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2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
March 3, 2021 - Introduced by Senators Cowles, Stroebel, Ballweg, Nass and
Roth, cosponsored by Representatives Krug, Armstrong, Edming, Knodl,
Kurtz, Moses, Oldenburg, Rozar and Tusler. Referred to Committee on
Natural Resources and Energy.
1An Act to create 289.56 of the statutes; relating to: disposal of deer carcasses.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill requires the Department of Natural Resources to award up to $200,000
in grants in the 2021-23 fiscal biennium for the creation of new sites for the disposal
of deer carcasses. DNR must prioritize the development of sites in underserved areas
that are affected by chronic wasting disease and ensure the greatest geographic
distribution of disposal sites. Disposal sites created with a grant award must be
accessible to the general public throughout deer hunting season and may not charge
any fee for carcass disposal.
An applicant may receive only one grant for a disposal site but may apply for
a grant in an amount equal to the applicant's eligible expenses over a three-year
period. Eligible expenses include disposal equipment, pickup and disposal of
carcasses, site preparation and promotion, and other expenses approved by DNR.
The bill also provides that the operator of a landfill may not refuse to accept any
deer carcass that is in a bag for disposal.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
2Section 1 . 289.56 of the statutes is created to read:

1289.56 Deer carcass disposal. (1) The operator of a landfill may not refuse
2to accept any deer carcass that is double-bagged for disposal.
3(2) (a) In the 2021-2023 fiscal biennium, from the appropriation under s.
420.370 (4) (mq), the department shall award grants to local units of government,
5nonprofit organizations, religious nonprofit organizations, and private businesses
6for the creation of new sites for the disposal of deer carcasses. The total amount that
7the department awards under this section may not exceed $100,000 in each fiscal
8year of the 2021-2023 fiscal biennium.
9 (b) In awarding grants under this subsection, the department shall do all of the
11 1. Give priority to applicants proposing to establish disposal sites in areas that
12are underserved by existing disposal sites and located in counties affected by chronic
13wasting disease and counties that border counties affected by chronic wasting
15 2. Ensure the greatest geographic distribution practicable of disposal sites
16across all counties, including counties that are not affected by chronic wasting
18 (c) An applicant may apply for a grant under this subsection in an amount equal
19to the eligible expenses incurred or anticipated by the applicant over a 3-year period.
20Eligible expenses include the purchase or rental of disposal equipment; pickup and
21disposal of carcasses, including tipping fees; site preparation costs, including odor
22and varmint control measures; promotion of the disposal location, including signage;
23and other expenses approved by the department. An applicant may receive only one
24grant award for a disposal site.

1(d) A disposal site for which a grant is awarded under this subsection shall be
2located and operated so that the site is easily accessible to the general public for the
3duration of all open seasons for hunting deer and for not less than 2 weeks after the
4end of each open season for hunting deer. The owner or operator of the site may not
5charge any fee for use of the site but may accept voluntary contributions for
6maintenance of the site.
7 (e) The recipient of a grant under this subsection shall notify the department
8of the location of the disposal site created with the grant award and the department
9shall publish the location on the department's Internet site.
10 (End)