SB45,627,226. Savings banks. SB45,627,337. Savings and loan associations. SB45,627,448. Investment companies. SB45,627,559. Personal representatives. SB45,627,7711. Other fiduciaries not listed in this paragraph. SB45,627,118(b) The authority’s bonds are securities that may be deposited with and 9received by any officer or agency of the state or any local governmental unit, as 10defined in s. 19.42 (7u), for any purpose for which the deposit of bonds or obligations 11of the state or any local governmental unit is authorized by law. SB45,627,2012(12) Budgets; rates and charges; audit. The board of directors of an 13authority shall annually prepare a budget for the authority. Rates and other 14charges received by the authority shall be used only for the general expenses and 15capital expenditures of the authority, to pay interest, amortization, and retirement 16charges on bonds, and for specific purposes of the authority and may not be 17transferred to any political subdivision. The authority shall maintain an 18accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and 19shall have its financial statements and debt covenants audited annually by an 20independent certified public accountant. SB45,627,2321(13) Withdrawal from authority. A participating political subdivision that 22joined an authority under sub. (2) (f) 2. may withdraw from an authority if all of the 23following conditions are met: SB45,628,2
1(a) The governing body of the political subdivision adopts a resolution 2requesting withdrawal of the political subdivision from the authority. SB45,628,43(b) The political subdivision has paid, or made provision for the payment of, 4all obligations of the political subdivision to the authority. SB45,628,75(14) Duty to provide transit service. An authority shall provide, or 6contract for the provision of, transit service within the authority’s jurisdictional 7area. SB45,628,128(17) Other statutes. This section does not limit the powers of political 9subdivisions to enter into intergovernmental cooperation or contracts or to 10establish separate legal entities under s. 66.0301 or 66.1021 or any other applicable 11law, or otherwise to carry out their powers under applicable statutory provisions. 12Section 66.0803 (2) does not apply to an authority. SB45,116913Section 1169. 66.1105 (2) (ab) of the statutes is renumbered 66.1105 (2) (n) 14(intro.) and amended to read: SB45,628,201566.1105 (2) (n) (intro.) “Affordable Workforce housing” means housing that 16costs a household no more than 30 percent of the household’s gross monthly income. 17to which all of the following apply, as adjusted for family size and the county in 18which the household is located, based on the county’s 5-year average median income 19and housing costs as calculated by the U.S. bureau of the census in its American 20community survey: SB45,117021Section 1170. 66.1105 (2) (cm) of the statutes is renumbered 66.1105 (2) 22(cm) (intro.) and amended to read: SB45,629,32366.1105 (2) (cm) (intro.) “Mixed-use development” means development that
1contains a combination of industrial, commercial, or residential uses, except that 2lands proposed for newly platted residential use, as shown in the project plan, may 3not exceed 35 either of the following: SB45,629,441. Thirty-five percent, by area, of the real property within the district. SB45,11715Section 1171. 66.1105 (2) (cm) 2. of the statutes is created to read: SB45,629,8666.1105 (2) (cm) 2. Sixty percent, by area, of the real property within the 7district if the newly platted residential use that exceeds 35 percent is used solely for 8workforce housing. SB45,11729Section 1172. 66.1105 (2) (n) 1. of the statutes is created to read: SB45,629,111066.1105 (2) (n) 1. The housing costs a household no more than 30 percent of 11the household’s gross median income. SB45,117312Section 1173. 66.1105 (2) (n) 2. of the statutes is created to read: SB45,629,151366.1105 (2) (n) 2. The residential units of the housing are for initial occupancy 14by individuals whose household median income is no more than 120 percent of the 15county’s gross median income. SB45,117416Section 1174. 66.1105 (4) (f) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,630,141766.1105 (4) (f) Adoption by the planning commission of a project plan for each 18tax incremental district and submission of the plan to the local legislative body. 19The plan shall include a statement listing the kind, number and location of all 20proposed public works or improvements within the district or, to the extent 21provided in sub. (2) (f) 1. k. and 1. n., outside the district, an economic feasibility 22study, a detailed list of estimated project costs, and a description of the methods of 23financing all estimated project costs and the time when the related costs or
