AB50,820,2016(d) In the year following the department’s decision to grant an award under 17par. (a), the department shall provide 75 percent of the award to the grantee, and in 18each of the 2nd and 3rd years following the department’s decision to grant an award 19under par. (a), the department shall provide 12.5 percent of the award to the 20grantee. AB50,820,2221(4) Support for farmers. (a) The transition to grass pilot program shall 22provide the following for farmers and persons in agribusiness: AB50,821,2231. Assistance in navigating and analyzing the economics of grass-based
1managed grazing and providing grass-fed livestock research, market development 2initiatives, and other market opportunities. AB50,821,432. Best practices for meeting consumer demand for grass-fed livestock 4products. AB50,821,753. Assistance in fostering innovation in and expanding farm and agribusiness 6strategies in grass-based managed grazing systems and grass-fed livestock 7practices. AB50,821,108(b) The department’s division of agricultural development shall support the 9state’s grass-fed livestock supply chain, including regional processors, aggregators, 10distributors, and markets. AB50,157811Section 1578. 93.61 of the statutes is created to read: AB50,821,141293.61 Value-added agricultural practices. (1) Definition. In this 13section, “value-added agricultural product” means a farm product that satisfies any 14of the following: AB50,821,1515(a) The product has undergone a change in physical state. AB50,821,1616(b) The product is produced in a manner that enhances its value. AB50,821,1717(c) The product is physically segregated in a manner that enhances its value. AB50,821,1818(d) The product is a source of farm-based or ranch-based renewable energy. AB50,821,2019(e) The product is aggregated and marketed as a locally produced farm 20product. AB50,822,221(2) Value-added agricultural products. The department may provide 22education and technical assistance related to promoting and implementing
1agricultural practices that produce value-added agricultural products, including by 2doing all of the following: AB50,822,113(a) Assistance for organic farming practices. Providing education and 4technical assistance related to organic farming practices, including business and 5market development assistance; collaborating with organic producers, industry 6participants, and local organizations that coordinate organic farming; and 7stimulating interest and investment in organic production. The department may 8award grants from the appropriation under s. 20.115 (4) (ar) to organic producers, 9industry participants, and local organizations that coordinate organic farming. The 10department may award a grant to an organic producer, industry participant, or 11local organization under this paragraph for any of the following purposes: AB50,822,13121. Providing education and technical assistance related to implementing 13organic farming practices. AB50,822,14142. Helping to create organic farming plans. AB50,822,15153. Assisting farmers to transition to organic farming. AB50,822,1816(b) Grazing grants. Awarding grants from the appropriation under s. 20.115 17(4) (f) to appropriate entities to provide education and training to farmers about 18best practices related to grazing. AB50,822,1919(c) Promotion. Helping producers market value-added agricultural products. AB50,822,2020(3) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to administer this section. AB50,157921Section 1579. 93.62 of the statutes is created to read: AB50,823,32293.62 Food security and Wisconsin products grant program. The 23department may award grants from the appropriation under s. 20.115 (4) (aq) to
1nonprofit food banks, nonprofit food pantries, and other nonprofit organizations 2that provide food assistance for the purpose of purchasing food products that are 3made or grown in this state. AB50,15804Section 1580. 93.63 of the statutes is created to read: AB50,823,11593.63 Farm to fork program. (1) Definition. In this section, “farm to fork 6program” means a program to connect entities that are not school districts and that 7have cafeterias to nearby farms to provide locally produced fresh fruits and 8vegetables, dairy products, and other nutritious, locally produced foods in meals 9and snacks; to help the public develop healthy eating habits; to provide nutritional 10and agricultural education; and to improve farmers’ incomes and direct access to 11markets. AB50,823,1612(2) Grants. (a) The department may award grants from the appropriation 13under s. 20.115 (4) (at) to businesses, universities, hospitals, and other entities that 14are not school districts and that have cafeterias for the creation and expansion of 15farm to fork programs. The department shall give preference to proposals that are 16innovative or that provide models that other entities can adopt. AB50,823,2117(b) In awarding grants under this section, the department shall promote 18agricultural development and farm profitability by supporting the development and 19adoption of practices and agribusiness opportunities that involve the production of 20value-added agricultural products. For purposes of this paragraph, “value-added 21agricultural product” means a farm product that satisfies any of the following: AB50,823,22221. The product has undergone a change in physical state. AB50,823,23232. The product is produced in a manner that enhances its value. AB50,824,1
