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AB50,2316Section 231. 20.370 (4) (aj) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,310,13720.370 (4) (aj) Water resources—ballast water discharge permits commercial
8vessel arrival fees. From the general fund, all moneys received from fees collected
9under s. 283.35 (1m) to administer and enforce the ballast water discharge permit
10program under s. 283.35 (1m) and for grants under 2009 Wisconsin Act 28, section
119137 (3w) s. 299.65 for management, administration, inspection, monitoring, and
12enforcement activities relating to incidental discharges, including ballast water
AB50,23214Section 232. 20.370 (4) (at) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,310,171520.370 (4) (at) Amcast superfund site. From the environmental fund, as a
16continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for remedial action relating
17to the Amcast superfund site in Cedarburg.
AB50,23318Section 233. 20.370 (4) (pf) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,310,221920.370 (4) (pf) General program operations — PFAS; general fund. As a
20continuing appropriation, from the general fund, the amounts in the schedule for
21addressing and preventing perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances
22contamination in this state.
AB50,23423Section 234. 20.370 (4) (pq) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,311,32420.370 (4) (pq) General program operations — PFAS innocent landowner

1remediation. As a continuing appropriation, from the environmental fund, the
2amounts in the schedule for actions taken under s. 292.31 to address and prevent
3perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances contamination in this state.
AB50,2354Section 235. 20.370 (5) (aa) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,311,8520.370 (5) (aa) Resource aids — nonprofit conservation organizations. From
6the general fund, the amounts in the schedule for grants to nonprofit conservation
7organizations under ss. 23.0955, 23.0956, 281.69 (1r), and 281.72 and for grants
8under 2025 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9132 (1).
AB50,2369Section 236. 20.370 (5) (fu) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,311,111020.370 (5) (fu) Deer carcass disposal sites. As a continuing appropriation, the
11amounts in the schedule to provide financial assistance under s. 29.063 (7).
AB50,23712Section 237. 20.370 (5) (fy) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,311,161320.370 (5) (fy) Resource aids — wildfire suppression reimbursement. From
14the moneys received by the department for forestry activities, a sum sufficient to
15reimburse local fire departments under the fire suppression aids program under s.
AB50,23817Section 238. 20.370 (5) (ha) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,311,201820.370 (5) (ha) Grants to nonprofit conservation organizations. As a
19continuing appropriation, from the general fund, the amounts in the schedule for
20grants to nonprofit conservation organizations under s. 23.0961.
AB50,23921Section 239. 20.370 (5) (hb) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,311,242220.370 (5) (hb) Tribal co-management program. As a continuing
23appropriation, from the general fund, the amounts in the schedule for the tribal co-
24management program under s. 23.0966.
1Section 240. 20.370 (5) (hk) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,312,8220.370 (5) (hk) Fish hatcheries operated by tribes. From the general fund, the
3amounts in the schedule for providing grants to federally recognized American
4Indian tribes or bands for maintenance and repair of fish hatcheries operated by
5the tribe or band. All moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s.
620.505 (8) (hm) 8m. shall be credited to this appropriation account.
7Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the unencumbered balance on June 30 of each
8year shall revert to the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm).
AB50,2419Section 241. 20.370 (5) (hq) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,312,131020.370 (5) (hq) Department land acquisition. From As a continuing
11appropriation, from the moneys received by the department for forestry activities,
12the amounts in the schedule for transfer to the capital improvement fund the
13purposes specified in s. 23.09 (2) (d).
AB50,24214Section 242. 20.370 (5) (hr) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,312,181520.370 (5) (hr) County forest grants. From As a continuing appropriation,
16from the moneys received by the department for forestry activities, the amounts in
17the schedule for transfer to the capital improvement fund grants to counties under
18s. 23.0953.
AB50,24319Section 243. 20.370 (6) (aa) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,312,222020.370 (6) (aa) Environmental aids winter road safety improvement. As a
21continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for grants under the winter
22road safety improvement grants program under s. 281.73.
AB50,24423Section 244. 20.370 (6) (et) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,313,22420.370 (6) (et) Environmental aidsRevitalize Wisconsin program.