1monetary obligations are to be incurred. The project plan shall also contain 2alternative projections of the district’s finances and economic feasibility under 3different economic scenarios, including the scenario in which work on a public work 4or improvement specified in the project plan begins 3 years later than expected and 5the scenario in which the rate of property value growth in the district is at least 10 6percent lower than expected. The plan shall also include a map showing existing 7uses and conditions of real property in the district; a map showing proposed 8improvements and uses in the district; proposed changes of zoning ordinances, 9master plan, if any, map, building codes and city ordinances; a list of estimated 10nonproject costs; and a statement of the proposed method for the relocation of any 11persons to be displaced. The plan shall indicate how creation of the tax incremental 12district promotes the orderly development of the city. The city shall include in the 13plan an opinion of the city attorney or of an attorney retained by the city advising 14whether the plan is complete and complies with this section. SB45,117515Section 1175. 66.1105 (4) (gm) 4. c. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,631,41666.1105 (4) (gm) 4. c. Except as provided in subs. (10) (c), (16) (d), (17), (18) (c) 173., (20) (b), and (20m) (d) 1., the equalized value of taxable property of the district 18plus the value increment of all existing districts does not exceed 12 percent of the 19total equalized value of taxable property within the city or that sub. (17) (h) applies. 20In determining the equalized value of taxable property under this subd. 4. c., the 21department of revenue shall base its calculations on the most recent equalized 22value of taxable property of the district that is reported under s. 70.57 (1m) before 23the date on which the resolution under this paragraph is adopted. If the 24department of revenue determines that a local legislative body exceeds the 12
1percent limit described in this subd. 4. c. and that sub. (17) (h) does not apply, the 2department shall notify the city of its noncompliance, in writing, not later than 3December 31 of the year in which the department receives the completed 4application or amendment forms described in sub. (5) (b). SB45,11765Section 1176. 66.1105 (4) (h) 3. of the statutes is created to read: SB45,632,2666.1105 (4) (h) 3. The planning commission may, by resolution, amend the 7declaration under par. (gm) 6. to reclassify the district as a mixed-use district. The 8amendment is subject to approval by the local legislative body and the joint review 9board acting under sub. (4m). The amendment under this subdivision shall be 10concurrent with an amendment under subd. 1. to the project plan of the district. 11The planning commission shall ensure that the percentage of lands in the district 12proposed for newly platted residential use does not exceed the percentage specified 13in sub. (2) (cm) and that at least one of the conditions specified under sub. (2) (f) 3. 14a. to c. applies to the district. Adoption of an amendment to a classification shall be 15preceded by a public hearing held by the planning commission at which interested 16parties shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to express their views on the 17amendment. Notice of the hearing shall be published as a class 1 notice, under ch. 18985. The notice shall include a statement of the purpose and cost of the amendment 19and shall advise that a copy of the amendment will be provided on request. Before 20publication, a copy of the notice shall be sent to the chief executive officer or 21administrator of all local governmental entities having the power to levy taxes on 22property within the district and to the school board of any school district which 23includes property located within the proposed district. For a county with no chief
1executive officer or administrator, this notice shall be sent to the county board 2chairperson. SB45,11773Section 1177. 66.1105 (4m) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,632,23466.1105 (4m) (b) 2. No tax incremental district may be created and no project 5plan may be amended unless the board approves the resolution adopted under sub. 6(4) (gm) or (h) 1., and no tax incremental base may be redetermined under sub. (5) 7(h) unless the board approves the resolution adopted under sub. (5) (h) 1., by a 8majority vote within 45 days after receiving the resolution. For actions described 9under this subdivision, a majority vote is required, and, except for a 10multijurisdictional tax incremental district, 3 affirmative votes are required to 11constitute a majority, except that no tax incremental district classification may be 12amended unless the board unanimously approves the resolution adopted under sub. 13(4) (h) 3. within 45 days after receiving the resolution. With regard to a 14multijurisdictional tax incremental district created under this section, each public 15member of a participating city must be part of the majority that votes for approval 16of the resolution or the district may not be created. The board may not approve the 17resolution under this subdivision unless the board’s approval contains a positive 18assertion that, in its judgment, the development described in the documents the 19board has reviewed under subd. 1. would not occur without the creation of a tax 20incremental district. The board may not approve the resolution under this 21subdivision unless the board finds that, with regard to a tax incremental district 22that is proposed to be created by a city under sub. (17) (a), such a district would be 23the only existing district created under that subsection by that city. SB45,117824Section 1178. 66.1105 (6) (g) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,633,5
