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17946.15 Public construction contracts at less than full rate. (1) Any
18employer, or any agent or employee of an employer, who induces any individual who
19seeks to be or is employed pursuant to a public contract, as defined in s. 66.0901 (1)
20(c), or who seeks to be or is employed on a project on which a prevailing wage rate
21determination has been issued by the department of workforce development under
22s. 66.0903 (3), 103.49 (3), 103.50 (3), or 229.8275 (3) to give up, waive, or return any
23part of the compensation to which that individual is entitled under his or her contract
24of employment or under the prevailing wage rate determination issued by the
25department, or who reduces the hourly basic rate of pay normally paid to an

1employee for work on a project on which a prevailing wage rate determination has
2not been issued under s. 66.0903 (3), 103.49 (3), 103.50 (3), or 229.8275 (3) during a
3week in which the employee works both on a project on which a prevailing wage rate
4determination has been issued and on a project on which a prevailing wage rate
5determination has not been issued, is guilty of a Class I felony.
6(2) Any individual employed pursuant to a public contract, as defined in s.
766.0901 (1) (c), or employed on a project on which a prevailing wage rate
8determination has been issued by the department of workforce development under
9s. 66.0903 (3), 103.49 (3), 103.50 (3), or 229.8275 (3) who gives up, waives, or returns
10to the employer or agent of the employer any part of the compensation to which the
11employee is entitled under his or her contract of employment or under the prevailing
12wage determination issued by the department, or who gives up any part of the
13compensation to which he or she is normally entitled for work on a project on which
14a prevailing wage rate determination has not been issued under s. 66.0903 (3),
15103.49 (3), 103.50 (3), or 229.8275 (3) during a week in which the individual works
16part-time on a project on which a prevailing wage rate determination has been
17issued and part-time on a project on which a prevailing wage rate determination has
18not been issued, is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor.
19(3) Any employer or labor organization, or any agent or employee of an
20employer or labor organization, who induces any individual who seeks to be or is
21employed on a project on which a prevailing wage rate determination has been issued
22by the department of workforce development under s. 66.0903 (3), 103.49 (3), 103.50
23(3), or 229.8275 (3) to allow any part of the wages to which that individual is entitled
24under the prevailing wage rate determination issued by the department or local
25governmental unit to be deducted from the individual's pay is guilty of a Class I

1felony, unless the deduction would be allowed under 29 CFR 3.5 or 3.6 from an
2individual who is working on a project that is subject to 40 USC 3142.
3(4) Any individual employed on a project on which a prevailing wage rate
4determination has been issued by the department of workforce development under
5s. 66.0903 (3), 103.49 (3), 103.50 (3), or 229.8275 (3) who allows any part of the wages
6to which that individual is entitled under the prevailing wage rate determination
7issued by the department or local governmental unit to be deducted from his or her
8pay is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor, unless the deduction would be allowed under
929 CFR 3.5 or 3.6 from an individual who is working on a project that is subject to
1040 USC 3142.
11Section 3337 . 946.42 (1) (a) 1. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
12 946.42 (1) (a) 1. a. Actual custody of an institution, including a juvenile
13correctional facility, as defined in s. 938.02 (10p), a secured residential care center
14for children and youth, as defined in s. 938.02 (15g), a juvenile detention facility, as
15defined in s. 938.02 (10r), a Type 2 residential care center for children and youth, as
16defined in s. 938.02 (19r), 2019 stats., a facility used for the detention of persons
17detained under s. 980.04 (1), a facility specified in s. 980.065, or a juvenile portion
18of a county jail.
19Section 3338 . 946.42 (1) (a) 1. f. of the statutes is amended to read:
20 946.42 (1) (a) 1. f. Constructive custody of prisoners and juveniles subject to an
21order under s. 938.183, 938.34 (4d), (4h), or (4m), or 938.357 (4) or (5) (e) temporarily
22outside the institution whether for the purpose of work, school, medical care, a leave
23granted under s. 303.068, a temporary leave or furlough granted to a juvenile, or

