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The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
1Section 1. 218.0170 of the statutes is created to read:
AB135,2,32218.0170 Right to repair motor vehicles. (1) Definitions. In this
AB135,2,74(a) Aftermarket part means a part offered for sale or for installation in or on
5a motor vehicle after the motor vehicle has left the motor vehicle manufacturers
6production line. Aftermarket part does not include a piece of original equipment
7or part manufactured for a motor vehicle manufacturer.
AB135,2,108(b) Barrier means a restriction that prohibits, makes more difficult, or
9tends to make more difficult the ability of a person to exercise a right under this
AB135,2,1611(c) Critical repair information and tools means all necessary and
12compatibility information, tools, equipment, schematics, parts nomenclature and
13descriptions, parts catalogs, repair procedures, training materials, software, and
14technology, including information related to diagnostics, repair, service, and
15calibration or recalibration of parts and systems, used to return a motor vehicle to
16operational specifications.
AB135,2,1717(d) Distributor has the meaning given in s. 218.0101 (6).
AB135,2,1818(e) Manufacturer has the meaning given in s. 218.0101 (20).
AB135,2,1919(f) Motor vehicle has the meaning given in s. 218.0101 (22).
AB135,2,2020(g) Motor vehicle dealer has the meaning given in s. 218.0101 (23).
1(h) Motor vehicle equipment has the meaning given in 49 USC 30102 (a) (8).
AB135,3,42(i) Motor vehicle repair facility means a person that, in the ordinary course
3of its business, is engaged in the business of diagnosis, service, maintenance,
4repair, or calibration of motor vehicles or motor vehicle equipment.
AB135,3,65(j) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., owner means all of the following, as
AB135,3,77a. A person who owns a motor vehicle, or his or her designee.
AB135,3,88b. A lessee of a motor vehicle, or his or her designee.
AB135,3,1192. Owner does not include a manufacturer, a person acting on behalf of a
10manufacturer, a motor vehicle financing company, a motor vehicle dealer, or a motor
11vehicle lessor.
AB135,3,1412(k) Remanufacturer means a person who uses a standardized industrial
13process that returns previously sold, worn, or nonfunctional products to same-as-
14new or better condition and performance, resulting in a fully warranted product.
AB135,3,1715(L) Service provider means a designee of an owner or a designee of a motor
16vehicle repair facility that is employed by the owner or motor vehicle repair facility
17to assist with the diagnosis and repair of a motor vehicle.
AB135,3,1818(m) Specified legal barrier means any of the following:
AB135,3,20191. A request or requirement that an owner waive his or her right to use a
20motor vehicle repair facility of the owners choice.
AB135,3,22212. Offering compensation or another incentive in exchange for an owner
22waiving his or her right to use a motor vehicle repair facility of the owners choice.
AB135,4,223(n) Technological barrier means a technological restriction that prohibits,

1makes more difficult, or tends to make more difficult the ability of a person to
2exercise a right under this section.
AB135,4,63(o) Telematics system means a system in a motor vehicle that collects
4information generated by the operation of the motor vehicle and, using wireless
5communication, transmits such information to a remote receiving point where it
6will be stored.
AB135,4,117(p) Vehicle-generated data means direct, real-time, in-vehicle data
8generated by the operation of a motor vehicle that is related to the diagnostics,
9repair, service, wear, and calibration or recalibration of parts and systems required
10to maintain or return the motor vehicle to operational specifications in compliance
11with federal motor vehicle safety and emissions laws, regulations, and standards.
AB135,4,1312(2) Manufacturer barriers prohibited. A manufacturer may not employ a
13technological barrier or specified legal barrier that impairs any of the following:
AB135,4,1614(a) The ability of an owner to access his or her motor vehicles vehicle-
15generated data that the manufacturer is required to make available under sub. (3)
16(a) and (b).
AB135,4,2017(b) The ability of an owner, an aftermarket parts manufacturer, an
18aftermarket parts remanufacturer, a motor vehicle equipment manufacturer, a
19motor vehicle repair facility, a distributor, or a service provider to access critical
20repair information and tools made available in accordance with sub. (3) (c).
AB135,4,2221(c) The ability of an owner to use a motor vehicle towing provider or service
22provider of the owners choice.
AB135,5,323(d) The ability of an aftermarket parts manufacturer, an aftermarket parts

1remanufacturer, a motor vehicle equipment manufacturer, a motor vehicle repair
2facility, a distributor, or a service provider to produce or offer compatible
3aftermarket parts.
AB135,5,54(e) The ability of an owner to diagnose, repair, and maintain his or her motor
5vehicle in the same manner as would a manufacturer or motor vehicle dealer.
AB135,5,96(3) Data, information, and tool access. (a) A manufacturer shall provide
7to owners of the motor vehicles it manufactures access to vehicle-generated data
8without restriction, limitation, fee, license, or requiring use of a device mandated by
9the manufacturer to decrypt the vehicle-generated data.
AB135,5,1310(b) If a manufacturer uses wireless technology or a telematics system to
11transmit vehicle-generated data, the manufacturer shall provide access to the
12vehicle-generated data as required under par. (a) and in a direct and wireless
13method through a standardized access platform.
AB135,5,1914(c) A manufacturer shall provide to the owners, aftermarket parts
15manufacturers, aftermarket parts remanufacturers, motor vehicle equipment
16manufacturers, motor vehicle repair facilities, distributors, and service providers of
17the motor vehicles it manufactures access to critical repair information and tools
18related to the motor vehicles it manufactures without restriction or limitation and
19at a fair, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory cost.
AB135,6,220(4) Manufacturer mandates prohibited. Except for recall and warranty
21repairs, a manufacturer may not, within repair or maintenance service procedures,
22recommendations, service bulletins, repair manuals, position statements, or other

1similar repair or maintenance guidelines that are distributed to owners or
2professional repairers, do any of the following:
AB135,6,43(a) Mandate, or imply a mandate for, the use of any particular brand or
4manufacturer of parts, tools, or equipment.
AB135,6,95(b) Recommend the use of any particular brand or manufacturer of parts,
6tools, or equipment, unless the manufacturer provides a prominent notice
7immediately following the recommendation, in the same font used in the
8recommendation and in a font size no smaller than the font size used in the
9recommendation, that states the following:
AB135,6,1110NOTICE: Vehicle owners can choose which repair parts, tools, and equipment
11to purchase and should carefully consider their options.
AB135,6,1512(5) Cybersecurity. Nothing in this section shall be construed to preclude a
13manufacturer from employing a cryptographic or technological protection
14necessary to secure motor vehicles, vehicle-generated data, or safety-critical vehicle
15systems from an unintended audience.
AB135,6,1916(6) Designee count. A person that manages access to a motor vehicles
17vehicle-generated data transmitted by a standardized access platform may not limit
18the number or types of persons that a person who owns or leases a motor vehicle
19may designate as his or her designee.
AB135,7,220(7) Contracts void. In regard to a contract or arrangement entered into,
21renewed, or modified on or after the effective date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts
22date], a term, provision, agreement, or language in the contract or arrangement

1that waives, avoids, restricts, or limits the manufacturers obligations under this
2section is void and unenforceable.
AB135,7,63(8) Penalty. A manufacturer that violates sub. (2), (3), or (4) shall be subject
4to a forfeiture not to exceed $10,000 per violation. Each act prohibited or required
5by sub. (2), (3), or (4) shall constitute a separate violation. Each day that a
6manufacturer knowingly violates sub. (2), (3), or (4) constitutes a separate violation.