SB70,,70267026238.30 (2m) (a) Except as provided in par. (b) and s. 238.308 (1) (b), “full-time job” means a regular, nonseasonal full-time position in which an individual, as a condition of employment, is required to work at least 2,080 hours per year, including paid leave and holidays, and for which the individual receives pay that is equal to at least 150 percent of the federal minimum wage and benefits that are not required by federal or state law. “Full-time job” does not include initial training before an employment position begins. SB70,25687027Section 2568. 238.308 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 238.308 (1) (intro.) and amended to read: SB70,,70287028238.308 (1) Definition Definitions. (intro.) In this section,: SB70,,70297029(a) “eligible Eligible employee” means a person employed in a full-time job by a person certified under sub. (2). SB70,25697030Section 2569. 238.308 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,70317031238.308 (1) (b) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., “full-time job” has the meaning given in s. 238.30 (2m). SB70,,703270322. For contracts executed by the corporation under this section after December 31, 2023, “full-time job” means a regular, nonseasonal full-time position for which an individual receives pay that is equal to at least $32,000 and benefits that are not required by federal or state law. “Full-time job” does not include initial training before an employment position begins. ****Note: This is reconciled s. 238.308 (1) (b) 2. This Section has been affected by drafts with the following LRB numbers: LRB-1461 and LRB-1544.
SB70,25707033Section 2570. 238.308 (4) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70347034238.308 (4) (a) 1. An amount equal to up to 10 percent of the amount of wages that the person paid to an eligible employee in the taxable year. For contracts executed by the corporation after December 31, 2023, the amount of wages taken into account under this subdivision may not exceed $141,300 per eligible employee per year. Beginning on January 1, 2025, the dollar amount under this subdivision shall be increased each year by a percentage equal to the percentage change between the U.S. consumer price index for all urban consumers, U.S. city average, for the month of August of the previous year and the U.S. consumer price index for all urban consumers, U.S. city average, for the month of August of the year before the previous year, as determined by the federal department of labor. Each amount that is revised under this subdivision shall be rounded to the nearest multiple of $10 if the revised amount is not a multiple of $10 or, if the revised amount is a multiple of $5, such an amount shall be increased to the next higher multiple of $10. SB70,25717035Section 2571. 238.308 (4) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70367036238.308 (4) (a) 3. An amount equal to up to 50 percent of the person’s training costs incurred to undertake activities to enhance an eligible employee’s general knowledge, employability, and flexibility in the workplace; to develop skills unique to the person’s workplace or equipment; or to develop skills that will increase the quality of the person’s product upgrade or improve the job-related skills of an eligible employee, train an eligible employee on the use of job-related new technologies, or provide job-related training to an eligible employee whose employment with the person represents the employee’s first full-time job. SB70,25727037Section 2572. 238.308 (4) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70387038238.308 (4) (a) 5. An amount, as determined by the corporation, equal to a percentage of the amount of wages that the person paid to an eligible employee in the taxable year, if the position in which the eligible employee was employed was created or retained in connection with the person’s location or retention of the person’s corporate headquarters in Wisconsin and the job duties associated with the eligible employee’s position involve the performance of corporate headquarters functions. SB70,25737039Section 2573. 238.308 (4) (a) 6. of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,70407040238.308 (4) (a) 6. An amount equal to up to 25 percent of the person’s energy efficiency or renewable energy project expenditures on real or personal property located in this state. When making an award under this subdivision, the corporation shall ensure that the percentage of expenditures taken into account positively correlates to the scale of the project. SB70,25747041Section 2574. 238.399 (1) (am) 2. of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read: SB70,,70427042238.399 (1) (am) 2. For contracts executed by the corporation under this section after December 31, 2023, the individual is employed in a regular, nonseasonal full-time position for which the individual receives annual pay that is more than $32,000 in a tier I county or municipality or more than 42,390 in a tier II county or municipality and benefits that are not required by federal or state law. ****Note: This is reconciled s. 238.399 (1) (am) 2.. This Section has been affected by drafts with the following LRB numbers: LRB-1461 and LRB-1544.
SB70,25757043Section 2575. 238.399 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70447044238.399 (3) (a) The corporation may designate any number of not more than 30 enterprise zones in this state. SB70,25767045Section 2576. 238.399 (3) (am) of the statutes is repealed. SB70,25777046Section 2577. 238.399 (3) (em) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,70477047238.399 (3) (em) If the corporation revokes all certifications for tax benefits within a designated enterprise zone or all certifications for tax benefits within a designated enterprise zone expire, the corporation may cancel the designation of that enterprise zone. After canceling the designation of an enterprise zone, the corporation may designate a new enterprise zone subject to the limits under this subsection. SB70,25787048Section 2578. 238.399 (6) (h) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,70497049238.399 (6) (h) Beginning on January 1, 2025, the dollar amount in sub. (1) (am) 2. shall be increased each year by a percentage equal to the percentage change between the U.S. consumer price index for all urban consumers, U.S. city average, for the month of August of the previous year and the U.S. consumer price index for all urban consumers, U.S. city average, for the month of August of the year before the previous year, as determined by the federal department of labor. Each amount that is revised under this paragraph shall be rounded to the nearest multiple of $10 if the revised amount is not a multiple of $10 or, if the revised amount is a multiple of $5, such an amount shall be increased to the next higher multiple of $10. SB70,25797050Section 2579. 250.04 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70517051250.04 (3) (a) The department shall establish and maintain surveillance activities sufficient to detect any occurrence of acute, communicable, or chronic diseases and threat of occupational or environmental hazards, injuries, or changes in the health of mothers parents and children. SB70,25807052Section 2580. 250.15 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70537053250.15 (2) (d) To free and charitable clinics, $1,500,000 $2,000,000. SB70,25817054Section 2581. 250.22 of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,70557055250.22 Payments to counties. The department shall promulgate rules to establish grants to counties to support mental health and substance use disorder services. The department shall fund all grants established under this section from the appropriation under s. 20.435 (5) (q). SB70,25827056Section 2582. 251.01 (1c) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read: SB70,,70577057251.01 (1c) “Advanced practice registered nurse” means an individual licensed under s. 441.09. SB70,25837058Section 2583. 252.01 (1c) of the statutes is repealed. SB70,25847059Section 2584. 252.02 (8) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,70607060252.02 (8) The department may establish and maintain a state stockpile of personal protective equipment. SB70,25857061Section 2585. 252.07 (8) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70627062252.07 (8) (a) 2. The department or local health officer provides to the court a written statement from a physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber that the individual has infectious tuberculosis or suspect tuberculosis. SB70,25867063Section 2586. 252.07 (9) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70647064252.07 (9) (c) If the court orders confinement of an individual under this subsection, the individual shall remain confined until the department or local health officer, with the concurrence of a treating physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, determines that treatment is complete or that the individual is no longer a substantial threat to himself or herself or to the public health. If the individual is to be confined for more than 6 months, the court shall review the confinement every 6 months. SB70,25877065Section 2587. 252.10 (7) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70667066252.10 (7) Drugs necessary for the treatment of mycobacterium tuberculosis shall be purchased by the department from the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (1) (e) and dispensed to patients through the public health dispensaries, local health departments, physicians, or advanced practice nurse prescribers registered nurses who may issue prescription orders under s. 441.09 (2). SB70,25887067Section 2588. 252.11 (2), (4), (5) and (7) of the statutes are amended to read: SB70,,70687068252.11 (2) An officer of the department or a local health officer having knowledge of any reported or reasonably suspected case or contact of a sexually transmitted disease for which no appropriate treatment is being administered, or of an actual contact of a reported case or potential contact of a reasonably suspected case, shall investigate or cause the case or contact to be investigated as necessary. If, following a request of an officer of the department or a local health officer, a person reasonably suspected of being infected with a sexually transmitted disease refuses or neglects examination by a physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber or treatment, an officer of the department or a local health officer may proceed to have the person committed under sub. (5) to an institution or system of care for examination, treatment, or observation. SB70,,70697069(4) If a person infected with a sexually transmitted disease ceases or refuses treatment before reaching what in a physician’s, physician assistant’s, or advanced practice nurse prescriber’s registered nurse’s opinion is the noncommunicable stage, the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber shall notify the department. The department shall without delay take the necessary steps to have the person committed for treatment or observation under sub. (5), or shall notify the local health officer to take these steps. SB70,,70707070(5) Any court of record may commit a person infected with a sexually transmitted disease to any institution or may require the person to undergo a system of care for examination, treatment, or observation if the person ceases or refuses examination, treatment, or observation under the supervision of a physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber. The court shall summon the person to appear on a date at least 48 hours, but not more than 96 hours, after service if an officer of the department or a local health officer petitions the court and states the facts authorizing commitment. If the person fails to appear or fails to accept commitment without reasonable cause, the court may cite the person for contempt. The court may issue a warrant and may direct the sheriff, any constable, or any police officer of the county immediately to arrest the person and bring the person to court if the court finds that a summons will be ineffectual. The court shall hear the matter of commitment summarily. Commitment under this subsection continues until the disease is no longer communicable or until other provisions are made for treatment that satisfy the department. The certificate of the petitioning officer is prima facie evidence that the disease is no longer communicable or that satisfactory provisions for treatment have been made. SB70,,70717071(7) Reports, examinations and inspections, and all records concerning sexually transmitted diseases are confidential and not open to public inspection, and may not be divulged except as may be necessary for the preservation of the public health, in the course of commitment proceedings under sub. (5), or as provided under s. 938.296 (4) or 968.38 (4). If a physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber has reported a case of sexually transmitted disease to the department under sub. (4), information regarding the presence of the disease and treatment is not privileged when the patient, physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber is called upon to testify to the facts before any court of record. SB70,25897072Section 2589. 252.11 (10) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70737073252.11 (10) The state laboratory of hygiene shall examine specimens for the diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases for any physician, naturopathic doctor, physician assistant, advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, or local health officer in the state, and shall report the positive results of the examinations to the local health officer and to the department. All laboratories performing tests for sexually transmitted diseases shall report all positive results to the local health officer and to the department, with the name of the physician, naturopathic doctor, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber to whom reported. SB70,25907074Section 2590. 252.14 (1) (ar) 3. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70757075252.14 (1) (ar) 3. A dentist or dental therapist licensed under ch. 447. SB70,25917076Section 2591. 252.15 (3m) (d) 11. b. and 13., (5g) (c), (5m) (d) 2. and (e) 2. and 3. and (7m) (intro.) and (b) of the statutes are amended to read: SB70,,70777077252.15 (3m) (d) 11. b. The coroner, medical examiner, or appointed assistant is investigating the cause of death of the subject of the HIV test and has contact with the body fluid of the subject of the HIV test that constitutes a significant exposure, if a physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, based on information provided to the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, determines and certifies in writing that the coroner, medical examiner, or appointed assistant has had a contact that constitutes a significant exposure and if the certification accompanies the request for disclosure. SB70,,7078707813. If the subject of the HIV test has a positive HIV test result and is deceased, by the subject’s attending physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, to persons, if known to the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, with whom the subject had sexual contact or shared intravenous drug use paraphernalia. SB70,,70797079(5g) (c) A physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, based on information provided to the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, determines and certifies in writing that the person has had contact that constitutes a significant exposure. The certification shall accompany the request for HIV testing and disclosure. If the person is a physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, he or she may not make this determination or certification. The information that is provided to a physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber to document the occurrence of the contact that constitutes a significant exposure and the physician’s, physician assistant’s, or advanced practice nurse prescriber’s registered nurse’s certification that the person has had contact that constitutes a significant exposure, shall be provided on a report form that is developed by the department of safety and professional services under s. 101.02 (19) (a) or on a report form that the department of safety and professional services determines, under s. 101.02 (19) (b), is substantially equivalent to the report form that is developed under s. 101.02 (19) (a). SB70,,70807080(5m) (d) 2. A physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, based on information provided to the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, determines and certifies in writing that the contact under subd. 1. constitutes a significant exposure. A health care provider who has a contact under subd. 1. c. may not make the certification under this subdivision for himself or herself. SB70,,70817081(e) 2. If the contact occurs as provided under par. (d) 1. b., the attending physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber of the funeral director, coroner, medical examiner, or appointed assistant. SB70,,708270823. If the contact occurs as provided under par. (d) 1. c., the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber who makes the certification under par. (d) 2. SB70,,70837083(7m) Reporting of persons significantly exposed. (intro.) If a positive, validated HIV test result is obtained from a test subject, the test subject’s physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber who maintains a record of the HIV test result under sub. (4) (c) may report to the state epidemiologist the name of any person known to the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber to have had contact with body fluid of the test subject that constitutes a significant exposure, only after the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber has done all of the following: SB70,,70847084(b) Notified the HIV test subject that the name of any person known to the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber to have had contact with body fluid of the test subject that constitutes a significant exposure will be reported to the state epidemiologist. SB70,25927085Section 2592. 252.16 (3) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70867086252.16 (3) (c) (intro.) Has submitted to the department a certification from a physician, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber of all of the following: SB70,25937087Section 2593. 252.17 (3) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70887088252.17 (3) (c) (intro.) Has submitted to the department a certification from a physician, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber of all of the following: SB70,25947089Section 2594. 253.07 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70907090253.07 (4) (d) In each fiscal year, $31,500 as grants for employment in communities of licensed registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, certified nurse-midwives licensed advanced practice registered nurses, or licensed physician assistants who are members of a racial minority. SB70,25957091Section 2595. 253.115 (1) (f) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,70927092253.115 (1) (f) “Nurse-midwife” means an individual who is licensed as an advanced practice registered nurse and possesses a certified nurse-midwife specialty designation under s. 441.09. SB70,25967093Section 2596. 253.115 (4) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70947094253.115 (4) Screening required. Except as provided in sub. (6), the physician, nurse-midwife licensed under s. 441.15, or certified professional midwife licensed under s. 440.982 who attended the birth shall ensure that the infant is screened for hearing loss before being discharged from a hospital, or within 30 days of birth if the infant was not born in a hospital. SB70,25977095Section 2597. 253.115 (7) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70967096253.115 (7) (a) (intro.) The physician, nurse-midwife licensed under s. 441.15, or certified professional midwife licensed under s. 440.982 who is required to ensure that the infant is screened for hearing loss under sub. (4) shall do all of the following: SB70,25987097Section 2598. 253.13 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 253.13 (1) (b) and amended to read: SB70,,70987098253.13 (1) (b) The attending physician or nurse licensed under s. 441.15 nurse-midwife shall cause every infant born in each hospital or maternity home, prior to its discharge therefrom, to be subjected to tests for congenital and metabolic disorders, as specified in rules promulgated by the department. If the infant is born elsewhere than in a hospital or maternity home, the attending physician, nurse licensed under s. 441.15 nurse-midwife, or birth attendant who attended the birth shall cause the infant, within one week of birth, to be subjected to these tests. SB70,25997099Section 2599. 253.13 (1) (a) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,71007100253.13 (1) (a) In this subsection, “nurse-midwife” means an individual who is licensed as an advanced practice registered nurse and possesses a certified nurse-midwife specialty designation under s. 441.09. SB70,26007101Section 2600. 253.143 of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,71027102253.143 Maternal and infant mortality prevention and response. From the appropriation under s. 20.435 (1) (ex), the department shall do all of the following: SB70,,71037103(1) Annually award grants to community organizations whose goal is the prevention of maternal and infant mortality. SB70,,71047104(2) Annually award grants to support the expansion of fetal and infant mortality review and maternal mortality review teams statewide and expand technical assistance and support for existing fetal and infant mortality review and child death review teams. SB70,,71057105(3) Provide funding and technical assistance to community-based organizations aimed at preventing infant morality. SB70,,71067106(4) Provide funding for grief and bereavement programming for those impacted by infant loss. SB70,26017107Section 2601. 253.15 (1) (em) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,71087108253.15 (1) (em) “Nurse-midwife” means an individual who is licensed as an advanced practice registered nurse and possesses a certified nurse-midwife specialty designation under s. 441.09. SB70,26027109Section 2602. 253.15 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,71107110253.15 (2) Informational materials. The board shall purchase or prepare or arrange with a nonprofit organization to prepare printed and audiovisual materials relating to shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies. The materials shall include information regarding the identification and prevention of shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies, the grave effects of shaking or throwing on an infant or young child, appropriate ways to manage crying, fussing, or other causes that can lead a person to shake or throw an infant or young child, and a discussion of ways to reduce the risks that can lead a person to shake or throw an infant or young child. The materials shall be prepared in English, Spanish, and other languages spoken by a significant number of state residents, as determined by the board. The board shall make those written and audiovisual materials available to all hospitals, maternity homes, and nurse-midwives licensed under s. 441.15 that are required to provide or make available materials to parents under sub. (3) (a) 1., to the department and to all county departments and nonprofit organizations that are required to provide the materials to child care providers under sub. (4) (d), and to all school boards and nonprofit organizations that are permitted to provide the materials to pupils in one of grades 5 to 8 and in one of grades 10 to 12 under sub. (5). The board shall also make those written materials available to all county departments and Indian tribes that are providing home visitation services under s. 48.983 (4) (b) 1. and to all providers of prenatal, postpartum, and young child care coordination services under s. 49.45 (44). The board may make available the materials required under this subsection to be made available by making those materials available at no charge on the board’s Internet site. SB70,26037111Section 2603. 253.19 of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,71127112253.19 Grants to free-standing pediatric teaching hospitals. From the appropriation under s. 20.435 (1) (b), the department shall award grants to free-standing pediatric teaching hospitals to fund programming related to parenting, educational needs of and supports for chronically ill children, and case management for children with asthma. A free-standing pediatric teaching hospital is eligible for a grant under this section only if the percentage of Medical Assistance recipient inpatient days at the free-standing pediatric teaching hospital calculated under s. 49.45 (3m) (b) 1. a. is greater than 45 percent.