1Section 3339 . 946.42 (1) (a) 1. f. of the statutes, as affected by 2021 Wisconsin
2Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
3 946.42 (1) (a) 1. f. Constructive custody of prisoners and juveniles subject to an
4order under s. 938.183, 938.34 (4d) or (4m), or 938.357 (4) or (5) (e) temporarily
5outside the institution whether for the purpose of work, school, medical care, a leave
6granted under s. 303.068, a temporary leave or furlough granted to a juvenile, or
8Section 3340 . 946.42 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
9 946.42 (1) (a) 2. “Custody" does not include the constructive custody of a
10probationer, parolee, or person on extended supervision by the department of
11corrections or a probation, extended supervision, or parole agent or, subject to s.
12938.533 (3) (a),
the constructive custody of a person who has been released to
13community supervision or aftercare supervision under ch. 938.
14Section 3341 . 946.42 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
15 946.42 (3) (c) Subject to a disposition under s. 938.34 (4d), (4h), or (4m), to a
16placement under s. 938.357 (4) or 938.533 (3) (a), or to community supervision or
17aftercare revocation under s. 938.357 (5) (e).
18Section 3342 . 946.42 (3) (c) of the statutes, as affected by 2021 Wisconsin Act
19.... (this act), is amended to read:
20 946.42 (3) (c) Subject to a disposition under s. 938.34 (4d) or (4m), to a
21placement under s. 938.357 (4) or 938.533 (3) (a), or to community supervision or
22aftercare revocation under s. 938.357 (5) (e).
23Section 3343 . 946.44 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
24 946.44 (2) (c) “Institution" includes a juvenile correctional facility, as defined
25in s. 938.02 (10p), a secured residential care center for children and youth, as defined

1in s. 938.02 (15g), and a Type 2 residential care center for children and youth, as
2defined in s. 938.02 (19r), 2019 stats.
3Section 3344 . 946.44 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
4 946.44 (2) (d) “Prisoner" includes a person who is under the supervision of the
5department of corrections under s. 938.34 (4h),
who is placed in a juvenile
6correctional facility or a secured residential care center for children and youth under
7s. 938.183, 938.34 (4m), or 938.357 (4) or (5) (e), or who is placed in a Type 2
8residential care center for children and youth under s. 938.34 (4d).
9Section 3345 . 946.44 (2) (d) of the statutes, as affected by 2021 Wisconsin Act
10.... (this act), is amended to read:
11 946.44 (2) (d) “Prisoner" includes a person who is placed in a juvenile
12correctional facility or a secured residential care center for children and youth under
13s. 938.183, 938.34 (4m), or 938.357 (4) or (5) (e), or who is placed in a Type 2
14residential care center for children and youth under s. 938.34 (4d)
15Section 3346 . 946.45 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
16 946.45 (2) (c) “Institution" includes a juvenile correctional facility, as defined
17in s. 938.02 (10p), a secured residential care center for children and youth, as defined
18in s. 938.02 (15g), and a Type 2 residential care center for children and youth, as
19defined in s. 938.02 (19r), 2019 stats.
20Section 3347 . 946.45 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
21 946.45 (2) (d) “Prisoner" includes a person who is under the supervision of the
22department of corrections under s. 938.34 (4h),
who is placed in a juvenile
23correctional facility or a secured residential care center for children and youth under
24s. 938.183, 938.34 (4m) or 938.357 (4) or (5) (e), or who is placed in a Type 2 residential
25care center for children and youth under s. 938.34 (4d).

