SB489,,1212(a) The right to determine the religion of the child. SB489,,1313(b) The right to determine the type of school or educational setting the child attends. SB489,,1414(c) The right to be notified of each health care service, including vaccinations or immunizations, offered at the child’s school and the right to withhold consent or decline any specific service, unless otherwise specified by law or court order. SB489,,1515(d) The right to review all medical records related to the child, unless otherwise specified by law or court order. SB489,,1616(e) The right to determine the names and pronouns used for the child while at school. SB489,,1717(f) The right to review instructional materials and outlines used by the child’s school, to the extent required by federal law. SB489,,1818(g) The right to access records regarding the education of the child that are generated, maintained, or used by the child’s school, to the extent required by federal law. SB489,,1919(h) The right to timely notice by the child’s school of any surveys or evaluations conducted in the child’s classroom that would reveal information concerning any of the following about the child or his or her parent or family members: SB489,,20201. Political affiliations or beliefs. SB489,,21212. Mental or psychological problems. SB489,,22223. Sexual behavior or attitudes. SB489,,23234. Illegal, antisocial, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior. SB489,,24245. Critical appraisals of individuals with whom the child or parent has a close family relationship. SB489,,25256. Relationships that are legally recognized as privileged, such as those with lawyers, physicians, and ministers. SB489,,26267. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs. SB489,,27278. Income, unless otherwise specified by law. SB489,,2828(i) The right to timely notice by the child’s school, through a process consistent with school policy, of when a controversial subject will be taught or discussed in the child’s classroom. SB489,,2929(j) The right to opt out of a class or instructional materials at the child’s school for reasons based on either religion or personal conviction. SB489,,3030(k) The right to visit the child at school during school hours, consistent with school policy, unless otherwise specified by law or court order. SB489,,3131(L) The right to engage with locally elected school board members of the school district in which the child is a student in accordance with school district policy, including by participating at regularly scheduled school board meetings. SB489,,3232(m) The right to be notified of the creation of or updates to a security or surveillance system at the child’s school, not including routine maintenance. SB489,,3333(n) The right to be informed by the child’s school, in accordance with school policy, of any disciplinary action taken against the child. This includes suspension, expulsion, seclusion, physical restraint, or removal from class. SB489,,3434(o) The right to be timely informed of any acts of violence or crimes occurring on grounds of the child’s school. SB489,,3535(p) The right to receive accurate and individual information from the child’s school at least 2 times per year regarding the academic proficiency and classroom behavior of the child. SB489,,3636(4) Except as limited by other law or court order, a guardian of a child has the rights specified under subs. (2) and (3). SB489,,3737(5) Nothing in this section authorizes a parent or guardian to abuse or neglect a child in violation of the laws of this state. This section may not be construed to apply to a parent’s or guardian’s action or decision that would end life. Nothing in this section prohibits a court from issuing an order that is otherwise permitted by law. This section may not be construed to supersede a court order. SB489,,3838(6) A school board shall adopt a policy setting forth a process by which a parent or guardian of a pupil enrolled in the school district may file a written complaint alleging that the parent’s or guardian’s rights under sub. (3) were violated. The policy shall require the school board to hold a public hearing to address any written complaints received under this subsection at least once every 3 months. The policy shall establish this process to be timely, to grant the school board the final decision, and to allow a clear process to appeal that decision. SB489,,3939(7) A parent or guardian who is denied one or more of the rights identified in sub. (3) may do any of the following: SB489,,4040(a) File a written complaint as provided in the school board policy under sub. (6), if applicable. SB489,,4141(b) Bring a civil action against a governmental body or official. A parent or guardian may raise a violation of this section in court or before an administrative tribunal of appropriate jurisdiction as a claim or defense. A parent or guardian who successfully asserts a claim under this subsection may recover declaratory relief, injunctive relief, reasonable attorney’s fees and costs notwithstanding s. 814.04 (1), and no more than $10,000 for any other appropriate relief. SB489,,4242(8) A parent of a child in this state has inalienable rights that are more comprehensive than those listed in this section, unless such rights have been legally waived, limited, or terminated. A guardian of a child in this state may have rights that are more comprehensive than those listed in this section.