AB50,569,4259.10 (3) (cm) 2. ‘Petition and referendum.’ Except as provided in subd. 3., the 3electors of a county may, by petition and referendum, decrease the number of 4supervisors at any time after the first election is held following enactment of a 5decennial supervisory district plan under par. (b). A petition for a change in the 6number of supervisors may be filed with the county clerk. Prior to circulating a 7petition to decrease the number of supervisors in any county, a petitioner shall 8register with the county clerk, giving the petitioner’s name and address and 9indicating the petitioner’s intent to file such a petition. No signature on a petition 10is valid unless the signature is obtained within the 60-day period following such 11registration. The petition shall specify the proposed number of supervisors to be 12elected. Within 14 days after the last day for filing an original petition, any other 13petitioner may file an alternative petition with the county clerk proposing a 14different number of supervisors to be elected, and, if the petition is valid, the 15alternative proposed in the petition shall be submitted for approval at the same 16referendum. An alternative petition is subject to the same registration and 17signature requirements as an original petition. Each petition shall be in the form 18specified in s. 8.40 and shall contain a number of signatures of electors of the county 19equal to at least 25 percent of the total votes cast in the county for the office of 20supervisor at the most recent spring election preceding the date of filing. The 21county clerk shall promptly determine the sufficiency of a petition filed under this 22subdivision. Upon determination that a petition is sufficient, or if one or more valid 23alternative petitions are filed, upon determination that the petitions are sufficient,
1the county clerk shall call a referendum concurrently with the next spring or 2general election in the county that is held not earlier than 70 days after the 3determination is made. The question proposed at the referendum shall be: “Shall 4the board of supervisors of .... County be decreased from .... members to .... 5members?”. If one or more alternative valid petitions are filed within 14 days after 6the last day that an original petition may be filed, the question relating to the 7number of supervisors shall appear separately. The first question shall be: “Shall 8the size of the county board of supervisors of .... County be decreased from its 9current membership of .... members?”. Any subsequent question shall be: “If so, 10shall the size of the board be decreased to .... members?”. Each elector may vote in 11the affirmative or negative on the first question and may then vote in the 12affirmative on one of the remaining questions. If the first question is not approved 13by a majority of the electors voting on the question, any subsequent question is of no 14effect. If the question is approved by a majority of the electors voting on the 15question, or, if more than one question is submitted, if the first question is approved 16by a majority of the electors voting on the question, the board shall enact an 17ordinance prescribing revised boundaries for the supervisory districts in the 18county. The ordinance shall be enacted in accordance with the approved question 19or, if more than one question is submitted, in accordance with the choice receiving a 20plurality of the votes cast. The districts are subject to the same requirements that 21apply to districts in any plan enacted by the board under subd. 1. If the board has 22determined under sub. (1) (b) to adopt staggered terms for the office of supervisor, 23the board may change the expiration date of the term of any supervisor to an earlier
1date than the date provided under current ordinance if required to implement the 2redistricting or to maintain classes of members. The county clerk shall file a 3certified copy of any redistricting plan enacted under this subdivision with the 4secretary of state administration. AB50,10815Section 1081. 59.23 (2) (m) 2. of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,569,11659.23 (2) (m) 2. Except as otherwise provided, receive and file the official 7oaths and bonds of all county officers and upon request shall certify under the 8clerk’s signature and seal the official capacity and authority of any county officer so 9filing and charge the statutory fee. Upon the commencement of each term every 10clerk shall file the clerk’s signature and the impression of the clerk’s official seal in 11the office of the secretary of state administration. AB50,108212Section 1082. 59.23 (2) (s) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,569,221359.23 (2) (s) List of local officials. Annually, on the first Tuesday of June, 14transmit to the secretary of state administration a list showing the name, phone 15number, electronic mail address, and post-office address of local officials, including 16the chairperson, mayor, president, clerk, treasurer, council and board members, 17and assessor of each municipality, and of the elective or appointive officials of any 18other local governmental unit, as defined in s. 66.0135 (1) (c), that is located wholly 19or partly within the county. Such lists shall be placed on file for the information of 20the public. The clerk, secretary, or other administrative officer of a local 21governmental unit, as defined in s. 66.0137 (1) (as), shall provide the county clerk 22the information he or she needs to complete the requirements of this paragraph. AB50,108323Section 1083. 59.43 (1c) (t) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,570,3
