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2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
January 25, 2022 - Introduced by Representative Ramthun. Referred to Committee
on Rules.
1Relating to: Wisconsin election reform and reclaiming the electoral ballots for
2President and Vice President that were certified under fraudulent intent and
4 Whereas, the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) enabled the illegal use of
5over 500 voter drop boxes in Wisconsin, infringing Wis. Stat. § 6.87 (6), in all 72
6counties under Elections Commission guidance issued on August 19, 2020, and the
7use of drop boxes was organized by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security
8Agency (CISA), which worked in conjunction with other national organizations like
9the CTCL, Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR), and National
10Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), which, on October 2, 2020, promoted
11CISA's campaign of illegal drop boxes; and
12 Whereas, the Wisconsin Supreme Court stated in Trump v. Biden, 2020 WI 91,
13“On March 25, 2020, the Dane and Milwaukee County Clerks issued guidance on
14Facebook suggesting all voters could declare themselves indefinitely confined
15because of the pandemic and the governor's then-existing Safer-at-Home Order.

1This court unanimously deemed that advice incorrect on March 31, 2020, and we
2noted that the WEC guidance . . . provides the clarification on the purpose and proper
3use of the indefinitely confined status that is required at this time,” which verifies
4that the Elections Commission gave improper guidance in the 2020 election, and in
5her dissent in Trump v. Biden, Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Grassl
6Bradley revealed that the Elections Commission infringed Wis. Stat. §§ 5.05 (1), 6.84
7(1) and (2), 6.86, 6.87 (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), and (9), and 227.112 (3); and
8 Whereas, on December 7, 2020, Elections Commissioner Dean Knudson filed
9a complaint against Meagan Wolfe under Wis. Stat. § 7.70 (5) for the rushed
10ascertainment of certification of the 2020 election before time for filing an appeal of
11the recount had passed, and revealed the planned haste to circumvent any further
12discussion or objection; and
13 Whereas, the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections has collected
14nearly 3,000 documents and e-mails with connection to election manipulations by
15the CTCL in five of Wisconsin's largest cities, and there are five lawsuits in those
16cities against the Elections Commission; and
17 Whereas, data experts have studied the historical voter trends based on
18population growth for both the entirety of the State of Wisconsin and its counties
19individually, and those studies reveal the normal inverse relationship of data was not
20present in the 2020 election results, which is a statistical impossibility; and
21 Whereas, the WisVote database reflects 7.1 million registered voters in a state
22with a population of 5.8 million and a voting age population of 4.5 million, and the
23WisVote database is riddled with incomplete and misrepresented data, including
24thousands of voters with the same phone numbers, addresses, and faulty zip codes,
25all of which reflects gross negligence in maintaining the database; and

1Whereas, grassroots canvassing efforts reveal 200 addresses in 31 counties in
2Wisconsin that have 200 to 400 registered voters at a single address, and a sampling
3of 1,000 actual 2020 absentee ballot envelopes from Milwaukee County found 23
4percent had questionable addresses; and
5 Whereas, the Elections Commission voted to do upgrades on Dominion voting
6machines on June 2, 2021, and, following a press release on August 11, 2021, voicing
7concerns about the deletion of log file data from those upgrades, the commission
8voted to allow upgrades to new ES&S voting machines on September 9, 2021, with
9no reassurances of protecting the data of the 2020 election on older machines, even
10though it was revealed the upgrades do erase log file data kept on the machine hard
11drives; and
12 Whereas, the audit report of the nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau
13identified 44,272 voters who did not provide proper voter identification in the 2020
14general election, revealed the mass increase of indefinitely confined voters from
154,505 in 2019 to 169,901 in 2020, revealed that 28.7 percent of all municipal clerks
16across all 72 counties used illegal drop boxes, and made 30 recommendations for the
17Elections Commission to rectify their actions; and
18 Whereas, a total of 50 of the 69 county GOP parties released letters of support
19or resolutions asking for further investigation into the elections process, showing
20that over two-thirds of Wisconsin Republicans have no faith in the Elections
21Commission; and
22 Whereas, commissioners and staff of the Elections Commission prevented the
23deployment of special voting deputies to care facilities, as confirmed by the Racine
24County Sheriff's Department, which found that on March 12, 2020, the Elections
25Commission knowingly and willfully directed all 72 county clerks to violate Wis.

1Stat. §§ 6.84 and 6.875 regarding absentee voting in certain residential care facilities
2and retirement homes, and the commission's unlawful direction clearly broke Wis.
3Stat. § 12.13 (2) (b) 7., which refers to intentionally violating election laws; and
4 Whereas, at its December 8, 2021, public hearing, the Assembly Committee on
5Campaigns and Elections heard testimony from expert analyst Jeff O'Donnell, who
6found a multitude of irregularities when he analyzed data from the Wisconsin voter
7rolls, including that 93.7 percent of active voters participated in the 2020 general
8election, 205,355 voter registration applications were dated November 3, 2020,
9957,977 individuals registered as new voters in 2020, 45,665 voters who registered
10did not have matching Division of Motor Vehicle records, 22 percent of active voters
11registered in the 6 months leading up to November, 3, 2020, 31,872 of those voters
12who registered in that 6-month period are now listed as inactive, and 42,000 voters
13who voted in the November 3, 2020, election are now listed as inactive; and
14 Whereas, at its December 8, 2021, public hearing, the Assembly Committee on
15Campaigns and Elections heard testimony from expert analyst Dr. Douglas Frank,
16who revealed that patterns in the Wisconsin voter rolls showed that the voter rolls
17were inflated to the maximum possible number of voters according to census
18population data for every presidential election in Wisconsin since 2008 and that the
19voter rolls were purged shortly after each such election, and that these patterns were
20consistent across all 72 counties in Wisconsin, revealing that these activities were
21centrally controlled; and
22 Whereas, at its December 8, 2021, public hearing, the Assembly Committee on
23Campaigns and Elections heard testimony from Attorney Erick Kaardal, who
24identified that the money provided by the CTCL and Mark Zuckerberg to local
25governments in Wisconsin relating to the 2020 general election violated Wis. Stat.

1§ 12.11, which prohibits election bribery and states that “`anything of value' includes
2any amount of money, or any object which has utility independent of any political
3message it contains and the value of which exceeds $1,” and that amount was greatly
4exceeded; and
5 Whereas, at the Growing Threats to Election Officials in Wisconsin Press
6Conference held on December 13, 2021, it was revealed that the CEIR is a biased
7organization that also received funding from Mark Zuckerberg, along with the
8CTCL, and that the CEIR is seeking to provide pro bono defense attorneys to election
9officials who used the CTCL money in the 2020 general election; and
10 Whereas, on January 13, 2022, Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Michael
11Bohren issued an oral ruling in court holding that the Elections Commission's
12guidance on absentee ballot drop boxes should have been promulgated as a rule
13under Wis. Stat. ch. 227; that state law provides just two legal methods for a voter
14to return an absentee ballot: through the mail or in-person at the municipal clerk's
15office or an alternate site designated according to law; and that ballot harvesting and
16returning absentee ballots to drop boxes are not legal methods to cast absentee
17ballots in Wisconsin; and
18 Whereas, the U.S. Supreme Court has found that fraud vitiates and nullifies
19any contract: Boyce's Executors v. Grundy (1830) 28 U.S. 210; “Fraud vitiates the
20most solemn contracts, documents and even judgments.” United States v.
(1878) 98 U.S. 61, 64; and
22 Whereas, the November 2020 Wisconsin general election, as regulated and
23directed by the Elections Commission, was one of the most haphazard, controversial,
24and poorly managed elections in state history, shaking citizens' confidence in fair
25elections across Wisconsin, and with the culmination of these evidences, prove the

1results of the commission's certification of the 2020 election are considered
2fraudulent; now, therefore, be it
3Resolved by the assembly, the senate concurring, That the accumulated
4evidence proves the actions taken by the Elections Commission to certify the 2020
5presidential election shall be considered contrary to law and fraudulent under Wis.
6Stat. §§ 6.84, 6.87 (6), 6.875, 12.11, and 12.13 (2) (b) 7.; and, be it further
7Resolved, That the Wisconsin Legislature, pursuant to its authority under
8Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution and 3 U.S.C. § 2, and consistent
9with guidance provided by the Constitutional Counsel Group in a memorandum
10dated December 30, 2021, acknowledges that illegality took place in conducting the
112020 general election and reclaims Wisconsin's 10 fraudulent electoral ballots cast
12for Joseph R. Biden and Kamala Harris; and, be it further
13Resolved, That the Wisconsin Legislature shall pass legislation with the
14intention to clean up the WisVote database and create separate servers for active and
15inactive voters; and, be it further
16Resolved, That the Wisconsin Legislature supports a full forensic physical and
17cyber audit of the 2020 general election, that this full forensic physical and cyber
18audit should be conducted by an independent and nonpartisan auditing firm with a
19scope statement approved by the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections,
20and that this full forensic physical and cyber audit must include the following
22 1. Total examination of voting system machines, including browsers,
23tabulators, scanners, routers and firewalls, switches, network and out-of-band
24management cards, internet or network connectivity, network and remote access,
25remote access applications, software installed or removed on the system, flash

1drives, thumb drives, event logs, scripts that have been run, the date on which data
2were last modified and what data were modified, whether during or after the
3election, systems and security updates, password policies, multifactor
4authentication, databases, adjudication records, administrator accounts, and log-in
6 2. Kinematic artifact detection of all physical paper ballots, including whether
7ballots meet industry maximum allowable compliance for out-of-calibration
8measurements, ballot thickness to prevent bleed through, types of markers used,
9printed ballots, quantity of ballots, ballot trail, voter roll in comparison to ballots,
10mail-in ballot standards, and ballot watermarks and dot coding.
11 3. Physical canvas, including whether county clerks and election employees
12and volunteers followed election rules and regulations mandated by their county.
13 4. Transparency; and, be it further
14Resolved, That in order to ensure transparency, all such audits shall be
15streamed live for public viewing and recorded via security video to be run 24 hours
16a day, 7 days a week, until all such audits are complete; and, be it further
17Resolved, That the Wisconsin Legislature shall pass legislation specifically
18intended to secure the integrity of future elections in Wisconsin based on the findings
19of the Legislative Audit Bureau investigation, the Assembly Committee on
20Campaigns and Elections investigation, and the full forensic physical and cyber
21audit; and, be it further
22Resolved, That the secretary of state of the State of Wisconsin is hereby
23directed to forward a proper authenticated copy of this resolution to the President
24of the Senate of the United States.
25 (End)