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Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the Higher Educational Aids Board administers and has
authority to renegotiate the Minnesota-Wisconsin tuition reciprocity agreement.
The agreement provides for the waiver of nonresident tuition for residents of either
state who are enrolled in public vocational schools and for a reciprocal fee structure
for residents of either state who are enrolled in public institutions of higher
education located in the other state.
This bill requires the University of Wisconsin System to enter into, administer,
and renegotiate with Minnesota a tuition reciprocity agreement that provides for the
waiver of nonresident tuition and for a reciprocal fee structure for residents of either
state who are enrolled in public institutions of higher education located in the other
state. This bill requires that all the tuition paid by Minnesota students attending
UW institutions under the agreement, including tuition commonly referred to as
differential reciprocity tuition, be credited to a UW System appropriation account
from which UW System expenditures are authorized. The bill requires the Board of
Regents to ensure that each institution is allocated the amounts received under the

tuition reciprocity agreement in proportion to the total amount each institution
charged its students with Minnesota residence in tuition and fees.
This bill also requires HEAB to enter into, administer, and renegotiate with
Minnesota a fee reciprocity agreement that provides for the waiver of nonresident
fees for residents of either state who are enrolled in public vocational schools in the
other state.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1. 20.235 (1) (e) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 20.235 (1) (e) (title) Minnesota-Wisconsin public vocational school student
3reciprocity agreement.
4Section 2. 20.285 (1) (gb) of the statutes is amended to read:
5 20.285 (1) (gb) General program operations. All moneys received from the
6operation of educational programs and related programs and as earnings from
7investments under s. 36.11 (11m) to carry out the purposes for which received,
8including the transfer of funds to par. (gj), and for payment of any reimbursement
9obligation under s. 36.27 (2r) (e)
. In each fiscal year, the Board of Regents shall
10transfer no more than $30,338,500 from this appropriation account to the medical
11assistance trust fund.
12Section 3. 36.27 (2r) of the statutes is created to read:
13 36.27 (2r) Minnesota-University of Wisconsin System student reciprocity
(a) There is established, to be administered by the board, a
15Minnesota-University of Wisconsin System student reciprocity agreement, the
16purpose of which shall be to ensure that neither state shall profit at the expense of
17the other and that the determination of any amounts owed by either state under the
18agreement shall be based on an equitable formula that reflects the educational costs

1incurred by the 2 states, reflects any differentials in usage by residents of either state
2of the public institutions of higher education located in the other state, and reflects
3any differentials in the resident tuition charged at comparable public institutions of
4higher education of the 2 states. The board, representing this state, shall enter into
5an agreement meeting the requirements of this subsection with the designated body
6representing the state of Minnesota.
7 (b) The agreement under this subsection shall provide for the waiver of
8nonresident tuition for residents of either state who are enrolled in public
9institutions of higher education located in the other state. The agreement shall also
10establish a reciprocal fee structure for residents of either state who are enrolled in
11public institutions of higher education located in the other state. The reciprocal fee
12may not exceed the higher of the resident tuition that would be charged the student
13at the public institution of higher education in which the student is enrolled or the
14resident tuition that would be charged the student at comparable public institutions
15of higher education located in the student's state of residence, as specified in the
16annual administrative memorandum under par. (c). The agreement is subject to the
17approval of the joint committee on finance.
18 (c) Prior to each academic year, the board and the designated body representing
19the state of Minnesota shall prepare an administrative memorandum that
20establishes policies and procedures for implementation of the agreement for the
21upcoming academic year, including a description of how the reciprocal fee structure
22shall be determined for purposes of par. (b), and the board shall submit the
23administrative memorandum to the joint committee on finance. If the
24cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the board that the committee has
25scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the administrative memorandum

1within 14 working days after the date of the submittal, the administrative
2memorandum may be implemented as proposed by the board. If, within 14 working
3days after the date of the submittal, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the
4board that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the
5administrative memorandum, the administrative memorandum may be
6implemented only upon approval of the committee.
7 (d) No resident of this state whose name appears on the statewide support lien
8docket under s. 49.854 (2) (b) may receive a waiver of nonresident tuition under this
9subsection unless the resident provides to the board a payment agreement that has
10been approved by the county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) and that is
11consistent with rules promulgated under s. 49.858 (2) (a).
12 (e) At the end of each semester or academic term, each state shall determine
13the number of students for whom nonresident tuition has been waived under the
14agreement. Each state shall certify to the other state, in addition to the number of
15students so determined, the aggregate amount of its reimbursement obligation. The
16state with the larger reimbursement obligation shall pay as provided in the
17agreement an amount determined by subtracting the reimbursement obligation of
18the state with the smaller reimbursement obligation from the reimbursement
19obligation of the state with the larger reimbursement obligation. The agreement
20shall provide a reasonable date for payment of any such sums due and owing, after
21which date interest may be charged on the amount owed. The methodology for
22determination of the appropriate interest rate shall be included in the agreement.
23All tuition and fees received by this state under this subsection and any net
24obligations received under this paragraph shall be credited to the appropriation
25account under s. 20.285 (1) (gb).

1(f) In allocating funding for each institution under s. 36.09 (1) (h), the board
2shall ensure that each institution is allocated the amounts received pursuant to par.
3(e) in proportion to the total amount each institution charged its students with
4Minnesota residence in tuition and fees under the agreement under this subsection.
5Section 4. 39.42 of the statutes is amended to read:
639.42 Interstate agreements. The board, with the approval of the joint
7committee on finance, or the governing boards of any publicly supported institution
8of post-high school education, with the approval of the board and the joint committee
9on finance, may enter into agreements or understandings which include remission
10of nonresident tuition for designated categories of students at state institutions of
11higher education with appropriate state agencies and institutions of higher
12education in other states to facilitate use of public higher education institutions of
13this state and other states. Such agreements and understandings shall have as their
14purpose the mutual improvement of educational advantages for residents of this
15state and such other states or institutions of other states with which agreements are
16made. This section does not apply to the agreement under s. 36.27 (2r).
17Section 5. 39.47 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
1839.47 (title) Minnesota-Wisconsin public vocational school student
19reciprocity agreement.
20Section 6. 39.47 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
21 39.47 (1) There is established, to be administered by the board, a
22Minnesota-Wisconsin public vocational school student reciprocity agreement, the
23purpose of which shall be to ensure that neither state shall profit at the expense of
24the other and that the determination of any amounts owed by either state under the
25agreement shall be based on an equitable formula which reflects the educational

1costs incurred by the 2 states, reflects any differentials in usage by residents of either
2state of the public institutions of higher education located in the other state, and
3reflects any differentials in the resident tuition charged at comparable public
4institutions of higher education of the 2 states
. The board, representing this state,
5shall enter into an agreement meeting the requirements of this section with the
6designated body representing the state of Minnesota.
7Section 7. 39.47 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
8 39.47 (2) The agreement under this section shall provide for the waiver of
9nonresident tuition fees for a resident of either state who is enrolled in a public
10vocational school located in the other state. The agreement shall also establish a
11reciprocal fee structure for residents of either state who are enrolled in public
12institutions of higher education, other than vocational schools, located in the other
The reciprocal fee may not exceed the higher of the resident tuition fees that
14would be charged the student at the public institution of higher education vocational
in which the student is enrolled or the resident tuition fees that would be
16charged the student at a comparable public institutions of higher education
17vocational school located in his or her state of residence, as specified in the annual
18administrative memorandum under sub. (2g). The agreement shall take effect on
19July 1, 2007.
The agreement is subject to the approval of the joint committee on
20finance under s. 39.42.
21Section 8. 45.20 (2) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
22 45.20 (2) (a) 1. The department shall administer a tuition reimbursement
23program for eligible veterans enrolling as undergraduates in any institution of
24higher education in this state, enrolling in a school that is approved under s. 45.03
25(11), enrolling in a proprietary school that is approved under s. 440.52, enrolling in

1a public or private high school, enrolling in a tribal school, as defined in s. 115.001
2(15m), in any grade from 9 to 12, or receiving a waiver of nonresident tuition under
3s. 36.27 (2r) or 39.47.
4Section 9. 45.20 (2) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
5 45.20 (2) (c) 1. A veteran who meets the eligibility requirements under par. (b)
61. may be reimbursed upon satisfactory completion of an undergraduate semester in
7any institution of higher education in this state, or upon satisfactory completion of
8a course at any school that is approved under s. 45.03 (11), any proprietary school
9that is approved under s. 440.52, any public or private high school, any tribal school,
10as defined in s. 115.001 (15m), that operates any grade from 9 to 12, or any institution
11from which the veteran receives a waiver of nonresident tuition under s. 36.27 (2r)
39.47. Except as provided in par. (e), the amount of reimbursement may not exceed
13the total cost of the veteran's tuition minus any grants or scholarships that the
14veteran receives specifically for the payment of the tuition, or, if the tuition is for an
15undergraduate semester in any institution of higher education, the standard cost of
16tuition for a state resident for an equivalent undergraduate semester at the
17University of Wisconsin-Madison, whichever is less.
18Section 10. 45.20 (2) (d) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
19 45.20 (2) (d) 1. (intro.) Subject to subd. 1m., a veteran's eligibility for
20reimbursement under this subsection at any institution of higher education in this
21state, at a school that is approved under s. 45.03 (11), at a proprietary school that is
22approved under s. 440.52, at a public or private high school, at a tribal school, as
23defined in s. 115.001 (15m), that operates any grade from 9 to 12, or at an institution
24where he or she is receiving a waiver of nonresident tuition under s. 36.27 (2r) or
2539.47 is limited to the following:

1Section 11. 71.05 (6) (b) 28. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 71.05 (6) (b) 28. (intro.) An amount paid by a claimant for tuition expenses and
3mandatory student fees for a student who is the claimant or who is the claimant's
4child and the claimant's dependent, as defined under section 152 of the Internal
5Revenue Code, to attend any university, college, technical college or a school
6approved under s. 440.52, that is located in Wisconsin or to attend a public vocational
7school or public institution of higher education in Minnesota under the
a reciprocity agreement under s. 36.27 (2r) or 39.47,
9calculated as follows:
10Section 12. 321.40 (1) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
11 321.40 (1) (c) 2. A public institution of higher education under the
12Minnesota-Wisconsin Minnesota-University of Wisconsin System student
13reciprocity agreement under s. 36.27 (2r) or a public vocational school under the
ta-Wisconsin public vocational school reciprocity agreement under s. 39.47.
15Section 13. Nonstatutory provisions.
16 (1) Minnesota-Wisconsin tuition reciprocity agreement. The higher
17educational aids board shall provide to the designated body representing the state
18of Minnesota notice of the termination of the agreement under s. 39.47, 2019 stats.,
19with the agreement's termination to become effective on July 1, 2022. The higher
20educational aids board and the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin
21System shall negotiate new agreements to replace the agreement under s. 39.47,
222019 stats., with these new agreements to become effective on July 1, 2022.
23Section 14. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
24except as follows:

1(1) Minnesota-Wisconsin tuition reciprocity agreements. The treatment of
2ss. 20.235 (1) (e), 20.285 (1) (gb), 36.27 (2r), 39.42, 39.47 (title), (1), and (2), 45.20 (2)
3(a) 1., (c) 1., and (d) 1. (intro.), 71.05 (6) (b) 28. (intro.), and 321.40 (1) (c) 2. takes effect
4on July 1, 2022.
5 (End)