AB50,310718Section 3107. 891.40 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1558,2019891.40 (1) (b) The artificial insemination under par. (a) must satisfy any of 20the following: AB50,1558,22211. The artificial insemination takes place under the supervision of a licensed 22physician. AB50,1558,23232. The semen used for the insemination is obtained from a sperm bank. AB50,3108
1Section 3108. 891.40 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1559,62891.40 (2) The donor of semen provided to a licensed physician or obtained 3from a sperm bank for use in the artificial insemination of a woman other than the 4donor’s wife spouse is not the natural father parent of a child conceived, bears no 5liability for the support of the child, and has no parental rights with regard to the 6child. AB50,31097Section 3109. 891.40 (3) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1559,108891.40 (3) This section applies with respect to children conceived before, on, 9or after the effective date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts date], as a result of 10artificial insemination. AB50,311011Section 3110. 891.405 of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1559,1612891.405 Presumption of paternity parentage based on 13acknowledgment. A man person is presumed to be the natural father parent of a 14child if he the person and the mother person who gave birth have acknowledged 15paternity parentage under s. 69.15 (3) (b) 1. or 3. and no other man person is 16presumed to be the father natural parent under s. 891.41 (1). AB50,311117Section 3111. 891.407 of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1559,2318891.407 Presumption of paternity parentage based on genetic test 19results. A man person is presumed to be the natural father parent of a child if the 20man person has been conclusively determined from genetic test results to be the 21father natural parent under s. 767.804 and no other man person, other than the 22person who gave birth to the child, is presumed to be the father natural parent 23under s. 891.405 or 891.41 (1). AB50,311224Section 3112. 891.41 (title) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1560,2
1891.41 (title) Presumption of paternity parentage based on marriage 2of the parties. AB50,31133Section 3113. 891.41 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1560,54891.41 (1) (intro.) A man person is presumed to be the natural father parent 5of a child if any of the following applies: AB50,31146Section 3114. 891.41 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1560,107891.41 (1) (a) He The person and the child’s established natural mother 8parent are or have been married to each other and the child is conceived or born 9after marriage and before the granting of a decree of legal separation, annulment, 10or divorce between the parties. AB50,311511Section 3115. 891.41 (1) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 891.41 (1) (b) 12(intro.) and amended to read: AB50,1560,1713891.41 (1) (b) (intro.) He The person and the child’s established natural 14mother parent were married to each other after the child was born but he the 15person and the child’s established natural mother parent had a relationship with 16one another during the period of time within which the child was conceived and no 17other man all of the following apply: AB50,1560,18181. No person has been adjudicated to be the father or. AB50,1560,20192. No other person is presumed to be the father parent of the child under par. 20(a). AB50,311621Section 3116. 891.41 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1561,522891.41 (2) In a legal action or proceeding, a presumption under sub. (1) is 23rebutted by results of a genetic test, as defined in s. 767.001 (1m), that show that a
1man person other than the man person presumed to be the father parent under sub. 2(1) is not excluded as the father of the child and that the statistical probability of the 3man’s person’s parentage is 99.0 percent or higher, even if the man person 4presumed to be the father natural parent under sub. (1) is unavailable to submit to 5genetic tests, as defined in s. 767.001 (1m). AB50,31176Section 3117. 891.41 (3) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1561,87891.41 (3) This section applies with respect to children born before, on, or 8after the effective date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts date]. AB50,31189Section 3118. 893.415 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1561,1810893.415 (2) An action to collect child or family support owed under a 11judgment or order entered under ch. 767, or to collect child support owed under a 12judgment or order entered under s. 48.355 (2) (b) 4. or (4g) (a), 48.357 (5m) (a), 1348.363 (2), 938.183 (4), 938.355 (2) (b) 4. or (4g) (a), 938.357 (5m) (a), 938.363 (2), or 14948.22 (7) or s. 48.355 (2) (b) 4., 2023 stats., s. 48.357 (5m) (a), 2023 stats., s. 15938.355 (2) (b) 4., 2023 stats., or s. 938.357 (5m) (a), 2023 stats., shall be commenced 16within 20 years after the youngest child for whom the support was ordered under 17the judgment or order reaches the age of 18 or, if the child is enrolled full-time in 18high school or its equivalent, reaches the age of 19. AB50,311919Section 3119. Subchapter VIII (title) of chapter 893 [precedes 893.80] of the 20statutes is amended to read: AB50,1561,2121CHAPTER 893 AB50,1562,222SUBCHAPTER VIII
2STATUTORY CHALLENGES AB50,31203Section 3120. 893.825 of the statutes is repealed. AB50,31214Section 3121. 893.9815 of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1562,75893.9815 False claims. An action or claim under s. 20.9315 shall be 6commenced within 10 years after the cause of the action or claim accrues or be 7barred. AB50,31228Section 3122. 893.995 of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1562,109893.995 Employment discrimination; civil remedies. Any civil action 10arising under s. 111.397 is subject to the limitations of s. 111.397 (1) (b). AB50,312311Section 3123. 895.478 (3m) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1562,2112895.478 (3m) Elementary and secondary schools. An elementary or 13secondary school and its designated school personnel, and a physician, advanced 14practice registered nurse prescriber, or physician assistant who provides or 15administers an opioid antagonist, are not liable for any injury that results from the 16opioid antagonist, regardless of whether authorization was given by the pupil’s 17parent or guardian or by the pupil’s physician, advanced practice registered nurse 18prescriber, or physician assistant, unless the injury is the result of an act or 19omission that constitutes gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct. The 20immunity from liability provided under this subsection is in addition to and not in 21lieu of that provided under s. 895.48. AB50,312422Section 3124. 905.05 (title) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1562,2323905.05 (title) Husband-wife Spousal and domestic partner privilege. AB50,312524Section 3125. 938.02 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1563,4
1938.02 (1) “Adult” means a person who is 18 years of age or older, except that 2for purposes of investigating or prosecuting a person who is alleged to have violated 3any state or federal criminal law or any civil law or municipal ordinance, “adult” 4means a person who has attained 17 years of age. AB50,31265Section 3126. 938.02 (10m) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1563,106938.02 (10m) “Juvenile,” when used without further qualification, means a 7person who is less than 18 years of age, except that for purposes of investigating or 8prosecuting a person who is alleged to have violated a state or federal criminal law 9or any civil law or municipal ordinance, “juvenile” does not include a person who 10has attained 17 years of age. AB50,312711Section 3127. 938.02 (13) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1564,812938.02 (13) “Parent” means a biological natural parent, a husband who has 13consented to the artificial insemination of his wife under s. 891.40, or a parent by 14adoption. If the juvenile is a nonmarital child who is not adopted or whose parents 15do not subsequently intermarry under s. 767.803, “parent” includes a person 16conclusively determined from genetic test results to be the father under s. 767.804 17or a person acknowledged under s. 767.805 or a substantially similar law of another 18state or adjudicated to be the biological father natural parent. “Parent” does not 19include any person whose parental rights have been terminated. For purposes of 20the application of s. 938.028 and the federal Indian Child Welfare Act, 25 USC 1901 21to 1963, “parent” means a biological natural parent of an Indian child, an Indian 22husband spouse who has consented to the artificial insemination of his wife or her 23spouse under s. 891.40, or an Indian person who has lawfully adopted an Indian
1juvenile, including an adoption under tribal law or custom, and includes, in the case 2of a nonmarital Indian child who is not adopted or whose parents do not 3subsequently intermarry under s. 767.803, a person conclusively determined from 4genetic test results to be the father under s. 767.804, a person acknowledged under 5s. 767.805, a substantially similar law of another state, or tribal law or custom to be 6the biological father natural parent, or a person adjudicated to be the biological 7father natural parent, but does not include any person whose parental rights have 8been terminated. AB50,31289Section 3128. 938.12 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1564,1410938.12 (2) Seventeen-year-olds Juveniles who become adults. If a 11petition alleging that a juvenile is delinquent is filed before the juvenile is 17 years 12of age becomes an adult, but the juvenile becomes 17 years of age an adult before 13admitting the facts of the petition at the plea hearing or, if the juvenile denies the 14facts, before an adjudication, the court retains jurisdiction over the case. AB50,312915Section 3129. 938.18 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1565,216938.18 (2) Petition. The petition for waiver of jurisdiction may be filed by the 17district attorney or the juvenile or may be initiated by the court and shall contain a 18brief statement of the facts supporting the request for waiver. The petition for 19waiver of jurisdiction shall be accompanied by or filed after the filing of a petition 20alleging delinquency and shall be filed prior to the plea hearing, except that if the 21juvenile denies the facts of the petition and becomes 17 years of age an adult before 22an adjudication, the petition for waiver of jurisdiction may be filed at any time prior
1to the adjudication. If the court initiates the petition for waiver of jurisdiction, the 2judge shall disqualify himself or herself from any future proceedings on the case. AB50,31303Section 3130. 938.183 (3) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1565,114938.183 (3) Placement in state prison; parole. When Subject to s. 973.013 5(3m), when a juvenile who is subject to a criminal penalty under sub. (1m) or s. 6938.183 (2), 2003 stats., attains the age of 17 years becomes an adult, the 7department of corrections may place the juvenile in a state prison named in s. 8302.01, except that that department may not place any person under the age of 18 9years in the correctional institution authorized in s. 301.16 (1n). A juvenile who is 10subject to a criminal penalty under sub. (1m) or under s. 938.183 (2), 2003 stats., for 11an act committed before December 31, 1999, is eligible for parole under s. 304.06. AB50,313112Section 3131. 938.255 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1565,1913938.255 (1) Title and contents. (intro.) A petition initiating proceedings 14under this chapter, other than a petition initiating proceedings under s. 938.12, 15938.125, or 938.13 (12), shall be entitled, “In the interest of (juvenile’s name), a 16person under the age of 18”..” A petition initiating proceedings under s. 938.12, 17938.125, or 938.13 (12) shall be entitled, “In the interest of (juvenile’s name), a 18person under the age of 17”. juvenile.” A petition initiating proceedings under this 19chapter shall specify all of the following: AB50,313220Section 3132. 938.33 (3) (intro.) and (a) of the statutes are consolidated, 21renumbered 938.33 (3) and amended to read: AB50,1566,1122938.33 (3) Correctional placement reports. A report recommending 23placement of a juvenile in a juvenile correctional facility or a secured residential
1care center for children and youth shall be in writing, except that the report may be 2presented orally at the dispositional hearing if the juvenile and the juvenile’s 3counsel consent. A report that is presented orally shall be transcribed and made a 4part of the court record. In addition to the information specified under sub. (1) (a) 5to (d), the report shall include all of the following: (a) A a description of any less 6restrictive alternatives that are available and that have been considered, and why 7they have been determined to be inappropriate. If the court has found that any of 8the conditions specified in s. 938.34 (4m) (b) 1., 2., or 3. applies, the report shall 9indicate that a less restrictive alternative than placement in a juvenile correctional 10facility or a secured residential care center for children and youth is not 11appropriate. AB50,313312Section 3133. 938.33 (3) (b) of the statutes is repealed. AB50,313413Section 3134. 938.33 (4) (b) of the statutes is repealed. AB50,313514Section 3135. 938.33 (4m) of the statutes is repealed. AB50,313615Section 3136. 938.335 (3r) of the statutes is repealed. AB50,313716Section 3137. 938.34 (8) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1567,1617938.34 (8) Forfeiture. Impose a forfeiture based upon a determination that 18this disposition is in the best interest of the juvenile and the juvenile’s 19rehabilitation. The maximum forfeiture that the court may impose under this 20subsection for a violation by a juvenile is the maximum amount of the fine that may 21be imposed on an adult for committing that violation or, if the violation is applicable 22only to a person under 18 years of age juveniles, $100. The order shall include a 23finding that the juvenile alone is financially able to pay the forfeiture and shall 24allow up to 12 months for payment. If the juvenile fails to pay the forfeiture, the
1court may vacate the forfeiture and order other alternatives under this section; or 2the court may suspend any license issued under ch. 29 for not less than 30 days nor 3more than 5 years, or suspend the juvenile’s operating privilege, as defined in s. 4340.01 (40), for not more than 2 years. If the court suspends any license under this 5subsection, the clerk of the court shall immediately take possession of the 6suspended license if issued under ch. 29 or, if the license is issued under ch. 343, the 7court may take possession of, and if possession is taken, shall destroy, the license. 8The court shall forward to the department which that issued the license a notice of 9suspension stating that the suspension is for failure to pay a forfeiture imposed by 10the court, together with any license issued under ch. 29 of which the court takes 11possession. If the forfeiture is paid during the period of suspension, the suspension 12shall be reduced to the time period which that has already elapsed and the court 13shall immediately notify the department, which shall then, if the license is issued 14under ch. 29, return the license to the juvenile. Any recovery under this subsection 15shall be reduced by the amount recovered as a forfeiture for the same act under s. 16938.45 (1r) (b). AB50,313817Section 3138. 938.341 of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1567,2118938.341 Delinquency adjudication; restriction on firearm possession. 19Whenever a court adjudicates a juvenile delinquent for an act that if committed by 20an adult in this state would be a felony or for a violation under s. 175.33 (2), the 21court shall inform the juvenile of the requirements and penalties under s. 941.29. AB50,313922Section 3139. 938.343 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1568,1623938.343 (2) Forfeiture. Impose a forfeiture not to exceed the maximum
1forfeiture that may be imposed on an adult for committing that violation or, if the 2violation is only applicable to a person under 18 years of age juveniles, $50. The 3order shall include a finding that the juvenile alone is financially able to pay and 4shall allow up to 12 months for the payment. If a juvenile fails to pay the forfeiture, 5the court may suspend any license issued under ch. 29 or suspend the juvenile’s 6operating privilege, as defined in s. 340.01 (40), for not more than 2 years. The 7court shall immediately take possession of the suspended license if issued under ch. 829 or, if the license is issued under ch. 343, the court may take possession of, and if 9possession is taken, shall destroy, the license. The court shall forward to the 10department which that issued the license the notice of suspension stating that the 11suspension is for failure to pay a forfeiture imposed by the court, together with any 12license issued under ch. 29 of which the court takes possession. If the forfeiture is 13paid during the period of suspension, the court shall immediately notify the 14department, which shall, if the license is issued under ch. 29, return the license to 15the person. Any recovery under this subsection shall be reduced by the amount 16recovered as a forfeiture for the same act under s. 938.45 (1r) (b). AB50,314017Section 3140. 938.344 (3) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1569,218938.344 (3) Prosecution in adult court. If the juvenile alleged to have 19committed the violation is within 3 months of his or her 17th birthday becoming an 20adult, the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and ch. 48 may, 21at the request of the district attorney or on its own motion, dismiss the citation 22without prejudice and refer the matter to the district attorney for prosecution under 23s. 125.07 (4). The juvenile is entitled to a hearing only on the issue of his or her age.
1This subsection does not apply to violations under s. 961.573 (2), 961.574 (2), or 2961.575 (2) or a local ordinance that strictly conforms to one of those statutes. AB50,31413Section 3141. 938.35 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1569,94938.35 (1m) Future criminal proceedings barred. Disposition by the 5court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and ch. 48 of any 6allegation under s. 938.12 or 938.13 (12) shall bar any future proceeding on the 7same matter in criminal court when the juvenile attains 17 years of age becomes an 8adult. This subsection does not affect proceedings in criminal court that have been 9transferred under s. 938.18. AB50,314210Section 3142. 938.355 (2) (b) 4. of the statutes is repealed. AB50,314311Section 3143. 938.355 (2) (b) 6. of the statutes is renumbered 938.355 (2) (b) 126. a. and amended to read: AB50,1569,1513938.355 (2) (b) 6. a. If the juvenile is placed outside the home, a finding that 14continued placement of the juvenile in his or her home would be contrary to the 15welfare of the juvenile or, if. AB50,1569,2016b. If the juvenile has been adjudicated delinquent and is placed outside the 17home under s. 938.34 (3) (a), (c), (cm), or (d) or (4d), in addition to the finding under 18subd. 6. a., a finding that the juvenile’s current residence will not safeguard the 19welfare of the juvenile or the community due to the serious nature of the act for 20which the juvenile was adjudicated delinquent. AB50,1570,521c. The court order under subd. 6. a. or b. shall also contain a finding as to 22whether the county department or the agency primarily responsible for providing 23services under a court order has made reasonable efforts to prevent the removal of 24the juvenile from the home, while assuring that the juvenile’s health and safety are
