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2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
September 2, 2021 - Introduced by Senators Ballweg, Marklein, Feyen, Jacque
and Ringhand, cosponsored by Representatives Novak, Magnafici, Allen,
Armstrong, Cabral-Guevara, Dittrich, Duchow, Gundrum, Kitchens,
Knodl, Loudenbeck, Mursau, Penterman, J. Rodriguez, Rozar, Sinicki,
Skowronski, Spiros, Spreitzer, Steffen, Summerfield, Tittl and Tusler.
Referred to Committee on Education.
1An Act to create 118.019 (2m) (j) of the statutes; relating to: required subjects
2in a human growth and development instructional program.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill requires a school board that provides a human growth and
development instructional program to include in the instructional program an
explanation of the process under current law for a parent of a newborn to relinquish
custody of the newborn to a law enforcement officer, emergency medical services
practitioner, or hospital staff member.
Current law allows, but does not require, a school board to provide a human
growth and development instructional program in grades kindergarten to 12. If the
school board elects to provide such an instructional program, current law provides
a recommended instructional program that includes information about reproductive
and sexual anatomy and physiology; the benefits of and reasons for abstaining from
sexual activity; self-esteem and personal responsibility, positive interpersonal
skills, and healthy relationships; and how alcohol and drug use affect responsible
decision making. Under current law, if any part of the recommended instructional
program is provided to pupils, the school board must also provide specific
information on required subjects in the same course in the same year. The list of
information on required subjects includes presenting abstinence from sexual activity
as the preferred choice of behavior for unmarried pupils; providing instruction in
parental responsibility and the socioeconomic benefits of marriage for adults and
their children; and explaining pregnancy, prenatal development, and childbirth.
This bill adds to this list providing an explanation of the process under current law

by which a parent may relinquish a newborn child to law enforcement officer,
emergency medical services practitioner, or hospital staff member.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1. 118.019 (2m) (j) of the statutes is created to read:
2 118.019 (2m) (j) Explains the process under s. 48.195 under which a parent of
3a newborn child may relinquish custody of the child to a law enforcement officer,
4emergency medical services practitioner, or hospital staff member.
5 (End)