166.1105 (6) (g) 1. (intro.) After Subject to subd. 1m., after the date on which a 2tax incremental district created by a city pays off the aggregate of all of its project 3costs, and notwithstanding the time at which such a district would otherwise be 4required to terminate under sub. (7), a city may extend the life of the district for one 5year 3 years if the city does all of the following: SB45,11796Section 1179. 66.1105 (6) (g) 1. a. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,633,10766.1105 (6) (g) 1. a. The city adopts a resolution extending the life of the 8district for a specified number of months. The resolution shall specify how the city 9intends to improve its housing stock or increase the number of affordable and 10workforce housing stock units, as required in subd. 3. SB45,118011Section 1180. 66.1105 (6) (g) 1. b. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,633,151266.1105 (6) (g) 1. b. The city forwards a copy of the resolution under subd. 1. a. 13and, if the extension is for more than one year, a copy of the resolution under subd. 141m., to the department of revenue, notifying the department that it must continue 15to authorize the allocation of tax increments to the district under par. (a). SB45,118116Section 1181. 66.1105 (6) (g) 1m. of the statutes is created to read: SB45,633,191766.1105 (6) (g) 1m. An extension under subd. 1. may not be for more than one 18year unless the joint review board approves, by resolution, the extension under 19subd. 1. SB45,118220Section 1182. 66.1105 (6) (g) 3. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,634,42166.1105 (6) (g) 3. If a city receives tax increments as described in subd. 2., the 22city shall use at least 75 percent of the increments received that are not supporting 23housing stock improvements to benefit affordable housing in the city. The
1remaining portion of the increments shall be used by the city to improve the city’s 2increase the number of the city’s affordable and workforce housing stock units, with 3at least 50 percent of the funds supporting units for families with incomes of up to 460 percent of the county’s median household income. SB45,11835Section 1183. 66.1105 (7m) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,634,8666.1105 (7m) Classification changes. Notwithstanding subs. (6) and (7), 7an amendment to the classification of a district under sub. (4) (h) 3. does not affect 8the expenditure or allocation periods or lifespan of the district. SB45,11849Section 1184. 66.1105 (17) (h) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,634,141066.1105 (17) (h) Forthcoming termination. If a city certifies all of the 11following to the department of revenue, the department may certify the tax 12incremental base under sub. (5) (d) notwithstanding the equalized value of taxable 13property of the district plus the value increment of all existing districts exceeding 1412 percent of the total equalized value of taxable property within the city: SB45,634,17151. That, not later than one year after the certification under this paragraph, 16districts having sufficient value increments will terminate so that the city will no 17longer exceed the 12 percent limit described under sub. (4) (gm) 4. c. SB45,634,19182. That the city will not take any action that would extend the life of any 19district whose termination is necessary to satisfy subd. 1. SB45,118520Section 1185. 66.1201 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,635,42166.1201 (2m) Discrimination. Persons otherwise entitled to any right, 22benefit, facility, or privilege under ss. 66.1201 to 66.1211 may not be denied the 23right, benefit, facility, or privilege in any manner for any purpose nor be
1discriminated against because of sex, race, color, creed, national origin, sexual 2orientation, status as a victim of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking, as 3defined in s. 106.50 (1m) (u), or national origin status as a holder or nonholder of a 4license under s. 343.03 (3r). SB45,11865Section 1186. 66.1213 (3) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,635,11666.1213 (3) Discrimination. Persons otherwise entitled to any right, benefit, 7facility, or privilege under this section may not be denied the right, benefit, facility, 8or privilege in any manner for any purpose nor be discriminated against because of 9sex, race, color, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, status as a victim of 10domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking, as defined in s. 106.50 (1m) (u), or 11national origin status as a holder or nonholder of a license under s. 343.03 (3r). SB45,118712Section 1187. 66.1301 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,635,191366.1301 (2m) Discrimination. Persons entitled to any right, benefit, facility, 14or privilege under ss. 66.1301 to 66.1329 may not be denied the right, benefit, 15facility, or privilege in any manner for any purpose nor be discriminated against 16because of sex, race, color, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, status as a 17victim of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking, as defined in s. 106.50 (1m) 18(u), or national origin status as a holder or nonholder of a license under s. 343.03 19(3r). SB45,118820Section 1188. 66.1305 (1) (h) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,636,42166.1305 (1) (h) Dissolve without obtaining the approval of the local governing 22body, which may be given upon conditions deemed necessary or appropriate to the 23protection of the interest of the city in the proceeds of the sale of the real property as
1to any property or work turned into the development by the city. The approval shall 2be endorsed on the certificate of dissolution and the certificate may not be filed in 3the office of the secretary of state administration in the absence of the 4endorsement. SB45,11895Section 1189. 66.1333 (3) (e) 2. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,636,11666.1333 (3) (e) 2. Persons otherwise entitled to any right, benefit, facility, or 7privilege under this section may not be denied the right, benefit, facility, or 8privilege in any manner for any purpose nor be discriminated against because of 9sex, race, color, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, status as a victim of 10domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking, as defined in s. 106.50 (1m) (u), or 11national origin status as a holder or nonholder of a license under s. 343.03 (3r). SB45,119012Section 1190. 67.01 (5) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,636,201367.01 (5) “Municipality” means any of the following which is authorized to 14levy a tax: a county, city, village, town, school district, board of park commissioners, 15technical college district, metropolitan sewerage district created under ss. 200.01 to 16200.15 or 200.21 to 200.65, town sanitary district under subch. IX of ch. 60, transit 17authority created under s. 66.1039, public inland lake protection and rehabilitation 18district established under s. 33.23, 33.235, or 33.24, and any other public body 19empowered to borrow money and issue obligations to repay the money out of public 20funds or revenues. “Municipality” does not include the state. SB45,119121Section 1191. 69.03 (15) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,637,22269.03 (15) Periodically provide to each county child support agency under s. 2359.53 (5) a list of names and, notwithstanding s. 69.20 (2) (a), addresses of
1registrants who reside in that county for whom no father’s only one parent’s name 2has been inserted on the registrant’s birth record within 6 months of birth. SB45,11923Section 1192. 69.11 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,637,17469.11 (4) (b) The state registrar may amend an item on a birth record that 5affects information about the name, sex, date of birth, place of birth, parent’s name, 6or parent’s marital status of the mother if 365 days have elapsed since the 7occurrence of the event that is the subject of the birth record, if the amendment is at 8the request of a person with a direct and tangible interest in the record and is in the 9manner prescribed by the state registrar, and if the amendment is accompanied by 102 items of documentary evidence from early childhood that are sufficient to prove 11that the item to be changed is in error and by the affidavit of the person requesting 12the amendment. A change in the marital status on the birth record may be made 13under this paragraph only if the marital status is inconsistent with information 14concerning the father or husband that appears on the birth record. This paragraph 15may not be used to add to or delete from a birth record the name of a parent, to 16change the identity of a parent named on the birth record, or to effect a name 17change prohibited under s. 301.47. SB45,119318Section 1193. 69.12 (5) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,637,231969.12 (5) A change in the marital status on the record of birth may be 20requested under this section only if the marital status is inconsistent with father or 21husband information appearing on the birth record. This section may not be used 22to add or delete the name of a parent on the record of birth or change the identity of 23either parent named on the birth record. SB45,1194
1Section 1194. 69.13 (2) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,638,6269.13 (2) (b) 4. If relevant to the correction sought, a certified copy of a 3marriage document, divorce or annulment record, or a final divorce decree that 4indicates that the mother was not married to the person listed as her husband 5spouse at any time during the pregnancy, a legal name change order, or any other 6legal document that clarifies the disputed information. SB45,11957Section 1195. 69.14 (1) (c) 4. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,638,11869.14 (1) (c) 4. In the absence of a person under subds. 1. to 3., the father or 9mother, father, or mother’s spouse, or in the absence of the father or the mother’s 10spouse and the inability of the mother, the person responsible for the premises 11where the birth occurs. SB45,119612Section 1196. 69.14 (1) (e) (title) and 1. of the statutes are amended to read: SB45,638,181369.14 (1) (e) (title) Father’s Spouse’s or father’s name. 1. If Except as provided 14in par. (h), if the mother of a registrant under this section was married at any time 15from the conception to the birth of the registrant, the name of the husband spouse 16of the mother shall be entered on the birth record as the a legal father parent of the 17registrant. The name of the father parent entered under this subdivision may not 18be changed except by a proceeding under ch. 767. SB45,119719Section 1197. 69.14 (1) (f) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,639,22069.14 (1) (f) 1. a. Except as provided under subd. 1. b., if the mother of a 21registrant of a birth record under this section is married to the father of the 22registrant at any time from the conception to the birth of the registrant, the given 23name and surname which that the mother and father of the registrant and her
