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1448.70 (1r) Compact means the dietitian licensure compact under s.
SB71,173Section 17. 448.70 (1s) of the statutes is created to read:
SB71,6,64448.70 (1s) Compact privilege means a compact privilege, as defined in s.
5448.9887 (2) (i), that is granted under the compact to an individual to practice in
6this state.
SB71,187Section 18. 448.72 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB71,6,128448.72 (6) Prohibit an individual from using the title dietitian, dietitian,
9licensed dietitian, or certified dietitian if the person is licensed or certified as a
10dietitian under the laws of another state which has licensure or certification
11requirements that the affiliated credentialing board determines to be substantially
12equivalent to the requirements under s. 448.78 (1m).
SB71,1913Section 19. 448.74 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB71,6,1514448.74 (1) Establish criteria for the approval of educational programs and
15training under s. 448.78 (3) and (4) (1m) (c) and (d).
SB71,2016Section 20. 448.78 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB71,6,1717448.78 (title) Certification of dietitians; compact privileges.
SB71,2118Section 21. 448.78 of the statutes is renumbered 448.78 (1m), and 448.78
19(1m) (c) 2. and (d) 3. b., as renumbered, are amended to read:
SB71,7,220448.78 (1m) (c) 2. Received a bachelors, masters or doctoral degree in human
21nutrition, nutrition education, food and nutrition, dietetics or food systems
22management from a program at a college or university that is not located in a state

1or territory of the United States if the affiliated credentialing board determines
2that the program is substantially equivalent to a program under par. (a) subd. 1.
SB71,7,53(d) 3. b. A program at a college or university that is not located in a state or
4territory of the United States if the affiliated credentialing board determines that
5the program is substantially equivalent to a program under subd. 1. 3. a.
SB71,226Section 22. 448.78 (1m) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
SB71,7,77448.78 (1m) (title) Certificate.
SB71,238Section 23. 448.78 (1m) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
SB71,7,119448.78 (1m) (f) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322, and 111.335, submits evidence
10satisfactory to the affiliated credentialing board that he or she does not have a
11conviction record.
SB71,2412Section 24. 448.78 (2m), (3m) and (4m) of the statutes are created to read:
SB71,7,1513448.78 (2m) License based on compact privilege. The affiliated
14credentialing board shall grant a certificate as a dietitian to any individual who
15does all of the following:
SB71,7,1716(a) Submits an application for the certificate to the department on a form
17provided by the department.
SB71,7,1818(b) Pays the fee specified in s. 440.05 (1).
SB71,7,2219(c) Submits evidence satisfactory to the affiliated credentialing board that he
20or she holds a home state license in another state that is a party to the compact, has
21changed his or her primary state of residence to this state, and satisfies all other
22requirements under s. 448.9887 (5).
1(d) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322, and 111.335, submits evidence satisfactory
2to the affiliated credentialing board that he or she does not have a conviction record.
SB71,8,43(3m) Compact privilege. The affiliated credentialing board shall grant a
4compact privilege to an individual who does all of the following:
SB71,8,65(a) Submits an application for the compact privilege to the department on a
6form provided by the department.
SB71,8,97(b) Submits evidence satisfactory to the affiliated credentialing board that he
8or she holds an unencumbered home state license in another state that is a party to
9the compact and satisfies all other requirements under s. 448.9887 (4).
SB71,8,1010(c) Pays any fee established by the department under s. 448.9888 (2).
SB71,8,1211(4m) Types of certificate. A certificate as a dietitian granted under sub.
12(1m) may be either of the following:
SB71,8,1413(a) A certificate that, subject to s. 448.9887 (4), entitles the holder to obtain
14and exercise a compact privilege in other states that are parties to the compact.
SB71,8,1715(b) A single-state certificate, which entitles the holder to practice only in this
16state. Nothing in the compact applies to the holder of a single-state certificate
17unless otherwise applicable under this subchapter.
SB71,2518Section 25. 448.80 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB71,9,219448.80 Temporary certificate. Upon application and payment of the fee
20specified in s. 440.05 (6), the affiliated credentialing board may grant a temporary
21dietitian certificate to an individual who satisfies the requirements under s. 448.78
22(1) to (4) (1m) (a) to (d) and has submitted an application to take the next available
23examination under s. 448.84. A temporary certificate granted under this section is

1valid for a period designated by the affiliated credentialing board, not to exceed 9
2months, and may be renewed once by the affiliated credentialing board.
SB71,263Section 26. 448.82 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB71,9,94448.82 Reciprocal certificate. Upon application and payment of the fee
5specified in s. 440.05 (2), the affiliated credentialing board shall grant a dietitian
6certificate to an individual who holds a similar certificate or license in another state
7or territory of the United States if the affiliated credentialing board determines
8that the requirements for receiving the certificate in the other state or territory are
9substantially equivalent to the requirements under s. 448.78 (1m).
SB71,2710Section 27. 448.87 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB71,9,1511448.87 (2) (intro.) Subject to the rules promulgated under s. 440.03 (1), the
12affiliated credentialing board may reprimand a certified dietitian or deny, limit,
13suspend or revoke a certificate granted under this subchapter or a compact
14privilege if it finds that the applicant or certified dietitian has done any of the
SB71,2816Section 28. 448.87 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB71,9,1817448.87 (2) (a) Made a material misstatement in an application for a certificate
18or a compact privilege or for renewal of a certificate.
SB71,2919Section 29. 448.956 (1m) of the statutes, as affected by 2021 Wisconsin Act
20251, is amended to read:
SB71,9,2321448.956 (1m) Subject to sub. (1) (a), a licensee may provide athletic training to
22an individual without a referral, except that a licensee may not provide athletic
23training as described under s. 448.95 (5) (d) or (e) in an outpatient rehabilitation

1setting unless the licensee has obtained a written referral for the individual from a
2practitioner licensed or certified under subch. II, III, IV, V, or VII of this chapter;
3under ch. 446; or under s. 441.16 (2) or from a practitioner who holds a compact
4privilege under subch. XI or, XII, or XIV of ch. 448.
SB71,305Section 30. Subchapter XIV of chapter 448 [precedes 448.9887] of the
6statutes is created to read:
SB71,10,77CHAPTER 448
SB71,10,1610448.9887 Dietitian licensure compact. (1) Purpose. The purpose of this
11compact is to facilitate interstate practice of dietetics with the goal of improving
12public access to dietetics services. This compact preserves the regulatory authority
13of states to protect public health and safety through the current system of state
14licensure, while also providing for licensure portability through a compact privilege
15granted to qualifying professionals. This compact is designed to achieve the
16following objectives:
SB71,10,1717(a) Increase public access to dietetics services;
SB71,10,1918(b) Provide opportunities for interstate practice by licensed dietitians who
19meet uniform requirements;
SB71,10,2020(c) Eliminate the necessity for licenses in multiple states;
SB71,10,2121(d) Reduce administrative burden on member states and licensees;
SB71,10,2222(e) Enhance the states ability to protect the publics health and safety;
1(f) Encourage the cooperation of member states in regulating multistate
2practice of licensed dietitians;
SB71,11,33(g) Support relocating active military members and their spouses;
SB71,11,54(h) Enhance the exchange of licensure, investigative, and disciplinary
5information among member states; and
SB71,11,86(i) Vest all member states with the authority to hold a licensed dietitian
7accountable for meeting all state practice laws in the state in which the patient is
8located at the time care is rendered.
SB71,11,109(2) Definitions. As used in this compact, and except as otherwise provided,
10the following definitions shall apply:
SB71,11,1211(a) ACEND means the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and
12Dietetics or its successor organization.
SB71,11,1513(b) Active military member means any individual with full-time duty status
14in the active armed forces of the United States, including members of the national
15guard and reserve.
SB71,11,2216(c) Adverse action means any administrative, civil, equitable or criminal
17action permitted by a states laws which is imposed by a licensing authority or other
18authority against a licensee, including actions against an individuals license or
19compact privilege such as revocation, suspension, probation, monitoring of the
20licensee, limitation on the licensees practice, or any other encumbrance on
21licensure affecting a licensees authorization to practice, including issuance of a
22cease and desist action.
1(d) Alternative program means a nondisciplinary monitoring or practice
2remediation process approved by a licensing authority.
SB71,12,43(e) Charter member state means any member state which enacted this
4compact by law before the effective date specified in sub. (12).
SB71,12,75(f) Continuing education means a requirement, as a condition of license
6renewal, to provide evidence of participation in, and completion of, educational and
7professional activities relevant to practice or area of work.
SB71,12,98(g) CDR means the Commission on Dietetic Registration or its successor
SB71,12,1310(h) Compact commission means the government agency whose membership
11consists of all states that have enacted this compact, which is known as the dietitian
12licensure compact commission, as described in sub. (8), and which shall operate as
13an instrumentality of the member states.
SB71,12,1514(i) Compact privilege means a legal authorization, which is equivalent to a
15license, permitting the practice of dietetics in a remote state.
SB71,12,1616(j) Current significant investigative information means:
SB71,12,20171. Investigative information that a licensing authority, after a preliminary
18inquiry that includes notification and an opportunity for the subject licensee to
19respond, if required by state law, has reason to believe is not groundless and, if
20proved true, would indicate more than a minor infraction; or
SB71,12,23212. Investigative information that indicates that the subject licensee represents
22an immediate threat to public health and safety regardless of whether the subject
23licensee has been notified and had an opportunity to respond.
1(k) Data system means a repository of information about licensees,
2including, but not limited to, continuing education, examination, licensure,
3investigative, compact privilege and adverse action information.
SB71,13,54(L) Encumbered license means a license in which an adverse action restricts
5a licensees ability to practice dietetics.
SB71,13,76(m) Encumbrance means a revocation or suspension of, or any limitation on
7a licensees full and unrestricted practice of dietetics by a licensing authority.
SB71,13,108(n) Executive committee means a group of delegates elected or appointed to
9act on behalf of, and within the powers granted to them by, this compact, and the
10compact commission.
SB71,13,1211(o) Home state means the member state that is the licensees primary state
12of residence or that has been designated pursuant to sub. (6).
SB71,13,1413(p) Investigative information means information, records, and documents
14received or generated by a licensing authority pursuant to an investigation.
SB71,13,1715(q) Jurisprudence requirement means an assessment of an individuals
16knowledge of the state laws and regulations governing the practice of dietetics in
17such state.
SB71,13,1818(r) License means an authorization from a member state to either:
SB71,13,19191. Engage in the practice of dietetics (including medical nutrition therapy); or
SB71,13,22202. Use the title dietitian, licensed dietitian, licensed dietitian
21nutritionist, certified dietitian, or other title describing a substantially similar
22practitioner as the compact commission may further define by rule.
1(s) Licensee or licensed dietitian means an individual who currently holds
2a license and who meets all of the requirements outlined in sub. (4).
SB71,14,43(t) Licensing authority means the board or agency of a state, or equivalent,
4that is responsible for the licensing and regulation of the practice of dietetics.
SB71,14,55(u) Member state means a state that has enacted the compact.
SB71,14,96(v) Practice of dietetics means the synthesis and application of dietetics,
7primarily for the provision of nutrition care services, including medical nutrition
8therapy, in person or via telehealth, to prevent, manage, or treat diseases or
9medical conditions and promote wellness.
SB71,14,1010(w) Registered dietitian means a person who:
SB71,14,12111. Has completed applicable education, experience, examination, and
12recertification requirements approved by CDR;
SB71,14,14132. Is credentialed by CDR as a registered dietitian or a registered dietitian
14nutritionist; and
SB71,14,16153. Is legally authorized to use the title registered dietitian or registered
16dietitian nutritionist and the corresponding abbreviations RD or RDN.
SB71,14,1817(x) Remote state means a member state other than the home state, where a
18licensee is exercising or seeking to exercise a compact privilege.
SB71,14,2019(y) Rule means a regulation promulgated by the compact commission that
20has the force of law.
SB71,14,2221(z) Single state license means a license issued by a member state within the
22issuing state and does not include a compact privilege in any other member state.
1(za) State means any state, commonwealth, district, or territory of the
2United States.
SB71,15,43(zb) Unencumbered license means a license that authorizes a licensee to
4engage in the full and unrestricted practice of dietetics.