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February 15, 2022 - Introduced by Representatives Zimmerman, Armstrong,
Dittrich, Duchow, James and Plumer, cosponsored by Senators Testin,
Ballweg and Bewley. Referred to Committee on Substance Abuse and
1An Act to repeal 49.45 (30j) (b) 2. a. to L. and 49.45 (30j) (b) 4. a. and b.; to
2renumber and amend
49.45 (30j) (b) 2. (intro.) and 49.45 (30j) (b) 4. (intro.);
3and to amend 46.482 (1) (b), 46.482 (2) (a), 46.482 (2) (f), 49.45 (30j) (title),
449.45 (30j) (a) 2., 49.45 (30j) (b) (intro.), 49.45 (30j) (b) 1., 49.45 (30j) (b) 3. and
549.45 (30j) (c) of the statutes; relating to: peer recovery specialists.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
2019 Wisconsin Act 122 requires the Department of Health Services to
establish and maintain a program related to referral and treatment services
following a substance use overdose including that overdose treatment providers
coordinate and continue care and treatment after an overdose and use peer recovery
coaches to encourage individuals to seek treatment among other requirements. Act
122 also requires DHS to provide reimbursement under the Medical Assistance
program for services provided by peer recovery coaches if those services meet certain
criteria. As part of those criteria, peer recovery coaches have to provide services
under mental health professionals who have been trained in subjects specified in Act
122 and have to have completed 24 hours of supervised volunteer or paid work
experience involving certain areas of practice and at least 10 hours training in each
of the following: advocacy, mentoring and education, recovery and wellness support,
and ethical responsibility as specified by DHS by rule. Act 122 includes those
services provided by a peer recovery coach as a benefit to Medical Assistance
program recipients.

This bill changes the terminology from peer recovery coach to peer recovery
specialist. The bill also specifies that “peer recovery specialist” includes any peer
recovery coach, certified peer specialist, certified peer parent specialist, and any
other provider type DHS determines qualifies as a peer recovery specialist. The bill
maintains the requirement that a peer recovery specialist provide services under the
supervision of a mental health professional to receive Medical Assistance program
reimbursement but eliminates the requirement that the supervising mental health
professional have training in certain specified subjects. The bill also eliminates the
specific requirements for supervised volunteer or paid work experience and 40 hours
of training on peer recovery specialists to receive and instead requires only the
training requirements that DHS establishes by rule.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1. 46.482 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 46.482 (1) (b) “Peer recovery coach” specialist” means an individual described
3under s. 49.45 (30j) (a) 2. who has completed the training requirements specified
4under s. 49.45 (30j) (b) 4.
5Section 2. 46.482 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
6 46.482 (2) (a) Use peer recovery coaches specialists to encourage individuals
7to seek treatment for a substance use disorder following an overdose.
8Section 3. 46.482 (2) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
9 46.482 (2) (f) Collect and evaluate data on the outcomes of patients receiving
10peer recovery coach specialist services and coordination and continuation of care
11services under this section.
12Section 4. 49.45 (30j) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
13 49.45 (30j) (title) Reimbursement for peer recovery coach specialist services.
14Section 5. 49.45 (30j) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
15 49.45 (30j) (a) 2. “Peer recovery coach” specialist” means an individual who
16practices in the recovery field and who provides support and assistance to

1individuals who are in treatment or recovery from mental illness or a substance use
2disorder. “Peer recovery specialist” includes any peer recovery coach, certified peer
3specialist, certified peer parent specialist, and any other provider type the
4department determines qualifies as a peer recovery specialist.
5Section 6. 49.45 (30j) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
6 49.45 (30j) (b) (intro.) The department shall reimburse under the Medical
7Assistance program under this subchapter any service provided by a peer recovery
8coach specialist if the service satisfies all of the following conditions:
9Section 7. 49.45 (30j) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
10 49.45 (30j) (b) 1. The recipient of the service provided by a peer recovery coach
11specialist is in treatment for or recovery from mental illness or a substance use
13Section 8. 49.45 (30j) (b) 2. (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 49.45 (30j)
14(b) 2. and amended to read:
15 49.45 (30j) (b) 2. The peer recovery coach specialist provides the service under
16the supervision of a competent mental health professional who has been trained in
17all of the following subjects:
18Section 9. 49.45 (30j) (b) 2. a. to L. of the statutes are repealed.
19Section 10. 49.45 (30j) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
20 49.45 (30j) (b) 3. The peer recovery coach specialist provides the service in
21coordination with the Medical Assistance recipient's individual treatment plan and
22in accordance with the recipient's individual treatment goals.
23Section 11. 49.45 (30j) (b) 4. (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 49.45 (30j)
24(b) 4. and amended to read:

149.45 (30j) (b) 4. The peer recovery coach specialist providing the service has
2completed all of the following training requirements, as established by the
3department by rule, after consulting with members of the recovery community:
5Section 12. 49.45 (30j) (b) 4. a. and b. of the statutes are repealed.
6Section 13. 49.45 (30j) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
7 49.45 (30j) (c) The department shall certify under Medical Assistance peer
8recovery coaches specialists to provide services in accordance with this subsection.
9 (End)