AB50,30788Section 3078. 805.04 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1540,169805.04 (1) By plaintiff; by stipulation. An Except as provided in sub. (2p), 10an action may be dismissed by the plaintiff without order of court by serving and 11filing a notice of dismissal at any time before service by an adverse party of 12responsive pleading or motion or by the filing of a stipulation of dismissal signed by 13all parties who have appeared in the action. Unless otherwise stated in the notice of 14dismissal or stipulation, the dismissal is not on the merits, except that a notice of 15dismissal operates as an adjudication on the merits when filed by a plaintiff who 16has once dismissed in any court an action based on or including the same claim. AB50,307917Section 3079. 805.04 (2p) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1540,2118805.04 (2p) False claims. An action filed under s. 20.9315 may be dismissed 19only by order of the court. In determining whether to dismiss the action filed under 20s. 20.9315, the court shall take into account the best interests of the parties and the 21purposes of s. 20.9315. AB50,308022Section 3080. 806.04 (11) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1542,823806.04 (11) Parties. When declaratory relief is sought, all persons shall be
1made parties who have or claim any interest which would be affected by the 2declaration, and no declaration may prejudice the right of persons not parties to the 3proceeding. In any proceeding which involves the validity of a municipal ordinance 4or franchise, the municipality shall be made a party, and shall be entitled to be 5heard. If a statute, ordinance, or franchise is alleged to be unconstitutional, or to be 6in violation of or preempted by federal law, or if the construction or validity of a 7statute is otherwise challenged, the attorney general shall also be served with a 8copy of the proceeding and be entitled to be heard. If a statute is alleged to be 9unconstitutional, or to be in violation of or preempted by federal law, or if the 10construction or validity of a statute is otherwise challenged, the speaker of the 11assembly, the president of the senate, and the senate majority leader shall also be 12served with a copy of the proceeding, and the assembly, the senate, and the state 13legislature are entitled to be heard. If the assembly, the senate, or the joint 14committee on legislative organization intervenes as provided under s. 803.09 (2m), 15the assembly shall represent the assembly, the senate shall represent the senate, 16and the joint committee on legislative organization shall represent the legislature. 17In any proceeding under this section in which the constitutionality, construction, or 18application of any provision of ch. 227, or of any statute allowing a legislative 19committee to suspend, or to delay or prevent the adoption of, a rule as defined in s. 20227.01 (13) is placed in issue by the parties, the joint committee for review of 21administrative rules shall be served with a copy of the petition and, with the 22approval of the joint committee on legislative organization, shall be made a party 23and be entitled to be heard. In any proceeding under this section in which the
1constitutionality, construction, or application of any provision of ch. 13, 20, 111, 2227, or 230 or subch. I, III, or IV of ch. 16 or s. 753.075, or of any statute allowing a 3legislative committee to suspend, or to delay or prevent the adoption of, a rule, as 4defined in s. 227.01 (13), is placed in issue by the parties, the joint committee on 5legislative organization shall be served with a copy of the petition and the joint 6committee on legislative organization, the senate committee on organization, or the 7assembly committee on organization may intervene as a party to the proceedings 8and be heard. AB50,30819Section 3081. 809.13 of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1542,1410809.13 Rule (Intervention). A person who is not a party to an appeal may 11file in the court of appeals a petition to intervene in the appeal. A party may file a 12response to the petition within 11 days after service of the petition. The court may 13grant the petition upon a showing that the petitioner’s interest meets the 14requirements of s. 803.09 (1), or (2), or (2m). AB50,308215Section 3082. 813.06 of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1543,216813.06 Security for damages. In proceedings under s. 767.225 the court or 17judge may, and in all other proceedings except proceedings under ss. 813.12, 18813.122, 813.124, 813.125 and 823.113 the court or judge shall, require a bond of 19the party seeking an injunction, with sureties, to the effect that he or she will pay to 20the party enjoined such damages, not exceeding an amount to be specified, as he or 21she may sustain by reason of the injunction if the court finally decides that the 22party was not entitled thereto. Copies of such bond, affidavit or other pleading 23shall be served upon the party enjoined and the officer serving the same shall,
1within 8 days after such service, file his or her return in the office of the clerk of the 2court. AB50,30833Section 3083. 813.124 of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1543,54813.124 Extreme risk protection temporary restraining orders and 5injunctions. (1) Definitions. In this section: AB50,1543,66(a) “Family or household member” means any of the following: AB50,1543,771. A person related by blood, adoption, or marriage to the respondent. AB50,1543,982. A person with whom the respondent has or had a dating relationship, as 9defined in s. 813.12 (1) (ag), or with whom the respondent has a child in common. AB50,1543,11103. A person who resides with, or within the 6 months before filing a petition, 11had resided with, the respondent. AB50,1543,12124. A domestic partner under ch. 770 of the respondent. AB50,1543,15135. A person who is acting or has acted as the respondent’s legal guardian or 14who is or was a foster parent or other physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2) of 15the respondent. AB50,1543,18166. A person for whom the respondent is acting or has acted as a legal guardian 17or for whom the respondent is or was the foster parent or other physical custodian 18described in s. 48.62 (2). AB50,1543,1919(b) “Firearms dealer” has the meaning given in s. 175.35 (1) (ar). AB50,1543,2020(c) “Law enforcement officer” has the meaning given in s. 165.85 (2) (c). AB50,1543,2321(2) Commencement of action and response. No action under this section 22may be commenced by complaint and summons. An action under this section may 23be commenced only by a petition described under sub. (4) (a). AB50,1544,1
1(2m) Procedure. Procedure for an action under this section is as follows: AB50,1544,112(a) If the petitioner requests an extreme risk protection temporary restraining 3order, the court shall consider the request as provided under sub. (2t). If the court 4issues a temporary restraining order, the court shall set forth the date, which must 5be within 14 days of issuing the temporary restraining order, for the hearing on the 6injunction and shall forward a copy of the temporary restraining order, the 7injunction hearing date, and the petition to the appropriate law enforcement agency 8with jurisdiction over the respondent’s residence. The law enforcement agency 9shall immediately, or as soon as practicable, serve it on the respondent. If personal 10service cannot be effected upon the respondent, the court may order other 11appropriate service. AB50,1544,1912(b) The court shall hold a hearing under sub. (3) on whether to issue an 13extreme risk protection injunction, which is the final relief. If there was no 14temporary restraining order, the respondent shall be served notice of the petition by 15a law enforcement officer and the date for the hearing shall be set upon motion by 16either party. If personal service cannot be effected upon the respondent, the court 17may order other appropriate service. The service shall include the name of the 18respondent and of the petitioner, and, if known, notice of the date, time, and place of 19the injunction hearing. AB50,1544,2120(c) When the respondent is served under this subsection, the respondent shall 21be provided notice of the requirements and penalties under s. 941.29. AB50,1545,322(2t) Extreme risk protection temporary restraining order. (a) A judge 23shall issue an extreme risk protection temporary restraining order under this
1subsection prohibiting the respondent from possessing a firearm and ordering the 2respondent to surrender all firearms in the respondent’s possession if all of the 3following occur: AB50,1545,841. A petitioner files a petition alleging the elements under sub. (4) (a), and 5requests a temporary restraining order. The petition requesting a temporary 6restraining order shall be heard by the court in an expedited manner. The court 7shall examine under oath the petitioner and any witness the petitioner may 8produce or may rely on an affidavit submitted in support of the petition. AB50,1545,992. The judge finds all of the following: AB50,1545,1010a. Substantial likelihood that the petition for an injunction will be successful. AB50,1545,1411b. Good cause to believe that there is an immediate and present danger that 12the respondent may injure themself or another person if the respondent possesses a 13firearm and that waiting for the injunction hearing may increase the immediate 14and present danger. AB50,1545,1915(b) A temporary restraining order issued under this subsection shall remain 16in effect until a hearing is held on issuance of an injunction under sub. (3). Notice 17need not be given to the respondent before issuing a temporary restraining order 18under this subsection. A temporary restraining order may be entered against only 19the respondent named in the petition and may not be renewed or extended. AB50,1545,2220(c) A temporary restraining order issued under this subsection shall inform 21the respondent named in the petition of the requirements and penalties under s. 22941.29. AB50,1546,2
1(d) The temporary restraining order issued under this subsection shall 2require one of the following: AB50,1546,531. If a law enforcement officer is able to personally serve the respondent with 4the order, the officer to require the respondent to immediately surrender all 5firearms in the respondent’s possession. AB50,1546,1662. If a law enforcement officer is not able to personally serve the respondent 7with the order, the respondent to, within 24 hours of service, surrender all firearms 8in the respondent’s possession to a law enforcement officer or transfer or sell all 9firearms in the respondent’s possession to a firearms dealer. Within 48 hours of 10service, the respondent shall file with the court that issued the order under this 11subsection a receipt indicating that the respondent surrendered, transferred, or 12sold the firearms. The receipt must include the date on which each firearm was 13surrendered, transferred, or sold and the manufacturer, model, and serial number 14of each firearm and must be signed by either the law enforcement officer to whom 15the firearm was surrendered or the firearms dealer to whom the firearm was 16transferred or sold. AB50,1546,2217(3) Extreme risk protection injunction. (a) The court shall hold a 18hearing on whether to issue an extreme risk protection injunction, which is the 19final relief. At the hearing, a judge may grant an injunction prohibiting the 20respondent from possessing a firearm and, if there was no temporary restraining 21order under sub. (2t), ordering the respondent to surrender all firearms in the 22respondent’s possession if all of the following occur: AB50,1547,2
11. The petitioner files a petition alleging the elements set forth under sub. (4) 2(a). AB50,1547,632. The petitioner serves upon the respondent a copy or summary of the 4petition and notice of the time for hearing on the issuance of the injunction, or the 5respondent serves upon the petitioner notice of the time for hearing on the issuance 6of the injunction. AB50,1547,973. The judge finds by clear and convincing evidence that the respondent is 8substantially likely to injure themself or another person if the respondent possesses 9a firearm. AB50,1547,1110(b) The judge may enter an injunction against only the respondent named in 11the petition. AB50,1547,1412(c) 1. Unless a judge vacates the injunction under par. (d), an injunction under 13this subsection is effective for a period determined by the judge that is no longer 14than one year. AB50,1547,18152. When an injunction expires, the court shall extend the injunction, upon 16petition, for up to one year if the judge finds by clear and convincing evidence that 17the respondent is still substantially likely to injure themself or another person if the 18respondent possesses a firearm. AB50,1548,219(d) A respondent who is subject to an injunction issued under this subsection 20may request in writing a judge to vacate the injunction one time during any 21injunction period. If a respondent files a request under this paragraph, the 22petitioner shall be notified of the request before the judge considers the request. 23The judge shall vacate the injunction if the respondent demonstrates by clear and
1convincing evidence that the respondent is no longer substantially likely to injure 2themself or another person if the respondent possesses a firearm. AB50,1548,43(e) An injunction issued under this subsection shall inform the respondent 4named in the petition of the requirements and penalties under s. 941.29. AB50,1548,65(4) Petition. (a) The petition shall allege facts sufficient to show the 6following: AB50,1548,871. The name of the petitioner and, unless the petitioner is a law enforcement 8officer, how the petitioner is a family or household member of the respondent. AB50,1548,992. The name of the respondent. AB50,1548,11103. That the respondent is substantially likely to injure themself or another 11person if the respondent possesses a firearm. AB50,1548,13124. If the petitioner knows, the number, types, and locations of any firearms 13that the respondent possesses. AB50,1548,17145. If requesting a temporary restraining order, evidence of an immediate and 15present danger that the respondent may injure themself or another person if the 16respondent possesses a firearm and that waiting for the injunction hearing may 17increase the immediate and present danger. AB50,1548,1918(b) The clerk of the circuit court shall provide simplified forms to help a 19person file a petition. AB50,1548,2020(c) Only the following persons may file a petition under this section: AB50,1548,21211. A law enforcement officer. AB50,1548,22222. A family or household member of the respondent. AB50,1549,723(5) Enforcement assistance. (a) 1. If a temporary restraining order is