159.43 (1c) (t) Upon commencement of each term, file his or her signature and 2the impression of his or her official seal or rubber stamp in the office of the 3secretary of state administration. AB50,10844Section 1084. 59.43 (2) (ag) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,570,8559.43 (2) (ag) 1. Subject to s. 59.72 (5), for recording any instrument that is 6entitled to be recorded in the office of the register of deeds, $30 $45, except that no 7fee may be collected for recording a change of address that is exempt from a filing 8fee under s. 185.83 (1) (b) or 193.111 (1) (b). AB50,10859Section 1085. 59.43 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,570,121059.43 (2) (e) Subject to s. 59.72 (5), for filing any instrument which that is 11entitled to be filed in the office of register of deeds and for which no other specific 12fee is specified, $30 $45. AB50,108613Section 1086. 59.52 (4) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,570,151459.52 (4) (a) 1. Notices of tax apportionment that are received from the 15secretary of state administration, after 3 years. AB50,108716Section 1087. 59.52 (25) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,570,231759.52 (25) Advisory and contingent referenda. The board may conduct a 18countywide referendum for advisory purposes or for the purpose of ratifying or 19validating a resolution adopted or ordinance enacted by the board contingent upon 20approval in the referendum. The board may not conduct a referendum for advisory 21purposes, except as provided under s. 66.0305 (6) or for an advisory referendum 22regarding capital expenditures proposed to be funded by the county property tax 23levy. AB50,1088
1Section 1088. 59.54 (25) (title) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,571,2259.54 (25) (title) Possession Regulation of marijuana. AB50,10893Section 1089. 59.54 (25) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,571,12459.54 (25) (a) (intro.) The board may enact and enforce an ordinance to 5prohibit the possession of marijuana, as defined in s. 961.01 (14), subject to the 6exceptions in s. 961.41 (3g) (intro.), and provide a forfeiture for a violation of the 7ordinance that is consistent with s. 961.71 or 961.72; except that if a complaint is 8issued regarding an allegation of possession of more than 25 grams of marijuana, or 9possession of any amount of marijuana following a conviction in this state for 10possession of marijuana alleging a violation of s. 961.72 (2) (b) 2. or (c) 3., the 11subject of the complaint may not be prosecuted under this subsection for the same 12action that is the subject of the complaint unless all of the following occur: AB50,109013Section 1090. 59.72 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,571,171459.72 (5) (a) Before the 16th day of each month a register of deeds shall 15submit to the department of administration $15 $30 from the fee for recording or 16filing each instrument that is recorded or filed under s. 59.43 (2) (ag) 1. or (e), less 17any amount retained by the county under par. (b). AB50,109118Section 1091. 59.72 (5) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,571,221959.72 (5) (b) (intro.) Except as provided in s. 16.967 (7m), a county may retain 20$8 $15 of the portion of each fee submitted to the department of administration 21under par. (a) from the fee for recording or filing each instrument that is recorded or 22filed under s. 59.43 (2) (ag) 1. or (e) if all of the following conditions are met: AB50,109223Section 1092. 60.565 (title) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,572,2
160.565 (title) Ambulance Emergency medical service and ambulance 2service. AB50,10933Section 1093. 60.565 of the statutes is renumbered 60.565 (1) (a) and 4amended to read: AB50,572,9560.565 (1) (a) The town board shall contract for or operate and maintain 6ambulance services unless such services are provided by another person. If the 7town board contracts for ambulance services, it may contract with one or more 8providers. The town board may determine and charge a reasonable fee for 9ambulance service provided under this section. AB50,572,1110(c) The town board may purchase equipment for medical and other emergency 11calls. AB50,109412Section 1094. 60.565 (1) (title) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,572,131360.565 (1) (title) Services. AB50,109514Section 1095. 60.565 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,572,171560.565 (1) (b) The town board may contract for or maintain emergency 16medical services for the town. If the town board contracts for emergency medical 17services, it may contract with one or more providers. AB50,109618Section 1096. 60.565 (2) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,572,201960.565 (2) Funding. (a) The town board may determine and charge a 20reasonable fee for ambulance services provided under sub. (1) (a). AB50,572,2221(b) The town board may do any of the following for the purpose of funding 22emergency medical services under sub. (1) (b): AB50,572,23231. Appropriate money. AB50,573,3
