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2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
October 18, 2021 - Introduced by Senators Marklein, Bernier, Carpenter, Nass
and Ringhand, cosponsored by Representatives Novak, Tranel, Allen,
Callahan, Dittrich, Drake, Edming, Horlacher, Kerkman, Kitchens,
Knodl, Loudenbeck, Magnafici, Milroy, Moses, Mursau, Penterman,
Riemer, Shankland, Shelton, Sinicki, Spiros, Spreitzer, Subeck, Thiesfeldt,
Tusler, Vruwink and Wittke. Referred to Committee on Senate
1Relating to: commemorating the 185th anniversary of the convening of Wisconsin's
2first territorial legislature.
3 Whereas, an act of Congress established the Wisconsin Territory in 1836,
4setting in motion the formation of a territorial government; and
5 Whereas, President Andrew Jackson appointed Henry Dodge as the territorial
6governor, responsible for conducting a census, calling elections, designating a
7temporary seat of government, and convening the legislature; and
8 Whereas, Governor Dodge honored the town of Belmont with selection as the
9first territorial capitol; and
10 Whereas, legislators traveled from across the Wisconsin Territory to convene
11the first territorial legislature, comprised of a council and a house of representatives,
12on October 25, 1836; and
13 Whereas, buildings commissioned by John Atchison housed meetings of the
14first territorial legislature and lodged councilors and representatives; and

1Whereas, the first territorial legislature passed 42 acts, addressing topics of
2great importance; and
3 Whereas, these acts set up a judicial system, designated a permanent capitol
4in Madison, established a university, called for the completion of various
5infrastructure projects, and prescribed the internal workings of the newly formed
6government; and
7 Whereas, this first meeting of the territorial legislature marked the beginning
8of a rich tradition still in practice today wherein lawmakers gather to debate and
9deliberate on the pressing topics of the day; now, therefore, be it
10Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That the members of the
11Wisconsin Legislature do hereby recognize October 25, 2021, as the 185th
12anniversary of the meeting of Wisconsin's first territorial legislature, commend the
13work of early lawmakers instrumental to the deliberation and approval of the first
14territorial acts, and reaffirm Wisconsin's continued commitment to the legislative
15process in order to promote and provide for the public good; and, be it further
16Resolved, That the senate chief clerk shall provide a copy of this joint
17resolution to the clerk of the Town of Belmont, the clerk of Lafayette County, and the
18Wisconsin Historical Society.
19 (End)