AB23,3,12116. Two nonclinical health care leaders with experience operating community-12based palliative care programs. AB23,3,14137. One representative from a health care insurance company who has 14experience making decisions about reimbursement for palliative care services. AB23,3,16158. One representative from the department of health services who works on 16issues relating to aging and long-term care. AB23,3,18179. One representative to the assembly appointed by the speaker of the 18assembly. AB23,3,201910. One representative to the assembly appointed by the minority leader of 20the assembly. AB23,3,212111. One senator appointed by the president of the senate. AB23,3,222212. One senator appointed by the minority leader of the senate. AB23,3,2423(c) A member appointed under par. (b) 1. to 8. may not serve more than 2 24consecutive terms on the council. AB23,4,4
1(d) Any member of the council appointed under par. (b) 1. to 8. who meets the 2required qualifications for more than one category of appointees may be appointed 3to serve as a member fulfilling the requirements for a council member in some or all 4of those categories, as determined by the secretary of health services. AB23,4,55(e) The council shall meet at least twice each year. AB23,4,116(f) When possible, the council shall seek and the secretary of health services 7shall appoint members who represent the various geographic areas of the state and 8the council and the secretary of health services shall ensure statewide 9representation on the council. The council shall, as often as possible, hold its 10meetings in different geographic areas of the state, both rural and urban, to better 11learn about and aid in palliative care access and quality in all communities. AB23,212Section 2. 146.695 of the statutes is created to read: AB23,4,1413146.695 Palliative care. (1) In this section, “council” means the palliative 14care council. AB23,4,1615(2) (a) The council shall consult with and advise the department on all of the 16following: AB23,4,17171. Outcome evaluation of established palliative care programs. AB23,4,19182. The economic and quality of life effectiveness of palliative care that is 19provided along with curative treatment. AB23,4,21203. The mechanisms for and adequacy of reimbursement for palliative care 21services. AB23,4,23224. Any other issues relating to palliative care arising through meetings or 23discussions, as the council determines appropriate. AB23,5,6
1(b) The council may not consult with or advise the department on physician-2assisted suicide, euthanasia, medical aid in dying, or any other act that would 3condone, authorize, approve, or permit any affirmative or deliberate act to end life 4other than the withholding or withdrawing of health care under an advance 5directive or power of attorney for health care so as to permit the natural process of 6dying. AB23,5,117(3) The department shall, in consultation with the council and subject to the 8limitations in sub. (2) (b), establish a statewide palliative care consumer and 9professional information and education program to ensure that comprehensive and 10accurate information and education about palliative care are available to the public, 11health care providers, and health care facilities. AB23,5,1412(4) The department shall make available electronically on its website 13information and resources regarding palliative care, including all of the following 14items: AB23,5,1515(a) Links to external resources regarding palliative care. AB23,5,1616(b) Continuing education opportunities for health care providers. AB23,5,1717(c) Information about palliative care programs. AB23,5,1818(d) Consumer educational materials regarding palliative care. AB23,5,2319(5) One year after the first meeting of the council, then on the 3rd January 1 20after the first meeting of the council, and thereafter biennially no later than 21January 1, the council shall submit a report to the appropriate standing 22committees of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3) providing the council’s analysis on 23all of the following issues: AB23,6,1
1(a) Access to palliative care. AB23,6,32(b) The impact of palliative care on health care delivery systems in this state 3and on families that have experience with palliative care services. AB23,6,64(6) Nothing in this section may be construed to create a cause of action or 5create a standard of care, obligation, or duty that provides a basis for a cause of 6action.