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114.33(8)(a)(a) The secretary, upon the petition of a sponsoring municipality, may provide that all or certain parts of the required land or interests in land may be acquired by the municipality named by the secretary. When so provided, the municipality and the secretary shall appraise and set the maximum price, including damages, considered reasonable for the lands or interests to be so acquired. The municipality shall endeavor to obtain easements or title in fee simple by conveyance of the lands or interests required, as directed in the secretary’s order. The instrument of conveyance shall name the municipality or municipalities as grantee and shall be subject to approval by the secretary, and shall be recorded in the office of the register of deeds and filed with the secretary. If the needed lands or interests in lands cannot be purchased expeditiously within the appraised price, the municipality may acquire them by condemnation, as provided in s. 32.05.
114.33(8)(b)(b) Any property of whatever nature acquired in the name of a city, village or town pursuant to this section or any predecessor shall be conveyed to the state without charge by the city, village or town when so ordered by the secretary.
114.33(8)(c)(c) The municipality when so ordered by the secretary shall sell at public or private sale, subject to the conditions and terms authorized by the secretary, any and all buildings, structures, or parts thereof, and any other fixtures or personalty acquired in the name of the municipality under this section or any predecessor. The proceeds from the sale shall be deposited with the state in the appropriate airport fund and the expense incurred in connection with the sale shall be paid from that fund.
114.33(9)(9)The cost of the lands and interests acquired and damages allowed pursuant to this section, incidental expenses and the customary per diem and expenses of the municipality incurred in performing duties pursuant to this section, shall be paid out of the available airport improvement funds.
114.33(10)(10)Subject to the approval of the governor under this subsection and subject to any prior action under s. 13.48 (14) (am) or 16.848 (1), the secretary may sell at public or private sale property of whatever nature owned by the state and under the jurisdiction of the secretary when the secretary determines that the property is no longer necessary for the state’s use for airport purposes and, if real property, the real property is not the subject of a petition under s. 16.310. The secretary shall present to the governor a full and complete report of the property to be sold, the reason for the sale, and the minimum price for which the property should be sold, together with an application for the governor’s approval of the sale. The governor shall investigate the proposed sale as he or she deems necessary and approve or disapprove the application. Upon approval and receipt of the full purchase price, the secretary shall by appropriate deed or other instrument transfer the property to the purchaser. The funds derived from the sale shall be deposited in the appropriate airport fund, and the expense incurred by the secretary in connection with the sale shall be paid from that fund.
114.33(11)(11)Subject to the approval of the governor, the secretary may convey lands or interests in lands acquired under this section and improvements installed on those lands to municipalities named in the secretary’s order. The conveyance of the lands or interests in lands and improvements shall restrict the use of the premises by the municipality to the uses for which they were acquired, except that the lands or interests in lands declared by the secretary to be excess may be conveyed without restrictions as to use.
114.33(12)(12)Lands held by any department, board, commission, other agency of the state, or the Wisconsin Aerospace Authority may, with the approval of the governor, be conveyed to the secretary in the manner prescribed by statute and, if none is prescribed, then by a conveyance authorized by appropriate resolution of the controlling department, board or commission of the agency concerned or by the Wisconsin Aerospace Authority.
114.33(13)(13)Subsections (6) to (12) do not apply to lands or interests in lands associated with projects for public-use airports which are not owned by a county, city, village or town.
114.33 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. Trans 54, Wis. adm. code.
114.34114.34State and sponsor’s share of cost.
114.34(1)(1)The costs of airport improvement projects involving federal aid, in excess of the federal government’s share, shall be borne by the sponsor and the state, except that the state shall pay not more than one-half of the excess costs, nor more than $1,250,000 for the cost of a building project or building improvement project and no part of the cost of hangars. The secretary, upon agreement with the sponsor, may advance up to 10 percent of the amount of any federal aid grant agreement for the payment of project costs of a federal aid project from unallocated state airport funds, subject to reimbursement upon final liquidation and settlement of the project with the sponsor and federal government.
114.34(2)(2)The costs of projects not involving federal aid shall be borne by the sponsor and the state. The state shall pay not more than 80 percent of the costs, which may include the cost of the land, the cost of lands or interest in lands deemed necessary for the protection of the aerial approaches, the cost of formulating the project application and preparing the plans and specifications, and the cost of construction and of all facilities deemed necessary for the operation of the airport. The state shall not contribute more than $1,250,000 for the cost of a building project or building improvement project and no part of the cost of hangars.