1Section 3348 . 946.45 (2) (d) of the statutes, as affected by 2021 Wisconsin Act
2.... (this act), is amended to read:
3 946.45 (2) (d) “Prisoner" includes a person who is placed in a juvenile
4correctional facility or a secured residential care center for children and youth under
5s. 938.183, 938.34 (4m) or 938.357 (4) or (5) (e), or who is placed in a Type 2 residential
6care center for children and youth under s. 938.34 (4d)
7Section 3349 . 946.49 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 946.49 (1) and
8amended to read:
9 946.49 (1) Whoever, having been released from custody under ch. 969,
10intentionally fails to comply with the terms of his or her bond is : guilty of a Class A
12Section 3350 . 946.49 (1) (a) and (b) of the statutes are repealed.
13Section 3351 . 946.49 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
14 946.49 (2) A witness for whom bail has been required under s. 969.01 (3) is
15guilty of a Class I felony A misdemeanor for failure to appear as provided.
16Section 3352 . 946.50 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
17946.50 Absconding. (intro.) Any person who is adjudicated delinquent, but
18who intentionally fails to appear before the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction
19under chs. 48 and 938 for his or her dispositional hearing under s. 938.335, and who
20does not return to that court for a dispositional hearing before attaining the age of
2117 years
becoming an adult is guilty of the following:
22Section 3353 . 947.20 of the statutes is repealed.
23Section 3354 . 947.21 of the statutes is repealed.
24Section 3355 . 948.01 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:

1948.01 (1) “Child" means a person who has not attained the age of 18 years,
2except that for purposes of prosecuting a person who is alleged to have violated a
3state or federal criminal law, “child" does not include a person who has attained the
4age of 17 years
5Section 3356 . 948.11 (2) (am) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
6 948.11 (2) (am) (intro.) Any person who has attained the age of 17 and adult
7who, with knowledge of the character and content of the description or narrative
8account, verbally communicates, by any means, a harmful description or narrative
9account to a child, with or without monetary consideration, is guilty of a Class I
10felony if any of the following applies:
11Section 3357 . 948.40 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
12 948.40 (1) No person may intentionally encourage or contribute to the
13delinquency of a child. This subsection includes intentionally encouraging or
14contributing to an act by a child under the age of 10 12 which would be a delinquent
15act if committed by a child 10 12 years of age or older.
16Section 3358 . 948.40 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
17 948.40 (2) No person responsible for the child's welfare may, by disregard of the
18welfare of the child, contribute to the delinquency of the child. This subsection
19includes disregard that contributes to an act by a child under the age of 10 12 that
20would be a delinquent act if committed by a child 10 12 years of age or older.
21Section 3359 . 948.45 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
22 948.45 (1) Except as provided in sub. (2), any person 17 years of age or older
23adult who, by any act or omission, knowingly encourages or contributes to the
24truancy, as defined under s. 118.16 (1) (c), of a person 17 years of age or under child
25is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor.

1Section 3360. 948.60 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 948.60 (2) (d) A person under 17 years of age child who has violated this
3subsection is subject to the provisions of ch. 938 unless jurisdiction is waived under
4s. 938.18 or the person is subject to the jurisdiction of a court of criminal jurisdiction
5under s. 938.183
6Section 3361 . 948.61 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
7 948.61 (4) A person under 17 years of age child who has violated this section
8is subject to the provisions of ch. 938, unless jurisdiction is waived under s. 938.18
9or the person is subject to the jurisdiction of a court of criminal jurisdiction under s.
11Section 3362 . 950.04 (1v) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
12 950.04 (1v) (g) To have reasonable attempts made to notify the victim of
13hearings or court proceedings, as provided under ss. 302.113 (9g) (g) 2., 302.114 (6),
14938.27 (4m) and (6), 938.273 (2), 971.095 (3) and , 972.14 (3) (b), and 973.015 (1m) (c).
15Section 3363 . 950.04 (1v) (gm) of the statutes is amended to read:
16 950.04 (1v) (gm) To have reasonable attempts made to notify the victim of
17petitions for sentence adjustment as provided under s. 973.01 (5m) (d), 973.018 (3)
973.09 (3m), 973.195 (1r) (d), or 973.198.
19Section 3364 . 950.04 (1v) (m) of the statutes is amended to read:
20 950.04 (1v) (m) To provide statements concerning sentencing, disposition, or
21parole, as provided under ss. 304.06 (1) (e), 938.32 (1) (b) 1g., 938.335 (3m) (ag), and
22972.14 (3) (a), and 973.018 (4) (d).
23Section 3365 . 950.04 (1v) (vg) of the statutes is amended to read:
24 950.04 (1v) (vg) To have the department of corrections make a reasonable
25attempt to notify the victim, pursuant to s. 302.107, of a revocation of parole or of

1release to extended supervision under s. 302.11 (7), 302.113 (9), 302.114 (9), or 304.06
2(3) or (3g).
3Section 3366 . 950.06 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
4 950.06 (2) The costs of providing services under sub. (1m) shall be paid for by
5the county, but the county is eligible to receive reimbursement from the state for not
6more than 90 percent of the costs incurred in providing those services. The
7department shall determine the level of services for which a county may be
8reimbursed. The county board shall file a claim for reimbursement with the
9department. The department shall reimburse counties under this subsection from
10the appropriations under s. 20.455 (5) (f), (k) , and (kp) and, on a semiannual basis,
11from the appropriation under s. 20.455 (5) (g).
12Section 3367 . 961.01 (14) of the statutes is renumbered 961.70 (3) and
13amended to read:
14 961.70 (3) “Marijuana" means all parts of the plants of the genus Cannabis,
15whether growing or not, with a tetrahydrocannabinols concentration that is greater
16than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis
; the seeds thereof; the resin extracted from
17any part of the plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture,
18or preparation of the plant, its seeds or resin, including tetrahydrocannabinols.
19“Marijuana" does include the mature stalks if mixed with other parts of the plant,
20but does not include fiber produced from the stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds
21of the plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture , or
22preparation of the mature stalks (except the resin extracted therefrom), fiber, oil, or
23cake or the sterilized seed of the plant which is incapable of germination.
24“Marijuana” does not include hemp, as defined in s. 94.55 (1).
25Section 3368 . 961.11 (4g) of the statutes is repealed.

1Section 3369. 961.14 (4) (t) of the statutes is repealed.
2Section 3370 . 961.32 (2m) of the statutes is repealed.
3Section 3371 . 961.34 of the statutes is renumbered 961.75, and 961.75 (title),
4as renumbered, is amended to read:
5961.75 (title) Controlled substances Marijuana therapeutic research.
6Section 3372 . 961.38 (1n) of the statutes is repealed.
7Section 3373 . 961.41 (1) (h) of the statutes is repealed.
8Section 3374 . 961.41 (1m) (h) of the statutes is repealed.
9Section 3375 . 961.41 (1q) of the statutes is repealed.
10Section 3376 . 961.41 (1r) of the statutes is amended to read:
11 961.41 (1r) Determining weight of substance. In determining amounts under
12s. 961.49 (2) (b), 1999 stats., and subs. (1) and (1m), an amount includes the weight
13of cocaine, cocaine base, heroin, phencyclidine, lysergic acid diethylamide, psilocin,
14psilocybin, amphetamine, methamphetamine, tetrahydrocannabinols, synthetic
15cannabinoids, or substituted cathinones, or any controlled substance analog of any
16of these substances together with any compound, mixture, diluent, plant material
17or other substance mixed or combined with the controlled substance or controlled
18substance analog. In addition, in determining amounts under subs. (1) (h) and (1m)
19(h), the amount of tetrahydrocannabinols means anything included under s. 961.14
20(4) (t) and includes the weight of any marijuana.
21Section 3377 . 961.41 (1x) of the statutes is amended to read:
22 961.41 (1x) Conspiracy. Any person who conspires, as specified in s. 939.31,
23to commit a crime under sub. (1) (cm) to (h) (g) or (1m) (cm) to (h) (g) is subject to the
24applicable penalties under sub. (1) (cm) to (h) (g) or (1m) (cm) to (h) (g).
25Section 3378 . 961.41 (3g) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:

1961.41 (3g) (c) Cocaine and cocaine base. If a person possesses or attempts to
2possess cocaine or cocaine base, or a controlled substance analog of cocaine or cocaine
3base, the person shall be fined not more than $5,000 and may be imprisoned for not
4more than one year in the county jail upon a first conviction and is guilty of a Class
5I felony for a 2nd or subsequent offense. For purposes of this paragraph, an offense
6is considered a 2nd or subsequent offense if, prior to the offender's conviction of the
7offense, the offender has at any time been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor
8under this chapter or under any statute of the United States or of any state relating
9to controlled substances, controlled substance analogs, narcotic drugs, marijuana,
10or depressant, stimulant, or hallucinogenic drugs.
11Section 3379 . 961.41 (3g) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
12 961.41 (3g) (d) Certain hallucinogenic and stimulant drugs. If a person
13possesses or attempts to possess lysergic acid diethylamide, phencyclidine,
14amphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, methcathinone, cathinone,
15N-benzylpiperazine, a substance specified in s. 961.14 (4) (a) to (h), (m) to (q), (sm),
16(u) to (xb), or (7) (L), psilocin, or psilocybin, or a controlled substance analog of
17lysergic acid diethylamide, phencyclidine, amphetamine,
183,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, methcathinone, cathinone,
19N-benzylpiperazine, a substance specified in s. 961.14 (4) (a) to (h), (m) to (q), (sm),
20(u) to (xb), or (7) (L), psilocin, or psilocybin, the person may be fined not more than
21$5,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year in the county jail or both upon a first
22conviction and is guilty of a Class I felony for a 2nd or subsequent offense. For
23purposes of this paragraph, an offense is considered a 2nd or subsequent offense if,
24prior to the offender's conviction of the offense, the offender has at any time been
25convicted of any felony or misdemeanor under this chapter or under any statute of

1the United States or of any state relating to controlled substances, controlled
2substance analogs, narcotic drugs, marijuana, or depressant, stimulant, or
3hallucinogenic drugs.
4Section 3380 . 961.41 (3g) (e) of the statutes is repealed.
5Section 3381 . 961.41 (3g) (em) of the statutes is amended to read:
6 961.41 (3g) (em) Synthetic cannabinoids. If a person possesses or attempts to
7possess a controlled substance specified in s. 961.14 (4) (tb), or a controlled substance
8analog of a controlled substance specified in s. 961.14 (4) (tb), the person may be fined
9not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than 6 months or both upon a first
10conviction and is guilty of a Class I felony for a 2nd or subsequent offense. For
11purposes of this paragraph, an offense is considered a 2nd or subsequent offense if,
12prior to the offender's conviction of the offense, the offender has at any time been
13convicted of any felony or misdemeanor under this chapter or under any statute of
14the United States or of any state relating to controlled substances, controlled
15substance analogs, narcotic drugs, marijuana, or depressant, stimulant, or
16hallucinogenic drugs.
17Section 3382 . 961.443 (2) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
18 961.443 (2) (title) Immunity from criminal prosecution and revocation of
19parole, probation, or extended supervision
20Section 3383 . 961.443 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 961.443 (2) (a) and
21amended to read:
22 961.443 (2) (a) An No aider may have his or her parole, probation, or extended
23supervision revoked, and an
aider is immune from prosecution under s. 961.573 for
24the possession of drug paraphernalia, under s. 961.41 (3g) for the possession of a
25controlled substance or a controlled substance analog, and under s. 961.69 (2) for

1possession of a masking agent under the circumstances surrounding or leading to his
2or her commission of an act described in sub. (1) if the aider's attempt to obtain
3assistance occurs immediately after the aider believes the other person is suffering
4from the overdose or other adverse reaction
5Section 3384 . 961.443 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
6 961.443 (2) (b) 1. No aided person person may have his or her parole, probation,
7or extended supervision revoked under the circumstances surrounding or leading to
8an aider's commission of an act described in sub. (1) if the aided person completes a
9treatment program as a condition of his or her parole, probation, or extended
10supervision or, if a treatment program is unavailable or would be prohibitive
11financially, agrees to be imprisoned in the county jail for not less than 15 days.