1issued under sub. (2t) or an injunction is issued, extended, or vacated under sub. (3), 2the clerk of the circuit court shall notify the department of justice of the action and 3shall provide the department of justice with information concerning the period 4during which the order or injunction is in effect or the date on which the injunction 5is vacated and with information necessary to identify the respondent for purposes 6of responding to a request under s. 165.63 or for purposes of a firearms restrictions 7record search under s. 175.35 (2g) (c) or a background check under s. 175.60 (9g) (a). AB50,1549,1182. Except as provided in subd. 3., the department of justice may disclose 9information that it receives under subd. 1. only to respond to a request under s. 10165.63 or as part of a firearms restrictions record search under s. 175.35 (2g) (c) or 11a background check under s. 175.60 (9g) (a). AB50,1549,14123. The department of justice shall disclose any information that it receives 13under subd. 1. to a law enforcement agency when the information is needed for law 14enforcement purposes. AB50,1549,2015(b) Within one business day after a temporary restraining order is issued 16under sub. (2t) or an injunction is issued, extended, or vacated under sub. (3), the 17clerk of the circuit court shall send a copy of the temporary restraining order, of the 18injunction, or of the order extending or vacating an injunction, to the sheriff or to 19any other local law enforcement agency that is the central repository for injunctions 20and that has jurisdiction over the petitioner’s premises. AB50,1550,721(c) No later than 24 hours after receiving the information under par. (b), the 22sheriff or other appropriate local law enforcement agency under par. (b) shall enter 23the information concerning a temporary restraining order issued under sub. (2t) or
1concerning an injunction issued, extended, or vacated under sub. (3) into the 2transaction information for management of enforcement system. The sheriff or 3other appropriate local law enforcement agency shall also make available to other 4law enforcement agencies, through a verification system, information on the 5existence and status of any order or injunction issued under this section. The 6information need not be maintained after the order or injunction is no longer in 7effect. AB50,1550,98(d) 1. The court may schedule a hearing to surrender firearms for any reason 9relevant to the surrender of firearms. AB50,1550,14102. If the respondent does not comply with an order issued at a hearing to 11surrender firearms, or a law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that 12the respondent possesses a firearm, the law enforcement officer shall request a 13search warrant to seize the firearms and may use information contained in the 14petition to establish probable cause. AB50,1550,1715(6) Penalty for false swearing. Whoever files a petition under this section 16knowing the information in the petition to be false is subject to the penalty for false 17swearing under s. 946.32 (1). AB50,1550,2118(7) Return of firearms and form. (a) A firearm surrendered under this 19section may not be returned to the respondent until the respondent completes a 20petition for the return of firearms under par. (c) and a judge or circuit court 21commissioner determines all of the following: AB50,1550,23221. If a temporary restraining order was issued, that the temporary restraining 23order has expired and no injunction has been issued. AB50,1551,2
12. If an injunction was issued, that the injunction has been vacated or has 2expired and not been extended. AB50,1551,733. That the person is not prohibited from possessing a firearm under any state 4or federal law or by the order of any federal court or state court, other than an order 5from which the judge or circuit court commissioner is competent to grant relief. The 6judge or commissioner shall use the information provided under s. 165.63 to aid in 7making the determination under this subdivision. AB50,1551,178(b) If a respondent surrenders under this section a firearm that is owned by a 9person other than the respondent, the person who owns the firearm may apply for 10its return to the circuit court for the county in which the person to whom the 11firearm was surrendered is located. The court shall order such notice as it 12considers adequate to be given to all persons who have or may have an interest in 13the firearm and shall hold a hearing to hear all claims to its true ownership. If the 14right to possession is proved to the court’s satisfaction, it shall order the firearm 15returned. If the court returns a firearm under this paragraph, the court shall 16inform the person to whom the firearm is returned of the requirements and 17penalties under s. 941.2905. AB50,1551,1918(c) The director of state courts shall develop a petition for the return of 19firearms form that is substantially the same as the form under s. 813.1285 (5) (b). AB50,1552,220(8) Notice of full faith and credit. A temporary restraining order issued 21under sub. (2t) and an injunction issued under sub. (3) shall include a statement 22that the order or injunction may be accorded full faith and credit in every civil or 23criminal court of the United States, civil or criminal courts of any other state, and
1Indian tribal courts to the extent that such courts may have personal jurisdiction 2over nontribal members. AB50,30843Section 3084. 813.126 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1552,154813.126 (1) Time limits for de novo hearing. If a party seeks to have the 5judge conduct a hearing de novo under s. 757.69 (8) of a determination, order, or 6ruling entered by a court commissioner in an action under s. 813.12, 813.122, 7813.123, 813.124, or 813.125, including a denial of a request for a temporary 8restraining order, the motion requesting the hearing must be filed with the court 9within 30 days after the circuit court commissioner issued the determination, order, 10or ruling. The court shall hold the de novo hearing within 30 days after the motion 11requesting the hearing is filed with the court unless the court finds good cause for 12an extension. Any determination, order, or ruling entered by a court commissioner 13in an action under s. 813.12, 813.122, 813.123, 813.124, or 813.125 remains in effect 14until the judge in the de novo hearing issues his or her final determination, order, or 15ruling. AB50,308516Section 3085. 813.127 of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1552,2317813.127 Combined actions; domestic abuse, child abuse, extreme risk 18protection, and harassment. A petitioner may combine in one action 2 or more 19petitions under one or more of the provisions in ss. 813.12, 813.122, 813.124, and 20813.125 if the respondent is the same person in each petition. In any such action, 21there is only one fee applicable under s. 814.61 (1) (a). In any such action, the 22hearings for different types of temporary restraining orders or injunctions may be 23combined. AB50,3086
1Section 3086. 813.128 (2g) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1553,62813.128 (2g) (b) A foreign protection order or modification of the foreign 3protection order that meets the requirements under this section has the same effect 4as an order issued under s. 813.12, 813.122, 813.123, 813.124, or 813.125, except 5that the foreign protection order or modification shall be enforced according to its 6own terms. AB50,30877Section 3087. 814.04 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1553,128814.04 Items of costs. (intro.) Except as provided in ss. 93.20, 100.195 (5m) 9(b), 100.30 (5m), 106.50 (6) (i) and (6m) (a), 111.397 (2) (a), 115.80 (9), 767.553 (4) 10(d), 769.313, 802.05, 814.245, 895.035 (4), 895.044, 895.443 (3), 895.444 (2), 895.445 11(3), 895.446 (3), 895.506, 943.212 (2) (b), 943.245 (2) (d), 943.51 (2) (b), and 995.10 12(3), when allowed costs shall be as follows: AB50,308813Section 3088. 814.75 (5g) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1553,1414814.75 (5g) The crime victim services surcharge under s. 973.0452. AB50,308915Section 3089. 814.76 (4p) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1553,1616814.76 (4p) The crime victim services surcharge under s. 973.0452. AB50,309017Section 3090. 814.77 (3p) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1553,1818814.77 (3p) The crime victim services surcharge under s. 973.0452. AB50,309119Section 3091. 814.78 (4p) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1553,2020814.78 (4p) The crime victim services surcharge under s. 973.0452. AB50,309221Section 3092. 814.79 (3p) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1553,2222814.79 (3p) The crime victim services surcharge under s. 973.0452. AB50,309323Section 3093. 814.80 (4p) of the statutes is created to read: