SB45,499,22223. $548 $575 for a child 12 to 14 years of age. SB45,499,23234. $572 $601 for a child 15 years of age or over. SB45,88824Section 888. 48.62 (5) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,500,5
148.62 (5) (a) In addition to the grants for basic maintenance and 2supplemental payments for foster care under sub. (4), the department or, with the 3department’s approval, the county department or licensed child welfare agency may 4make emergency payments for foster care to foster homes that are receiving 5payments under sub. (4) if any of the following conditions are met: SB45,500,861. The governor has declared a state of emergency pursuant to s. 323.10, or 7the federal government has declared a major disaster under 42 USC 68, that covers 8the locality of the foster home. SB45,500,1092. This state has received federal funding to be used for child welfare purposes 10due to an emergency or disaster declared for the locality of the foster home. SB45,500,13113. The department has determined that conditions in this state or in the 12locality of the foster home have resulted in a temporary increase in the costs borne 13by foster homes. Those conditions may include any of the following: SB45,500,1414a. A pandemic or other public health threat. SB45,500,1515b. A natural disaster. SB45,500,1616c. Unplanned school closures of 5 consecutive days or more. SB45,500,1817(b) The department shall determine the amount of emergency payments 18under par. (a) based on available funding. SB45,88919Section 889. 48.62 (8m) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,500,212048.62 (8m) The department may promulgate rules governing the provision of 21emergency payments to foster homes under sub. (5). SB45,89022Section 890. 48.623 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 48.623 (1r), and 48.623 23(1r) (c), as renumbered, is amended to read: SB45,501,62448.623 (1r) (c) An order under s. 48.345, 48.357, 48.363, 48.365, 938.34,
1938.345, 938.357, 938.363, or 938.365 or a tribal court order under a substantially 2similar tribal law placing the child, or continuing the placement of the child, 3outside of the child’s home has been terminated, or any proceeding specified in s. 448.977 (2) (a) in which the child has been adjudged to be in need of protection or 5services specified in s. 48.977 (2) (a) or delinquent has been dismissed, as provided 6in s. 48.977 (3r) (a). SB45,8917Section 891. 48.623 (1g) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,501,9848.623 (1g) In this section, “county department” means a county department 9under s. 46.215, 46.22, or 46.23. SB45,89210Section 892. 48.623 (1m) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,501,131148.623 (1m) Duration of eligibility. (intro.) Subsidized guardianship 12payments under sub. (1) (1r) or (6) may be continued after the child attains 18 years 13of age if any of the following applies: SB45,89314Section 893. 48.623 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,502,71548.623 (2) Subsidized guardianship agreement. (intro.) Before a county 16department, an Indian tribe, or the department may approve the provision of 17subsidized guardianship payments under sub. (1) (1r) to a proposed guardian, the 18county department, Indian tribe, or department shall negotiate and enter into a 19written, binding subsidized guardianship agreement with the proposed guardian 20and provide the proposed guardian with a copy of the agreement. A subsidized 21guardianship agreement or an amended subsidized guardianship agreement may 22also name a prospective successor guardian of the child to assume the duty and 23authority of guardianship on the death or incapacity of the guardian. A successor 24guardian is eligible for monthly subsidized guardianship payments under this
1section only if the successor guardian is named as a prospective successor guardian 2of the child in a subsidized guardianship agreement or amended subsidized 3guardianship agreement that was entered into before the death or incapacity of the 4guardian, the conditions specified in sub. (6) (bm) are met, and the court appoints 5the successor guardian to assume the duty and authority of guardianship as 6provided in s. 48.977 (5m). A subsidized guardianship agreement shall specify all 7of the following: SB45,8948Section 894. 48.623 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,502,12948.623 (2) (e) That, in determining eligibility for adoption assistance under s. 1048.975 and 42 USC 673 for the care of the child, the placement of the child in the 11home of the guardian and any payments made under sub. (1) (1r) shall be 12considered never to have been made. SB45,89513Section 895. 48.623 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,503,111448.623 (3) (a) Except as provided in this paragraph, the county department 15shall provide the monthly payments under sub. (1) (1r) or (6). An Indian tribe that 16has entered into an agreement with the department under sub. (8) shall provide the 17monthly payments under sub. (1) (1r) or (6) for guardianships of children ordered by 18the tribal court, or a county department may provide the monthly payments under 19sub. (1) (1r) or (6) for guardianships of children ordered by the tribal court if the 20county department has entered into an agreement with the governing body of an 21Indian tribe to provide those payments. The county department or Indian tribe 22shall provide those payments from moneys received under s. 48.48 (8r). The 23department shall reimburse county departments and Indian tribes for the cost of 24subsidized guardianship payments, including payments made by county