1Biennially, from the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule for aid
2awards under s. 292.66.
AB50,2453Section 245. 20.370 (6) (eu) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,313,9420.370 (6) (eu) Environmental aidswaste removal and sampling.
5Biennially, from the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule to provide
6financial assistance for the purpose of removing waste materials that have
7accumulated or been dumped on abandoned properties and to conduct sampling
8and testing to determine if those properties pose a risk to public health and safety
9or the environment.
AB50,24610Section 246. 20.370 (6) (ew) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,313,131120.370 (6) (ew) Environmental aids — county well testing grant program.
12From the PFAS fund, as a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule
13for the county well testing grant program under s. 281.54.
AB50,24714Section 247. 20.370 (7) (bd) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,313,171520.370 (7) (bd) Building demolition. As a continuing appropriation, from the
16general fund, the amounts in the schedule for demolition of buildings on property
17owned by the department.
AB50,24818Section 248. 20.370 (9) (bj) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,314,21920.370 (9) (bj) Storm water management — fees. From the general fund, the
20amounts in the schedule all moneys received under s. 283.33 (9) and under 2009
21Wisconsin Act 28, section 9110 (11f), for the administration, including enforcement,
22of the storm water discharge permit program under s. 283.33. All moneys received

1under s. 283.33 (9) and under 2009 Wisconsin Act 28, section 9110 (11f) shall be
2credited to this appropriation account.
AB50,2493Section 249. 20.370 (9) (hk) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,314,10420.370 (9) (hk) Approval fees to Lac du Flambeau band-service funds. From
5the general fund, the amounts in the schedule for the purpose of making payments
6to the Lac du Flambeau band of the Lake Superior Chippewa under s. 29.2295 (4)
7(a). All moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm)
88r. shall be credited to this appropriation account. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3)
9(b), the unencumbered balance on June 30 of each odd-numbered year shall revert
10to the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm).
AB50,25011Section 250. 20.370 (9) (hw) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,314,141220.370 (9) (hw) Credit card handling fees. As a continuing appropriation, all
13moneys received by the department as provided under s. 27.01 (19) for fees
14associated with using a credit card for vehicle admission receipt and camping fees.
AB50,25115Section 251. 20.370 (9) (jq) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,314,241620.370 (9) (jq) Off-highway motorcycle administration. As a continuing
17appropriation, an amount equal to the amount determined under s. 23.335 (20) (a)
18in that fiscal year for the purposes specified under s. 23.335 (20) (b) and (d), for
19issuing and renewing off-highway motorcycle registration under s. 23.335 (3), (4),
20and (5), for grants under the safety grant program under s. 23.335 (15), and for
21state and local law enforcement operations related to off-highway motorcycles. All
22moneys received under s. 23.335 (6) shall be credited to this appropriation account.
23All moneys attributable to off-highway motorcycles and deposited in the
24conservation fund under s. 25.29 (1) (b) are credited to this appropriation account.
1Section 252. 20.370 (9) (pq) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,315,8220.370 (9) (pq) Great Lakes and Mississippi River erosion control revolving
3loan programs. As a continuing appropriation, from the environmental fund, the
4amounts in the schedule for the Great Lakes erosion control revolving loan program
5under s. 23.1991 and the Mississippi River erosion control revolving loan program
6under s. 23.1993. All moneys received as loan origination fees and repayments of
7loan principal and interest under ss. 23.1991 and 23.1993 shall be credited to this
8appropriation account.
AB50,2539Section 253. 20.380 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,315,191020.380 (1) (b) Tourism marketing; general purpose revenue. Biennially, the
11amounts in the schedule for tourism marketing service expenses and the execution
12of the functions under ss. 41.11 (4) and 41.17. In each fiscal year, the department
13shall expend for tourism marketing service expenses and the execution of the
14functions under ss. 41.11 (4) and 41.17 an amount that bears the same proportion
15to the amount in the schedule for the fiscal year as the amount expended under par.
16(kg) in that fiscal year bears to the amount in the schedule for par. (kg) for that
17fiscal year. Of the amounts under this paragraph, not more than 50 percent shall
18be used to match funds allocated under s. 41.17 by private or public organizations
19for the joint effort marketing of tourism with the state.
AB50,25420Section 254. 20.380 (1) (kg) of the statutes is repealed.
AB50,25521Section 255. 20.395 (1) (ba) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,316,22220.395 (1) (ba) Transit capital assistance grants. From the general fund, as a

1continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for transit capital assistance
2grants under s. 85.203.
AB50,2563Section 256. 20.395 (2) (cq) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,316,10420.395 (2) (cq) Harbor assistance, state funds. As a continuing appropriation,
5the amounts in the schedule for harbor assistance under s. 85.095 (2) (a), for
6administration of the harbor assistance program under s. 85.095 and for grants
7under 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9150 (4f), 2013 Wisconsin Act 20, section 9145
8(4i) and (4u), 2015 Wisconsin Act 55, section 9145 (1c), 2017 Wisconsin Act 59,
9section 9145 (4d), and 2023 Wisconsin Act 19, section 9144 (2), and 2025 Wisconsin
10Act .... (this act), section 9144 (3).
AB50,25711Section 257. 20.395 (2) (fc) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,316,141220.395 (2) (fc) Local roads improvement program; agricultural roads, general
13fund. From the general fund, as a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the
14schedule for improvements to local agricultural roads under s. 86.31 (3o).
AB50,25815Section 258. 20.395 (2) (fq) of the statutes is renumbered 20.395 (2) (fd) and
16amended to read:
AB50,316,211720.395 (2) (fd) Local roads improvement discretionary supplement. As a
18continuing appropriation from the general fund, the amounts in the schedule for
19the local roads improvement discretionary supplemental grant program under s.
2086.31 (3s) and for the grants under 2025 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9144
21(5) and (6).
AB50,25922Section 259. 20.395 (2) (ja) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,317,22320.395 (2) (ja) Local traffic calming grants. From the general fund, as a

1continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for the local traffic calming
2grant program under s. 85.024.
AB50,2603Section 260. 20.395 (3) (cq) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,318,2420.395 (3) (cq) State highway rehabilitation, state funds. As a continuing
5appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for improvement of existing state trunk
6and connecting highways; for improvement of bridges on state trunk or connecting
7highways and other bridges for which improvement is a state responsibility, for
8necessary approach work for such bridges and for replacement of such bridges with
9at-grade crossing improvements; for the construction and rehabilitation of the
10national system of interstate and defense highways and bridges and related
11appurtenances; for activities under s. 84.04 on roadside improvements; for bridges
12under s. 84.10; for the bridge project under s. 84.115; for payment to a local unit of
13government for a jurisdictional transfer under s. 84.02 (8); for the disadvantaged
14business demonstration and training program under s. 84.076; for the purpose
15specified in s. 84.017 (3); for the transfers required under 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
16section 9250 (1) and 2003 Wisconsin Act 33, section 9153 (4q); and for the purposes
17described under 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9150 (8g), 2001 Wisconsin Act 16,
18section 9152 (4e), 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, section 9148 (9i) (b) and (9x), 2021
19Wisconsin Act 58, section 9144 (5), and 2023 Wisconsin Act 19, section 9144 (8), and
202025 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9144 (1). This paragraph does not apply to
21any southeast Wisconsin freeway megaprojects under s. 84.0145, to any southeast
22Wisconsin freeway rehabilitation projects under s. 84.014 that also qualify as major
23highway projects under s. 84.013, or to the installation, replacement, rehabilitation,
24or maintenance of highway signs, traffic control signals, highway lighting,

1pavement markings, or intelligent transportation systems, unless incidental to the
2improvement of existing state trunk and connecting highways.
AB50,2613Section 261. 20.395 (3) (cs) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,318,8420.395 (3) (cs) State highway rehabilitation, service funds. All moneys
5received from the fund created under s. 18.57 (1) as reimbursement for the
6temporary financing under sub. (9) (th) of state highway rehabilitation projects for
7the purposes specified under sub. (3) (cq) that are financed under s. 84.59, for the
8purpose of financing such projects.
AB50,2629Section 262. 20.395 (4) (jq) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,318,181020.395 (4) (jq) Transportation facilities and highway projects revenue
11obligation funding. As a continuing appropriation, all proceeds from revenue
12obligations issued under s. 84.59 and deposited into the fund created under s. 18.57
13(1), for the transportation administrative facilities purposes of s. 84.01 (28) and, for
14major highway projects as defined under s. 84.013 (1) (a) for the purposes of ss.
1584.06 and 84.09, and for state highway rehabilitation projects for the purposes
16specified in sub. (3) (cq), providing for reserves and for expenses of issuance and
17management of the revenue obligations. Estimated disbursements under this
18paragraph shall not be included in the schedule under s. 20.005.
AB50,26319Section 263. 20.395 (5) (eq) of the statutes is renumbered 20.395 (5) (ep) and
20amended to read:
AB50,319,22120.395 (5) (ep) Driver education grants, state funds. As a continuing
22appropriation, from the general fund, the amounts in the schedule for driver
23education grants. All moneys lapsed to the general fund under s. 20.145 (1) (g), but

