SB45,4618Section 461. 23.0966 of the statutes is created to read: SB45,380,13923.0966 Tribal co-management program. The department shall establish 10a program under which it coordinates with the federally recognized American 11Indian tribes or bands domiciled in this state in the management of education 12infrastructure, land management activities, and other activities on department 13land, as defined under s. 23.0917 (1) (c). SB45,46214Section 462. 23.098 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,380,191523.098 (2) The department shall establish a program to make grants from the 16appropriations under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) and (tz) to friends groups and nonprofit 17conservation organizations for projects for property development activities on 18department properties. The department may not encumber more than $500,000 19$2,500,000 in each fiscal year for these grants. SB45,46320Section 463. 23.098 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,380,222123.098 (4) (b) The department may not encumber more than $20,000 $50,000 22for grants under this section for a department property in each fiscal year. SB45,46423Section 464. 23.197 (15) of the statutes is repealed. SB45,46524Section 465. 23.1987 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,381,7
123.1987 (1) From the moneys appropriated under s. 20.866 (2) (ta), the 2department shall set aside $7,000,000 in fiscal year 2014-15 that may be obligated 3only for infrastructure improvements to the Kettle Moraine Springs fish hatchery. 4For purposes of s. 23.0917, moneys obligated under this subsection shall be treated 5as moneys obligated under the property development and local assistance 6subprogram under s. 23.0917 (4). Section 23.0917 (5g) does not apply with respect 7to amounts obligated before July 1, 2018, under this subsection. SB45,4668Section 466. 23.1991 of the statutes is created to read: SB45,381,13923.1991 Great Lakes erosion control revolving loan program. (1) The 10department shall administer a revolving loan program to assist municipalities and 11owners of homes located on the shore of Lake Michigan or Lake Superior where the 12structural integrity of municipal buildings or homes is threatened by erosion of the 13shoreline. SB45,381,1514(2) The department shall make loans under this section from the 15appropriation under s. 20.370 (9) (pq). SB45,381,1816(3) The department shall promulgate rules to administer this section, 17including rules establishing eligibility criteria and income limitations for loans 18under this section. SB45,46719Section 467. 23.1993 of the statutes is created to read: SB45,381,242023.1993 Mississippi River erosion control revolving loan program. (1) 21The department shall administer a revolving loan program to assist municipalities 22and owners of homes located on the shore of the Mississippi River where the 23structural integrity of municipal buildings or homes is threatened by erosion of the 24shoreline. SB45,382,2
1(2) The department shall make loans under this section from the 2appropriation under s. 20.370 (9) (pq). SB45,382,53(3) The department shall promulgate rules to administer this section, 4including rules establishing eligibility criteria and income limitations for loans 5under this section. SB45,4686Section 468. 23.33 (1) (nh) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,382,8723.33 (1) (nh) “Utility terrain vehicle club” means a club consisting of 8individuals that promotes the recreational use of utility terrain vehicles. SB45,4699Section 469. 23.405 of the statutes is created to read: SB45,382,111023.405 Report on environmental impacts to covered communities. (1) 11In this section: SB45,382,1412(a) “Covered community” means a census tract that is at or above the 65th 13percentile for share of households with a household income at or below 200 percent 14of the federal poverty level and is any of the following: SB45,382,18151. At or above the 90th percentile for share of households that are both 16earning less than 80 percent of area median family income, as determined by the 17federal department of housing and urban development, and are spending more than 1830 percent of their income on housing costs. SB45,382,19192. At or above the 90th percentile for share of homes built before 1960. SB45,382,21203. At or above the 90th percentile for having hazardous waste treatment, 21storage, or disposal facilities or large quantity generators located within 3.1 miles. SB45,383,2224. At or above the 90th percentile for number of proposed or listed sites
1identified by the federal environmental protection agency as superfund or national 2priorities list sites located within 3.1 miles. SB45,383,435. At or above the 90th percentile for mixture of particles in diesel exhaust in 4the air, measured as pounds per cubic foot. SB45,383,656. At or above the 90th percentile for number of vehicles, based on average 6annual daily traffic, at major roads within 1,640 feet, divided by distance in feet. SB45,383,977. At or above the 90th percentile for risk-screening environmental indicators 8modeled toxic concentrations at stream segments within 1,640 feet, divided by 9distance in feet. SB45,383,10108. Occupied by a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band. SB45,383,1411(b) “Cumulative impacts” means the combined past, present, and foreseeable 12future emissions and discharges occurring in a specific geographical area that are 13assessed based upon guidance issued by the department for exposure, public health 14or environmental risk, or other effects to the geographical area. SB45,383,1615(c) “Facility” means any facility, the operation of which requires a permit 16issued by the department under ch. 283, 285, 289, or 291. SB45,383,1917(2) The department shall identify and maintain a list of covered communities 18in the state. The department shall update the list as necessary to reflect the most 19recent data on household income and the most recent federal decennial census. SB45,383,2220(3) The department may not issue a permit under ch. 283, 285, 289, or 291 for 21the operation of a facility that is located wholly or partly within a covered 22community unless the permit applicant does all of the following: SB45,384,323(a) Prepares a report assessing the environmental impact of the facility,
1including any cumulative impacts on the covered community, any adverse 2environmental effects that could not be avoided if the permit were issued, and the 3public health impact on the covered community. SB45,384,64(b) Makes the report available to the public and provides the report to the 5department and the governing body and municipal clerk for the municipality in 6which the covered community is located. SB45,384,177(c) Not less than 30 days after providing the report to the department and the 8governing body and municipal clerk under par. (b), conducts a public hearing in the 9municipality in which the covered community is located. The permit applicant 10shall conduct the public hearing in a manner that provides clear, accurate, and 11complete information about the facility and that provides the opportunity for 12meaningful public participation by residents of the covered community. Not less 13than 21 days prior to the hearing, the permit applicant shall publish public notices 14of the hearing in no fewer than 2 newspapers circulating within the covered 15community. Not less than 14 days prior to the hearing, the permit applicant shall 16provide a copy of the public notice to the department and the governing body and 17the municipal clerk of the municipality in which the covered community is located. SB45,384,2118(4) If a permit applicant is applying for more than one permit for a proposed 19new or expanded facility that is subject to sub. (3), the permit applicant is not 20required to comply with sub. (3) more than once for permits applicable to that 21facility. SB45,385,322(5) Following a public hearing conducted under sub. (3) (c), the department 23shall consider community support and any testimony presented in its decision to
1grant or deny a permit and shall evaluate any revisions or conditions to the permit 2that may be necessary to reduce the adverse impact to public health or to the 3environment in the covered community. SB45,385,114(6) The department shall issue a decision on a permit application that is 5subject to sub. (3) not less than 60 days following the public hearing held as 6required by sub. (3) (c). The department may deny an application for a permit for 7the operation of a facility that is located wholly or partly within a covered 8community if the department finds that the cumulative impact of the facility, in 9addition to the existing conditions in the covered community, constitute an 10unreasonable risk to the environment and the health of the residents in the covered 11community. SB45,385,1312(7) The department may promulgate any rules necessary to administer this 13section. SB45,47014Section 470. 25.29 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,385,171525.29 (1) (b) One percent of all sales and use taxes under s. 77.61 (1) on all-16terrain vehicles, utility terrain vehicles, off-highway motorcycles, boats, and 17snowmobiles collected under ss. 23.33, 23.335, 30.52 (4), 350.12, and 350.122. SB45,47118Section 471. 25.40 (1) (f) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,385,211925.40 (1) (f) 1. Moneys received from the federal government, for the 20regulation of railroads and water carriers, that are deposited in the general fund 21and credited to the appropriation under s. 20.155 (2) (m) 20.395 (7) (am). SB45,47222Section 472. 25.491 (1) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,386,42325.491 (1) (c) 2. The percentage change in the estimated amount of revenues 24received from the taxes imposed under ss. 77.52 and 77.53 for the previous fiscal
1year from the immediately preceding fiscal year, as specified for that fiscal year as 2outlined in the summary of estimated general fund taxes under the biennial budget 3act prepared by the legislative fiscal bureau, multiplied by the sum of the amounts 4credited to the accounts under subs. (2) (a) and (9) in the previous fiscal year. SB45,4735Section 473. 25.491 (1) (c) 3. of the statutes is created to read: SB45,386,11625.491 (1) (c) 3. The percentage change in the estimated amount of revenues 7received from the taxes imposed under ss. 77.52 and 77.53 for the previous fiscal 8year from the immediately preceding fiscal year, as specified for that fiscal year as 9outlined in the summary of estimated general fund taxes under the biennial budget 10act prepared by the legislative fiscal bureau, multiplied by the amount credited to 11the account under sub. (8) in the previous fiscal year. SB45,47412Section 474. 25.491 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 25.491 (2) (a) and 13amended to read: SB45,386,231425.491 (2) (a) There is established in the local government fund a separate 15account that is designated the “county and municipal aid account” to make the 16payments under s. 79.036. In fiscal year 2024-25, the total amount of the payments 17made in the previous fiscal year under s. 79.035 shall be credited to this account. In 18fiscal year 2025-26, and in each fiscal year thereafter, an amount equal to the 19amount credited to this account in the previous fiscal year, excluding any amount 20credited to this account under par. (b), increased by the percentage change in the 21amount of revenues received from the taxes imposed under ss. 77.52 and 77.53 for 22the previous fiscal year from the immediately preceding fiscal year as determined 23under sub. (1), shall be credited to this account. SB45,47524Section 475. 25.491 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,387,4
125.491 (2) (b) In fiscal year 2025-26, the amount credited to the county and 2municipal aid account shall be the amount determined under par. (a), plus 3$1,000,000 for the additional amount to be distributed to the city of Green Bay 4under s. 79.036 (5). SB45,4765Section 476. 25.491 (8) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,387,14625.491 (8) There is established in the local government fund a separate 7account that is designated “municipal services” to make payments as determined 8under s. 70.119 (7). In fiscal year 2025-26, an amount equal to the total amount of 9the payments made in the previous fiscal year under s. 70.119 (7) shall be credited 10to this account. In fiscal year 2026-27, and in each fiscal year thereafter, an amount 11equal to the amount credited to this account in the previous fiscal year, increased by 12the percentage change in the amount of revenues received from the taxes imposed 13under ss. 77.52 and 77.53 for the previous fiscal year from the immediately 14preceding fiscal year as determined under sub. (1), shall be credited to this account. SB45,47715Section 477. 25.491 (13) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,387,191625.491 (13) There is established in the local government fund a separate 17account that is designated the “local construction project grants account" to make 18the payments under s. 16.095 (6). All interest earnings of the local government 19fund shall be credited to this account. SB45,47820Section 478. 25.491 (14) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,388,22125.491 (14) (a) No later than July 1, 2026, the department of revenue shall 22determine the amount that revenues from the taxes imposed under ss. 77.52 and 2377.53 decreased in fiscal year 2025-26 due to the exemption under s. 77.54 (14) (g) 24and the exemption under s. 77.54 (30) (a) 2. for electricity and natural gas sold
1during the months of May, June, July, August, September, and October for 2residential use. SB45,388,113(b) 1. Notwithstanding subs. (1) (c) 2., (2), (8), and (9) (a) and (b), the 4department of revenue shall add the amount determined under par. (a) to the 5amount of revenues received from the taxes imposed under ss. 77.52 and 77.53 for 6fiscal year 2025-26, as specified for that fiscal year as outlined in the summary of 7estimated general fund taxes under the biennial budget act prepared by the 8legislative fiscal bureau, and that amount shall be used to determine the 9percentage change in the amount of revenues received from the taxes imposed 10under ss. 77.52 and 77.53 for fiscal year 2025-26 from fiscal year 2024-25 for 11purposes of subs. (1) (c) 2., (2), (8), and (9) (a) and (b). SB45,388,15122. a. Notwithstanding sub. (2), in fiscal year 2026-27, an amount equal to the 13amount credited to the county and municipal aid account under sub. (2) in fiscal 14year 2025-26, increased by the percentage change determined under subd. 1., shall 15be credited to the county and municipal aid account under sub. (2). SB45,388,1916b. Notwithstanding sub. (8), in fiscal year 2026-27, an amount equal to the 17amount credited to the municipal services account under sub. (8) in fiscal year 182025-26, increased by the percentage change determined under subd. 1., shall be 19credited to the municipal services account under sub. (8). SB45,388,2420c. Notwithstanding sub. (9) (a), in fiscal year 2026-27, an amount equal to the 21amount credited to the supplemental county and municipal aid account under sub. 22(9) (a) in fiscal year 2025-26, increased by the percentage change determined under 23subd. 1., shall be credited to the supplemental county and municipal aid account 24under sub. (9) (a). SB45,389,5
1d. Notwithstanding sub. (9) (b), in fiscal year 2026-27, an amount equal to the 2amount credited to the supplemental county and municipal aid account under sub. 3(9) (b) in fiscal year 2025-26, increased by the percentage change determined under 4subd. 1., shall be credited to the supplemental county and municipal aid account 5under sub. (9) (b). SB45,4796Section 479. 27.01 (9) (bg) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,389,7727.01 (9) (bg) Annual 4th grade pass. 1. In this paragraph: SB45,389,108a. “Fourth grade pupil” means a child receiving a 4th grade level of 9instruction in a school or a home-based private educational program, as defined in 10s. 115.001 (3g). SB45,389,1111b. “Guardian” has the meaning given in s. 48.02 (8). SB45,389,1212c. “Parent” has the meaning given in s. 48.02 (13). SB45,389,19132. The parent or guardian of a child may apply for an annual vehicle 14admission receipt fee waiver by submitting an application to the department. An 15application may not be submitted to a regional office of the department or to a 16person who is subject to an appointment or a contract as authorized under s. 29.024 17(6) (a) 2. to 4. but must be submitted directly to the main office of the department. 18An application shall be submitted on a form provided by the department and shall 19include all of the following information: SB45,389,2020a. The child’s name. SB45,389,2121b. The child’s date of birth. SB45,389,2422c. The name of the school the child is or will be attending or a certification 23that the child is in a home-based private educational program, as defined in s. 24115.001 (3g). SB45,390,5
1d. A certification that the child is, was, or will be a 4th grade pupil on the first 2day of January of the calendar year for which the waiver is issued. This 3certification may be satisfied with dated report cards, dated and signed enrollment 4forms, a dated letter from the child’s school on official letterhead, or any other proof 5deemed acceptable by the department. SB45,390,863. Subject to subd. 4., the department shall provide to an individual whose 7application submitted under subd. 2. is approved an annual vehicle admission 8receipt fee waiver that is valid for the calendar year in which the waiver is issued. SB45,390,1294. A parent or guardian may receive only one fee waiver under this paragraph 10in his or her lifetime. If a parent or guardian receives a fee waiver under this 11paragraph, the department may not issue a fee waiver under this paragraph for any 12other member of the parent’s or guardian’s household. SB45,390,16135. The department shall waive the fee, including the issuing fee, imposed 14under sub. (7) for an annual vehicle admission receipt for a single vehicle, except a 15motor bus, that has Wisconsin registration plates and that is operated by a person 16who holds a valid fee waiver issued under this paragraph. SB45,48017Section 480. 27.01 (9) (bt) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,391,21827.01 (9) (bt) Annual vehicle admission receipt fee waiver; tribes and bands. 19The department shall waive all fees imposed under sub. (7) for an annual vehicle 20admission receipt for any vehicle, except a motor bus, that has Wisconsin 21registration plates or a registration plate showing valid registration by a federally 22recognized American Indian tribe or band and that is owned by a person who
1produces evidence that he or she is a member of a federally recognized American 2Indian tribe or band located in this state. SB45,4813Section 481. 27.01 (10) (f) of the statutes is renumbered 27.01 (10) (f) 1. SB45,4824Section 482. 27.01 (10) (f) 2. of the statutes is created to read: SB45,391,8527.01 (10) (f) 2. The department shall waive the camping fee, including any 6additional fee under par. (g) or sub. (11) (c), for a person who applies for a 7reservation under sub. (11) and who produces evidence that he or she is a member 8of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band located in this state. SB45,4839Section 483. 27.01 (19) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,391,121027.01 (19) Credit card handling fee. (a) In this subsection, “credit card 11handling fee” means the costs associated with collecting fees that are paid for by 12using a credit card. SB45,391,1613(b) In addition to any other fee imposed under this section, the department 14may collect a credit card handling fee to cover credit card transaction costs incurred 15in collecting fees for vehicle admission receipt and camping fees that are paid for by 16using a credit card. SB45,391,1817(c) If the department collects a handling fee under par. (b), it shall promulgate 18rules establishing the amount of the fee. SB45,391,2219(d) If the department has appointed an agent to collect a fee to which this 20subsection applies, the department may allow the agent to collect any applicable 21credit card handling fee. The department may allow the agent to retain all or a 22portion of each credit card handling fee. SB45,392,223(e) A credit card handling fee may not be more than the amount necessary to
1cover the costs of using a credit card to collect the fee to which the credit card 2handling fee applies. SB45,392,43(f) Any fee collected under this subsection by the department shall be credited 4to the appropriation account under s. 20.370 (9) (hw).