1departments for guardianships of children ordered by tribal courts, from the 2appropriations under s. 20.437 (1) (dd), (kL), and (pd). In a county having a 3population of 750,000 or more or in the circumstances specified in s. 48.43 (7) (a) or 448.485 (1), the department shall provide the monthly payments under sub. (1) (1r) 5or (6). The department shall provide those payments from the appropriations 6under s. 20.437 (1) (cx) and (mx) or the county department shall provide those 7payments from moneys received under s. 48.48 (8r). The department shall 8reimburse county departments and Indian tribes for the cost of subsidized 9guardianship payments, including payments made by county departments for 10guardianships of children ordered by tribal courts, from the appropriations under s. 1120.437 (1) (dd), (kL), and (pd). SB45,89612Section 896. 48.623 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,503,211348.623 (3) (b) The county department or, as provided in par. (a), an Indian 14tribe or the department shall determine the initial amount of a monthly payment 15under sub. (1) (1r) or (6) for the care of a child based on the circumstances of the 16guardian and the needs of the child. That amount may not exceed the amount 17received under s. 48.62 (4) or a substantially similar tribal law by the guardian of 18the child for the month immediately preceding the month in which the 19guardianship order was granted. A guardian or an interim caretaker who receives 20a monthly payment under sub. (1) (1r) or (6) for the care of a child is not eligible to 21receive a payment under s. 48.57 (3m) or (3n) or 48.62 (4) for the care of that child. SB45,89722Section 897. 48.623 (3) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,504,132348.623 (3) (c) 2. Annually, a county department, Indian tribe, or the 24department shall review an agreement that has been amended under subd. 1. to
1determine whether the substantial change in circumstances that was the basis for 2amending the agreement continues to exist. If that substantial change in 3circumstances continues to exist, the agreement, as amended, shall remain in 4effect. If that substantial change in circumstances no longer exists, the county 5department, Indian tribe, or department shall offer to decrease the amount of the 6monthly subsidized guardianship payments provided under sub. (1) (1r) based on 7criteria established by the department under sub. (7) (c). If the decreased amount 8of those payments is agreed to by the person receiving those payments, the county 9department, Indian tribe, or department shall amend the agreement in writing to 10specify the decreased amount of those payments. If the decreased amount of those 11payments is not agreed to by the person receiving those payments, that person may 12appeal the decision of the county department, Indian tribe, or department 13regarding the decrease under sub. (5). SB45,89814Section 898. 48.623 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,504,221548.623 (3) (d) The department, an Indian tribe, or a county department may 16recover an overpayment made under sub. (1) (1r) or (6) from a guardian or interim 17caretaker who continues to receive those payments by reducing the amount of the 18person’s monthly payment. The department may by rule specify other methods for 19recovering those overpayments. A county department or Indian tribe that recovers 20an overpayment under this paragraph due to the efforts of its officers and 21employees may retain a portion of the amount recovered, as provided by the 22department by rule. SB45,89923Section 899. 48.623 (4) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,505,72448.623 (4) Annual review. A county department, an Indian tribe, or the