13. The product is physically segregated in a manner that enhances its value. AB50,824,224. The product is a source of farm-based or ranch-based renewable energy. AB50,824,435. The product is aggregated and marketed as a locally produced farm 4product. AB50,824,65(c) The department may award grants under this subsection for projects that 6do any of the following: AB50,824,971. Create, expand, diversify, or promote production, processing, marketing, 8and distribution of food produced in this state for sale to entities in this state other 9than school districts. AB50,824,12102. Create, expand, or renovate facilities, including purchases of equipment for 11the facilities, that would ensure the use of food produced in this state in locations in 12this state other than schools. AB50,824,14133. Provide, expand, or promote training for food service personnel, farmers, 14and distributors. AB50,824,15154. Provide, expand, or promote nutritional and agricultural education. AB50,824,1716(d) The department shall consult with interested persons to establish grant 17priorities for each fiscal year. AB50,824,2018(3) Reports. At least annually, the department shall report to the legislature 19under s. 13.172 (2) and to the secretary on the needs and opportunities for farm to 20fork programs. AB50,824,2121(4) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to administer this section. AB50,158122Section 1581. 93.67 of the statutes is created to read: AB50,825,2
193.67 Sandhill crane damage reimbursement program. (1) In this 2section: AB50,825,63(a) “Eligible applicant” means a person that plants corn on land that is 4operated as part of a farm that produced at least $6,000 in gross farm revenues 5during the taxable year preceding the year in which the person applies for 6reimbursement under this section. AB50,825,87(b) “Farm” means all land under common ownership that is primarily devoted 8to agricultural use. AB50,825,109(c) “Seed coating” means a nonlethal treatment registered for use on corn seed 10to discourage sandhill cranes from consuming the seed. AB50,825,1311(2) (a) The department shall administer a program to provide 12reimbursements to eligible applicants for the purchase of seed coating that is 13applied as a seed treatment. AB50,825,1614(b) A reimbursement under this section shall cover not more than 50 percent 15of the actual cost of the purchase of seed coating that is applied as a seed treatment 16and may not exceed $6,250 per eligible applicant per planting season. AB50,825,2117(c) From March 1 to June 15 of each year, eligible applicants may apply to the 18department for reimbursement for seed coating purchased no earlier than 19November 1 of the prior year. Eligible applicants shall provide to the department 20proof of purchase and an application on a form provided by the department to be 21eligible to receive a reimbursement under this section. AB50,825,2322(d) From the appropriation under s. 20.115 (7) (ac), the department shall 23prioritize reimbursement payments under par. (c) to all of the following: AB50,826,2
11. Eligible applicants that received a federal depredation permit for sandhill 2crane in the previous year. AB50,826,532. Eligible applicants that received reimbursement under this section in any 4of the prior 3 years or that can provide documentation of purchase of seed coating in 5any of the prior 3 years. AB50,826,863. Eligible applicants planting corn on land vulnerable to sandhill crane 7depredation as determined by the department in consultation with the department 8of natural resources and applicable conservation organizations. AB50,826,149(e) After reimbursing all eligible applicants under par. (d), from the 10appropriation under s. 20.115 (7) (ac), the department shall make reimbursement 11payments to other eligible applicants that have experienced or are likely to 12experience seed or crop damage from sandhill cranes. The department shall make 13payments under this paragraph to eligible applicants in the order in which 14applications are received by the department. AB50,826,1715(f) The department shall make all reimbursement payments under pars. (d) 16and (e) no later than September 15 of the year in which applications are made 17under par. (c). AB50,826,1918(g) A farm is eligible to receive only one reimbursement payment per year 19under this section. AB50,827,220(3) The department shall compile an annual report detailing the number of 21reimbursements requested, the total dollar amount requested as reimbursement, 22the number of reimbursements issued, and the total dollar amount disbursed as 23reimbursement under this section. The department shall submit the report to the
1appropriate standing committees of the legislature in the manner provided in s. 213.172 (3) no later than December 31 each year. AB50,827,63(4) The department may promulgate rules to establish prioritization of 4payments under sub. (2) (d) and (e), including identifying applicable conservation 5organizations under sub. (2) (d) 3. and determining whether eligible applicants 6have experienced or are likely to experience seed or crop damage under sub. (2) (e). AB50,15827Section 1582. 93.73 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,827,14893.73 (2) (b) The department, after consultation with the council under sub. 9(13), shall solicit applications under sub. (3) at least annually. The department 10shall issue each solicitation in writing and shall publish a notice announcing the 11solicitation. In soliciting applications, the department may specify the total 12amount of funds available, application deadlines, application requirements and 13procedures, preliminary criteria for evaluating applications, and other relevant 14information. AB50,158315Section 1583. 93.74 of the statutes is created to read: AB50,827,181693.74 Planning grants for regional biodigesters. (1) Grant program. 17From the appropriation under s. 20.115 (7) (u), the department shall provide 18planning grants for establishing regional biodigesters. AB50,827,2019(2) Rules. The department shall promulgate rules for the administration of 20this section. AB50,158421Section 1584. 93.75 of the statutes is created to read: AB50,827,242293.75 Biodigester operator certification grants. (1) Grants. From the 23appropriation under s. 20.115 (7) (da), the department shall award grants to 24individuals seeking biodigester operator certification. AB50,828,3
1(2) Rules. The department may promulgate rules establishing the 2application process and grant-awarding criteria for the biodigester operator 3certification grants. AB50,15854Section 1585. 94.55 (2t) of the statutes is repealed. AB50,15865Section 1586. 94.56 of the statutes is created to read: AB50,828,7694.56 Marijuana producers and processors. (1) Definitions. In this 7section: AB50,828,108(a) “Labor peace agreement” means an agreement between a person applying 9for a permit under this section and a labor organization, as defined in s. 5.02 (8m), 10that does all of the following: AB50,828,13111. Prohibits the labor organization and its members from engaging in 12picketing, work stoppages, boycotts, and any other economic interference with 13persons doing business in this state. AB50,828,15142. Prohibits the applicant from disrupting the efforts of the labor organization 15to communicate with and to organize and represent the applicant’s employees. AB50,828,19163. Provides the labor organization access at reasonable times to areas in 17which the applicant’s employees work for the purpose of meeting with employees to 18discuss their right to representation, employment rights under state law, and terms 19and conditions of employment. AB50,828,2020(b) “Marijuana” has the meaning given in s. 961.70 (2). AB50,828,2121(c) “Marijuana processor” has the meaning given in s. 139.97 (6). AB50,828,2222(d) “Marijuana producer” has the meaning given in s. 139.97 (7). AB50,828,2323(e) “Usable marijuana” has the meaning given in s. 139.97 (13). AB50,829,2
1(f) “Permittee” means a marijuana producer or marijuana processor that is 2issued a permit under this section. AB50,829,113(2) Permit required. (a) No person may operate in this state as a marijuana 4producer or marijuana processor without a permit from the department. A person 5that acts as a marijuana producer and a marijuana processor shall obtain a 6separate permit for each activity. A permit issued under this section is not 7transferable from one person to another or from one premises to another. A 8separate permit is required for each place in this state where the operations of a 9marijuana producer or marijuana processor occur. A person is not required to 10obtain a permit under this section if the person produces or processes only 11industrial hemp and holds a valid license under s. 94.55. AB50,829,1412(b) This subsection applies to all officers, directors, agents, and stockholders 13holding 5 percent or more of the stock of any corporation applying for a permit 14under this section. AB50,829,1615(c) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322, and 111.335, the department may not issue 16a permit under this section to any person to which any of the following applies: AB50,829,18171. The person has been convicted of a violent misdemeanor, as defined in s. 18941.29 (1g) (b), at least 3 times. AB50,829,20192. The person has been convicted of a violent felony, as defined in s. 941.29 20(1g) (a), unless pardoned. AB50,829,22213. During the preceding 3 years, the person has been committed under s. 2251.20 for being drug dependent. AB50,830,4234. The person chronically and habitually uses alcohol beverages or other
1substances to the extent that their normal faculties are impaired. A person is 2presumed to chronically and habitually use alcohol beverages or other substances to 3the extent that their normal faculties are impaired if, within the preceding 3 years, 4any of the following applies: AB50,830,65a. The person has been committed for involuntary treatment under s. 51.45 6(13). AB50,830,77b. The person has been convicted of a violation of s. 941.20 (1) (b). AB50,830,178c. In 2 or more cases arising out of separate incidents, a court has found the 9person to have committed a violation of s. 346.63 or a local ordinance in conformity 10with s. 346.63; a violation of a law of a federally recognized American Indian tribe 11or band in this state in conformity with s. 346.63; or a violation of the law of another 12jurisdiction, as defined in s. 340.01 (41m), that prohibits use of a motor vehicle 13while intoxicated, while under the influence of a controlled substance, a controlled 14substance analog, or a combination thereof, with an excess or specified range of 15alcohol concentration, or while under the influence of any drug to a degree that 16renders the person incapable of safely driving, as those or substantially similar 17terms are used in that jurisdiction’s laws. AB50,830,19185. The person has income that comes principally from gambling or has been 19convicted of 2 or more gambling offenses. AB50,830,20206. The person has been convicted of crimes relating to prostitution.