12. Charge property owners a fee for the cost of emergency medical services 2provided to their property according to a written schedule established by the town 3board. AB50,573,443. Levy taxes on the entire town. AB50,573,654. Levy taxes on property served by a particular source of emergency medical 6services, to support the source of emergency medical services. AB50,10977Section 1097. 61.187 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,573,22861.187 (2) (d) If, in accordance with par. (a), the results of the election under 9sub. (1) provide for dissolution, the village clerk shall, within 10 days after the 10election, record the petition and determination of the village board of canvassers in 11the office of the register of deeds of the county or counties in which the village is 12located and file with the secretary of administration certified copies of the petition 13and the determination of inspectors of election. The village clerk shall also record 14in the office of the register of deeds a certificate by the village clerk showing the 15date on which the dissolution takes effect and file with the secretary of 16administration 4 copies one copy of the certificate. These documents shall be 17recorded and indexed by the register of deeds. The index shall include the 18document number of the original documents and, if given on the original 19documents, the volume or reel and the page or image number where the original 20documents are filed or recorded. The secretary of administration shall forward 2 21copies one copy of the certificate to the department of transportation and one to the 22department of revenue. AB50,109823Section 1098. 61.189 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,574,14
161.189 (2) The election shall be noticed and conducted and the result 2canvassed and certified as in the case of regular village elections and the village 3clerk shall immediately file with the secretary of administration 4 copies one copy 4of a certification certifying the fact of holding such election and the result thereof 5and a description of the legal boundaries of such village or proposed city and 4 one 6certified copies copy of a plat scale map thereof; and thereupon a certificate of 7incorporation shall be issued to such city by the secretary of administration. Two 8copies One copy of the certification and plat scale map shall be forwarded by the 9secretary of administration to the department of transportation and one copy to the 10department of revenue. Thereafter such city shall in all things be governed by the 11general city charter law. All debts, obligations and liabilities existing against such 12village at the time of such change shall continue and become like debts, obligations 13and liabilities against such city, and such city may carry out and complete all 14proceedings then pending for the issue of bonds for improvements therein. AB50,109915Section 1099. 62.90 (8) of the statutes is renumbered 62.90 (8) (b) and 16amended to read: AB50,575,41762.90 (8) (b) Beginning January 1, 2024, the school board of the 1st class city 18school district that is located in the 1st class city shall ensure that not fewer than 25 19school resource officers are present at schools within the school district during 20normal school hours and that school resource officers are available during before-21school and after-school care, extracurricular activities, and sporting events as 22needed. In addition, beginning January 1, 2024, the school board of the 1st class 23city school district that is located in the 1st class city shall ensure that the school 24resource officers complete the 40-hour course sponsored by the National Association
1of School Resource Officers. Beginning in the 2025-26 school year, the school board 2of the 1st class city school district that is located in the 1st class city shall consider 3the statistics it receives under s. 118.124 (3) (a) when deciding at which schools to 4place school resource officers required under this subsection. AB50,575,75(c) 1. The 1st class city school district and the 1st class city shall agree to an 6apportionment of apportion the costs of meeting the requirements of this 7subsection. as follows: AB50,575,88(a) In this subsection, “law: AB50,575,1391. “Law enforcement officer” means a person who is employed by the state or 10a political subdivision of the state for the purpose of detecting and preventing crime 11and enforcing laws or ordinances and who is authorized to make arrests for 12violations of the laws or ordinances that the person is employed to enforce, and 13“school. AB50,575,17143. “School resource officer” means a law enforcement officer who is deployed 15in community-oriented policing and assigned by the law enforcement agency, as 16defined in s. 165.83 (1) (b), that employs him or her to work in a full-time capacity in 17collaboration with a school district. AB50,110018Section 1100. 62.90 (8) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read: AB50,575,191962.90 (8) (a) 2. “School day” has the meaning given in s. 115.01 (10). AB50,110120Section 1101. 62.90 (8) (c) 1. a. of the statutes is created to read: AB50,576,22162.90 (8) (c) 1. a. For the costs of meeting the requirements of this subsection 22on school days, to the 1st class city school district 25 percent of the costs or 23$400,000, whichever is greater, and the remainder to the 1st class city. Beginning