1department shall review a placement of a child for which the county department, 2Indian tribe, or department makes payments under sub. (1) (1r) not less than every 312 months after the county department, Indian tribe, or department begins making 4those payments to determine whether the child and the guardian remain eligible 5for those payments. If the child or the guardian is no longer eligible for those 6payments, the county department, Indian tribe, or department shall discontinue 7making those payments. SB45,9008Section 900. 48.623 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,505,15948.623 (5) (a) Any person whose application for payments under sub. (1) (1r) is 10not acted on promptly or is denied on the grounds that a condition specified in sub. 11(1) (1r) has not been met and any person whose payments under sub. (1) (1r) are 12decreased under sub. (3) (c) 2. or discontinued under sub. (4) may petition the 13department under par. (b) for a review of that action or failure to act. Review is 14unavailable if the action or failure to act arose more than 45 days before submission 15of the petition for review. SB45,90116Section 901. 48.623 (5) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,506,21748.623 (5) (b) 2. If a recipient requests a hearing within 10 days after the date 18of notice that his or her payments under sub. (1) (1r) are being decreased or 19discontinued, those payments may not be decreased or discontinued until a decision 20is rendered after the hearing but payments made pending the hearing decision may 21be recovered by the department if the contested action or failure to act is upheld. 22The department shall promptly notify the county department, Indian tribe, or 23subunit of the department whose action is the subject of the hearing that the 24recipient has requested a hearing. Payments under sub. (1) (1r) shall be decreased
1or discontinued if the recipient is contesting a state law or a change in state law and 2not the determination of the payment made on the recipient’s behalf. SB45,9023Section 902. 48.623 (5) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,506,6448.623 (5) (b) 3. The recipient shall be promptly informed in writing if his or 5her payments under sub. (1) (1r) are to be decreased or discontinued pending the 6hearing decision. SB45,9037Section 903. 48.623 (6) (am) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,506,12848.623 (6) (am) (intro.) On the death, incapacity, resignation, or removal of a 9guardian receiving payments under sub. (1) (1r), the county department, Indian 10tribe, or department providing those payments shall provide monthly subsidized 11guardianship payments in the amount specified in sub. (3) (b) for a period of up to 1212 months to an interim caretaker if all of the following conditions are met: SB45,90413Section 904. 48.623 (6) (bm) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,506,221448.623 (6) (bm) (intro.) On the death or incapacity of a guardian receiving 15payments under sub. (1) (1r), the county department, an Indian tribe, or the 16department providing those payments shall provide monthly subsidized 17guardianship payments in the amount specified in sub. (3) (b) to a person named as 18a prospective successor guardian of the child in a subsidized guardianship 19agreement or amended subsidized guardianship agreement that was entered into 20before the death or incapacity of the guardian if all of the following conditions are 21met and the court appoints the person as successor guardian to assume the duty 22and authority of guardianship as provided in s. 48.977 (5m): SB45,90523Section 905. 48.623 (6) (bm) 6. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,507,7
148.623 (6) (bm) 6. Any order under s. 48.345, 48.357, 48.363, 48.365, 938.34, 2938.345, 938.357, 938.363, or 938.365 or a tribal court order under a substantially 3similar tribal law placing the child, or continuing the placement of the child, 4outside of the child’s home has been terminated, or any proceeding specified in s. 548.977 (2) (a) in which the child has been adjudged to be in need of protection or 6services specified in s. 48.977 (2) (a) or delinquent has been dismissed, as provided 7in s. 48.977 (3r) (b). SB45,9068Section 906. 48.623 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,507,12948.623 (7) (a) A rule defining the substantial change in circumstances under 10which a person receiving monthly subsidized guardianship payments under sub. (1) 11(1r) may request that an agreement made under sub. (2) be amended to increase the 12amount of those payments. SB45,90713Section 907. 48.623 (7) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,507,201448.623 (7) (c) Rules establishing the criteria for determining the amount of 15the decrease in monthly subsidized guardianship payments that the department 16shall offer under sub. (3) (c) 2. if a substantial change in circumstances no longer 17exists. The criteria shall provide that the amount of the decrease offered by the 18department under sub. (3) (c) 2. may not result in a monthly subsidized 19guardianship payment that is less than the initial monthly subsidized 20guardianship payment provided for the child under sub. (1) (1r). SB45,90821Section 908. 48.623 (7) (dm) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,507,242248.623 (7) (dm) Rules establishing the conditions that must be met in order 23for a person specified in sub. (1) (1r) (b) 1. c. to be eligible for monthly subsidized 24guardianship payments under sub. (1) (1r). SB45,909
1Section 909. 48.623 (8) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,508,5248.623 (8) (b) A county department may provide the monthly payments under 3sub. (1) (1r) or (6) for guardianships of children ordered by the tribal court if the 4county department has entered into an agreement with the governing body of an 5Indian tribe to provide those payments. SB45,9106Section 910. 48.63 (3) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,508,16748.63 (3) (b) 4. Before a child may be placed under subd. 1., the department, 8county department, or child welfare agency making the placement and the 9proposed adoptive parent or parents shall enter into a written agreement that 10specifies who is financially responsible for the cost of providing care for the child 11prior to the finalization of the adoption and for the cost of returning the child to the 12parent who has custody of the child if the adoption is not finalized. Under the 13agreement, the department, county department, or child welfare agency or the 14proposed adoptive parent or parents, but not the any birth parent of the child or any 15alleged or presumed father parent of the child, shall be financially responsible for 16those costs. SB45,91117Section 911. 48.63 (3) (b) 5. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,508,231848.63 (3) (b) 5. Prior to termination of parental rights to the child, no person 19may coerce a birth parent of the child or any alleged or presumed father parent of 20the child into refraining from exercising his or her right to withdraw consent to the 21transfer or surrender of the child or to termination of his or her parental rights to 22the child, to have reasonable visitation or contact with the child, or to otherwise 23exercise his or her parental rights to the child. SB45,91224Section 912. 48.645 (3) of the statutes is repealed. SB45,913
1Section 913. 48.82 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,509,3248.82 (1) (a) A husband and wife Spouses jointly, or either the husband or 3wife if the other spouse is of a parent of the minor. SB45,9144Section 914. 48.837 (1r) (d) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,509,14548.837 (1r) (d) Before a child may be placed under par. (a), the department, 6county department, or child welfare agency making the placement and the 7proposed adoptive parent or parents shall enter into a written agreement that 8specifies who is financially responsible for the cost of providing care for the child 9prior to the finalization of the adoption and for the cost of returning the child to the 10parent who has custody of the child if the adoption is not finalized. Under the 11agreement, the department, county department, or child welfare agency or the 12proposed adoptive parent or parents, but not the any birth parent of the child or any 13alleged or presumed father parent of the child, shall be financially responsible for 14those costs. SB45,91515Section 915. 48.837 (1r) (e) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,509,211648.837 (1r) (e) Prior to termination of parental rights to the child, no person 17may coerce a birth parent of the child or any alleged or presumed father parent of 18the child into refraining from exercising his or her right to withdraw consent to the 19transfer or surrender of the child or to termination of his or her parental rights to 20the child, to have reasonable visitation or contact with the child, or to otherwise 21exercise his or her parental rights to the child. SB45,91622Section 916. 48.837 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,510,132348.837 (6) (b) At the beginning of the hearing held under sub. (2), the court
1shall review the report that is submitted under s. 48.913 (6). The court shall 2determine whether any payments or the conditions specified in any agreement to 3make payments are coercive to the any birth parent of the child or to an alleged or 4presumed father parent of the child or are impermissible under s. 48.913 (4). 5Making any payment to or on behalf of the a birth parent of the child, an, alleged or 6presumed father parent of the child, or the child conditional in any part upon 7transfer or surrender of the child or the termination of parental rights or the 8finalization of the adoption creates a rebuttable presumption of coercion. Upon a 9finding of coercion, the court shall dismiss the petitions under subs. (2) and (3) or 10amend the agreement to delete any coercive conditions, if the parties agree to the 11amendment. Upon a finding that payments which that are impermissible under s. 1248.913 (4) have been made, the court may dismiss the petition and may refer the 13matter to the district attorney for prosecution under s. 948.24 (1). SB45,91714Section 917. 48.837 (6) (br) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,510,181548.837 (6) (br) At the hearing on the petition under sub. (2), the court shall 16determine whether any person has coerced a birth parent or any alleged or 17presumed father parent of the child in violation of sub. (1r) (e). Upon a finding of 18coercion, the court shall dismiss the petitions under subs. (2) and (3). SB45,91819Section 918. 48.913 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,510,212048.913 (1) (a) Preadoptive counseling for a birth parent of the child or an 21alleged or presumed father parent of the child. SB45,91922Section 919. 48.913 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,511,2
148.913 (1) (b) Post-adoptive counseling for a birth parent of the child or an 2alleged or presumed father parent of the child. SB45,9203Section 920. 48.913 (1) (h) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,511,6448.913 (1) (h) Legal and other services received by a birth parent of the child, 5an alleged or presumed father parent of the child, or the child in connection with 6the adoption. SB45,9217Section 921. 48.913 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,511,14848.913 (2) Payment of expenses when birth parent is residing in 9another state. (intro.) Notwithstanding sub. (1), the proposed adoptive parents of 10a child or a person acting on behalf of the proposed adoptive parents of a child may 11pay for an expense of a birth parent of the child or an alleged or presumed father 12parent of the child if the birth parent or the alleged or presumed father parent was 13residing in another state when the payment was made and when the expense was 14incurred and if all of the following apply: SB45,92215Section 922. 48.913 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,511,181648.913 (2) (b) The state in which the birth parent or the alleged or presumed 17father parent was residing when the payment was made permits the payment of 18that expense by the proposed adoptive parents of the child. SB45,92319Section 923. 48.913 (2) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,512,52048.913 (2) (c) (intro.) A listing of all payments made under this subsection, a 21copy of the statutory provisions of the state in which the birth parent or the alleged 22or presumed father parent was residing when the payments were made that permit 23those payments to be made by the proposed adoptive parents of the child, and a copy
1of all orders entered in the state in which the birth parent or the alleged or 2presumed father parent was residing when the payments were made that relate to 3the payment of expenses of the birth parent or the alleged or presumed father 4parent by the proposed adoptive parents of the child is submitted to the court as 5follows: SB45,9246Section 924. 48.913 (3) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,512,13748.913 (3) Method of payment. Any payment under sub. (1) or (2) shall be 8made directly to the provider of a good or service except that a payment under sub. 9(1) or (2) may be made to a birth parent of the child or to an alleged or presumed 10father parent of the child as reimbursement of an amount previously paid by the 11birth parent or by the alleged or presumed father parent if documentation is 12provided showing that the birth parent or alleged or presumed father parent has 13made the previous payment. SB45,92514Section 925. 48.913 (4) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,512,181548.913 (4) Other payments prohibited. The proposed adoptive parents of a 16child or a person acting on behalf of the proposed adoptive parents may not make 17any payments to or on behalf of a birth parent of the child, an alleged or presumed 18father parent of the child, or the child except as provided in subs. (1) and (2). SB45,92619Section 926. 48.913 (7) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,513,112048.913 (7) Report to the court; contents required. The report required 21under sub. (6) shall include a list of all transfers of anything of value made or 22agreed to be made by the proposed adoptive parents or by a person acting on their 23behalf to a birth parent of the child, an alleged or presumed father parent of the
1child, or the child, on behalf of a birth parent of the child, an alleged or presumed 2father parent of the child, or the child, or to any other person in connection with the 3pregnancy, the birth of the child, the placement of the child with the proposed 4adoptive parents, or the adoption of the child by the proposed adoptive parents. The 5report shall be itemized and shall show the goods or services for which payment was 6made or agreed to be made. The report shall include the dates of each payment, the 7names and addresses of each attorney, doctor, hospital, agency, or other person or 8organization receiving any payment from the proposed adoptive parents or a person 9acting on behalf of the proposed adoptive parents in connection with the pregnancy, 10the birth of the child, the placement of the child with the proposed adoptive parents, 11or the adoption of the child by the proposed adoptive parents. SB45,92712Section 927. 48.977 (title) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,513,151348.977 (title) Appointment of guardians for certain children or 14juveniles in need of protection or services or juveniles adjudged 15delinquent. SB45,92816Section 928. 48.977 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: