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AB50,833,20192. If the permittee plants, grows, cultivates, or harvests more than 1,800 but
20not more than 3,600 marijuana plants, $2,900.
AB50,833,22213. If the permittee plants, grows, cultivates, or harvests more than 3,600 but
22not more than 6,000 marijuana plants, $3,600.
14. If the permittee plants, grows, cultivates, or harvests more than 6,000 but
2not more than 10,200 marijuana plants, $5,100.
AB50,834,435. If the permittee plants, grows, cultivates, or harvests more than 10,200
4marijuana plants, $7,100 plus $800 for every 3,600 marijuana plants over 10,200.
AB50,834,85(4) Schools. The department may not issue a permit under this section to
6operate any premises that is within 500 feet of the perimeter of the grounds of any
7elementary or secondary school, playground, recreation facility, child care facility,
8public park, public transit facility, or library.
AB50,834,169(5) Education and awareness campaign. The department shall develop
10and make available training programs for marijuana producers on how to safely
11and efficiently plant, grow, cultivate, harvest, and otherwise handle marijuana, and
12for marijuana processors on how to safely and efficiently produce and handle
13marijuana products and test marijuana for contaminants. The department shall
14conduct an awareness campaign to inform potential marijuana producers and
15marijuana processors of the availability and viability of marijuana as a crop or
16product in this state.
AB50,834,2017(6) Rules. The department shall promulgate rules necessary to administer
18and enforce this section, including rules relating to the inspection of the plants,
19facilities, and products of permittees; training requirements for employees of
20permittees; and the competitive scoring system under sub. (2) (cn).
AB50,835,221(7) Penalties. (a) Unless another penalty is prescribed for the violation, any
22person that violates sub. (2), fails to pay the required fee under sub. (3), or violates
23any requirement established by the rules promulgated under sub. (6) shall be fined

1not less than $100 nor more than $500 or imprisoned not more than 6 months or
AB50,835,93(b) In addition to the penalties imposed under par. (a), the department shall
4revoke the permit of any person convicted of any violation described under par. (a)
5and may not issue another permit to that person for a period of 2 years following the
6revocation. The department may suspend or revoke the permit of any permittee
7that violates s. 100.30, any provision of this section, or any rules promulgated under
8sub. (6). The department shall revoke the permit of any permittee who violates s.
9100.30 3 or more times within a 5-year period.
AB50,158710Section 1587. 94.57 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,835,141194.57 Testing laboratories. The department shall register entities as
12tetrahydrocannabinols testing laboratories. A registered laboratory may possess or
13manufacture tetrahydrocannabinols or drug paraphernalia and shall perform the
14following services:
AB50,835,1615(1) Test marijuana produced for the medical use of tetrahydrocannabinols for
16potency and for mold, fungus, pesticides, and other contaminants.
AB50,835,1917(2) Collect information on research findings and conduct research related to
18the medical use of tetrahydrocannabinols, including research that identifies
19potentially unsafe levels of contaminants.
AB50,835,2020(3) Provide training on the following:
AB50,835,2221(a) The safe and efficient cultivation, harvesting, packaging, labeling, and
22distribution of marijuana for the medical use of tetrahydrocannabinols.
AB50,835,2323(b) Security and inventory accountability procedures.
1(c) The most recent research on the use of tetrahydrocannabinols.
AB50,15882Section 1588. 97.26 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,836,5397.26 Labeling of food product as milk. (1) Prohibition. No person may
4label a food product as, or sell or offer for sale a food product that is labeled as, any
5type of milk unless the food product is at least one of the following:
AB50,836,66(a) Milk, lowfat milk, skim milk, or nonfat dry milk.
AB50,836,77(b) A product described in 21 CFR 131.110 to 131.147.
AB50,836,88(c) Hooved or camelid mammals milk, as defined in s. 97.20 (1) (fm).
AB50,836,99(2) Rules. The department shall promulgate rules to implement this section.
AB50,158910Section 1589. 97.265 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,836,141197.265 Labeling food as a type of dairy product. (1) Dairy products.
12No person may label a food product as, or sell or offer for sale a food product that is
13labeled as, a type of dairy product described in s. 97.20 (1) (b) 3. to 5. or a similar
14term unless the food product is a dairy product, as defined in s. 97.20 (1) (b).
AB50,836,1715(2) Dairy ingredients. No person may label a food product as, or sell or offer
16for sale a food product that is labeled as, a type of dairy ingredient unless the food
17product is derived from at least one of the following:
AB50,836,1818(a) Milk, lowfat milk, skim milk, or nonfat dry milk.
AB50,836,1919(b) A product described in 21 CFR 131.110 to 131.147.
AB50,836,2020(c) Hooved or camelid mammals milk, as defined in s. 97.20 (1) (fm).
AB50,836,2121(3) Rules. The department shall promulgate rules to implement this section.
AB50,159022Section 1590. 97.57 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,837,52397.57 (4) No person may sell or offer for sale wild rice labeled traditionally

1harvested unless the wild rice is harvested using traditional wild rice harvesting
2methods of American Indian tribes or bands, as defined by the department by rule.
3The department shall obtain the advice and recommendations of the Great Lakes
4Inter-Tribal Council, Inc., before promulgating a rule defining a traditional wild
5rice harvesting method.
AB50,15916Section 1591. 97.59 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,837,20797.59 Handling foods. No person in charge of any public eating place or
8other establishment where food products to be consumed by others are handled may
9knowingly employ any person handling food products who has a disease in a form
10that is communicable by food handling. If required by the local health officer or any
11officer of the department for the purposes of an investigation, any person who is
12employed in the handling of foods or is suspected of having a disease in a form that
13is communicable by food handling shall submit to an examination by the officer or
14by a physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse
15prescriber designated by the officer. The expense of the examination, if any, shall
16be paid by the person examined. Any person knowingly infected with a disease in a
17form that is communicable by food handling who handles food products to be
18consumed by others and any persons knowingly employing or permitting such a
19person to handle food products to be consumed by others shall be punished as
20provided by s. 97.72.
AB50,159221Section 1592. 100.145 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,838,222100.145 Recreational marijuana logotype. The department shall design

1an official logotype appropriate for including on a label affixed to recreational
2marijuana under s. 139.973 (10) (a).
AB50,15933Section 1593. 100.2091 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,838,74100.2091 Broadband; discrimination prohibited. (1) No broadband
5service provider may deny access to broadband service to any group of potential
6residential customers because of the race or income of the residents in the area in
7which the group resides.
AB50,838,128(2) It is a defense to an alleged violation of sub. (1) based on income if, no later
9than 3 years after the date on which the broadband service provider began
10providing broadband service in this state, at least 30 percent of the households with
11access to the broadband service providers broadband service in the area in which a
12group of potential residential customers resides are low-income households.
AB50,838,2113(3) The department may enforce this section and may promulgate rules to
14implement and administer this section, including rules that define low-income
15households, and to align department rules with federal communications
16commission broadband rules. The department of justice may represent the
17department in an action to enforce this section. If the court finds that a broadband
18service provider has not complied with this section, the court shall order the
19broadband service provider to comply with this section within a reasonable amount
20of time and, notwithstanding s. 814.14 (1), shall award costs, including reasonable
21attorney fees, to the department of justice.
AB50,839,422(4) Any person that is affected by a failure to comply with this section may
23bring an action to enforce this section. If a court finds that a broadband service

1provider has not complied with this section, the court shall order the broadband
2service provider to comply with this section within a reasonable amount of time
3and, notwithstanding s. 814.14 (1), shall award costs, including reasonable attorney
4fees, to the person affected.
AB50,15945Section 1594. 100.2092 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,839,106100.2092 Broadband service subscriber rights. (1) Rights. (a) A
7broadband service provider shall repair broadband service within 72 hours after a
8subscriber reports a service interruption or requests the repair if the service
9interruption is not the result of a major system-wide or large area emergency, such
10as a natural disaster.
AB50,839,1411(b) Upon notification by a subscriber of a service interruption, a broadband
12service provider shall give the subscriber a credit for one day of broadband service
13if broadband service is interrupted for more than 4 hours in one day and the
14interruption is caused by the broadband service provider.
AB50,839,1815(c) Upon notification by a subscriber of a service interruption, a broadband
16service provider shall give the subscriber a credit for each hour that broadband
17service is interrupted if broadband service is interrupted for more than 4 hours in
18one day and the interruption is not caused by the broadband service provider.
AB50,839,2119(d) Prior to entering into a service agreement with a subscriber, a broadband
20service provider shall disclose that a subscriber has a right to a credit for notifying
21the broadband service provider of a service interruption.
AB50,839,2322(e) A broadband service provider shall provide broadband service that
23satisfies minimum standards established by the department by rule.
1(f) A broadband service provider shall give a subscriber at least 30 days
2advance written notice before instituting a rate increase.
AB50,840,53(g) A broadband service provider shall give a subscriber at least 7 days
4advance written notice of any scheduled routine maintenance that causes a service
5slowdown, interruption, or outage.
AB50,840,86(h) A broadband service provider shall give a subscriber at least 10 days
7advance written notice of disconnecting service, unless the disconnection is
8requested by the subscriber.
AB50,840,119(i) Prior to entering into a service agreement with a subscriber, a broadband
10service provider shall disclose the factors that may cause the actual broadband
11speed experience to vary, including the number of users and device limitations.
AB50,840,1412(j) A broadband service provider shall provide broadband service to a
13subscriber as described in point-of-sale advertisements and representations made
14to the subscriber.
AB50,840,1715(k) A broadband service provider shall give a subscriber at least 10 days
16advance written notice of a change in a factor that may cause the originally
17disclosed broadband speed experience to vary.
AB50,840,2218(L) A broadband service provider shall allow a subscriber to terminate a
19contract and receive a full refund without fees if the provider sells a service that
20does not satisfy the requirements established under par. (e) and the broadband
21service provider does not satisfy the requirements established under par. (e) within
22one month of written notification from the subscriber.
AB50,841,323(2) Advertising. A broadband service provider shall disclose the factors that

1may cause the actual broadband speed experience of a subscriber to vary, including
2the number of users and device limitations, in each advertisement of the speed of
3the providers service, including in all of the following types of advertisements:
AB50,841,44(a) Television and other commercials.
AB50,841,55(b) Internet and email advertisements.
AB50,841,66(c) Print advertisements and bill inserts.
AB50,841,87(d) Any other advertising method or solicitation for the sale of new or
8upgraded broadband service.
AB50,841,119(3) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to implement and
10administer this section, including rules to align department rules with federal
11communications commission broadband rules.
AB50,841,1512(4) Penalty; enforcement. (a) A person who violates this section may be
13required to forfeit not more than $1,000 for each violation and not more than
14$10,000 for each occurrence. Failure to give a notice required under sub. (1) (f) to
15more than one subscriber shall be considered one violation.
AB50,841,1716(b) The department or a district attorney may institute civil proceedings
17under this section.
AB50,159518Section 1595. 100.306 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,841,2019100.306 Prohibited selling practices upon the occurrence of a severe
20thunderstorm. (1) Definitions. In this section:
AB50,841,2221(a) Consumer goods or services means goods or services that are used
22primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.
AB50,842,223(b) Restoration and mitigation services provider means a person that

1provides a service to prevent further damage or provide protection to property
2following a fire, smoke, water, or storm event.
AB50,842,43(c) Severe thunderstorm means a weather event in which any of the
4following occurs:
AB50,842,551. Hail that is one inch or greater in diameter.
AB50,842,662. Wind gusts in excess of 50 knots.
AB50,842,773. A tornado.
AB50,842,128(2) Prohibition. Upon the occurrence of a severe thunderstorm, a residential
9building contractor, tree trimmer, or restoration and mitigation services provider
10operating within the geographic region impacted by the severe thunderstorm and
11repairing damage caused by the severe thunderstorm may not do any of the
AB50,842,1513(a) Charge an unreasonably excessive price for labor in comparison to the
14market price charged for comparable services in the geographic region impacted by
15the severe thunderstorm.
AB50,842,1916(b) Charge an insurance company a rate for a consumer good or service that
17exceeds what the residential building contractor, tree trimmer, or restoration and
18mitigation services provider would otherwise charge a member of the general public
19for the consumer good or service.
AB50,842,2220(3) Rules. The department shall promulgate rules to establish formulas or
21other standards to be used in determining whether a price for labor is unreasonably
22excessive under sub. (2) (a).
AB50,843,323(4) Enforcement; penalty. If a person violates sub. (2), the department or,
24after consulting with the department, the department of justice may commence an

1action against a person in the name of the state to recover a civil forfeiture of not
2more than $1,000 per violation or to temporarily or permanently restrain or enjoin
3the person from violating sub. (2), or both.
AB50,15964Section 1596. 101.91 (5m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,843,105101.91 (5m) Manufactured home community means any plot or plots of
6ground upon which 3 or more manufactured homes that are occupied for dwelling or
7sleeping purposes are located. Manufactured home community does not include a
8farm where the occupants of the manufactured homes are the father, mother, son,
9daughter, brother or sister parents, children, or siblings of the farm owner or
10operator or where the occupants of the manufactured homes work on the farm.
AB50,159711Section 1597. 102.07 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,843,1412102.07 (5) (b) The parents, spouse, child, brother, sister, son-in-law, daughter-
13in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law parent-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law of
14a farmer shall not be deemed the farmers employees.
AB50,159815Section 1598. 102.07 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,843,2316102.07 (5) (c) A shareholder-employee of a family farm corporation shall be
17deemed a farmer for purposes of this chapter and shall not be deemed an
18employee of a farmer. A family farm corporation means a corporation engaged in
19farming all of whose shareholders are related as lineal ancestors or lineal
20descendants, whether by blood or by adoption, or as spouses, brothers, sisters,
21uncles, aunts, cousins, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, fathers-in-law, mothers-in-
22law parents-in-law, brothers-in-law, or sisters-in-law of such lineal ancestors or
23lineal descendants.
1Section 1599. 102.125 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,844,112102.125 (1m) Application and premium fraud. If an insurer has evidence
3that an application for workers compensation insurance coverage is fraudulent or
4that an employer has committed fraud by misclassifying employees to lower the
5employers workers compensation insurance premiums in violation of s. 943.395,
6the insurer shall report the claim to the department. The department may require
7an insurer to investigate an allegedly fraudulent application or alleged fraud by
8misclassification of employees and may provide the insurer with any records of the
9department relating to that alleged fraud. An insurer that investigates alleged
10fraud under this subsection shall report the results of that investigation to the
AB50,160012Section 1600. 102.125 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,844,1813102.125 (2) Assistance by department of justice. The department of
14workforce development may request the department of justice to assist the
15department of workforce development in an investigation under sub. (1) or (1m) or
16in the investigation of any other suspected fraudulent activity on the part of an
17employer, employee, insurer, health care provider, or other person related to
18workers compensation.
AB50,160119Section 1601. 102.125 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,845,220102.125 (3) Prosecution. If based on an investigation under sub. (1), (1m),
21or (2) the department has a reasonable basis to believe that a violation of s. 943.20,
22943.38, 943.39, 943.392, 943.395, 943.40, or any other criminal law has occurred,
23the department shall refer the results of the investigation to the department of

1justice or to the district attorney of the county in which the alleged violation
2occurred for prosecution.
AB50,16023Section 1602. 102.16 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,845,114102.16 (4) The department and the division have jurisdiction to pass on any
5question arising out of sub. (3) and to order the employer to reimburse an employee
6or other person for any sum deducted from wages or paid by him or her in violation
7of that subsection. In addition to the any penalty provided in s. 102.85 (1), any
8employer violating sub. (3) shall be liable to an injured employee for the reasonable
9value of the necessary services rendered to that employee under any arrangement
10made in violation of sub. (3) without regard to that employees actual
11disbursements for those services.