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AB50,610,65(b) Housing grant means any grant administered by the department of
6administration under s. 16.303 or 16.309.
AB50,610,77(c) Political subdivision means any city, village, town, or county.
AB50,610,118(d) Workforce housing means housing to which all of the following apply, as
9adjusted for family size and the county in which the household is located, based on
10the countys 5-year average median income and housing costs as calculated by the
11U.S. bureau of the census in its American community survey:
AB50,610,13121. The housing costs a household no more than 30 percent of the households
13gross median income.
AB50,610,16142. The residential units of the housing are for initial occupancy by individuals
15whose household median income is no more than 120 percent of the countys gross
16median income.
AB50,610,1917(2) Housing initiatives. (a) Subject to par. (b), to implement a workforce
18housing initiative, a political subdivision may enact an ordinance, adopt a
19resolution, or put into effect a policy to accomplish any of the following:
AB50,610,21201. Reduce by at least 10 percent the processing time for all permits related to
21workforce housing.
AB50,610,23222. Reduce by at least 10 percent the cost of impact fees that a political
23subdivision may impose on developments that include workforce housing units.
13. Reduce by at least 10 percent the parking requirements for developments
2that include workforce housing units.
AB50,611,434. Increase by at least 10 percent the allowable zoning density for
4developments that include workforce housing units.
AB50,611,655. Establish a mixed-use tax incremental district with at least 20 percent of
6the housing units to be used for workforce housing.
AB50,611,876. Demonstrate compliance with a housing affordability report under s.
AB50,611,1097. Rehabilitate at least 5 dwelling units of existing, uninhabitable housing
10stock into habitable workforce housing.
AB50,611,13118. Modify existing zoning ordinances to allow for the development of workforce
12housing in areas zoned for commercial or mixed-use development or in areas near
13employment centers or major transit corridors.
AB50,611,14149. Extend the life of a tax incremental district under s. 66.1105 (6) (g) 1.
AB50,611,161510. Reduce by at least 10 percent the cost of roads for developments that
16include workforce housing units.
AB50,611,181711. Implement any other initiative to address the workforce housing needs of
18the political subdivision.
AB50,611,2319(b) After a political subdivision completes one of the actions specified in par.
20(a), the workforce housing initiative shall be considered in effect once the political
21subdivision submits to the department of administration a written explanation of
22how the action complies with the workforce housing initiative and posts the
23explanation on the political subdivisions website.
1(c) Once a political subdivisions action takes effect under par. (b), its
2workforce housing initiative remains in effect for 5 years. A political subdivision
3may put into effect more than one of the workforce housing initiatives under par.
4(a). After June 30, 2026, if a political subdivision has in effect at the same time at
5least 3 of the workforce housing initiatives under par. (a), the housing agency shall
6give priority to housing grant applications from, or that relate to a project in, the
7political subdivision. The department of administration shall promulgate rules
8establishing how and based on what information the department will give priority
9to housing grant applications under this paragraph and prescribing the form of
10application for receiving priority.
AB50,116511Section 1165. 66.1010 of the statutes is repealed.
AB50,116612Section 1166. 66.1011 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,613,31366.1011 (1) Declaration of policy. The right of all persons to have equal
14opportunities for housing regardless of their sex, race, color, disability, as defined in
15s. 106.50 (1m) (g), sexual orientation, as defined in s. 111.32 (13m), religion,
16national origin, marital status, family status, as defined in s. 106.50 (1m) (k), status
17as a victim of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking, as defined in s. 106.50
18(1m) (u), lawful source of income, receipt of rental or housing assistance, as defined
19in s. 106.50 (1m) (rm), age, or ancestry is a matter both of statewide concern under
20ss. 101.132 and 106.50 and also of local interest under this section and s. 66.0125.
21The enactment of ss. 101.132 and 106.50 by the legislature does not preempt the
22subject matter of equal opportunities in housing from consideration by political
23subdivisions, and does not exempt political subdivisions from their duty, nor

1deprive them of their right, to enact ordinances that prohibit discrimination in any
2type of housing solely on the basis of an individual being a member of a protected
AB50,11674Section 1167. 66.1011 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 2025 Wisconsin Act
5.... (this act), is amended to read:
AB50,613,20666.1011 (1) Declaration of policy. The right of all persons to have equal
7opportunities for housing regardless of their sex, race, color, disability, as defined in
8s. 106.50 (1m) (g), sexual orientation, as defined in s. 111.32 (13m), religion,
9national origin, marital status, family status, as defined in s. 106.50 (1m) (k), status
10as a victim of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking, as defined in s. 106.50
11(1m) (u), status as a holder or nonholder of a license under s. 343.03 (3r), lawful
12source of income, receipt of rental or housing assistance, as defined in s. 106.50
13(1m) (rm), age, or ancestry is a matter both of statewide concern under ss. 101.132
14and 106.50 and also of local interest under this section and s. 66.0125. The
15enactment of ss. 101.132 and 106.50 by the legislature does not preempt the subject
16matter of equal opportunities in housing from consideration by political
17subdivisions, and does not exempt political subdivisions from their duty, nor
18deprive them of their right, to enact ordinances that prohibit discrimination in any
19type of housing solely on the basis of an individual being a member of a protected
AB50,116821Section 1168. 66.1039 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,613,222266.1039 Transit authorities. (1) Definitions. In this section:
AB50,613,2323(a) Authority means a transit authority created under this section.
1(b) Bonds means any bonds, interim certificates, notes, debentures, or other
2obligations of an authority issued under this section.
AB50,614,33(c) Common carrier means any of the following:
AB50,614,441. A common motor carrier, as defined in s. 194.01 (1).
AB50,614,552. A contract motor carrier, as defined in s. 194.01 (2).
AB50,614,663. A railroad subject to ch. 195, as described in s. 195.02 (1) and (3).
AB50,614,774. A water carrier, as defined in s. 195.02 (5).
AB50,614,128(d) Comprehensive unified local transportation system means a
9transportation system that is comprised of motor bus lines and any other local
10public transportation facilities, the major portion of which is located within, or the
11major portion of the service of which is supplied to the inhabitants of, the
12jurisdictional area of the authority.
AB50,614,1413(em) Metropolitan area means a metropolitan statistical area as designated
14by the U.S. office of management and budget.
AB50,614,1515(f) Municipality means any city, village, or town.
AB50,614,1816(g) Participating political subdivision means a political subdivision that is a
17member of an authority, either from the time of creation of the authority or by later
18joining the authority.
AB50,614,1919(h) Political subdivision means a municipality or county.
AB50,615,620(i) Transportation system means all land, shops, structures, equipment,
21property, franchises, and rights of whatever nature required for transportation of
22passengers within the jurisdictional area of the authority and, only to the extent
23specifically authorized under this section, outside the jurisdictional area of the

1authority. Transportation system includes elevated railroads, subways,
2underground railroads, motor vehicles, motor buses, and any combination thereof,
3and any other form of mass transportation, but does not include transportation
4excluded from the definition of common motor carrier under s. 194.01 (1) or
5charter or contract operations to, from, or between points that are outside the
6jurisdictional area of the authority.
AB50,615,177(2) Creation of transit authorities. (f) Statewide regional transit
8authorities. 1. Any 2 or more political subdivisions located within the same
9metropolitan area may jointly create a transit authority that is a public body
10corporate and politic and a separate governmental entity and that is known by a
11name that includes the words regional transit authority, if the governing body of
12each political subdivision adopts a resolution authorizing the political subdivision
13to become a member of the authority and all the resolutions are identical to each
14other. Except as provided in subd. 2. and sub. (13), once created, the members of the
15authority shall consist of all political subdivisions that adopt resolutions, as
16provided in this subdivision. Once created, the authority may transact business
17and exercise any powers granted to it under this section.
AB50,615,23182. After an authority is created under subd. 1., any political subdivision
19located in whole or in part within a metropolitan area located in whole or in part
20within an authoritys jurisdiction may join the authority if the governing body of
21the political subdivision adopts a resolution identical to the existing resolutions of
22the authoritys participating political subdivisions and the authoritys board of
23directors approves the political subdivisions joinder.
13. The jurisdictional area of an authority created under this paragraph is the
2geographic area formed by the combined territorial boundaries of all participating
3political subdivisions of the authority.
AB50,616,104(3) Transit authority governance. (a) The powers of an authority shall be
5vested in its board of directors. Directors shall be appointed for 4-year terms. A
6majority of the board of directors full authorized membership constitutes a quorum
7for the purpose of conducting the authoritys business and exercising its powers.
8Action may be taken by the board of directors upon a vote of a majority of the
9directors present and voting, unless the bylaws of the authority require a larger
AB50,616,1211(fm) The board of directors of an authority created under sub. (2) (f) consists of
12the following members:
AB50,616,17131. One member from each participating political subdivision that is a county,
14appointed by the county executive of each county and approved by the county board
15except that, if the county does not have an elected county executive, the member
16shall be appointed by the county board chairperson and approved by the county
AB50,616,22182. One member from each of the two participating political subdivisions that
19are municipalities, if any, having the highest population, appointed by the mayor
20and approved by the common council or appointed by the village president and
21approved by the village board or appointed by the town board chairperson and
22approved by the town board, as applicable.
AB50,616,23233. One member appointed by the governor.
14. Not more than 2 members from participating political subdivisions that are
2municipalities other than those identified under subd. 2., appointed by the mayor
3and approved by the common council or appointed by the village president and
4approved by the village board or appointed by the town board chairperson and
5approved by the town board, as applicable. If the authority opts to include members
6under this subdivision on the board of directors, the bylaws of the authority shall
7include a provision specifying a method by which the members appointed under
8this subdivision shall rotate among the participating political subdivisions not
9entitled to make an appointment under subd. 2.
AB50,617,1210(g) The bylaws of an authority shall govern its management, operations, and
11administration, consistent with the provisions of this section, and shall include
12provisions specifying all of the following:
AB50,617,13131. The functions or services to be provided by the authority.
AB50,617,14142. The powers, duties, and limitations of the authority.
AB50,617,16153. The maximum rate of the taxes that may be imposed by the authority under
16sub. (4) (s), not to exceed the maximum rate specified in s. 77.708 (1).
AB50,617,1917(4) Powers. Notwithstanding s. 59.84 (2) and any other provision of this
18chapter or ch. 59 or 85, an authority may do all of the following, to the extent
19authorized in the authoritys bylaws:
AB50,617,2120(a) Establish, maintain, and operate a comprehensive unified local
21transportation system primarily for the transportation of persons.
AB50,618,222(b) Acquire a comprehensive unified local transportation system and provide

1funds for the operation and maintenance of the system. Upon the acquisition of a
2comprehensive unified local transportation system, the authority may:
AB50,618,431. Operate and maintain it or lease it to an operator or contract for its use by
4an operator.
AB50,618,652. Contract for superintendence of the system with an organization that has
6personnel with the requisite experience and skill.
AB50,618,973. Delegate responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the system to
8an appropriate administrative officer, board, or commission of a participating
9political subdivision.
AB50,618,11104. Maintain and improve railroad rights-of-way and improvements on these
11rights-of-way for future use.
AB50,618,1312(c) Contract with a public or private organization to provide transportation
13services in lieu of directly providing these services.
AB50,618,1514(d) Purchase and lease transportation facilities to public or private transit
15companies that operate within and outside the jurisdictional area.
AB50,618,1716(e) Apply for federal aids to purchase transportation facilities considered
17essential for the authoritys operation.
AB50,619,318(f) Coordinate specialized transportation services, as defined in s. 85.21 (2)
19(g), for residents who reside within the jurisdictional area and who are disabled or
20aged 60 or older, including services funded under 42 USC 3001 to 3057o, 42 USC
215001, and 42 USC 5011 (b), under ss. 49.43 to 49.499 and 85.21, and under other
22public funds administered by the county. An authority may contract with a county
23that is a participating political subdivision for the authority to provide specialized

1transportation services, but an authority is not an eligible applicant under s. 85.21
2(2) (e) and may not receive payments directly from the department of transportation
3under s. 85.21.
AB50,619,64(g) Acquire, own, hold, use, lease as lessor or lessee, sell or otherwise dispose
5of, mortgage, pledge, or grant a security interest in any real or personal property or
AB50,619,87(h) Acquire property by condemnation using the procedure under s. 32.05 for
8the purposes set forth in this section.
AB50,619,159(i) Enter upon any state, county, or municipal street, road, or alley, or any
10public highway for the purpose of installing, maintaining, and operating the
11authoritys facilities. Whenever the work is to be done in a state, county, or
12municipal highway, street, road, or alley, the public authority having control thereof
13shall be duly notified, and the highway, street, road, or alley shall be restored to as
14good a condition as existed before the commencement of the work with all costs
15incident to the work to be borne by the authority.
AB50,619,1716(j) Fix, maintain, and revise fees, rates, rents, and charges for functions,
17facilities, and services provided by the authority.
AB50,619,1918(k) Make, and from time to time amend and repeal, bylaws, rules, and
19regulations to carry into effect the powers and purposes of the authority.
AB50,619,2020(L) Sue and be sued in its own name.
AB50,619,2121(m) Have and use a corporate seal.
AB50,620,222(n) Employ agents, consultants, and employees, engage professional services,

1and purchase such furniture, stationery, and other supplies and materials as are
2reasonably necessary to perform its duties and exercise its powers.
AB50,620,43(o) Incur debts, liabilities, or obligations including the borrowing of money
4and the issuance of bonds under subs. (7) and (10).
AB50,620,85(p) Invest any funds held in reserve or sinking funds, or any funds not
6required for immediate disbursement, including the proceeds from the sale of any
7bonds, in such obligations, securities, and other investments as the authority deems
8proper in accordance with s. 66.0603 (1m).
AB50,620,109(q) Do and perform any acts and things authorized by this section under,
10through, or by means of an agent or by contracts with any person.
AB50,620,1311(r) Exercise any other powers that the board of directors considers necessary
12and convenient to effectuate the purposes of the authority, including providing for
13passenger safety.
AB50,620,2114(s) Impose, by the adoption of a resolution by the board of directors, the taxes
15under subch. V of ch. 77 in the authoritys jurisdictional area. If an authority
16adopts a resolution to impose the taxes, it shall deliver a certified copy of the
17resolution to the department of revenue at least 120 days before its effective date.
18The authority may, by adoption of a resolution by the board of directors, repeal the
19imposition of taxes under subch. V of ch. 77 and shall deliver a certified copy of the
20repeal resolution to the department of revenue at least 120 days before its effective
AB50,621,522(5) Limitations on authority powers. (a) Notwithstanding sub. (4) (a), (b),
23(c), (d), (q), and (r), no authority, and no public or private organization with which

1an authority has contracted for service, may provide service outside the
2jurisdictional area of the authority unless the authority receives financial support
3for the service under a contract with a public or other private organization for the
4service or unless it is necessary in order to provide service to connect residents
5within the authoritys jurisdictional area to transit systems in adjacent counties.
AB50,621,146(b) Whenever the proposed operations of an authority would be competitive
7with the operations of a common carrier in existence prior to the time the authority
8commences operations, the authority shall coordinate proposed operations with the
9common carrier to eliminate adverse financial impact for the carrier. This
10coordination may include route overlapping, transfers, transfer points, schedule
11coordination, joint use of facilities, lease of route service, and acquisition of route
12and corollary equipment. If this coordination does not result in mutual agreement,
13the proposals of the authority and the common carrier shall be submitted to the
14department of transportation for arbitration.
AB50,621,1715(c) In exercising its powers under sub. (4), an authority shall consider any
16plan of a metropolitan planning organization under 23 USC 134 that covers any
17portion of the authoritys jurisdictional area.
AB50,621,2218(6) Authority obligations to employees of mass transportation
19systems. (a) An authority acquiring a comprehensive unified local transportation
20system for the purpose of the authoritys operation of the system shall assume all of
21the employers obligations under any contract between the employees and
22management of the system to the extent allowed by law.
AB50,622,1023(b) An authority acquiring, constructing, controlling, or operating a

1comprehensive unified local transportation system shall negotiate an agreement
2with the representative of the labor organization that covers the employees affected
3by the acquisition, construction, control, or operation to protect the interests of
4employees affected. This agreement shall include all of the provisions identified in
5s. 59.58 (4) (b) 1. to 8. and may include provisions identified in s. 59.58 (4) (c). An
6affected employee has all the rights and the same status under subch. IV of ch. 111
7that he or she enjoyed immediately before the acquisition, construction, control, or
8operation and may not be required to serve a probationary period if he or she
9attained permanent status before the acquisition, construction, control, or
AB50,622,1211(c) In all negotiations under this subsection, a senior executive officer of the
12authority shall be a member of the authoritys negotiating body.
AB50,622,1713(7) Bonds; generally. (a) An authority may issue bonds, the principal and
14interest on which are payable exclusively from all or a portion of any revenues
15received by the authority. The authority may secure its bonds by a pledge of any
16income or revenues from any operations, rent, aids, grants, subsidies,
17contributions, or other source of moneys whatsoever.
AB50,622,1918(b) An authority may issue bonds in such principal amounts as the authority
19deems necessary.
AB50,622,2220(c) 1. Neither the members of the board of directors of an authority nor any
21person executing the bonds is personally liable on the bonds by reason of the
22issuance of the bonds.
AB50,623,4232. The bonds of an authority are not a debt of the participating political

1subdivisions. Neither the participating political subdivisions nor the state are
2liable for the payment of the bonds. The bonds of any authority shall be payable
3only out of funds or properties of the authority. The bonds of the authority shall
4state the restrictions contained in this paragraph on the face of the bonds.
AB50,623,155(8) Issuance of bonds. (a) Bonds of an authority shall be authorized by
6resolution of the board of directors. The bonds may be issued under such a
7resolution or under a trust indenture or other security instrument. The bonds may
8be issued in one or more series and may be in the form of coupon bonds or registered
9bonds under s. 67.09. The bonds shall bear the dates, mature at the times, bear
10interest at the rates, be in the denominations, have the rank or priority, be executed
11in the manner, be payable in the medium of payment and at the places, and be
12subject to the terms of redemption, with or without premium, as the resolution,
13trust indenture, or other security instrument provides. Bonds of an authority are
14issued for an essential public and governmental purpose and are public
15instrumentalities and, together with interest and income, are exempt from taxes.
AB50,623,1716(b) The authority may sell the bonds at public or private sales at the price or
17prices determined by the authority.
AB50,623,2118(c) If an officer whose signatures appear on any bonds or coupons ceases to be
19an officer of the authority before the delivery of the bonds or coupons, the officers
20signature shall, nevertheless, be valid for all purposes as if the officer had remained
21in office until delivery of the bonds or coupons.