Expiration Date:
February 25, 1996
Hearing Date:
November 3, 1995
Extension Through:
March 30, 1996
2. Rules were adopted revising ch. Trans 131, relating to the Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program.
The Department of Transportation finds that an emergency exists and a rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, safety and welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency is that Southeastern Wisconsin is currently unable to meet federal air quality standards. Southeastern Wisconsin is one of nine regions in the United States designated as areas with “severe” air pollution problems. This air quality problem results in all area residents breathing air that is not healthy.
Since motor vehicles are the largest contributor to the area's air quality problem, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation finds that an emergency exists regarding the public health. The enhanced I/M program resulting from the proposed rule is a necessary part of the state's plan to achieve the volatile organic compound (VOC) emission reductions required by the Clean Air Act. The program will account for over one-third of the VOC reductions required by Wisconsin's 15% VOC Reduction Plan. By implementing the changes proposed in the rule, the air quality in Southeastern Wisconsin area can be improved. If such improvement does not occur, other more costly controls on small business and industry would be required. By taking action at this time, the major and most cost effective measure is utilized to meet Wisconsin's clean air goal.
Publication Date:
December 4, 1995
Effective Date:
December 4, 1995
Expiration Date:
May 3, 1996
Hearing Date:
January 11, 1996
Notice of Submission of Proposed Rules to the Presiding Officer of each House of the Legislature, Under S. 227.19, Stats.
Please check the Bulletin of Proceedings for further information on a particular rule.
Ch. HSS 211 - Relating to tribal medical relief programs funded by block grants.
Industry, Labor & Human Relations
(CR 93-32):
S. ILHR 83.035 - Relating to petitions for variance and private sewage systems.
Industry, Labor & Human Relations
(CR 93-33):
S. ILHR 83.23 - Relating to mound type private sewage systems.
Ch. RL 127 - Relating to the sale of real estate at an auction.
SS. Tax 2.09, 2.105, 2.12 and 3.94 - Relating to:
1) Claims for refund;
2) The reproduction of franchise or income tax forms;
3) Notice of federal audit adjustments and federal or other states' amended returns; and
4) Amended Wisconsin returns.
S. Tax 12.07 - Relating to assessor certification for municipalities in Kenosha county.
Administrative Rules Filed With The
Revisor Of Statutes Bureau
The following administrative rules have been filed with the Revisor of Statutes Bureau and are in the process of being published. The date assigned to each rule is the projected effective date. It is possible that the publication of these rules could be delayed. Contact the Revisor of Statutes Bureau at (608) 266-7275 for updated information on the effective dates for the listed rules.
Banking, Office of the Commissioner of
(CR 95-119):
An order affecting s. Bkg 3.05, relating to leasing of personal property.
Effective 04-01-96.
Banking, Office of the Commissioner of
(CR 95-120):
An order affecting s. Bkg 3.01, relating to bank-owned banks, lending and depository authority.
Effective 04-01-96.
An order creating s. Med 10.02 (2) (za) and ch. Med 21, relating to requirements for patient health care records.
Effective 05-01-96.
An order amending s. NR 165.06 (2) (b), (6) and (7) (a), relating to the interest rate subsidy for the small loan program.
Effective 04-01-96.
An order amending s. NR 212.40, relating to water quality based allocations of pollutant discharges to waters of the state.
Effective 04-01-96.
Savings & Loan, Office of the Commissioner of
(CR 95-114):
An order repealing and recreating s. SB 8.03, relating to liquidity levels required for savings banks.
Effective 04-01-96.
Savings & Loan, Office of the Commissioner of
Banking, Office of the Commissioner of
Credit Unions, Office of the Commissioner of
(CR 95-214):
An order amending ss. Bkg 14.10, CU 63.10, S-L 12.10 and SB 12.10, relating to advertising the ownership of remote service units, customer bank communication terminals and remote terminals (collectively referred to as automatic transfer machines (ATM's)).
Effective 04-01-96.
An order affecting ss. Trans 310.01, 310.02, 310.03, 310.04 and 310.05, relating to child restraint standards.
Effective 05-01-96.
An order affecting s. Trans 4.06 (4), relating to the urban mass transit operating assistance program.
Effective 04-01-96.
The State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
Document Sales Unit
P.O. Box 7840
Dated Material. Please Do Not Delay!