1not to exceed to $6,000,000 in a fiscal year, shall be credited to this appropriation
AB50,2643Section 264. 20.395 (9) (th) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,319,14420.395 (9) (th) Temporary funding of projects financed by revenue bonds. A
5sum sufficient to provide initial, temporary funding for any project to be financed
6under s. 84.59 which is a major highway project enumerated under s. 84.013 (3) or
7a project under s. 84.01 (28) approved under s. 13.48 (10) or authorized under s.
884.01 (30) or a state highway rehabilitation project for a purpose specified in sub. (3)
9(cq). The department shall keep a separate account of expenditures under this
10paragraph for each such project. As soon as moneys become available from the
11proceeds of the obligation issued under s. 84.59 to finance that project, an amount
12equal to the amounts expended under this paragraph shall be paid from those
13proceeds into the transportation fund and credited to the appropriation account
14under sub. (3) (br) or (cs) or (4) (at).
AB50,26515Section 265. 20.410 (3) (ab) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,319,191620.410 (3) (ab) Contract payments for placement of juveniles. A sum
17sufficient, not to exceed $20,000,000 in each fiscal year, for payments made in
18accordance with contracts for placement of juveniles who are under the supervision
19of the department of corrections under ch. 938.
AB50,26620Section 266. 20.410 (3) (ab) of the statutes, as created by 2025 Wisconsin Act
21... (this act), is repealed.
AB50,26722Section 267. 20.410 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,320,22320.410 (4) Office of the ombudsperson for corrections. (a) General

1program operations. The amounts in the schedule for the general program
2operations of the office of the ombudsperson for corrections.
AB50,320,43(i) Gifts and grants. All moneys received from gifts and grants to carry out the
4purposes for which made.
AB50,320,65(k) Interagency and intra-agency assistance. All moneys received from the
6department or any other state agency to carry out the purposes for which received.
AB50,320,87(m) Federal aid. All moneys received as federal aid as authorized by the
8governor under s. 16.54 to carry out the purposes for which received.
AB50,2689Section 268. 20.425 (1) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,320,221020.425 (1) (i) Fees, collective bargaining training, publications, and appeals.
11The amounts in the schedule for the performance of fact-finding, mediation,
12certification, and arbitration functions, for the provision of copies of transcripts, for
13the cost of operating training programs under ss. 111.09 (3), 111.71 (5m), and
14111.94 (3), for the preparation of publications, transcripts, reports, and other copied
15material, and for costs related to conducting appeals under s. 230.45. All moneys
16received under ss. 111.09 (1) and (2), 111.70 (4) (d) 3. b., 111.71 (1) and (2), 111.83
17(3) (b), 111.94 (1) and (2), and 230.45 (3), all moneys received from arbitrators and
18arbitration panel members, and individuals who are interested in serving in such
19positions, and from individuals and organizations who participate in other
20collective bargaining training programs conducted by the commission, and all
21moneys received from the sale of publications, transcripts, reports, and other copied
22material shall be credited to this appropriation account.
AB50,26923Section 269. 20.427 (1) (ra) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,321,42420.427 (1) (ra) Workers compensation operations fund; workers compensation

1activities. From the workers compensation operations fund, the amounts in the
2schedule for the workers compensation activities of the labor and industry review
3commission. All moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s.
420.445 (1) (ra) shall be credited to this appropriation account.
AB50,2705Section 270. 20.435 (1) (ck) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,321,8620.435 (1) (ck) Emergency medical services grants. The amounts in the
7schedule for grants to municipalities to improve or expand emergency medical
8services under s. 256.42.
AB50,2719Section 271. 20.435 (1) (ef) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,321,121020.435 (1) (ef) Lead-poisoning or lead-exposure services. The As a continuing
11appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for the purposes of providing grants
12under s. 254.151.
AB50,27213Section 272. 20.435 (1) (fi) of the statutes is repealed.
AB50,27314Section 273. 20.435 (1) (fk) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,321,181520.435 (1) (fk) Grants to establish advanced practice clinician health care
16provider training programs. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for grants to
17hospitals, health systems, clinics, and educational entities that form health care
18education and training consortia under s. 146.615.
AB50,27419Section 274. 20.435 (2) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,321,232020.435 (2) (g) Alternative services of institutes and centers. All moneys
21received as payments for services under ss. 46.043 and 51.06 (1r) and (5) for
22provision of alternative services by mental health institutes under s. 46.043 and by
23centers for the developmentally disabled under s. 51.06 (1r).
AB50,27524Section 275. 20.435 (2) (gk) of the statutes is amended to read: