whether those efforts have proved unsuccessful, whether the Indian child’s placement is in compliance with the order of placement preference under s. 48.028 (7) (b) or, if applicable, s. 48.028 (7) (c), and, if the placement is not in compliance with that order, whether there is good cause, as described in s. 48.028 (7) (e), for departing from that order.
48.38(5)(c)9.9. If the child is the subject of an order that terminates as provided in s. 48.355 (4) (b) 4., 48.357 (6) (a) 4. or 48.365 (5) (b) 4. or of a voluntary transition-to-independent-living agreement under s. 48.366 (3), the appropriateness of the transition-to-independent-living plan developed under s. 48.385 (1); the extent of compliance with that plan by the child, the child’s guardian, if any, the agency primarily responsible for providing services under that plan, and any other service providers; and the progress of the child toward making the transition to a successful adulthood.
48.38(5)(d)(d) Notwithstanding s. 48.78 (2) (a), the agency that prepared the permanency plan shall, at least 5 days before a review by a review panel, provide to each person appointed to the review panel, the child’s parent, guardian, and legal custodian, the person representing the interests of the public, the child’s counsel, the child’s guardian ad litem, the child’s court-appointed special advocate, and, if the child is an Indian child who is placed outside the home of his or her parent or Indian custodian, the Indian child’s Indian custodian and tribe a copy of the permanency plan, any information submitted under par. (bm) 4., and any written comments submitted under par. (bm) 1. Notwithstanding s. 48.78 (2) (a), a person appointed to a review panel, the person representing the interests of the public, the child’s counsel, the child’s guardian ad litem, the child’s court-appointed special advocate, and, if the child is an Indian child who is placed outside the home of his or her parent or Indian custodian, the Indian child’s Indian custodian and tribe may have access to any other records concerning the child for the purpose of participating in the review. A person permitted access to a child’s records under this paragraph may not disclose any information from the records to any other person.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)