1in the 2026-27 school year, the maximum amount that may be apportioned to the 21st class city school district is $400,000. AB50,11023Section 1102. 62.90 (8) (c) 1. b. of the statutes is created to read: AB50,576,5462.90 (8) (c) 1. b. For the costs of meeting the requirements of this subsection 5on days other than school days, 100 percent of the costs to the 1st class city. AB50,11036Section 1103. 62.90 (8) (c) 2. of the statutes is created to read: AB50,576,13762.90 (8) (c) 2. For school years beginning after July 1, 2027, the maximum 8dollar amount apportioned to the 1st class city school district under subd. 1. a. shall 9be increased each year by a percentage equal to the percentage change between the 10U.S. consumer price index for all urban consumers, U.S. city average, for the month 11of August of the previous year and the U.S. consumer price index for all urban 12consumers, U.S. city average, for the month of August 2025, as determined by the 13federal department of labor. AB50,110414Section 1104. 66.0101 (3) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,576,221566.0101 (3) A charter ordinance shall be published as a class 1 notice, under 16ch. 985, and shall be recorded by the clerk in a permanent book kept for that 17purpose, with a statement of the manner of its adoption. A certified copy of the 18charter ordinance shall be filed by the clerk with the secretary of state 19administration. The secretary of state administration shall keep a separate index 20of all charter ordinances, arranged alphabetically by city and village and 21summarizing each ordinance, and annually shall issue the index of charter 22ordinances filed during the 12 months prior to July 1. AB50,110523Section 1105. 66.0104 of the statutes is repealed. AB50,110624Section 1106. 66.0107 (1) (bm) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,577,10
166.0107 (1) (bm) Enact and enforce an ordinance to prohibit the possession of 2marijuana, as defined in s. 961.01 (14), subject to the exceptions in s. 961.41 (3g) 3(intro.), and provide a forfeiture for a violation of the ordinance that is consistent 4with s. 961.71 or 961.72; except that if a complaint is issued regarding an allegation 5of possession of more than 25 grams of marijuana, or possession of any amount of 6marijuana following a conviction in this state for possession of marijuana alleging a 7violation of s. 961.72 (2) (b) 2. or (c) 3., the subject of the complaint may not be 8prosecuted under this paragraph for the same action that is the subject of the 9complaint unless the charges are dismissed or the district attorney declines to 10prosecute the case. AB50,110711Section 1107. 66.0129 (5) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,577,161266.0129 (5) Bids for construction. The nonprofit corporation shall let all 13contracts exceeding $1,000 for the construction, maintenance or repair of hospital 14facilities to the lowest responsible bidder after advertising for bids by the 15publication of a class 2 notice under ch. 985. Section Sections 66.0901 applies and 1666.0903 apply to bids and contracts under this subsection. AB50,110817Section 1108. 66.0134 of the statutes is repealed. AB50,110918Section 1109. 66.0137 (4) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,578,21966.0137 (4) Self-insured health plans. If a city, including a 1st class city, 20or a village provides health care benefits under its home rule power, or if a town 21provides health care benefits, to its officers and employees on a self-insured basis, 22the self-insured plan shall comply with ss. 49.493 (3) (d), 631.89, 631.90, 631.93 (2), 23632.722, 632.729, 632.746 (10) (a) 2. and (b) 2., 632.747 (3), 632.7498, 632.798, 24632.848, 632.85, 632.851, 632.853, 632.855, 632.861, 632.862, 632.867, 632.87 (4) to
1(6) (8), 632.871, 632.885, 632.89, 632.891, 632.895 (9) to (17), 632.896, and 767.513 2(4). AB50,11103Section 1110. 66.0144 of the statutes is repealed. AB50,11114Section 1111. 66.0211 (5) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,578,14566.0211 (5) Certification of incorporation. If a majority of the votes in an 6incorporation referendum are cast in favor of a village or city, the clerk of the circuit 7court shall certify the fact to the secretary of administration and supply the 8secretary of administration with a copy of a description of the legal boundaries of 9the village or city and the associated population and a copy of a plat scale map of the 10village or city. Within 10 days of receipt of the description and plat scale map, the 11secretary of administration shall forward 2 copies one copy to the department of 12transportation and one copy each to the department of administration and the 13department of revenue. The secretary of administration shall issue a certificate of 14incorporation and record the certificate. AB50,111215Section 1112. 66.0215 (5) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,579,21666.0215 (5) Certificate of incorporation. If a majority of the votes are 17cast in favor of a city, the clerk shall certify the fact to the secretary of 18administration, together with the result of the census, if any, and 4 copies one copy 19of a description of the legal boundaries of the town and 4 copies one copy of a plat 20scale map of the town. The secretary of administration shall then issue a certificate 21of incorporation, and record the certificate in a book kept for that purpose. Two 22copies One copy of the description and plat scale map shall be forwarded by the
