March 11, 2025 - Introduced by Representatives Tucker, Brill, Kreibich, Mursau and Wichgers, cosponsored by Senators Jacque and Tomczyk. Referred to Committee on Education.
1An Act to amend 118.51 (3m) (b) 4. of the statutes; relating to: alternative
2open enrollment application procedures for residency change based on
3military orders. Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under the full-time open enrollment program (OEP), a pupil may attend a public school in a school district other than the pupil’s resident school district (nonresident school district). Under current law, the standard OEP application procedure requires a pupil’s parent to apply to a nonresident school district during the spring semester immediately preceding the school year in which the pupil wishes to attend the nonresident school district. Current law also provides an alternative application procedure that allows a pupil’s parent to apply to a nonresident school district at any time during the school year, if certain circumstances apply. One of those circumstances is that the place of residence of the pupil and the pupil’s parent or guardian has changed as the result of military orders. Under current law, an alternative application based on this circumstance must be received by no later than 30 days after the date on which the applicable military orders were issued. This bill extends this deadline to 90 days after the applicable military orders were issued and expressly states that military orders include orders from a reserve component of the U.S armed force and the national guard of any state.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
1Section 1. 118.51 (3m) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read: AB122,2,92118.51 (3m) (b) 4. The place of residence of the pupil’s parent or guardian and 3of the pupil has changed as a result of military orders. An application made on the 4basis of this criteria is not valid unless the nonresident school board receives the 5application no later than 30 90 days after the date on which the military orders 6changing the place of residence were issued. For purposes of this subdivision, a 7military order includes an order from any branch of the U.S. armed forces, a reserve 8component of the U.S. armed forces, the state defense force, or the national guard of 9any state. AB122,210Section 2. Initial applicability. AB122,2,1211(1) This act first applies to applications under s. 118.51 (3m) that are received 12on the effective date of this subsection.