114.34(3)(3)The percentage of the costs borne by the state shall be determined by the department on the basis of the relative importance of the specific project to the state airport development program as a whole.
114.35114.35Federal aid; state and local funds.
114.35(1)(1)It is declared to be the policy of the state to promote the development of an airport system in this state and to promote the development of joint airports in this state and in adjoining states which mutually benefit citizens of this state and those of adjoining states. The secretary may use the funds provided by the state to assist sponsors in matching the federal aid that may become available to the state or available for specific projects or joint projects within this state or in an adjoining state.
114.35(2)(2)The secretary may also use the funds provided by the state independent of the availability of federal funds to aid sponsors in the development of approved projects on the state system or joint projects; for air marking and air navigation facilities; and for the purposes of 1991 Wisconsin Act 269, section 9155 (1x).
114.37114.37Advance land acquisition loan program for airport projects.
114.37(1)(1)Purpose. The purpose of this section is to promote the state’s interest in preserving and improving a safe and efficient air transportation system by means of a program to provide loans for advance land acquisition for airport projects planned under s. 114.33.
114.37(2)(2)Administration. The department shall administer an advance land acquisition loan program to assist a county, city, village, town or an owner of a public-use airport in acquiring land necessary for airport projects under s. 114.33. The department shall have all powers necessary and convenient to implement this section, including the following powers:
114.37(2)(a)(a) To specify conditions of eligibility for loans under this section. Such conditions shall include the requirement that the land to be acquired must be part of a planned airport improvement project or a land acquisition project that is essential to future airport development or to the safety of aircraft using the airport.
114.37(2)(b)(b) To receive applications for loans under this section and to prescribe the form, nature and extent of the information which shall be contained in applications.
114.37(2)(c)(c) To establish standards for the approval of loans under this section. No loan may be made for an amount greater than 80 percent of the department’s assessment of the value of the property.
114.37(2)(d)(d) To enter into loan agreements with applicants to ensure the proper use and prompt repayment of loans under this section. The loan agreement shall include the requirements that the loan be repaid within a period not to exceed 5 years and that the proceeds of any state or federal land acquisition funding received under s. 114.33 be fully pledged to repayment of the loan. The department may not make a loan for more than 80 percent of the estimated land acquisition costs, including the costs of any necessary project plans and environmental studies. The loan agreement shall require that the department be designated to act as the loan recipient’s agent in the acquisition of the land. Title to the land acquired shall be held by the loan recipient, but the department may retain a security interest in the land until the loan is repaid. The loan agreement shall require the payment of interest and reasonable costs incurred by the department.
114.37(2)(e)(e) To acquire lands under s. 114.33 (6) and (7) as the designated agent of a loan recipient.
114.37(2)(f)(f) To audit and inspect the records of loan recipients.
114.37(3)(3)Funds. The department may make loans under this section from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (dv). The total outstanding balance of loans under this subsection may not exceed $6,500,000.
114.37(4)(4)Rules. The department may adopt rules as necessary to implement this section.
114.37 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. Trans 54, Wis. adm. code.
114.375114.375Advance land acquisition loan program for spaceport projects.
114.375(1)(1)Purpose. The purpose of this section is to promote the state’s interest in aerospace programs by providing loans for advance land acquisition for spaceport projects.
114.375(2)(2)Administration. The department shall administer an advance land acquisition loan program to assist a county, city, village, town, or an owner of a spaceport in acquiring land necessary for spaceport projects. The department shall have all powers necessary and convenient to implement this section, including the following powers:
114.375(2)(a)(a) To specify conditions of eligibility for loans under this section. Such conditions shall include the requirement that the land to be acquired must be part of a planned spaceport improvement project or a land acquisition project that is essential to future spaceport development or to the safety of spacecraft using the spaceport.
114.375(2)(b)(b) To receive applications for loans under this section and to prescribe the form, nature, and extent of the information which shall be contained in applications.
114.375(2)(c)(c) To establish standards for the approval of loans under this section. No loan may be made for an amount greater than 80 percent of the department’s assessment of the value of the property.
114.375(2)(d)(d) To enter into loan agreements with applicants to ensure the proper use and prompt repayment of loans under this section. The loan agreement shall include the requirements that the loan be repaid within a period not to exceed 10 years and that the proceeds of any state or federal land acquisition funding received be fully pledged to repayment of the loan. The department may not make a loan for more than 80 percent of the estimated land acquisition costs, including the costs of any necessary project plans and environmental studies. The loan agreement shall require that the department be designated to act as the loan recipient’s agent in the acquisition of the land. Title to the land acquired shall be held by the loan recipient, but the department may retain a security interest in the land until the loan is repaid. The loan agreement shall require the payment of interest and reasonable costs incurred by the department.
114.375(2)(e)(e) To acquire lands as the designated agent of a loan recipient.
114.375(2)(f)(f) To audit and inspect the records of loan recipients.
114.375(3)(3)Funds. The department may make loans under this section from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (mv). The total outstanding balance of loans under this subsection may not exceed $10,000,000.
114.375(4)(4)Rules. The department may adopt rules as necessary to implement this section.
114.375 HistoryHistory: 2005 a. 335.
114.40114.40Disclosure of insurance coverage for renter pilots.
114.40(1)(1)Definition. In this section, “rental agent” means a person who, on a regular basis and in the ordinary course of business, rents or leases an aircraft to another person.
114.40(2)(2)Required disclosures. Except as provided in sub. (2m), before entering into an agreement to rent or lease an aircraft to another person, the rental agent shall deliver to the person who seeks to rent or lease the aircraft a written notice of insurance coverage which contains all of the following information and is in substantially the following form:
1. If you rent or lease an aircraft from ... (name of rental agent), you (are) (are not) insured under an insurance policy held by .... (name of rental agent) for liability arising from the use or maintenance of the aircraft. If liability coverage is provided, it is in the (amount) (amounts) of $...., and is subject to a deductible in the (amount) (amounts) of $....
2. If you rent or lease an aircraft from .... (name of rental agent), you (are) (are not) insured under an insurance policy held by .... (name of rental agent) for damage to the hull of the aircraft. If hull insurance is provided, it is in the (amount) (amounts) of $...., and is subject to a deductible in the (amount) (amounts) of $....
3. If you are insured under an insurance policy held by .... (name of rental agent), you may ask the rental agent for a copy of the certificate of coverage for further information about any limitations of coverage or other terms of coverage.
4. If you are not insured under an insurance policy held by .... (name of rental agent), it is recommended that you obtain insurance for liability and damage to the hull of the aircraft which may arise from your use of the aircraft.
....(Signature of rental agent
or representative of
rental agent)
The undersigned acknowledges receipt of an exact copy of this notice on .... (date).
.... (Signature)
114.40(2m)(2m)Effective period of notice. If a rental agent delivers a notice under sub. (2), the rental agent is not required to deliver another notice to the person who received the notice for 12 months after the date of the notice if the notice states the period of its effectiveness.
114.40(3)(3)Inspection of certificate. If an insurance policy held by a rental agent provides insurance coverage for a person who rents or leases an aircraft from the rental agent, the rental agent shall, upon request by a person who receives the notice under sub. (2), deliver to that person a copy of the certificate of coverage which was issued to the rental agent.
114.40(4)(4)Retention and materiality of notice.
114.40(4)(a)(a) The rental agent shall maintain a copy of the notice delivered under sub. (2) for at least 3 years from the date of the notice.
114.40(4)(b)(b) The notice required under sub. (2) is a material part of an agreement between a rental agent and another person for the rental or lease of an aircraft.
114.40(5)(5)Civil penalty. Notwithstanding s. 114.27, whoever violates sub. (2) may be required to forfeit not more than $1,000.
114.40 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 225.
114.60114.60Definitions. In this subchapter:
114.60(1)(1)“Aerospace facilities” means facilities and infrastructure in this state used primarily to provide aerospace services, including: laboratories and research facilities; office, storage, and manufacturing facilities; instructional and other educational facilities; space museums; and other buildings, equipment, and instruments related to the operations of the aerospace industry or to providing aerospace services.
114.60(2)(2)“Aerospace services” means services that promote, advance, and facilitate space exploration and space-related commercial, technological, and educational development in this state, including: space-related research, experimentation, and development of technology and other intellectual property; space-related business incubator services or services for start-up aerospace companies; programs, projects, operations, and activities to develop, enhance, or provide commercial and noncommercial space-related opportunities for business, industry, education, and government; services or activities that promote the commercialization of the space and aerospace industry and space-related economic growth; services or activities that promote and facilitate space-related educational opportunities and tourism, including educational initiatives and operation or sponsorship of space museums and tourist attractions; consulting services; and administrative services.
114.60(3)(3)“Authority” means the Wisconsin Aerospace Authority.
114.60(4)(4)“Board” means the board of directors of the authority.
114.60(5)(5)“Bond” means a bond, note, or other obligation of the authority issued under this chapter, including a refunding bond.
114.60(6)(6)“Bond resolution” means a resolution of the board authorizing the issuance of, or providing terms and conditions related to, bonds and includes, when appropriate, any trust agreement, trust indenture, indenture of mortgage, or deed of trust providing terms and conditions for the bonds.
114.60(7)(7)“Payload” means any property, cargo, or persons transported by spacecraft.
114.60(8)(8)“Recovery” means the recovery of any spacecraft or payload, or any part of any spacecraft or payload, including any appurtenance, instrument, or equipment, that has detached from a spacecraft in flight or upon launch or landing.
114.60(9)(9)“Spaceport facilities” means facilities and infrastructure that are located within a spaceport and related to the operation or purpose of the spaceport, including: spaceport launch or landing areas; launch or landing control centers or other facilities; structures, mechanisms, or devices for communicating with or navigating or tracking spacecraft; buildings, structures, equipment, or other facilities associated with spacecraft construction, development, assembly, processing, testing, or evaluation; buildings, structures, equipment, or other facilities associated with payload loading, assembly, processing, testing, or evaluation; space flight hardware, software, or instrumentation; facilities appropriate to meet the transportation, electric, gas, water and sewer, flood control, waste disposal, and other infrastructure needs within the spaceport; facilities to meet public safety needs within the spaceport, including any facility related to spaceport security and emergency services such as fire and ambulance; administrative facilities; and other buildings, equipment, and instruments related to spaceport operations or the providing of spaceport services.
114.60(10)(10)“Spaceport services” means any services provided in connection with the operation, management, or control of a spaceport or spaceport facilities, including: the launching or landing of spacecraft; communicating with or navigating or tracking spacecraft; construction, development, assembly, processing, testing, or evaluation of spacecraft or payload; loading spacecraft payload; spaceport security and emergency services; and administrative services.
114.60(11)(11)“Spaceport territory” means a spaceport of the authority in this state and any additional aerospace facilities associated with the spaceport that are in the immediate vicinity of the spaceport.
114.60(12)(12)“Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium” means the statewide regional consortium designated as such by the federal administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under 42 USC 2486f (a) (1) (B).
114.60 HistoryHistory: 2005 a. 335.
114.61114.61Creation and organization.
114.61(1)(1)There is created a public body corporate and politic to be known as the “Wisconsin Aerospace Authority.” The board of the authority shall consist of the following members:
114.61(1)(a)(a) Six members nominated by the governor, and with the advice and consent of the senate appointed, for 3-year terms.
114.61(1)(b)(b) One member of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate, and one member of the assembly, appointed by the speaker of the assembly, each for a 3-year term.
114.61(1)(c)(c) The director of the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium or the director’s designee. If the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium ceases to exist or does not appoint a director, an additional member of the board shall be appointed under par. (a) in lieu of the member under this paragraph.
114.61(2)(2)Except for the member specified under sub. (1) (c), each member of the board shall be a resident of the state and shall have experience in the aerospace or commercial space industry, in education, or in finance or shall have other significant experience related to the functions of the authority as specified in this subchapter.
114.61(3)(a)(a) The terms of the members appointed under sub. (1) (a) and (b) expire on June 30. Each member’s appointment remains in effect until a successor is appointed unless the member vacates or is removed from his or her office. A member who serves as a result of holding another office or position vacates his or her office as a member when he or she vacates the other office or position. A member who ceases to qualify for office vacates his or her office.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)