1secretary of administration to the department of transportation and one copy to the 2department of revenue. AB50,11133Section 1113. 66.02162 (5) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,579,14466.02162 (5) Certificate of incorporation. If a majority of the votes are 5cast in favor of a village, the town clerk shall certify that fact to the secretary, 6together with 4 copies one copy of a description of the legal boundaries of the town, 7and 4 copies one copy of a plat scale map of the town. The town clerk shall also send 8the secretary an incorporation fee of $1,000. Upon receipt of the town clerk’s 9certification, the incorporation fee, and other required documents, the secretary 10shall issue a certificate of incorporation and record the certificate in a book kept for 11that purpose. The secretary shall provide 2 copies one copy of the description and 12plat scale map to the department of transportation and one copy to the department 13of revenue. The town clerk shall also transmit a copy of the certification and the 14resolution under sub. (1) to the county clerk. AB50,111415Section 1114. 66.0217 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,579,171666.0217 (1) (b) “Department” means the secretary of administration in the 17department of administration. AB50,111518Section 1115. 66.0217 (1) (c) 1. a. of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,579,191966.0217 (1) (c) 1. a. By government lot, section, township, and range. AB50,111620Section 1116. 66.0217 (1) (c) 1. b. of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,579,212166.0217 (1) (c) 1. b. By recorded private claim, section, township, and range. AB50,111722Section 1117. 66.0217 (9) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,580,152366.0217 (9) (a) The clerk of a city or village which has annexed territory shall 24file immediately with the secretary of administration a certified copy of the
1ordinance, certificate and plat scale map, and shall send one copy to each company 2that provides any utility service in the area that is annexed. The city or village 3shall also file with the county clerk or board of election commissioners the report 4required by s. 5.15 (4) (b). The clerk shall record the ordinance with the register of 5deeds and file a signed copy of the ordinance with the clerk of any affected school 6district. Failure to file, record or send does not invalidate the annexation and the 7duty to file, record or send is a continuing one. The ordinance that is filed, recorded 8or sent shall describe the annexed territory and the associated population. The 9information filed with the secretary of administration shall be utilized in making 10recommendations for adjustments to entitlements under the federal revenue 11sharing program and distribution of funds under ch. 79. The clerk shall certify 12annually, no later than December 31, to the secretary of administration and record 13with the register of deeds a legal description of the total boundaries of the 14municipality as those boundaries existed on December 1, unless there has been no 15change in the 12 months preceding. AB50,111816Section 1118. 66.0217 (9) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,581,21766.0217 (9) (b) Within 10 days of receipt of the ordinance, certificate, and plat 18scale map, the secretary of administration shall forward 2 copies one copy of the 19ordinance, certificate, and plat scale map to the department of transportation, one 20copy to the department of administration, one copy to the department of revenue, 21one copy to the department of public instruction, one copy to the department, one 22copy to the department of natural resources, one copy to the department of
1agriculture, trade and consumer protection and 2 copies to the clerk of the 2municipality from which the territory was annexed. AB50,11193Section 1119. 66.0217 (9) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,581,8466.0217 (9) (c) Any city or village may direct a survey of its present 5boundaries to be made, and when properly attested the survey and plat scale map 6may be filed in the office of the register of deeds in the county in which the city or 7village is located. Upon filing, the survey and plat scale map are prima facie 8evidence of the facts set forth in the survey and plat scale map. AB50,11209Section 1120. 66.0217 (12) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,581,131066.0217 (12) Validity of plats scale maps. If an annexation is declared 11invalid but before the declaration and subsequent to the annexation a plat scale 12map is submitted and is approved as required in s. 236.10 (1) (a), the plat scale map 13is validly approved despite the invalidity of the annexation. AB50,112114Section 1121. 66.0219 (7) of the statutes is amended to read: