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2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
May 13, 2021 - Introduced by Representatives Vining, Snyder, Andraca,
Armstrong, Billings, Bowen, Brostoff, Cabral-Guevara, Cabrera, Conley,
Considine, Dittrich, Drake, Emerson, Haywood, Hebl, Hesselbein, Milroy,
Moore Omokunde, L. Myers, Ohnstad, S. Rodriguez, Shankland, Shelton,
Sinicki, Snodgrass, Spreitzer, Subeck, Thiesfeldt, Vruwink and Anderson,
cosponsored by Senators Johnson, Agard, Carpenter, Larson, Ringhand,
Roys, L. Taylor, Wirch, Jacque and Ballweg. Referred to Committee on
1Relating to: honoring May 2021 as Wisconsin Motherhood Month.
2 Whereas, the family, in which mothers perform a crucial role, is a major social
3institution in Wisconsin and throughout the world that provides tremendous value
4to both its members and society as a whole; and
5 Whereas, the family social unit may be forged by blood, marriage, foster care,
6or adoption, and may be both nuclear, encompassing parents and children, and
7extended, encompassing other relatives; and
8 Whereas, mothers have a unique bond with their children, often acting as the
9eye of the storm; and
10 Whereas, women across Wisconsin place their trust and their children in the
11arms of other women, sharing motherhood through foster care, respite care, and
12adoption; and
13 Whereas, mothers across Wisconsin receive children into their arms at a
14moment's notice; and

1Whereas, the public health and economic crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic has
2impacted mothers and motherhood disproportionately, with unexpected
3responsibilities and challenges that they had to confront; and
4 Whereas, mothers have an indispensable role in building and transforming
5society and culture and move our state, country, and world forward, remaining
6steadfast in their pursuit of a better and brighter future for their children; and
7 Whereas, the work of mothers is of paramount importance but is often
8undervalued, unnoticed, and unappreciated; and
9 Whereas, mothers are innovators, tireless workers, engines of economic
10growth, and drivers of progress; and
11 Whereas, mothers are breadwinners, community leaders, advocates, allies, and
12pillars of family that have, for generations, blazed new paths, opened up new
13possibilities, and widened circles of opportunity for their daughters and sons; and
14 Whereas, Wisconsin has the highest maternal mortality racial disparities in
15the nation, which need to be addressed; and
16 Whereas the mental health of mothers is something to be centered and
17championed; and
18 Whereas, Wisconsin has a proven record that the lives and livelihoods of
19mothers' matter, and a commitment to restore the prognosis of motherhood in our
20state to health and prosperity; and
21 Whereas, Mother's Day is celebrated in May across Wisconsin and nationwide;
23 Whereas, mothers, and the institution of motherhood, are worthy of honor and
24affirmation; now, therefore, be it

1Resolved by the assembly, the senate concurring, That the members of the
2legislature recognize May 2021 as Wisconsin Motherhood Month with honor,
3affirmation, and respect to mothers in our state; and be it further
4Resolved, That the legislature calls upon the people of Wisconsin to express
5their honor, affirmation, love, respect, and gratitude to mothers everywhere; and, be
6it further
7Resolved, That certified copies of this resolution be transmitted to the
8Governor of Wisconsin.
9 (End)