SB45,1576,1811938.48 (14) School-related expenses for juveniles over 17 who become 12adults. Pay maintenance, tuition, and related expenses from the appropriation 13under s. 20.410 (3) (ho) for persons who, when they attained 17 years of age became 14adults, were students regularly attending a school, college, or university or 15regularly attending a course of vocational or technical training designed to prepare 16them for gainful employment, and who upon attaining that age becoming adults 17were under the supervision of the department under s. 938.183, 938.34 (4h), or 18938.357 (3) or (4) as a result of a judicial decision. SB45,316619Section 3166. 938.57 (3) (title) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1576,2120938.57 (3) (title) Continuing maintenance for juveniles over 17 who 21become adults. SB45,316722Section 3167. 938.57 (3) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1577,223938.57 (3) (a) (intro.) From the reimbursement received under s. 48.569 (1)
1(d), counties may provide funding for the maintenance of any juvenile person who 2meets all of the following qualifications: SB45,31683Section 3168. 938.57 (3) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1577,44938.57 (3) (a) 1. Is 17 years of age or older an adult. SB45,31695Section 3169. 938.57 (3) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1577,76938.57 (3) (a) 3. Received funding under s. 48.569 (1) (d) immediately prior to 7his or her 17th birthday becoming an adult. SB45,31708Section 3170. 938.57 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1577,119938.57 (3) (b) The funding provided for the maintenance of a juvenile person 10under par. (a) shall be in an amount equal to that which the juvenile person would 11receive under s. 48.569 (1) (d) if the person were a juvenile were 16 years of age. SB45,317112Section 3171. 939.22 (22) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1577,1713939.22 (22) “Peace officer” means any person vested by law with a duty to 14maintain public order or to make arrests for crime, whether that duty extends to all 15crimes or is limited to specific crimes. “Peace officer” includes a commission 16warden, a marshal of the supreme court under s. 758.195, and a university police 17officer, as defined in s. 175.42 (1) (b). SB45,317218Section 3172. 939.6195 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1577,1919939.6195 (1) (a) 1. A violation of s. 941.29 or, 941.2905, or 941.293. SB45,317320Section 3173. 941.285 of the statutes is created to read: SB45,1578,321941.285 Possession of firearm accessories that accelerate the rate of 22fire. (1) No person may import, sell or offer to sell, purchase, manufacture, 23transfer, use, or possess a trigger crank, a bump-fire device, or any part,
1combination of parts, component, device, attachment, or accessory that is added 2after manufacture that is designed to accelerate or functions to accelerate the rate 3of fire of a semiautomatic firearm. SB45,1578,44(2) Any person violating sub. (1) is guilty of a Class G felony. SB45,1578,75(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to importation, sale, purchase, manufacture, 6transfer, use, or possession by or under the authority of the federal government or a 7state or local government. SB45,31748Section 3174. 941.29 (1g) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1578,179941.29 (1g) (a) “Violent felony” means any felony under s. 943.23 (1m), 1999 10stats., s. 943.23 (1r), 1999 stats., or s. 943.23 (1g), 2021 stats., this section sub. (1m), 11or s. 940.01, 940.02, 940.03, 940.05, 940.06, 940.08, 940.09, 940.10, 940.19, 940.195, 12940.198, 940.20, 940.201, 940.203, 940.204, 940.21, 940.225, 940.23, 940.235, 13940.285 (2), 940.29, 940.295 (3), 940.30, 940.302, 940.305, 940.31, 940.43 (1) to (3), 14940.45 (1) to (3), 941.20, 941.26, 941.28, 941.285, 941.2905, 941.292, 941.293, 15941.30, 941.327 (2) (b) 3. or 4., 943.02, 943.04, 943.06, 943.10 (2), 943.231 (1), 16943.32, 943.87, 946.43, 948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025, 948.03, 948.04, 948.05, 948.051, 17948.06, 948.07, 948.08, 948.085, or 948.30. SB45,317518Section 3175. 941.29 (1m) (dm), (dn) and (do) of the statutes are created to 19read: SB45,1578,2120941.29 (1m) (dm) The person has been convicted of a misdemeanor under s. 21175.33 (2), unless at least 2 years have passed since the conviction. SB45,1578,2322(dn) The person has been adjudicated delinquent for a violation under s. 23175.33 (2), unless at least 2 years have passed since the adjudication. SB45,1579,224(do) The person has been found not guilty of a misdemeanor under s. 175.33
1(2) by reason of mental disease or defect, unless at least 2 years have passed since 2the finding. SB45,31763Section 3176. 941.29 (1m) (f) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1579,104941.29 (1m) (f) The person is subject to an injunction issued under s. 813.12 5or 813.122, a temporary restraining order or an injunction issued under s. 813.124, 6or under a tribal injunction, as defined in s. 813.12 (1) (e), issued by a court 7established by any federally recognized Wisconsin Indian tribe or band, except the 8Menominee Indian tribe of Wisconsin, that includes notice to the respondent that 9he or she is subject to the requirements and penalties under this section and that 10has been filed under s. 813.128 (3g). SB45,317711Section 3177. 941.29 (3m) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,1579,1612941.29 (3m) (a) A person who resides with a person who is prohibited under 13sub. (1m) from possessing a firearm shall, when not carrying the firearm, store any 14firearm he or she possesses in a securely locked box or container or in a locked 15location that a reasonable person would believe to be secure or ensure that a trigger 16lock is engaged on the firearm. SB45,1579,1717(b) A person who violates par. (a) is guilty of the following: SB45,1579,18181. For a first violation, a Class A misdemeanor. SB45,1579,19192. For a 2nd or subsequent violation, a Class I felony. SB45,317820Section 3178. 941.291 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1580,921941.291 (1) (b) “Violent felony” means any felony, or the solicitation, 22conspiracy, or attempt to commit any felony, under s. 943.23 (1m) or (1r), 1999 23stats., or s. 943.23 (1g), 2021 stats., or s. 940.01, 940.02, 940.03, 940.05, 940.06,
1940.08, 940.09, 940.10, 940.19, 940.195, 940.198, 940.20, 940.201, 940.203, 2940.204, 940.21, 940.225, 940.23, 940.285 (2), 940.29, 940.295 (3), 940.30, 940.305, 3940.31, 940.43 (1) to (3), 940.45 (1) to (3), 941.20, 941.26, 941.28, 941.285, 941.29 4(1m), 941.293, 941.30, 941.327, 943.01 (2) (c), 943.011, 943.013, 943.02, 943.04, 5943.06, 943.10 (2), 943.231 (1), 943.32, 943.81, 943.82, 943.83, 943.85, 943.86, 6943.87, 943.88, 943.89, 943.90, 946.43, 947.015, 948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025, 948.03, 7948.04, 948.05, 948.06, 948.07, 948.08, 948.085, or 948.30; or, if the victim is a 8financial institution, as defined in s. 943.80 (2), a felony, or the solicitation, 9conspiracy, or attempt to commit a felony under s. 943.84 (1) or (2). SB45,317910Section 3179. 941.293 of the statutes is created to read: SB45,1580,1211941.293 Undetectable firearms; serial numbers on firearm 12components. (1) In this section: SB45,1580,1413(a) “Major component” means the barrel, the slide or cylinder, or the frame or 14receiver of a firearm. SB45,1580,1515(b) “Undetectable firearm” means any of the following: SB45,1580,18161. A firearm that, after the removal of grips, stocks, and magazines, is not 17detectable by a metal detector calibrated to detect a security exemplar, as defined in 1818 USC 922 (p) (2) (C). SB45,1580,22192. A firearm if any major component of it does not generate an image that 20accurately depicts the shape of the component when subject to inspection by 21security scanners, x-ray machines, or other security devices commonly used at 22airports. SB45,1580,2423(2) (a) 1. Whoever sells, offers to sell, transfers, transports, manufactures, 24possesses, or goes armed with an undetectable firearm is guilty of a Class G felony. SB45,1581,3
12. Whoever sells, offers to sell, transfers, posts, provides to another, or 2possesses plans for manufacturing an undetectable firearm is guilty of a Class H 3felony. SB45,1581,74(b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to a person who is licensed by a state or the 5federal government to manufacture undetectable firearms while the person is on 6official duty. Paragraph (a) 1. does not apply to a law enforcement officer while on 7official duty or to armed forces or national guard personnel while on official duty. SB45,1581,108(3) (a) Whoever possesses a frame or a receiver of a firearm that is not 9attached to a firearm and that is not marked or engraved with a serial number is 10guilty of a Class I felony. SB45,1581,1511(b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to a firearm frame or receiver manufactured 12before 1968, a person who is licensed by a state or the federal government to 13manufacture undetectable firearms while the person is on official duty, a law 14enforcement officer while on official duty, or armed forces or national guard 15personnel while on official duty. SB45,318016Section 3180. 943.20 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1581,1917943.20 (2) (c) “Property of another” includes property in which the actor is a 18co-owner and property of a partnership of which the actor is a member, unless the 19actor and the victim are husband and wife married to each other. SB45,318120Section 3181. 943.201 (1) (b) 8. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1581,2221943.201 (1) (b) 8. The maiden name surname of an individual’s mother parent 22before marriage if the surname was changed as a result of marriage. SB45,318223Section 3182. 943.205 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1582,3