1spouse enter for the registrant on the birth record shall be the given name and 2surname filed and registered on the birth record. SB45,639,123b. If the mother of a registrant of a birth record under this section is married 4to the father of the registrant at any time from the conception to the birth of the 5registrant and the mother is separated or divorced from the father of the registrant 6at the time of birth, the given name and surname which that the parent of the 7registrant with actual custody enters for the registrant on the birth record shall be 8the given name and surname filed and registered on the birth record, except that if 9a court has granted legal custody of the registrant, the given name and surname 10which that the person with legal custody enters for the registrant on the birth 11record shall be the given name and surname filed and registered on the birth 12record. SB45,639,2013c. If the mother of a registrant of a birth record under this section is not 14married to the father of the registrant at any time from the conception to the birth 15of the registrant, the given name and surname which that the mother of the 16registrant enters for the registrant on the birth record shall be the given name and 17surname filed and registered on the birth record, except that if a court has granted 18legal custody of the registrant, the given name and surname which that the person 19with legal custody enters for the registrant on the birth record shall be the given 20name and surname filed and registered on the birth record. SB45,119821Section 1198. 69.14 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,640,52269.14 (1) (g) Birth by artificial insemination. If the registrant of a birth 23record under this section is born as a result of artificial insemination under the
1requirements of s. 891.40, the husband spouse of the woman person inseminated 2shall be considered the father a parent of the registrant on the birth record. If the 3registrant is born as a result of artificial insemination which does not satisfy the 4requirements of s. 891.40, the information about the father of the registrant shall be 5omitted from the registrant’s birth record. SB45,11996Section 1199. 69.14 (2) (b) 2. d. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,640,10769.14 (2) (b) 2. d. The full name of the father or the mother’s spouse, except 8that if the mother was not married at the time of conception or birth or between 9conception and birth of the registrant, the name of the father may not be entered 10except as provided under s. 69.15 (3). SB45,120011Section 1200. 69.15 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,640,161269.15 (1) Birth record information changes. The state registrar may 13change information on a birth record registered in this state which was correct at 14the time the birth record was filed under a court or administrative order issued in 15this state, in another state or in Canada or under the valid order of a court of any 16federally recognized Indian tribe, band, or nation if all of the following occur: SB45,640,1817(a) The order provides for an adoption, name change, or name change with sex 18change or establishes paternity; and or parentage. SB45,640,2319(b) A clerk of court or, for a paternity or parentage action, a clerk of court or 20county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5), sends the state registrar a certified 21report of an order of a court in this state in the method prescribed by the state 22registrar or, in the case of any other order, the state registrar receives a certified 23copy of the order and the proper fee under s. 69.22. SB45,1201
1Section 1201. 69.15 (3) (title) and (a) (intro.), 1., 2. and 3. of the statutes are 2amended to read: SB45,641,8369.15 (3) (title) Paternity Parentage. (a) (intro.) If the state registrar 4receives an order under sub. (1) that establishes paternity or determines that the 5man person whose name appears on a registrant’s birth record is not the father 6parent of the registrant, or a report under s. 767.804 (1) (c) that shows a conclusive 7determination of paternity, the state registrar shall do the following, as 8appropriate: SB45,641,1291. Prepare under sub. (6) a new record omitting the father’s parent’s name if 10the order determines that the man person whose name appears on a registrant’s 11birth record is not the father parent of the registrant and if there is no adjudicated 12father. SB45,641,15132. Prepare under sub. (6) a new record for the subject of a paternity action 14changing the name of the father parent if the name of the adjudicated father is 15different than the name of the man person on the birth record.