March 11, 2025 - Introduced by Representatives Kaufert, Tranel, Kurtz, Gustafson, Novak, O'Connor, Tittl, Murphy, Penterman, Tusler, Sinicki, Kreibich, Knodl, Subeck and Goodwin, cosponsored by Senators Marklein, Dassler-Alfheim, Cabral-Guevara, Carpenter, Nass, Ratcliff, Roys and Spreitzer. Referred to Committee on Rules.
1Relating to: honoring the life and public service of Representative David O.
2Martin. AJR14,1,43Whereas, Representative David “Dave” O. Martin was born to Fin and Marion 4Martin on March 7, 1931, in Appleton, Wisconsin; and AJR14,1,75Whereas, Representative Martin graduated from Neenah High School, 6attended the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and graduated from the University 7of Michigan with a bachelor’s degree in forestry; and AJR14,1,108Whereas, Representative Martin then served in the U.S. Army Corps of 9Engineers, leading a unit in rebuilding bridges throughout war-torn Germany, and 10later worked as a forester for the Kimberly Clark Corporation; and AJR14,1,1211Whereas, Representative Martin was first elected to the Wisconsin State 12Assembly in 1960 and went on to serve for five consecutive terms; and AJR14,1,1413Whereas, Representative Martin served as Assistant Majority Leader for the 141967–68 legislative session; and AJR14,2,3
1Whereas, Representative Martin served on several legislative committees 2during his tenure in the assembly, including the Joint Committee on Finance, the 3Building Commission, and the Joint Legislative Council; and AJR14,2,74Whereas, Representative Martin was known for his ability to work in a 5bipartisan manner, including in his roles in the enactment of the Wisconsin Wild 6Rivers law and the establishment of a statewide vocational and technical education 7system; and AJR14,2,118Whereas, Representative Martin collaborated with both Governor Gaylord 9Nelson and Governor Warren Knowles on legislation and initiatives that sought to 10establish Wisconsin as a national leader in environmental protection and outdoor 11recreation; and AJR14,2,1312Whereas, Representative Martin was the Republican nominee for lieutenant 13governor in the 1970 gubernatorial election; and AJR14,2,1614Whereas, following his career in the state legislature, Representative Martin 15returned to work for the Kimberly Clark Corporation as their manager for 16government relations for nearly three decades; and AJR14,2,1917Whereas, Representative Martin later served as the associate vice president 18for business and university relations for the University of Wisconsin System until 19his retirement in 1993; and AJR14,2,2120Whereas, Representative Martin, along with his wife Joan Martin, also owned 21the Marquette Café and Bar in Marquette, Iowa; and AJR14,3,222Whereas, Representative Martin remained active in political advocacy and 23public service even after his tenure in the state legislature, serving in leadership
1capacities for Common Cause Wisconsin, the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway 2Board, and the Three Eagles Foundation; and AJR14,3,43Whereas, Representative Martin was a loving husband, father, grandfather, 4and great-grandfather; and AJR14,3,65Whereas, Representative Martin passed away on January 22, 2025, at the age 6of 93; and AJR14,3,87Whereas, Representative Martin is missed by his family, friends, and former 8colleagues; now, therefore, be it AJR14,3,129Resolved by the assembly, the senate concurring, That the members of 10the Wisconsin State Legislature join in honoring the life and public service of 11Representative David O. Martin and extend their condolences to his family and 12friends.