1the paramount concerns, unless the court finds that any of the circumstances under 2sub. (2d) (b) 1. to 4. applies, and, if a permanency plan has previously been prepared 3for the juvenile, a finding as to whether the county department or agency has made 4reasonable efforts to achieve the permanency goal of the juvenile’s permanency 5plan, including, if appropriate, through an out-of-state placement. AB50,1570,126d. The court shall make the findings specified in this subdivision on a case-by-7case basis based on circumstances specific to the juvenile and shall document or 8reference the specific information on which those findings are based in the court 9order. A court order that merely references this subdivision without documenting 10or referencing that specific information in the court order or an amended court 11order that retroactively corrects an earlier court order that does not comply with 12this subdivision is not sufficient to comply with this subdivision. AB50,314413Section 3144. 938.355 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1571,1014938.355 (4) (b) Except as provided in s. 938.368, an order under s. 938.34 (4d) 15or (4m) made before the juvenile attains 18 years of age may apply for up to 2 years 16after the date on which the order is granted or until the juvenile’s 18th 19th 17birthday, whichever is earlier, unless the court specifies a shorter period of time or 18the court terminates the order sooner. If the order does not specify a termination 19date, it shall apply for one year after the date on which the order is granted or until 20the juvenile’s 18th 19th birthday, whichever is earlier, unless the court terminates 21the order sooner. Except as provided in s. 938.368, an order under s. 938.34 (4h) 22made before the juvenile attains 18 years of age shall apply for 5 years after the date 23on which the order is granted, if the juvenile is adjudicated delinquent for 24committing a violation of s. 943.10 (2) or for committing an act that would be
1punishable as a Class B or C felony if committed by an adult, or until the juvenile 2reaches 25 years of age, if the juvenile is adjudicated delinquent for committing an 3act that would be punishable as a Class A felony if committed by an adult. Except 4as provided in s. 938.368, an extension of an order under s. 938.34 (4d), (4h), (4m), 5or (4n) made before the juvenile attains 17 years of age becomes an adult shall 6terminate at the end of one year after the date on which the order is granted unless 7the court specifies a shorter period of time or the court terminates the order sooner. 8No extension under s. 938.365 of an original dispositional order under s. 938.34 9(4d), (4h), (4m), or (4n) may be granted for a juvenile who is 17 years of age or older 10when becomes an adult by the time the original dispositional order terminates. AB50,314511Section 3145. 938.355 (4m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1571,1812938.355 (4m) (a) A juvenile who has been adjudged delinquent under s. 48.12, 131993 stats., or s. 938.12 may, on attaining 17 years of age becoming an adult, 14petition the court to expunge the court’s record of the juvenile’s adjudication. 15Subject to par. (b), the court may expunge the record if the court determines that 16the juvenile has satisfactorily complied with the conditions of his or her 17dispositional order and that the juvenile will benefit from, and society will not be 18harmed by, the expungement. AB50,314619Section 3146. 938.357 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1572,520938.357 (3) (d) A juvenile who is placed in a Type 1 juvenile correctional 21facility under par. (b) or (c) is the financial responsibility of the county department 22of the county where the juvenile was adjudicated delinquent. The county 23department shall reimburse the department of corrections at the rate specified 24under s. 301.26 (4) (d) 2. or 3., whichever is applicable, for the cost of a juvenile’s
1care while placed in a Type 1 juvenile correctional facility other than the Mendota 2juvenile treatment center. The county department shall reimburse the department 3of health services at a rate specified by that department for the cost of a juvenile’s 4care while placed at the Mendota juvenile treatment center and these payments 5shall be deposited in the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (2) (gk). AB50,31476Section 3147. 938.357 (5m) (a) of the statutes is repealed. AB50,31487Section 3148. 938.357 (5m) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 938.357 (5m). AB50,31498Section 3149. 938.36 (4) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1572,139938.36 (4) Child support referral. (a) The county department or the 10department may refer to the attorney responsible for support enforcement under s. 1159.53 (6) (a) the name of the parent or parents of a juvenile for whom an out-of-12home placement has been ordered under s. 938.355 or 938.357 based on criteria 13established by the department by rule. AB50,1572,1514(b) The department shall promulgate rules establishing criteria for when it is 15appropriate for a child support referral to be made under par. (a). AB50,315016Section 3150. 938.363 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1572,2117938.363 (2) Revision of support. If the court revises the amount of child 18support to be paid by a parent under the a dispositional order entered before July 1, 192026, for the care and maintenance of the parent’s juvenile who has been placed by 20a court order under this chapter in a residential, nonmedical facility, the court shall 21determine the liability of the parent under s. 301.12 (14).