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12023 SENATE BILL 755
December 8, 2023 - Introduced by Senators Carpenter, Roys, Agard, Larson, Smith, Taylor and Spreitzer, cosponsored by Representatives Palmeri, Riemer, Conley, Madison, Considine, Emerson, Andraca, Moore Omokunde, Subeck, Joers, Neubauer, Jacobson, Ratcliff, Baldeh, C. Anderson, J. Anderson, Ohnstad, Clancy, Shelton, Sinicki and Vining. Referred to Committee on Transportation and Local Government.
2An Act to create 85.65 of the statutes; relating to: required inclusions in the long-range statewide transportation plan.
3Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill provides that the long-range statewide transportation plan developed by the Department of Transportation must include a vision, or provide reference to another planning document that includes a vision, for the following: 1) low-carbon public transit; 2) electrification of the transportation sector; 3) cost-effective charging infrastructure; 4) incentives to develop equitable, clean transportation options; and 5) transportation solutions for underserved areas of the state. The bill requires DOT to prepare and submit a report to the governor and the legislature detailing how it has incorporated a vision for the required items into its current long-range transportation plan and, for any items for which a vision has not yet been incorporated, how DOT will incorporate a vision for those items into future plans.
Under current federal law, each state must have a comprehensive statewide multimodal transportation planning process, including the development of a long-range statewide transportation plan. The plan must provide for safe and efficient transportation systems that serve mobility needs and foster economic growth while minimizing transportation-related fuel consumption and air pollution.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
4The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
5Section 1. 85.65 of the statutes is created to read:
685.65 Required inclusions in long-range statewide transportation plans. Each long-range statewide transportation plan developed by the department beginning on the effective date of this section .... [LRB inserts date], and required under 23 USC 135 shall include a vision, or provide reference to another planning document that includes a vision, for all of the following:
7(1) Low-carbon public transit.
8(2) Electrification of the transportation sector.
9(3) Cost-effective charging infrastructure.
10(4) Incentives to develop equitable, clean transportation options throughout the state.
11(5) Transportation solutions for underserved areas of the state, including rural communities, low-income communities, and communities where the majority of residents are members of a racial minority.
12Section 2. Nonstatutory provisions.
13(1) The department of transportation shall prepare a report detailing efforts the department has completed to incorporate a vision for the items required under s. 85.65 into the department’s long-range statewide transportation plan or related planning documents. The department’s report shall also identify items requiring a vision that have not yet been incorporated into the existing long-range transportation plan or related planning documents and shall include strategies the department plans to use to incorporate the items into a future long-range transportation plan or related planning document. No later than 6 months after the effective date of this subsection, the department of transportation shall submit its report to the governor and to the relevant standing committees of the legislature.