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175.30   Purchase of firearms in other states permitted.
175.32   School violence.
175.35   Purchase of handguns.
175.37   Warning whenever transferring a firearm.
175.38   Enforcement of video gambling law.
175.40   Arrests; assistance.
175.403   Trespassing; arrest and removal.
175.41   Arrest and assistance; wardens employed by the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission.
175.42   Marquette University police department.
175.44   Law enforcement use of force.
175.46   Mutual aid agreements.
175.47   Review of deaths involving officers.
175.48   Law enforcement officer identification cards.
175.49   Former law enforcement officers seeking to carry concealed weapons.
175.50   Eyewitness identification procedures.
175.51   Reports of missing persons and veterans at risk and of hit-and-run incidents.
175.55   Use of drones restricted.
175.60   License to carry a concealed weapon.
175.65   Law enforcement agency employment files.
175.05(1)(1)Definitions. As used in this section:
175.05(1)(a)(a) “Highway” includes any private or public street, way or other place used for travel to or from property.
175.05(1)(b)(b) “Highway commissioners” mean any individuals, board or other body having authority under then existing law to discontinue the use of the highway which it is desired to restrict or close to public use and travel.
175.05(1)(c)(c) “Peace officer” includes sheriffs, undersheriffs, deputy sheriffs, police officers, railroad police officers appointed under s. 192.47, constables, marshals, deputy marshals, and federal law enforcement officers.
175.05(1)(d)(d) “Person” includes a firm, partnership, limited liability company, corporation or association.
175.05(1)(e)(e) “Public utility” includes any pipe line, gas, electric, heat, water, oil, sewer, telecommunications, telegraph, radio, railway, railroad, airplane, transportation, communication or other system, by whomsoever owned or operated for public use.
175.05(2)(2)Unlawful entry on property.
175.05(2)(a)(a) Any person or state or any political subdivision thereof engaged in, or preparing to engage in, the manufacture, transportation or storage of any product to be used in the preparation of the United States or of any of the states for defense or for war or in the prosecution of war by the United States or the manufacture, transportation, distribution or storage of gas, oil, coal, electricity or water, or any such person or governmental unit operating any public utility, whose property, except where it fronts on water or where there are entrances for railway cars, vehicles, persons or things, is surrounded by a fence or wall, or a fence or wall and buildings, may post around that person’s, state’s or political subdivision’s property at each gate, entrance, dock or railway entrance and every 100 feet of water front a sign reading “No Entry Without Permission”.
175.05(2)(b)(b) Whoever without permission shall willfully enter upon premises so posted shall be punished by a fine of not more than $50, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
175.05(3)(3)Questioning and detaining suspected persons. Any peace officer or any person employed as security person, guard, or in a supervisory capacity on premises posted as provided in sub. (2) may stop any person found on any premises to which entry without permission is forbidden by said subsection and may detain that person and demand that person’s name, address and business in such place. If the peace officer or employee has reason to believe from the answers of the person so interrogated that that person has no right to be in that place, the peace officer or employee shall forthwith release or arrest that person without a warrant on a charge of violating the provisions of sub. (2) and an employee in case of arrest shall forthwith turn the arrested person over to a peace officer.
175.05(4)(4)Closing and restricting use of highway.
175.05(4)(a)(a) Any person, municipal corporation, or state or any political subdivision thereof engaged in or preparing to engage in the manufacture, transportation or storage of any product to be used in the preparation of the United States or any of the states for defense or for war or in prosecution of war by the United States, or in the manufacture, transportation, distribution or storage of gas, oil, coal, electricity or water, or any such person or governmental unit operating any public utility, who has property so used which that person or governmental unit believes will be endangered if public use and travel is not restricted or prohibited on one or more highways or parts thereof upon which such property abuts, may petition the highway commissioners of any city, village, town or county to close one or more of said highways or parts thereof to public use and travel or to restrict by order the use and travel upon one or more of said highways or parts thereof.
175.05(4)(b)(b) Upon receipt of such petition, the highway commissioners shall set a day for hearing and give notice thereof by publication of a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, in the city, village, town or county in which the property is located, such notice to be at least 7 days prior to the date set for hearing. If after hearing the highway commissioners determine that the public safety and the safety of the property of the petitioner so require, they shall by suitable order close to public use and travel or reasonably restrict the use of and travel upon one or more of the highways or parts thereof, except that the highway commissioners may issue written permits to travel over the highways so closed or restricted, to responsible and reputable persons for such term, under such conditions and in such form as the commissioners may prescribe. The order of the highway commissioners closing or restricting the use of one or more of the highways shall be effective only so long as the public safety and the safety of the property of the petitioner may require. Such order shall be vacated by the highway commissioners when the necessity which prompted it has ceased to exist. Any person feeling aggrieved by any order of the highway commissioners rendered pursuant to this subsection may, within 7 days after the issuance of the order, petition the division of hearings and appeals in the department of administration for a review thereof. A copy of the petition shall, within the period named, likewise be filed with the clerk of the local highway commissioners. The clerk shall thereupon certify to the division of hearings and appeals a copy of the order in question together with a transcript of any testimony that may have been taken and any documentary evidence received on which the order was based. On the record so certified and on any additional evidence deemed necessary by it, the division of hearings and appeals shall render its decision affirming, vacating or modifying the order in question. Should additional evidence be deemed necessary by the division of hearings and appeals, at least 7 days’ notice of any hearing for that purpose shall be given to the person bringing the petition for review and the clerk of the local highway commissioners.
175.05(4)(c)(c) Appropriate notices in letters at least 3 inches high shall be posted conspicuously at each end of any highway so closed or restricted by such order. The highway commissioners may at any time revoke or modify any order so made.
175.05(5)(5)Penalty for going upon closed or restricted highway. Whoever violates any order made under sub. (4) shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 10 days, or by a fine of not more than $50, or both.
175.05(6)(6)Rights of labor. Nothing in this section shall be construed to impair, curtail or destroy the rights of employees and their representatives to self-organization, to form, join or assist labor organization, to strike, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities, for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, under either the federal labor relations act or subch. I of ch. 111.
175.05(7)(7)National railway labor act not affected. Nothing in this section shall be deemed or construed to interfere with or abridge or in any manner diminish or affect the rights provided for under the National Railway Labor Act.
175.09175.09Standard time.
175.09(1)(1)The standard of time in this state shall be the solar time of the ninetieth meridian west of Greenwich, commonly known as central time, and no department of the state government, and no county, city, town or village shall employ any other time, or adopt any ordinance or order providing for the use of any other than the standard of time.
175.09(2)(2)No person operating or maintaining a place of business of whatsoever kind or nature, shall employ, display or maintain or use any other than the standard of time in connection with such place of business.
175.09(3)(3)Whoever shall in connection with any place of business use any other than the standard of time shall be fined not less than $25 nor more than $500 or imprisoned for not less than 10 days nor more than 30 days or both.
175.09 HistoryHistory: 1997 a. 254.
175.095175.095Daylight saving time.
175.095(1)(1)Notwithstanding s. 175.09 (1), the standard of time shall be as provided in sub. (2) during the period stated therein.
175.095(2)(2)From 2 a.m. on the 2nd Sunday in March until 2 a.m. on the first Sunday in November of each year, the standard of time in this state shall be one hour in advance of that prescribed in s. 175.09 (1).
175.095 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 8; 2007 a. 3.
175.10175.10Sale to employees prohibited.
175.10(1)(1)Except as provided in sub. (1m), no department or agency of the state or any political subdivision thereof, or member or officer of any village, town, or county board or common council of any city, or any purchasing agent or purchasing agency of the state or any political subdivision thereof, shall sell or procure for sale or have in its possession or under its control for sale to any employees of the state or any political subdivision thereof any article, material, product, or merchandise of whatsoever nature, excepting meals, public services, and such specialized appliances and paraphernalia as may be required for the safety or health of the employees.
175.10(1m)(a)(a) The prohibition under sub. (1) does not apply to a sale if any of the following applies:
175.10(1m)(a)1.1. The sale is of a surplus or discarded item that is no longer needed if the item is available for sale to the public using a publicly available method.
175.10(1m)(a)2.2. The sale is of an item that is regularly available from the governmental entity for sale to the public at the same cost.
175.10(1m)(b)(b) On its Internet site, the department of administration shall post a list of auction or sale Internet sites for compliance with par. (a) 1. The department may limit the types of items that may be sold on any particular Internet site.
175.10(1m)(c)(c) A political subdivision may enact an ordinance that prohibits a sale that is otherwise permitted under par. (a).
175.10(2)(2)Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than 30 days nor more than 90 days, or both.
175.10(3)(3)The provisions of this section shall not apply to this state, nor to any political subdivision thereof, nor to any department, agency, officer or employee of any of them while engaged in any recreational, health, welfare, relief, safety, or educational activities furnished by this state or any political subdivision thereof.
175.10 HistoryHistory: 2017 a. 65.
175.15175.15Endurance contests; penalty.
175.15(1)(1)No person, firm or corporation shall advertise, operate, maintain, attend, participate in, promote or aid in advertising, operating, maintaining or promoting any physical endurance contest, exhibition, performance, or show in the nature of a “marathon,” “walkathon,” “skatathon” or any other physical endurance contest, exhibition, performance or show of a like or similar nature, whether or not an admission is charged or a prize is awarded to any person for participation in such physical endurance contest, wherein any person participates in such contest for a period of more than 16 hours in any 24 hours over a period of more than 6 days in one month.
175.15(2)(2)Any person attending any contest, exhibition, performance or show enumerated in sub. (1) shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5 nor more than $25 or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 10 days or by both such fine and imprisonment.
175.15(3)(3)Except as provided in sub. (2) any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of sub. (1) shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than 10 days nor more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day for which any of the provisions of said sub. (1) is violated shall constitute a separate offense.
175.15(4)(4)The place, buildings and premises where any of the illegal exhibitions or contests mentioned in sub. (1) hereof are hereafter conducted, maintained, had or held are hereby declared to be and constitute a public nuisance, and it is hereby the duty of the attorney general and district attorney to take proper action to abate the same.
175.15(5)(5)Section 945.01 (4) (c) shall also apply to this section.
175.15(6)(6)Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to apply to or prohibit roller skating or bicycle contests or races which are not intended to and which do not continue for or have a duration of more than 150 hours.
175.20175.20Amusement places, license, regulation.
175.20(1)(1)No person may conduct any dance to which the public is admitted, or conduct, establish or manage any public dance hall or pavilion, amusement park, carnival, concert, street fair, bathing beach or other like place of amusement in any county in which the board of supervisors has enacted an ordinance, adopted a resolution or enacted bylaws in accordance with the provisions of s. 59.56 (12) (b) or (br), subject to s. 59.56 (12m), without first securing a license as provided in s. 59.56 (12) (b) or (br) or 60.23 (10). No person required to have such a license may conduct a dance to which the public is admitted except in the presence and under the supervision of a county dance supervisor.
175.20(3)(3)Any person who violates any of the provisions of this section may be fined not more than $10,000 or may be imprisoned for not more than 9 months or both. In addition, the court may revoke the license or licenses of the person or persons convicted.
175.22175.22Policy on privacy in locker rooms.
175.22(1)(1)In this section:
175.22(1)(a)(a) “Person” includes the state.
175.22(1)(b)(b) “Recording device” means a camera, a video recorder, or any other device that may be used to record or transfer images.
175.22(2)(2)Any person that owns or operates a locker room in this state shall adopt a written policy that does all of the following:
175.22(2)(a)(a) Specifies who may enter and remain in the locker room to interview or seek information from any individual in the locker room.
175.22(2)(b)(b) Specifies the recording devices that may be used in the locker room and the circumstances under which they may be used.
175.22(2)(c)(c) Reflects the privacy interests of individuals who use the locker room.
175.22(2)(d)(d) Specifies that no person may use a cell phone to capture, record, or transfer a representation of a nude or partially nude person in the locker room.
175.22 HistoryHistory: 2007 a. 118.
175.25175.25Storage of junked automobiles.
175.25(1)(1)No person, firm, partnership or corporation shall accumulate or store any junked automobiles or parts thereof outside of any building on any real estate located within the corporate limits of any city, village or town except upon a permit issued by the common council or village or town board.
175.25(2)(2)No accumulation or storage of such material shall be allowed within 2,000 feet outside of the corporate limits of a city or village or within 750 feet of the center line of any county trunk, state trunk or federal highway or within 500 feet of the center line of any town road, except upon a permit issued by permission of the town board.
175.25(3)(3)The permit issued by city council, village or town board shall be signed either by the mayor or president or chairperson as the case may be and clerk thereof and shall specify the quantity and manner of storing such junk. Such permit shall be revocable at any time by such council or board after a hearing at which it has been found that the permit holder has failed or refused to comply with the ordinances or restrictions providing regulations for the storage of such junked automobiles or parts thereof. Such hearing may be held by the common council of any city or the board of any town or village upon its own motion, or upon the complaint in writing, duly signed and verified by a complainant. Such complaint shall state the nature of the alleged failure to comply with such ordinance or regulation. A copy of the complaint together with a notice of the hearing shall be served upon the permit holder not less than 10 days previous to the date of hearing.
175.25(4)(4)Any person, firm, partnership or corporation now engaged in the business of accumulating or storing and leaving accumulated or stored junked automobiles, or parts thereof, outside of any building on real estate within the corporate limits of any city or village, or within 2,000 feet outside the corporate limits of a city or village, or within 750 feet of the center line of any state trunk or federal highway in any town on August 19, 1939 may, at any time within 6 months after such date, upon application therefor to the governing body of such town, city or village upon showing such facts, be granted a permit for such place of accumulation or storage; any person, firm, partnership or corporation succeeding a business now engaged in the accumulating or storage and leaving accumulated and stored junked automobiles, or parts thereof, outside of any building on real estate as hereinbefore provided may likewise be granted such permit.
175.25(5)(5)Any person, firm, partnership or corporation violating any of the provisions hereof shall upon conviction be fined not less than $10, nor more than $50 for each offense, and in default of payment of said fine shall be imprisoned in the county jail for a period not exceeding 30 days. Each day that junk, as herein defined, shall be stored contrary to the provisions hereof shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
175.25 HistoryHistory: 1971 c. 128; 1993 a. 184, 246.
175.30175.30Purchase of firearms in other states permitted. A resident of this state or a corporation or other business entity maintaining a place of business in this state may purchase or otherwise obtain a rifle or shotgun in a state other than this state if the transfer complies with federal law and the laws of both states.
175.30 HistoryHistory: 1971 c. 39; 2013 a. 232.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)