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253.12(4)(a)(a) Make recommendations to the department regarding the establishment of a registry that documents the diagnosis in the state of an infant or child who has a birth defect, as required under sub. (3) (a) 1., the specific birth defects for which a report is required under sub. (2) on which the council unanimously decides, the rules that the department is required to promulgate under sub. (3) (a) 3., and on the general content and format of the report under sub. (2) and procedures for submitting the report. The council shall also make recommendations regarding the content of a report that, because of the application of sub. (2) (d), does not contain the name of the subject of the report.
253.12(4)(b)(b) Coordinate with the early intervention interagency coordinating council to facilitate the delivery of early intervention services to children from birth to 3 years with developmental needs.
253.12(4)(c)(c) Advise the secretary and make recommendations regarding the registry established under sub. (3) (a) 1.
253.12(4)(d)(d) Beginning April 1, 2002, and biennially thereafter, submit to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (3) a report that details the effectiveness, utilization and progress of the registry established under sub. (3) (a) 1.
253.12(5)(a)(a) Any information contained in a report made to the department under sub. (2) that may specifically identify the subject of the report is confidential. The department may not release that confidential information except to the following, under the following conditions:
253.12(5)(a)1.1. The parent or guardian of an infant or child for whom a report is made under sub. (2).
253.12(5)(a)2.2. A local health officer, a local birth-to-3 coordinator or an agency under contract with the department to administer the children with special health care needs program, upon receipt of a written request and informed written consent from the parent or guardian of the infant or child. The local health officer may disclose information received under this subdivision only to the extent necessary to render and coordinate services and follow-up care for the infant or child or to conduct a health, demographic or epidemiological investigation. The local health officer shall destroy all information received under this subdivision within one year after receiving it.
253.12(5)(a)3.3. A physician, hospital or pediatric specialty clinic reporting under sub. (2), for the purpose of verification of information reported by the physician, hospital or pediatric specialty clinic.
253.12(5)(a)4.4. A representative of a federal or state agency upon written request and to the extent that the information is necessary to perform a legally authorized function of that agency, including investigation of causes, mortality, methods of prevention and early intervention, treatment or care of birth defects, associated diseases or disabilities. The information may not include the name or address of an infant or child with a condition reported under sub. (2). The department shall notify the parent or guardian of an infant or child about whom information is released under this subdivision, of the release. The representative of the federal or state agency may disclose information received under this paragraph only as necessary to perform the legally authorized function of that agency for which the information was requested.
253.12(5)(a)5.5. The state registrar, the vital records system, and other data systems maintained by the department or another state or federal agency for purposes including determining whether multiple reports are made for an infant or child, matching reported information on infants or children with vital records and other registries, and making referrals to intervention and treatment.
253.12(5)(b)(b) The department may also release confidential information to a person proposing to conduct research if all of the following conditions are met:
253.12(5)(b)1.1. The person proposing to conduct the research applies in writing to the department for approval to perform the research and the department approves the application. The application for approval shall include a written protocol for the proposed research, the person’s professional qualifications to perform the proposed research and any other information requested by the department.
253.12(5)(b)2.2. The research is for the purpose of studying birth defects surveillance and prevention.
253.12(5)(b)3.3. If the research will involve direct contact with a subject of a report made under sub. (2) or with any member of the subject’s family, the department determines that the contact is necessary for meeting the research objectives and that the research is in response to a public health need or is for the purpose of or in connection with birth defects surveillance or investigations sponsored and conducted by public health officials. The department must also determine that the research has been approved by a certified institutional review board or a committee for the protection of human subjects in accordance with the regulations for research involving human subjects required by the federal department of health and human services for projects supported by that agency. Contact may only be made with the written informed consent of the parent or guardian of the subject of the report and in a manner and method approved by the department.
253.12(5)(b)4.4. The person agrees in writing that the information provided will be used only for the research approved by the department.
253.12(5)(b)5.5. The person agrees in writing that the information provided will not be released to any person except other persons involved in the research.
253.12(5)(b)6.6. The person agrees in writing that the final product of the research will not reveal information that may specifically identify the subject of a report made under sub. (2).
253.12(5)(b)7.7. The person agrees in writing to any other conditions imposed by the department.
253.12(6)(6)Information not admissible. Information collected under this section is not admissible as evidence during the course of a civil or criminal action or proceeding or an administrative proceeding, except for the purpose of enforcing this section.
253.12(7)(7)Funding. From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (1) (gm), the department shall allocate $95,000 annually for the birth defect prevention and surveillance system under this section.
253.12 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. DHS 116, Wis. adm. code.
253.13253.13Tests for congenital disorders.
253.13(1)(1)Tests; requirements. The attending physician or nurse licensed under s. 441.15 shall cause every infant born in each hospital or maternity home, prior to its discharge therefrom, to be subjected to tests for congenital and metabolic disorders, as specified in rules promulgated by the department. If the infant is born elsewhere than in a hospital or maternity home, the attending physician, nurse licensed under s. 441.15, or birth attendant who attended the birth shall cause the infant, within one week of birth, to be subjected to these tests.
253.13(2)(2)Tests; diagnostic, dietary and follow-up counseling program; fees. The department shall contract with the state laboratory of hygiene to perform any tests under this section that are laboratory tests and to furnish materials for use in the tests. The department shall provide necessary diagnostic services, special dietary treatment as prescribed by a physician for a patient with a congenital disorder as identified by tests under this section, and follow-up counseling for the patient and his or her family. The department shall impose a fee, by rule, for tests performed under this section sufficient to pay for services provided under the contract. The department shall include as part of the fee established by rule amounts to fund the provision of diagnostic and counseling services, special dietary treatment, and periodic evaluation of infant screening programs, the costs of consulting with experts under sub. (5), the costs of administering the hearing screening program under s. 253.115, and the costs of administering the congenital disorder program under this section and, except as otherwise provided in this subsection, shall credit these amounts to the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (1) (ja) and (jb). Beginning on July 7, 2023, the fee imposed by the department under this subsection cannot be less than $195. At least $75 of this amount shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.285 (1) (i).
253.13(3)(3)Exceptions. This section shall not apply if the parents or legal guardian of the child object thereto on the grounds that the test conflicts with their religious tenets and practices or with their personal convictions. No tests may be performed under this section unless the parents or legal guardian are fully informed of the purposes of testing under this section and have been given reasonable opportunity to object as authorized in this subsection to such tests.
253.13(4)(4)Confidentiality and reporting.
253.13(4)(a)(a) The state laboratory of hygiene shall provide its laboratory test results to the physician, who shall advise the parents or legal guardian of the results. No information obtained under this section from the parents or guardian or from tests performed under this section may be disclosed except for use in statistical data compiled by the department without reference to the identity of any individual and except as provided in s. 146.82 (2). The state laboratory of hygiene board shall provide to the department the names and addresses of parents of infants who have positive test results.
253.13(4)(b)(b) The department may require reporting in connection with the tests performed under this section for use in statistical data compilation and for evaluation of infant screening programs.
253.13(5)(5)Related services. The department shall disseminate information to families whose children suffer from congenital disorders and to women of child-bearing age with a history of congenital disorders concerning the need for and availability of follow-up counseling and special dietary treatment and the necessity for testing infants. The department shall also refer families of children who suffer from congenital disorders to available health services programs and shall coordinate the provision of these programs. The department shall periodically consult appropriate experts in reviewing and evaluating the state’s infant screening programs.
253.13 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. DHS 115, Wis. adm. code.
253.13 AnnotationA physician and parent may enter an agreement to perform a PKU test after the infant has left the hospital without violating sub. (1). 61 Atty. Gen. 66.
253.14253.14Sudden infant death syndrome.
253.14(1)(1)The department shall prepare and distribute printed informational materials relating to sudden infant death syndrome. The materials shall be directed toward the concerns of parents of victims of sudden infant death syndrome and shall be distributed to maximize availability to the parents.
253.14(2)(2)The department shall make available upon request follow-up counseling by trained health care professionals for parents and families of victims of sudden infant death syndrome.
253.14 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 246; Stats. 1977 s. 146.025; 1977 c. 447; Stats. 1977 s. 146.026; 1993 a. 27 s. 343; Stats. 1993 s. 253.14.
253.15253.15Shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies.
253.15(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
253.15(1)(a)(a) “Board” means the child abuse and neglect prevention board.
253.15(1)(b)(b) “County department” means a county department of human services or social services under s. 46.215, 46.22, or 46.23.
253.15(1)(c)(c) “Health care provider” means any person who is licensed, registered, permitted, or certified by the department of health services or the department of safety and professional services to provide health care services in this state.
253.15(1)(d)(d) “Impacted baby” means an infant or young child who suffers death or great bodily harm as a result of being thrown against a surface, hard or soft.
253.15(1)(e)(e) “Nonprofit organization” means an organization described in section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code that is dedicated to the prevention of shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies and the support of families affected by shaken baby syndrome or an impacted baby.
253.15(1)(f)(f) “Shaken baby syndrome” means a severe form of brain injury that occurs when an infant or young child is shaken forcibly enough to cause the brain to rebound against his or her skull.
253.15(2)(2)Informational materials. The board shall purchase or prepare or arrange with a nonprofit organization to prepare printed and audiovisual materials relating to shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies. The materials shall include information regarding the identification and prevention of shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies, the grave effects of shaking or throwing on an infant or young child, appropriate ways to manage crying, fussing, or other causes that can lead a person to shake or throw an infant or young child, and a discussion of ways to reduce the risks that can lead a person to shake or throw an infant or young child. The materials shall be prepared in English, Spanish, and other languages spoken by a significant number of state residents, as determined by the board. The board shall make those written and audiovisual materials available to all hospitals, maternity homes, and nurse-midwives licensed under s. 441.15 that are required to provide or make available materials to parents under sub. (3) (a) 1., to the department and to all county departments and nonprofit organizations that are required to provide the materials to child care providers under sub. (4) (d), and to all school boards and nonprofit organizations that are permitted to provide the materials to pupils in one of grades 5 to 8 and in one of grades 10 to 12 under sub. (5). The board shall also make those written materials available to all county departments and Indian tribes that are providing home visitation services under s. 48.983 (4) (b) 1. and to all providers of prenatal, postpartum, and young child care coordination services under s. 49.45 (44). The board may make available the materials required under this subsection to be made available by making those materials available at no charge on the board’s Internet site.
253.15(3)(3)Information to parents.
253.15(3)(a)1.1. Before an infant who is born at or on route to a hospital or maternity home is discharged from the hospital or maternity home, the attending physician, the attending nurse midwife, or another trained, designated staff member of the hospital or maternity home shall provide to the parents of the infant, without cost to those parents, a copy of the written materials purchased or prepared under sub. (2), shall inform those parents of the availability of the audiovisual materials purchased or prepared under sub. (2), and shall make those audiovisual materials available for those parents to view.
253.15(3)(a)2.2. Within 7 days after the birth of an infant who is born elsewhere than at or on route to a hospital or maternity home, the attending physician, the attending nurse-midwife, or a trained, designated birth attendant who attended the birth of the child shall provide to the parents of the infant, without cost to those parents, a copy of the written materials purchased or prepared under sub. (2) and shall inform those parents of the availability of the audiovisual materials purchased or prepared under sub. (2).
253.15(3)(b)(b) At the same time that the written materials and explanation are provided under par. (a) 1., or 2., the person who provides the written materials and explanation shall also provide the parent with a form prepared by the board in English, Spanish, and other languages spoken by a significant number of state residents, as determined by the board, that includes all of the following:
253.15(3)(b)1.1. A statement that the parent has been advised as to the grave effects of shaking or throwing on an infant or young child and of appropriate ways to manage crying, fussing, or other causes that can lead a person to shake or throw an infant or young child.
253.15(3)(b)2.2. A telephone number that the parent may call to obtain assistance on how to care for an infant or young child, which may be the telephone number of the infant’s physician, the hospital or maternity home at or on route to which the infant was born, the nurse-midwife that attended the birth of the infant, if born elsewhere than at or on route to a hospital or maternity home, or a help line established by the hospital, maternity home, or nurse-midwife.
253.15(3)(b)3.3. A statement that the parent will share the information specified in subds. 1. and 2. with all persons who provide care for the infant.
253.15(3)(c)(c) In preparing the form under par. (b), the board may not include in the form a signature line for the parent to sign or any other requirement that the parent sign the form.
253.15(3)(d)(d) The person who provides the written materials and explanation under par. (a) 1. or 2. and the form under par. (b) shall include in the records of the hospital, maternity home, or nurse-midwife relating to the infant a statement that the written materials, explanation, and form have been provided as required under pars. (a) 1. or 2. and (b) and that the audiovisual materials have been made available as required under par. (a) 1. or that the parents have been informed of their availability as required under par. (a) 2., whichever is applicable.
253.15(4)(4)Training for child care providers.
253.15(4)(a)(a) Before an individual may obtain a license to operate a child care center under s. 48.65 for the care and supervision of children under 5 years of age or enter into a contract to provide a child care program under s. 120.13 (14) for the care and supervision of children under 5 years of age, the individual shall receive training relating to shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies that is approved or provided by the department or that is provided by a nonprofit organization arranged by the department to provide that training.
253.15(4)(b)(b) Before an individual may be certified under s. 48.651 as a child care provider of children under 5 years of age, the individual shall receive training relating to shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies that is approved or provided by the certifying department in a county having a population of 750,000 or more, county department, or agency contracted with under s. 48.651 (2) or that is provided by a nonprofit organization arranged by that department, county department, or contracted agency to provide that training.
253.15(4)(c)(c) Before an employee or volunteer of a child care center licensed under s. 48.65, a child care provider certified under s. 48.651, or a child care program established under s. 120.13 (14) may provide care and supervision for children under 5 years of age, the employee or volunteer shall receive training relating to shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies that is approved or provided by the department or the certifying county department or agency contracted with under s. 48.651 (2) or that is provided by a nonprofit organization arranged by the department or that county department or contracted agency to provide that training.
253.15(4)(d)(d) The person conducting the training shall provide to the individual receiving the training, without cost to the individual, a copy of the written materials purchased or prepared under sub. (2), a presentation of the audiovisual materials purchased or prepared under sub. (2), and an oral explanation of those written and audiovisual materials.
253.15(4)(e)(e) Any training relating to shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies that an individual obtains in connection with military service, as defined in s. 111.32 (12g), counts toward satisfying the training requirements under par. (a), (b), or (c), if the individual demonstrates to the satisfaction of the department that the training obtained in that connection is substantially equivalent to the training required under par. (a), (b), or (c).
253.15(5)(5)Instruction for pupils. Each school board shall provide or arrange with a nonprofit organization or health care provider to provide age-appropriate instruction relating to shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies for pupils in one of grades 5 to 8 and in one of grades 10 to 12. The person providing the instruction may provide to each pupil receiving the instruction a copy of the written materials purchased or prepared under sub. (2), a presentation of the audiovisual materials purchased or prepared under sub. (2), and an oral explanation of those written and audiovisual materials.
253.15(6)(6)Information to home visitation or care coordination services recipients. A county department or Indian tribe that is providing home visitation services under s. 48.983 (4) (b) 1. and a provider of prenatal, postpartum, and young child care coordination services under s. 49.45 (44) shall provide to a recipient of those services, without cost, a copy of the written materials purchased or prepared under sub. (2) and an oral explanation of those materials.
253.15(7)(7)Immunity from liability.
253.15(7)(a)(a) The board, a nonprofit organization specified under sub. (2), or a person from whom the board purchases the materials specified in sub. (2) is immune from liability for any damages resulting from any good faith act or omission in preparing and distributing, or in failing to prepare and distribute, the materials specified in sub. (2).
253.15(7)(b)(b) A hospital, maternity home, physician, nurse-midwife, other staff member of a hospital or maternity home, or other birth attendant attending the birth of an infant is immune from liability for any damages resulting from any good faith act or omission in providing or failing to provide the written and audiovisual materials specified in sub. (3) (a) or the form specified in sub. (3) (b).
253.15(7)(c)(c) The department, a county department, a nonprofit organization specified under sub. (4) (a), (b), or (c), or any other person that provides the training under sub. (4) (a), (b), or (c) and the written and audiovisual materials and oral explanation specified in sub. (4) (d) is immune from liability for any damages resulting from any good faith act or omission in approving, providing, or failing to approve or provide that training, those materials, and that explanation. A school board is immune from liability for any damages resulting from any good faith act or omission in connection with the provision of, or the failure to provide, the training under sub. (4) (a) or (c) and the written and audiovisual materials and oral explanation specified in sub. (4) (d).
253.15(7)(d)(d) A school board, nonprofit organization, or health care provider specified under sub. (5) is immune from liability for any damages resulting from any good faith act or omission in providing or failing to provide the instruction and the written and audiovisual materials and oral explanation specified in sub. (5).
253.15(7)(e)(e) A county department or Indian tribe that is providing home visitation services under s. 48.983 (4) (b) 1. and a provider of prenatal, postpartum, and young child care coordination services under s. 49.45 (44) is immune from liability for any damages resulting from any good faith act or omission in providing or failing to provide the written materials and oral explanation specified in sub. (6).
253.15(8)(8)Identification of shaken or impacted babies. The department of health services shall identify all infants and young children who have shaken baby syndrome or who are impacted babies and all infants and young children who have died as a result of being shaken or thrown by using the statewide automated child welfare information system established under s. 48.47 (7g) and child fatality information compiled by the department of justice. For each infant or young child so identified, the department of health services shall document the age, sex, and other characteristics of the infant or young child that are relevant to the prevention of shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies and, if known, the age, sex, employment status, and residence of the person who shook or threw the infant or young child, the relationship of that person to the infant or young child, and any other characteristics of that person that are relevant to the prevention of shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies.
253.16253.16Reducing fetal and infant mortality and morbidity.
253.16(1)(1)In this section, “infant” means a child from birth to 12 months of age.
253.16(2)(2)In a county with a population of at least 190,000 but less than 230,000, from the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (1) (eu), the department shall award a grant in each fiscal year to the city health department to provide a program of services to reduce fetal and infant mortality and morbidity.
253.16(2m)(a)(a) At least 90 percent of the moneys awarded under sub. (2) and distributed under 2009 Wisconsin Act 28, section 9122 (5v) (j), shall be used for direct services provided to families participating in the program under sub. (2).
253.16(2m)(b)(b) The moneys referenced in par. (a) may be used as the state share of Medical Assistance for case management services provided under s. 49.45 (25).
253.16(3)(3)Notwithstanding s. 251.08, in implementing the program under sub. (2), the city health department shall, directly or by contract, do all of the following in or on behalf of areas of the county that are encompassed by the zip codes 53402 to 53406 and that are at risk for high fetal and infant mortality and morbidity, as determined by the department of health services:
253.16(3)(a)(a) Collaborate with faculty in the health disciplines of an academic institution and with a hospital that serves significant populations at high risk for poor birth outcomes, including low birth weights, prematurity, and gestational diabetes, to identify and implement best practices and evidence-based practices to reduce fetal and infant mortality and morbidity.
253.16(3)(b)(b) Identify necessary preconception, prenatal, and postnatal services and assess the availability of these services for women in the areas who lack insurance coverage or who are recipients of the Medical Assistance program or the Badger Care health care program.
253.16(3)(c)(c) Develop and implement models of care for all women in the areas who meet risk criteria, as specified by the department of health services, and provide comprehensive prenatal and postnatal care coordination and other services, including home visits, by registered nurses who are public health nurses or who meet the qualifications of public health nurses, as specified in s. 250.06 (1), or by social workers, as defined in s. 252.15 (1) (er).
253.16(3)(d)(d) Conduct social marketing, including outreach, assuring health care access, public awareness programs, community health education programs, and other best practices and evidence-based practices, to reduce fetal and infant mortality and morbidity.
253.16(3)(e)(e) Evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the services provided under pars. (c) and (d).
253.16(3)(f)(f) Maximize and leverage additional resources, including the maximum allowable Medical Assistance reimbursement for services provided under the program under sub. (2).
253.16(4)(4)The city health department shall prepare a report on fetal and infant mortality and morbidity in areas of the county that are encompassed by the zip codes 53402 to 53406. The report shall be derived, at least in part, from a multidisciplinary review of all fetal and infant deaths in the relevant year and shall specify causation found for the mortality and morbidity. The city health department shall submit the report to all of the following:
253.16(4)(a)(a) The city of Racine.
253.16(4)(b)(b) The department of health services.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)