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SR2,310Section 3. Senate rule 8 (4) (b) is created to read:
SR2,,1111Senate Rule 8 (4) (b) A member or other person may consume beverages within the senate chamber; however, at any time, the presiding officer may prohibit or restrict beverage consumption to preserve decorum. For the purpose of consuming beverages within the senate chamber, the presiding officer shall designate appropriate beverage containers and places at or on which the containers may be placed or stored. In no instance may a beverage container be placed or stored on the top of a member’s desk in the senate chamber.
SR2,412Section 4. Senate rule 11 (6) is amended to read:
SR2,,1313Senate Rule 11 (6) Persons who are not specified in subs. (1) to (5) may be invited on the floor of the senate by the committee on senate organization or the presiding officer.
SR2,514Section 5. Senate rule 18 (1b) is amended to read:
SR2,,1515Senate Rule 18 (1b) Messages from the assembly or from the governor may be received and read, and any proposal referenced in the messages that is an assembly proposal initially received for consideration of the senate shall be referred, except as provided in sub. (1f). Any other proposals referenced in the messages shall be taken up immediately unless referred by the presiding officer to a standing committee.
SR2,616Section 6. Senate rule 18 (1f) is created to read:
SR2,,1717Senate Rule 18 (1f) An assembly proposal initially received for consideration of the senate that is a companion proposal to a senate proposal that is on that day’s calendar, as determined by the presiding officer, shall be taken up immediately unless referred by the presiding officer to a standing committee.
SR2,718Section 7. Senate rule 25 (1) (c) is amended to read:
SR2,,1919Senate Rule 25 (1) (c) The public notice under par. (b) shall be posted on the bulletin board of each house. The notice shall indicate the day, hour, and place of the meeting and the number, author, and relating clause of each proposal to be considered. If an unintroduced legislation proposal will be considered at the meeting, the notice shall indicate the draft number assigned to the legislation proposal by the legislative reference bureau and the relating clause of the legislation proposal, and shall indicate that copies of the draft legislation proposal are available at the chief clerk’s office. The chairperson shall provide a copy of the draft legislation proposal to the chief clerk before publishing the notice. The chief clerk shall distribute make available copies of the draft legislation proposal to any person who requests such copies. Whenever a scheduled meeting is canceled, the chairperson shall immediately notify the chief clerk and post cancellation notices on the bulletin boards of each house.
SR2,820Section 8. Senate rule 25 (4) (b) is amended to read:
SR2,,2121Senate Rule 25 (4) (b) If a chairperson of a committee elects to vote by ballot under par. (am), public notice shall be posted on the bulletin board of each house prior to the circulation of the ballot as provided under sub. (1) (b) and (d). The notice shall indicate the day and hour when the ballot will be circulated and the number, author, and relating clause of each proposal to be considered. If an unintroduced legislation proposal will be considered, the notice shall indicate the draft number assigned to the legislation proposal by the legislative reference bureau and the relating clause of the legislation proposal, and shall indicate that copies of the draft legislation proposal are available at the chief clerk’s office. The chairperson shall provide a copy of the draft legislation proposal to the chief clerk before posting the notice. The chief clerk shall make available a copy of the draft legislation proposal to any person who requests a copy.
SR2,922Section 9. Senate rule 28 is amended to read:
SR2,,2323Senate Rule 28. Minority reports. Any member or members dissenting from a report of a committee may make, at the time of the committee’s final vote on the matter, notify the chairperson of his or her intent to file a separate minority report stating the reasons and conclusions; and all reports. A minority report must be filed with the committee chairperson no later than the 2nd business day after the committee’s vote. A minority report, if decorous in language and respectful to the senate, shall be entered at length on the journal. Any minority report must be filed on the same or the next legislative day as the majority report or recommendation.
SR2,1024Section 10. Senate rule 33 (2) is amended to read:
SR2,,2525Senate Rule 33 (2) A senate proposal identical with one already rejected may not be introduced or offered. However, an assembly bill or joint resolution that is identical to a senate bill or joint resolution previously rejected by the senate or may be considered for concurrence and any bill repealing a former act of the same biennial session may be introduced or offered.
SR2,1126Section 11. Senate rule 34 (1) is amended to read:
SR2,,2727Senate Rule 34 (1) All bills and joint resolutions, and all resolutions except those privileged for immediate consideration under rule 69, after introduction, must lay over at least 24 hours before being considered for passage, adoption, or concurrence.
SR2,1228Section 12. Senate rule 35 is amended to read:
SR2,,2929Senate Rule 35. Three separate readings. Every bill, and every joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution, must receive 3 separate readings by relating clause prior to its passage or adoption except where otherwise provided, but may not receive 2 readings on the same day.
SR2,1330Section 13. Senate rule 36 (2) (a) is amended to read:
SR2,,3131Senate Rule 36 (2) (a) Except as provided in pars. par. (c) and (d), all bills introduced in the senate which by statute require reference in the senate to a particular committee shall be so referred upon first reading and all assembly bills when received from the assembly shall be so referred upon first reading except where the assembly record on the bill discloses that the statutory requirement has been satisfied by reference to the committee in the assembly.
SR2,1432Section 14. Senate rule 36 (2) (c) is amended to read:
SR2,,3333Senate Rule 36 (2) (c) Notwithstanding par. (a), the The president may refer a bill that pertains only incidentally to a matter of concern to a joint survey committee directly to the committee appropriate to the major substance of that bill, and in that case shall direct the appropriate joint survey committee to prepare its report on the bill while that bill is in the possession of the other committee. This rule does not suspend the requirement that the report of the appropriate joint survey committee must be received before the bill is given its 2nd reading.
SR2,1534Section 15. Senate rule 41 (1) (a) is amended to read:
SR2,,3535Senate Rule 41 (1) (a) A proposal or other matter may be rereferred at any time prior to its passage, except that a motion to withdraw the proposal or other matter from committee may not take effect during the 7 days preceding any scheduled committee meeting on that proposal or other matter or the 7 days following the date on which such a committee meeting is held.
SR2,1636Section 16. Senate rule 41 (1) (b) is amended to read:
SR2,,3737Senate Rule 41 (1) (b) A motion to withdraw and rerefer or to withdraw is in order, except that if the senate has once refused to withdraw and rerefer or to withdraw a proposal or other matter from committee, any subsequent motion to withdraw and rerefer or to withdraw the proposal or other matter from committee requires a suspension of the rules.
SR2,1738Section 17. Senate rule 47 (5) is amended to read:
SR2,,3939Senate Rule 47 (5) Amendments are not in order upon consideration of an executive veto or a report of a conference committee.
SR2,1840Section 18. Senate rule 98 (4) is amended to read:
SR2,,4141Senate Rule 98 (4) All citations on behalf of the senate must be prepared on an artistic form, must first be approved by the committee on senate organization, must be suitable for framing, and must be in substantially the following form:
SR2,,4242(Scrollwork Incorporating State Coat of Arms)
SR2,,4444Know You By These Presents:
SR2,,4545Whereas, ...; and
SR2,,4646Whereas, ...; now,
SR2,,4747Therefore, The Members of the Wisconsin Senate, on the motion of Senator(s)...hereby .... .
SR2,,4848State Capitol
SR2,,5353(Appropriate Signatures)