1943.205 (2) (b) “Owner” includes a co-owner of the person charged and a 2partnership of which the person charged is a member, unless the person charged 3and the victim are husband and wife married to each other. SB45,31834Section 3183. 943.395 (1) (e) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,1582,75943.395 (1) (e) Presents an application for worker’s compensation insurance 6coverage that is false or fraudulent or that falsely or fraudulently misclassifies 7employees to lower worker’s compensation insurance premiums. SB45,31848Section 3184. 946.15 of the statutes is created to read: SB45,1582,229946.15 Public construction contracts at less than full rate. (1) Any 10employer, or any agent or employee of an employer, who induces any individual who 11seeks to be or is employed pursuant to a public contract, as defined in s. 66.0901 (1) 12(c), or who seeks to be or is employed on a project on which a prevailing wage rate 13determination has been issued by the department of workforce development under 14s. 66.0903 (3), 103.49 (3), 103.50 (3), or 229.8275 (3) to give up, waive, or return any 15part of the compensation to which that individual is entitled under his or her 16contract of employment or under the prevailing wage rate determination issued by 17the department, or who reduces the hourly basic rate of pay normally paid to an 18employee for work on a project on which a prevailing wage rate determination has 19not been issued under s. 66.0903 (3), 103.49 (3), 103.50 (3), or 229.8275 (3) during a 20week in which the employee works both on a project on which a prevailing wage rate 21determination has been issued and on a project on which a prevailing wage rate 22determination has not been issued, is guilty of a Class I felony. SB45,1583,1223(2) Any individual employed pursuant to a public contract, as defined in s.
166.0901 (1) (c), or employed on a project on which a prevailing wage rate 2determination has been issued by the department of workforce development under 3s. 66.0903 (3), 103.49 (3), 103.50 (3), or 229.8275 (3) who gives up, waives, or returns 4to the employer or agent of the employer any part of the compensation to which the 5employee is entitled under his or her contract of employment or under the 6prevailing wage determination issued by the department, or who gives up any part 7of the compensation to which he or she is normally entitled for work on a project on 8which a prevailing wage rate determination has not been issued under s. 66.0903 9(3), 103.49 (3), 103.50 (3), or 229.8275 (3) during a week in which the individual 10works part-time on a project on which a prevailing wage rate determination has 11been issued and part-time on a project on which a prevailing wage rate 12determination has not been issued, is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor. SB45,1583,2113(3) Any employer or labor organization, or any agent or employee of an 14employer or labor organization, who induces any individual who seeks to be or is 15employed on a project on which a prevailing wage rate determination has been 16issued by the department of workforce development under s. 66.0903 (3), 103.49 (3), 17103.50 (3), or 229.8275 (3) to allow any part of the wages to which that individual is 18entitled under the prevailing wage rate determination issued by the department or 19local governmental unit to be deducted from the individual’s pay is guilty of a Class 20I felony, unless the deduction would be allowed under 29 CFR 3.5 or 3.6 from an 21individual who is working on a project that is subject to 40 USC 3142. SB45,1584,622(4) Any individual employed on a project on which a prevailing wage rate 23determination has been issued by the department of workforce development under
1s. 66.0903 (3), 103.49 (3), 103.50 (3), or 229.8275 (3) who allows any part of the 2wages to which that individual is entitled under the prevailing wage rate 3determination issued by the department or local governmental unit to be deducted 4from his or her pay is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor, unless the deduction would 5be allowed under 29 CFR 3.5 or 3.6 from an individual who is working on a project 6that is subject to 40 USC 3142. SB45,31857Section 3185. 946.50 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1584,128946.50 Absconding. (intro.) Any person who is adjudicated delinquent, but 9who intentionally fails to appear before the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction 10under chs. 48 and 938 for his or her dispositional hearing under s. 938.335, and who 11does not return to that court for a dispositional hearing before attaining the age of 1217 years becoming an adult is guilty of the following: SB45,318613Section 3186. 947.01 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 947.01 (1) (intro.) and 14amended to read: SB45,1584,1615947.01 (1) (intro.) Whoever, in a public or private place, engages in violent, 16abusive, any of the following is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor: SB45,1584,1917(b) Abusive, indecent, profane, boisterous, unreasonably loud or otherwise 18disorderly conduct under circumstances in which the conduct tends to cause or 19provoke a disturbance is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor. SB45,318720Section 3187. 947.01 (1) (a) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,1584,2221947.01 (1) (a) Violent behavior that involves the use or attempted use of 22physical force or the use of or threat to use a dangerous weapon. SB45,318823Section 3188. 947.20 of the statutes is repealed. SB45,3189
1Section 3189. 947.21 of the statutes is repealed. SB45,31902Section 3190. 948.01 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1585,63948.01 (1) “Child” means a person who has not attained the age of 18 years, 4except that for purposes of prosecuting a person who is alleged to have violated a 5state or federal criminal law, “child” does not include a person who has attained the 6age of 17 years. SB45,31917Section 3191. 948.11 (2) (am) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1585,128948.11 (2) (am) (intro.) Any person who has attained the age of 17 and adult 9who, with knowledge of the character and content of the description or narrative 10account, verbally communicates, by any means, a harmful description or narrative 11account to a child, with or without monetary consideration, is guilty of a Class I 12felony if any of the following applies: SB45,319213Section 3192. 948.45 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1585,1714948.45 (1) Except as provided in sub. (2), any person 17 years of age or older 15adult who, by any act or omission, knowingly encourages or contributes to the 16truancy, as defined under s. 118.16 (1) (c), of a person 17 years of age or under child 17is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor. SB45,319318Section 3193. 948.55 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read: SB45,1586,219948.55 Storage of firearm if children present. (1) Whoever resides with 20a child, or knows a child will be present in his or her residence, may not store or 21leave a firearm at his or her residence unless the firearm is in a securely locked box 22or container or in a locked location that a reasonable person would believe to be
1secure or unless a trigger lock is engaged on the firearm. This prohibition does not 2apply to a person who is going armed with the firearm. SB45,1586,33(2) A person who violates sub. (1) is guilty of the following: SB45,1586,44(a) For a first violation, a Class A misdemeanor. SB45,1586,55(b) For a 2nd or subsequent violation, a Class I felony. SB45,31946Section 3194. 948.60 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1586,107948.60 (2) (d) A person under 17 years of age child who has violated this 8subsection is subject to the provisions of ch. 938 unless jurisdiction is waived under 9s. 938.18 or the person is subject to the jurisdiction of a court of criminal 10jurisdiction under s. 938.183. SB45,319511Section 3195. 948.61 (4) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1586,1512948.61 (4) A person under 17 years of age child who has violated this section 13is subject to the provisions of ch. 938, unless jurisdiction is waived under s. 938.18 14or the person is subject to the jurisdiction of a court of criminal jurisdiction under s. 15938.183. SB45,319616Section 3196. 950.04 (1v) (g) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1586,2017950.04 (1v) (g) To have reasonable attempts made to notify the victim of 18hearings or court proceedings, as provided under ss. 302.113 (9g) (g) 2., 302.114 (6), 19938.27 (4m) and (6), 938.273 (2), 971.095 (3) and, 972.14 (3) (b), and 973.015 (1m) 20(c). SB45,319721Section 3197. 961.01 (14) of the statutes is renumbered 961.70 (2) and 22amended to read: SB45,1587,1123961.70 (2) “Marijuana” means all parts of the plants of the genus Cannabis,
1whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; the resin extracted from any part of the 2plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation 3of the plant, its seeds or resin, including if the tetrahydrocannabinols concentration 4of the plant part, seeds, resin, compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or 5preparation is greater than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis. “Marijuana” does 6include the mature stalks if mixed with other parts of the plant, but does not 7include fiber produced from the stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of the plant, 8any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the 9mature stalks (except the resin extracted therefrom), fiber, oil, or cake or the 10sterilized seed of the plant which is incapable of germination. “Marijuana” does not 11include hemp, as defined in s. 94.55 (1). SB45,319812Section 3198. 961.01 (19) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1587,1813961.01 (19) (a) A physician, advanced practice registered nurse, dentist, 14veterinarian, podiatrist, optometrist, scientific investigator or, subject to s. 448.975 15(1) (b), a physician assistant, or other person licensed, registered, certified or 16otherwise permitted to distribute, dispense, conduct research with respect to, 17administer or use in teaching or chemical analysis a controlled substance in the 18course of professional practice or research in this state. SB45,319919Section 3199. 961.11 (4g) of the statutes is repealed.